Pinky Promise

By Licutie269

17.5K 273 27

Not wanting to be just another dead girl Beth asks Daryl to teach her how to survive in this new world. Work... More

Pinky Promise Part 1
Pinky Promise Part 2
Pinky Promise Part 3
Pinky Promise Part 4
Pinky Promise Part 5
Pinky Promise Part 6
Pinky Promise Part 7
Pinky Promise Part 8
Pinky Promise Part 9
Pinky Promise Part 10
Pinky Promise Part 12
Pinky Promise Part 13
Pinky Promise Part 14
Pinky Promise Part 15
Pinky Promise Part 16
Pinky Promise Part 17
Pinky Promise Part 18
Pinky Promise Part 19
Pinky Promise Part 20
Pinky Promise Part 21
Pinky Promise Part 22
Pinky Promise Part 23
Pinky Promise Part 24
Pinky Promise Part 25
Pinky Promise Epilogue

Pinky Promise Part 11

674 12 1
By Licutie269

The next morning found the group preparing to meet with the Governor.  Daryl checked her handgun before handing it over to her where she slipped it into the back of her waistband.  Glenn was strapping a small knife and handgun to her father's leg with a roll of duct tape.  

"You think this is a waste of time, don't you?" Beth asked quietly.  Glancing at her Daryl gave a slight nod before shoving another handgun into his waistband, "Just don't want you out there," he grumbled.

Stepping closer Beth reached up kissing him on his cheek, "You have my back; I have yours," she said simply, "I'm going to find your brother he took my bow to clean it last night," she told him before heading out of the cell block in search of Merle.

Picking up his crossbow Daryl glanced at Hershel and Glenn who were both grinning at him, "Shut up," he barked leaving the cell block too.  

Before long they were on their way to the meeting point.  Beth was in the backseat of the car with her Daddy driving and Rick in the passenger seat.  Daryl was driving ahead on his motorcycle.  

Watching the scenery go by out the window Beth listened while her Daddy and Rick ran through the plan one more time.  They planned on coming up behind the meeting point in which Rick and Daryl were going to go in and scope things out while Beth and Hershel staying in the car and made their way around the building looking for an ambush.

"Beth, if everything seems on the up and up I'll want you and Hershel talking with his people.  See what you can get from them.  Maybe appeal to their human side," Rick was saying to her.  

Nodding Hershel smiled in the rear view mirror at her, "Don't worry, Rick, my Bethie has the wide eyed innocent act down pretty well," Hershel laughed.

Smiling wide Beth batted her eyelashes, "Why I have no idea what you're talking about, Daddy."  While Rick laughed Hershel snorted, "I told Daryl you were just like your mama.  Boy has no idea," Hershel winked back at her.

Scooting forward Beth leaned between the two seats, "Daddy, we didn't really talk about it.  Are you okay with Daryl and I liking each other?" she asked,

Sighing, Hershel glanced at his youngest before focusing back on the road, "Bethie when two people find each other that just work it's hard press to give up on that.  Now you know the age difference between your mama and I and we certainly had our uphill battles with the judgement of others but we just worked.  I admit the man I met back at the farm wouldn't've been my first choice for you, Doodlebug, but watching him search for Carol's little girl and the way he kept us fed on the road this winter I realize the old adage of judging a book by it's cover is true.  He's different with you.  Patient, not so angry but I think just the more dangerous because of you and in this world that's needed," Hershel answered.  

Smiling Beth leaned forward kissing her father on his cheek, "Thank you, Daddy."

Pulling up a few minutes later Beth pulled the shotgun from the floor of the car and scanned the surrounding area as Rick got out of the car and Daryl got off his bike.  

Raising his crossbow up Daryl's eyes were steadily searching the area too as he made his way to her window, "Keep your ass in the car.  I'll meet ya on the other side," he grumbled before he and Rick headed through the silos at the back of the meeting point.

"He's such a sweetheart, Daddy.  Ain't he?" Beth snarked, rolling her eyes when she heard her daddy snort from the front seat.

Climbing through the seats to the front passenger side Beth kept her rifle up as they slowly worked their way around to the front of the building.  Pulling up in front Beth saw Daryl coming down the side of the building stopping by Hershel's window, "He's already in there.  Sat down with Rick," he told them.

"We didn't see any cars," Hershel reported.  Shaking his head Daryl kept his eyes scanning the area, "I don't like it.  Something doesn't feel right."

Hearing a car approaching Beth pulled her rifle up, "Guys, car's approaching through the yard," she called.  "I see it," Daryl called, pulling his crossbow up aiming it at the jeep as she and Hershel exited the car with their guns up.

Keeping her gun up Beth waited as two of the Governor's men and Andrea exited the vehicle, "Yo, why's your boy already in there?" Daryl questioned.  Stopping Andrea looked surprised, "He's already in there?" she asked, glaring back at the two men she was with.  The driver just raised his eyebrows while Andrea sighed and headed into the barn.

Shifting her rifle Beth leaned against the car still searching the area for any other trouble.  Bringing her eyes back to the two men she studied them.  The driver was clearly what Daryl would say was the muscle of the group while the other one seemed very out of place in this world.  

Dressed in a button down shirt he was leaning against the jeep writing in something resembling her own journal.  Catching the driver's eyes he smirked, "That seems to be a lot of gun for such a little girl," he taunted watching her.  

Stepping in front of her Daryl brought his crossbow up aiming it at the man, "Less you wanna lose an eye suggest you look elsewhere," he threatened.  Swinging the rifle around to her back Beth reached into the car for her crossbow.  

Bringing it up she stepped around Daryl glaring, "I could take the other one if you like, Cupcake," she told him smiling.  Holding his hands up the man just laughed.  

Rolling her eyes Beth shook her head as her dad walked over to speak to her and Daryl, "Maybe I should go in," Hershel suggested.  Raising his head the man writing spoke up, "The Governor thought it best if he and Rick spoke privately."

"Who the hell are you?" Daryl asked, squinting at him.  

Sniffing, the guy looked at Daryl before responding, "Milton Mamet."

Scoffing Daryl raised his eyebrows catching Beth's eyes, "Great.  He brought his butler," he said sarcastically.  Biting her lip she heard the driver snicker before Milton squinted at Daryl, "Actually I'm his advisor," he stated.

Nodding Daryl studied the man, "Yeah, what ya advise him on? he asked.  

Stopping his writing once again Milton looked up again before responding, "I advise on plans, biters.  You know, I'm sorry but I don't really think I need to explain myself to the henchman," he answered in a condescending tone.

"You better watch your mouth, Sunshine," Daryl threatened walking closer to the man.  Shifting his gun the driver smirked at Daryl, "You know if we're going to be out here pointing our guns at each other I'd rather do it without hearing your mouth," he commented idly.

Moving quickly to put herself in between the two men Beth narrowed her eyes at the smirking man, "I don't think this is very productive," she cut in feeling Daryl against her back.  Beth smiled before cutting her eyes to Milton, "My name's Beth, since I know your name, you should know mine," she said as Milton looked at her nodding.

Cocking her head at the driver holding the gun she raised her brow waiting .  Tapping his finger on his gun he stared at her for several seconds before answering, "Martinez," he told her.

Smiling widely Beth introduced both Daryl and Hershel, "See now we're all introduced, no reason not to be civil," she told them.  Hearing the door bang open from the barn they all turned to see Andrea coming out looking sick.

Glaring at them all Andrea shook her head before sitting on the bench with her head in her hands.  "That doesn't seem good," Beth whispered to Daryl.  She looked up at him, "Play nice," she scolded, laughing when he simply rolled his eyes she made her way over to where Andrea sat.

Sitting next to Andrea Beth waited for her to lift her head.  When she finally did, she bit her lip, "Well?" she asked.  Exhaling Andrea shook her head, "There's a reason women should rule the world," she said quietly.

Laughing Beth looked up when Milton moved from leaning against the jeep and took a few tentative steps forward, "Look, there's no reason not to use this time together to maybe explore the issues ourselves," he suggested.

Shaking his head from where he now sat on the front bumper of the car Martinez grumbled out, "Boss said sit tight and shut up."  Scoffing Daryl rolled his eyes, "Don't you mean the Governor?"

"It's a good thing.  Them sitting down together," Milton reasoned, "They're gonna work it out.  Nobody wants another battle."

"I don't exactly call it a battle," Daryl sneared.  

Standing Beth slowly crept forward as she heard Milton tell him he thought it was a battle and that he recorded it as he held up the small notebook he had been writing in.  "Recorded it for what?" Daryl asked.

"For our history.  Someone needs to record what we've gone through," Milton explained.  "That makes sense," Hershel nodded.

"Milton, can I ask you though who's encounter you recorded?  The Governors?" Beth asked stepping next to Daryl, "Because my encounter of that day is of standing at the top of the prison yard, minding my business with a thirteen year old standing next to me, watching my father on crutches walking through the yard when your Governor and his men," stopping Beth shifted her gaze to Martinez knowing he was probably there, "opened fire on us.  My encounter involves having to crawl through the grass to get into one of our towers where I had to kill a man because he had already killed one of ours and he was still firing into the courtyard at two women and that thirteen year old boy."

"It involves an ice cream truck ramming through the gates and unloading a truck full of walkers into the yard where my daddy was," she continued watching as Milton's face turned pale, "Daryl's right it wasn't a battle.  It was an intentional scare tactic from someone who's so full of himself he calls himself the Governor."

Swallowing Milton nodded glancing at his notebook, "I've got dozens of interviews.  I'd ask to sit down with you," he began before getting cut off as the group could hear distant groans of walkers coming from across the yard behind the buildings.  

Andrea was up and running before anyone else.  "Stay here," Daryl told her before lifting his crossbow and following Andrea.  Narrowing her eyes when she saw Martinez go into the jeep for a baseball bat and then jog off behind Daryl Beth ignored Daryl's order and followed behind them just in case.  

Rolling her eyes she watched Daryl wave Martinez forward indicating he should go first while Martinez told him to go first until Andrea got irritated and stormed  forward burying her knife in the walker's head.  Shaking her head Andrea stalked off leaving the rest of the walkers to them.

Beth stayed back watching Martinez twirl his bat before striding forward and slamming the bat into a walker's head before looking back at Daryl with a cocky grin.  Daryl raised his crossbow and took out another one.  Beth sighed following after them as Martinez swung his bat around connecting with yet another one while Daryl kept up with the competition and fired another bolt hitting yet another one. 

Martinez was heading for the last walker when Beth raised her crossbow and fired smiling when both men turned to her in surprise.

"Didn't I tell you to stay?" Daryl growled at her.  Rolling her eyes she shrugged her shoulders as she moved around him and then Martinez to remove her bolt from the walker, "You told me to practice.  I was practicing."

Pulling her bolt out she heard Daryl following her, "I don't know why your daddy thinks you're so sweet ya a damn pain in my ass," he groused kneeling next to her to rummage in the walker's pockets.  "Thank you," she snarked, blowing him a kiss.

Finding a pack of cigarettes he glanced back at Martinez who was leaning against a telephone pole watching them, "You want?" he asked holding the pack out.

"I prefer menthols," Martinez answered.  Standing Daryl scoffed, "Douchebag," he mumbled before lighting the cigarette.  "Uggg, Daryl, that's such a gross habit," Beth commented as she moved to gather up his used bolts, "You're definitely brushing your teeth before coming near me."

Shrugging Daryl looked at Martinez, "You army or something?"  Smacking the bat he had against the ground Beth watched Martinez contemplate his answer before deciding on the truth, "Nah, I just hate these things.  After what they did to my wife and kids."

Biting her lip she asked quietly, "What were there names?" as she stopped in front of the man.

Squinting at her Beth didn't think he'd answer until he finally did, "Wife was Rosa.  Kids were Isabella and Christian," he answered.  Nodding Beth told him she was sorry for his loss and he nodded his thanks before turning his gaze on Daryl, "You know this is a bunch of bullshit, right?  They ain't gonna work anything out.  Sure, they'll do their little dance but tomorrow or the next day they'll give the word."

Shifting to stand next to Beth Daryl nodded, "I know."

Shaking her head Beth sighed, "It doesn't have to be though.  This world has already taken so much we should be helping each other fighting the common enemy not each other."

Laughing Martinez looked at her, "Pipe dreams, Princess."

Feeling Daryl stiffen next to her Beth subtly grabbed his hand as she narrowed her eyes at the man in front of her, "Maybe it's wishful thinking for humans to well act like humans," she said shrugging, "I find it hard to believe that someone who's lost what you've had would be okay for this Governor to come after a two week old baby girl, because that's what's behind our prison walls, not an army.  To be okay for a man to humiliate and degrade a woman in front of others for trying to protect her family because that's what he did when he started all of this," Beth stated letting go of Daryl's hand before walking away.

Martinez watched her go before looking back at Daryl when he held out the pack of cigarettes again.  This time he took one and lit it taking a drag from the cigarette, "Your girls something else," he commented.

Nodding Daryl blew out a puff of smoke, "She ain't made for this world, Man, still thinks there's good people out there," Daryl revealed, "And just so you know she's about the only thing left in this shit ass world I care about and I'll kill anyone that threatens her," he continued glaring at Martinez.

Sucking in a drag from the cigarette and letting it out Martinez nodded, "Message received." 

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