Rebels Among Cyborgs

By DAYdreamer61401

615 22 20

In the year 2115, almost nothing is a secret. Except for Carolina Icarus's second life. Normal Cali is your... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 14

41 1 0
By DAYdreamer61401

The two weeks flew by and soon, Damien and I were being flown in a private government hover-craft to Capitol City. I had been complimented dozens of times on my dress or my hair or anything else relating to my looks, which was very uncommon.

The reason for this was that I was wearing a brightly-colored mask to conceal my cyborg face, silk gloves to cover my robotic hand and arm, and the dress was floor length and concealed my metal leg perfectly.

"I don't like all that makeup and fancy clothing on you," Damien whispered.

"Why not?" I asked in a slightly whiny way.

"It makes you seem very... un-you," he said with a hint of distaste in his voice, "You're not Cali when you're dressed like this, you're Miss Icarus."

"It's just for tonight," I said reassuringly, "Then I'll be back in my casual, not-fancy-at-all clothes. Funny how everyone else is complimenting how I apparently look stunning and you're saying I look like a completely different person."

Damien smiled, "Because you do, birdie. And I fell for the casual, rough-around-the-edges cyborg Cali, not the oh-so-regal and practically royalty Miss Icarus."

It was my turn to smile, "Why, thank you, puppy. Besides, this dress is too comfortable and big and wow that it's starting to annoy me. I feel like I slipped out of my body and into the body of the Presiprimo's wife."

Damien laughed, "We'd all be in trouble if you were the Presiprimo's wife."

I elbowed him playfully, "One day we might be ruling this country side by side, so watch your mouth!"

"It's not we might be ruling this country side by side, it's when we're ruling this country side by side," Damien corrected while a look of pride washed over his face.

A shiver ran down my spine at the thought of living like a queen, never having to go to a run-down machine shop every day to feed my family. I'd change this country for the better and never have to worry about simple things like food or clothing. I'd snuff out the corrupted governments on the earth and all throughout the universe.

I was so busy thinking about how much power I could or would soon hold that I didn't realize we had landed.

"Time to do some spying, Miss Icarus. Remember what we've gone over," Damien whispered in my ear.

I nodded and replied, "Don't speak unless spoken to, don't draw attention to yourself unless it is necessary, don't give out any personal information, and get in, get information, and get out when the time comes," I recited the basic rules for spying that Damien had drilled into my head over the past two weeks.

"Good, follow my lead," Damien said as he got out of his seat and offered me his arm. I took it and put on my practiced act; a flattered, slightly dim-witted, beautiful girl who had somehow caught the attention of some rich guy.

We walked out of the hovercraft and onto the roof of the Presiprimo's home, officially known as the Primo Palace. And it was quite the palace. The entire building sat on a massive hill overlooking Capitol City, facing the west. The Palace was about half the size of the city below, which was the biggest city in the USaCoA at the time.

The view from the roof was stunning. The sun was setting behind the massive city. The tall glass and metal buildings glimmered in the setting sun's rays.

"This will be my favorite part of living here once we take over," I whispered to Damien.

He smiled, "I'll have to remember that."

After gawking at the sunset for a few minutes while the rest of the guests exited the hovercraft, we were escorted off the roof and through dozens of massive, gorgeous hallways with exquisite decorations. After walking for what felt like an hour, we reached what the escorts called the Grand Ballroom. And it was grand indeed.

The roof went up at least two stories, according to the balconies placed here and there, and the extremely ornate columns supporting it were close to the walls, leaving plenty of space for guests and dancing. A complete orchestra was playing waltzes and tangos while the guests who had already arrived spun around the dance floor. Streamers, balloons, and lush draperies took up a large amount of the space in the room. But the most prominent things in the room were the portrait of the Presiprimo and the massive USaCoA flag hanging at the far end of the room.

"Why, hello, Commander Radix! I haven't seen you since your induction ceremony here!" a peppy and high-pitched voice drug me out of my growing contempt for the centers of attention.

"Mrs. Marquita Johannes!" Damien said to the older woman beaming at him. She appeared to have just finished dancing and had bumped into Damien, who was apparently a familiar face.

"So good to see you my dear! And who is this lovely specimen you have here?" she said while waving a finger at me. Being called a specimen set my nerves on fire. I desperately wanted to tell her that I was Earth's most feared criminal, but I bit my tongue.

"This is Miss Carolina Icarus. She agreed to join me tonight," Damien said politely, keeping up his act. I reminded myself of what I'd been taught about spying.

I smiled and gave Mrs. Johannes and quick curtsey, "A pleasure to meet you Mrs. Johannes."

She gave me an approving nod. "The pleasure is all mine, Miss Icarus. Now tell me, how on earth did you manage to catch the eye of the oblivious-to-women Commander Radix here?"

I smiled at her question and looked at Damien lovingly. It was only partially part of the act, "Simple. I just looked past our differences and straight to his true, inner personality. And let me tell you, beyond the impressive title and quite, calm demeanor, he is quite a character."

Mrs. Johannes gave a small, lady-like laugh and said, "I'll believe it when I see it. I must be off; my husband is waiting for me. So lovely to see you Commander Radix and a pleasure to meet you, Miss Icarus." And with that, the woman trotted off to her husband.

"How do you know her?" I asked Damien.

"It's a long story and not one to be told now," he said while we aimlessly shifted through the crowds.

"I'll want to hear it later," I said just before three more people walked up to greet us. These people I knew, along with everyone else in the country.

It was the Presiprimo, his wife, and son who was three years older than I was.

"Commander Radix! Lovely to see you could make it!" The Presiprimo said. I gave him a deep curtsy while Damien bowed to our 'oh-so-wise-and-powerful-leader'.

"Who do we have here?" the Presiprimo said after we rose out of our bow.

Damien cast me a caring and reassuring look, "This is the lovely Miss Carolina Icarus. I met her about three weeks ago and we've been courting for a while." The way he said courting made me nearly gag.

"Well, isn't that sweet. And does she speak?" the Presiprimo said teasingly.

"Yes, sir, I do," I said while trying to force the contempt and disgust for this man away.

"Well, Miss Icarus, I have a question for you."

"I'll answer it to the best of my ability, sir."

"Do you think my son will be worthy of the title of Presiprimo soon?"

I cast a worried glance at Damien, scared of where this could go. The Presiprimo's son, known as Presisecundo, gave his father a slightly puzzled look, and then directed a brilliant and annoyingly smug smile at me. I gulped, "Um, yes, yes sir. I think that, considering you're such a marvelous role model, he should be worthy of the throne very soon."

"Marvelous answer! And do you think he could take up a wife before or after that?" This conversation was not going where I wanted it to.

I gulped again, "Either would work, depending on if that girl is ready to be thrust into the political world."

The Presiprimo nodded thoughtfully. "Tell me, what would you say if my son asked you to take on such a role?"

My eyes went wide. The Presisecundo stifled a pleased laugh. The look on his face was too smug for my liking. I almost growled. "I couldn't say yes, I'm afraid."

"Well, why not?"

"I wouldn't be able to handle the pressure I don't think. And besides, I've got Commander Radix here." The Presisecundo cast Damien a jealous look. Damien puffed out his chest in pride and the Presiprimo just laughed.

"You must bring her here more often, commander. She's a riot!"

I forced a smile as the ruler and his family drifted away to other guests.

"Brilliant job. I would have crumbled under that kind of pressure," Damien murmured.

"Thanks. Let's just see if I can hold up for the rest of the night. So long as the Presiprimo's son doesn't corner me, I think I'll be fine."

Damien let out a laugh. Spying is hard. It's even harder when your target might see you as a target for something else.


Hi! Finally, a nice, long chapter... hopefully you enjoyed it because it took me forever to write! Anywho, the pictures are Cali's outfit (gorgeous!), the person it's dedicated to is a good friend of mine and encouraged me to write this chapter! Thanks, Ce-Ce! And please feel free to comment, vote, and follow! Until the next chapter!


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