Pinky Promise

By Licutie269

17.5K 273 27

Not wanting to be just another dead girl Beth asks Daryl to teach her how to survive in this new world. Work... More

Pinky Promise Part 1
Pinky Promise Part 2
Pinky Promise Part 3
Pinky Promise Part 4
Pinky Promise Part 5
Pinky Promise Part 6
Pinky Promise Part 8
Pinky Promise Part 9
Pinky Promise Part 10
Pinky Promise Part 11
Pinky Promise Part 12
Pinky Promise Part 13
Pinky Promise Part 14
Pinky Promise Part 15
Pinky Promise Part 16
Pinky Promise Part 17
Pinky Promise Part 18
Pinky Promise Part 19
Pinky Promise Part 20
Pinky Promise Part 21
Pinky Promise Part 22
Pinky Promise Part 23
Pinky Promise Part 24
Pinky Promise Part 25
Pinky Promise Epilogue

Pinky Promise Part 7

740 13 0
By Licutie269

Sometime during the night they had heard screaming coming from the tombs.  Before Beth could stop him Carl had run off to investigate.  With Carol and Axel outside watching for the others to get back Beth was left with her father and a baby to protect.  If Carl made it back from the tombs in one piece she was going to kill him for running off.

Hearing a commotion in the adjoining room Beth forced her father with the baby into his cell and told him to be quiet before creeping closer.  As she reached the door Carl came through and locked the door effectively locking the people he had found in the tombs in the common area.  The woman went ballistic screaming for Carl to unlock the door.

"Hey," Beth called, gaining the woman's attention, "My name's Beth.  What's yours?"

Fuming the woman didn't answer instead the large man she was with approached the bars, "She's Sasha.  I'm her brother, Tyreese.  That back there is Allen and Ben," he told her as he motioned to the two behind him.  

Nodding Beth smiled, "Listen, I know you're probably exhausted and scared, but we really mean you no harm.  If you look, the door you came through is locked, nothing is getting you tonight so please sleep and we can talk in the morning," she requested.  

Nodding Tyreese thanked her before pulling Sasha away from the bars to speak to her quietly.  Turning as Carl approached her with a small cardboard box in his hands with water and food he handed her the keys, "Open the door so I can slide this in."

Taking the keys she told the group to back up to the far wall.  After they listened she opened the door while Carl slid it through the opening.  Locking back up she told the others to eat and sleep and that once their leader got back they'd decide what to do.  

At some point during the night Beth had fallen asleep.  Jerking upright from where she lay across her bed she realized the baby, Carl decided to name her Judith, was fussing.  Glancing out across the steps to Daryl's perch she didn't notice any signs that he had made it back yet.

Quickly she changed Judith and gathered her up to take her down to feed her.  Walking down the steps she noted the cell block door leading to the common area was open.  Hoping the group was back she hurried towards it.

Stepping into the room she found Axel handing out breakfast while her Daddy was giving Allen stitches in his leg.  All the while Tyreese and Sasha had been talking with her father.  Making her presence known Beth asked if the group was back yet.

Hiding her disappointment when she was told they weren't back yet she began making Judith's bottle.  "Wow, how old is she?" she heard Sasha ask from behind her.  Turning Beth looked at her warily, "A little over a week," Beth answered.

Noticing the look she gave her Sasha smiled, "Hey sorry about last night.  I was just tired and exhausted.  Truthfully you guys are about the only ones we've found to be actually decent.  Anyway she's beautiful," Sasha nodded at the baby.

Smiling Beth thanked her as she finished making the bottle and began feeding her.  Sitting off to the side Beth listened to the conversation between Tyreese and Hershel as she simultaneously fed Judith and listened for their group to get back.

After the baby was done eating Beth went back to their cell block to burp her.  She was pacing the floor with her when Carl and her daddy came back through the door with Carl locking it behind them.  Beth stood where she was waiting for her daddy to come to her, "I told them it wasn't our decision to allow them to stay," he told her quietly.  

Nodding Beth suggested heading Rick off outside when he got back to tell him about them before he saw them.  "That's a good idea, Doodlebug.  I'm going to head out now and check on Carol, hopefully they'll be back soon," he told her

She was inside walking Judith when she heard the door open and saw Maggie and Glenn first.  They had obviously been hurt Glenn especially looked like he'd gone a few rounds with someone but at least they were alive.  

"Oh thank you Lord," she breathed out.  

Hugging them both Beth saw Rick next who took Judith from her as he hugged Carl to his side.  "Maggie, Glenn, you need to be seen to," Hershel called coming in with Carol and Michonne.

Scanning the group Beth was alarmed, "Where's Daryl and Oscar?" she asked.  Maggie and Glenn were silent as they looked towards Rick, "Are they dead?" she whispered.

Shaking his head Rick put his arm around her, "Oscar didn't make it but Daryl, no he's not dead.  We ran into his brother.  He left with him," he told her simply.  

Blinking Beth stepped back letting Rick's arm drop from around her, "Left? He's.......he's coming back isn't he?" she stuttered.  Seeing the resignation on Rick's face Beth shook her head, "No, he promised.  He said he was coming back," Beth had to escape the pitying stares and so ignoring her name being called she hurried up the stairs to her cell.

As she laid on her bunk she stared up at the underside of the other bed.  She knew she was ignoring her job of caring for Judith and helping Carol with laundry but she didn't care.  She just needed time.  

He had left.

After begging her to stay here because he didn't want to risk her he had left anyway.  Beth didn't think she'd ever been so pissed at someone before, but she was certainly pissed at Daryl.  

"Beth, can I come in?" Carol asked from the door where she held Judith.  Glancing at her she nodded and sat up as Carol came in and placed Judith in her carrier.  After the baby was settled Carol sat next to her on the bed.  

"I just wanted to check to see if you were okay," Carol told her.  Chewing on the inside of her cheek she shrugged, "Before he left he told me I couldn't go because he didn't want me at risk out there.  He promised he was coming back and he broke that promise," Beth told her.

Sighing Carol nodded, "You know about my husband, Ed, the history there?" she asked.  Looking at Carol Beth just nodded having heard how Carol's husband had been abusive to her before dying from walkers before the group had made it to her family's farm.  

"Well I'm certainly not the same person that I was a year ago but if Ed would walk in this door right now I would hope I'd have the strength to tell him to go to hell.  Abuse like that gets into your mind.  Makes you think that person's the only one that cares about you," Carol explained.  

Sighing Beth nodded, "I know about his past, at least parts of it.  When he was hurt on the farm I saw the marks on his back.  My daddy has marks too from my grandfather, so I know.  He's talked some about his brother, he sounds like and ass, if I'm honest," Beth said, smiling at Carol when she laughed, "But I get it.  That's the only person he had growing up and I know blood is blood."

Hearing the baby fuss Beth stood and picked her up before turning to look at Carol, "I guess I can understand but also be pissed too.  We're weak without him and I don't understand why they both couldn't come back here."

Sighing Carol gave her a small smile, "I might as well tell you.  Merle almost killed Glenn, threw a walker into a locked room with him.  Rick didn't want Merle coming back here," Carol explained.  

Absorbing what she'd been told Beth shook her head, "I don't understand.  I know what Merle did to Glenn is completely unforgivable, but we live in a prison, for God's sake.  Lock him in a cell and maybe eventually let him out for good behavior, he's Daryl's brother.  Now because of Rick we don't have Daryl here!"

Standing Carol kissed Beth's forehead, "I think Rick is still grieving and he's not thinking clearly.  You my dear are wise beyond your years and I think it would be a good idea if others would start listening to you," Carol told her, brushing a strand of hair away from her face.

A few hours later Beth knew Carol was right.  After completely flipping out on Tyreese and his group she knew Rick's mind wasn't completely healed from losing Lori.  She wanted to step in but she had Judith in her arms and watching Rick scream at ghosts was truly terrifying.

Glenn rushed Tyreese and his group out of the prison and from what she heard had sent them back out into the world.  Long after Rick disappeared she lay awake that night praying for safety for her family.

The next morning had Glenn going over options for the impending attack from the Governor.  As Beth listened she watched her sister's face and immediately felt guilty for not checking in with her yesterday when they got back.  Feeding the baby she listened to Glenn's plan to try and fortify the prison and her daddy's argument to just run from the prison and give up.

Listening to them both Beth was torn as to their best option.  She knew from what Carol had told her that this Governor was dangerous but to leave the safety of the walls of the prison she hated to think about going back out onto the road.  

"What about Andrea?" she spoke up, reminding them that their old friend was also found in Woodbury the night they found Merle too.  "She's shacked up with the psycho," Glenn replied, dismissing it with a wave of his hand.

Sighing when Maggie left the room Beth finished feeding Judith before bringing her up to burp her against her shoulder.  She'd check on Maggie as soon as she got Judith settled.  

Getting the baby settled took much longer than she intended.  She really needed to get to that daycare and find one of those baby slings so she could be free to actually get things done.  They needed something for the baby to sit in while she was awake because the only option now was to lay her on the prison floor and Beth was not about to do that.

After Judith was asleep Beth placed her in her mail carrier and tucked  her in knowing she had at least an hour before she'd wake again.  Heading down the catwalk she approached Maggie and Glenn's cell and overheard their conversation about what had happened to Maggie while she was with the Governor.

Beth was sick to her stomach hearing about how she'd had to take her top off and how he'd bent her over the table pressing himself on her.  When Glenn asked about rape she held her breath waiting for her sister to answer.  When she heard Maggie say no Beth let herself breathe again.

When Glenn came out of the cell and saw Beth he stopped short, "I've got things to do," he mumbled before walking off.  Watching him go Beth sighed before heading into her sister's cell.  

Her beautiful older sister who was so strong was sitting on the edge of the bed with her head in her hands.  Clearing her throat Beth waited for Maggie to raise her head before attempting a smile, "Hey, Judith is sleeping.  Mind if I hang out with you?" Beth questioned.  

Sighing Maggie motioned to the bed, "I take it you heard all that?"  Nodding she just wrapped her arms around her sister and let her cry.  When it seemed Maggie was all cried out Beth wiped her face with her blanket, "I'd give you a tissue to blow your nose, but we're all fresh out," Beth joked, making her sister laugh.  

"I'm good," Maggie told her, still sniffling.  Smiling Beth brushed Maggie's hair back, "I'm finding that yelling at someone and then having a good cry is how I'm getting through most of my days," she told her sister.  Furrowing her brow Maggie looked at her, "Who have you been yelling at?"

Scoffing Beth rolled her eyes, "I know you all heard Daryl and I sniping at each other all winter," she laughed.  Smiling Maggie looked at her younger sister with a hint of mischief, "I just assumed that was some type of red-neck foreplay," laughing when Beth smacked her arm.


As her laughter died Maggie sighed before reaching out for Beth's hand, "I'm sorry he didn't come back, Bethie.  Glenn even asked him what we should tell you and he said you'd understand, but I swear he stopped and hesitated before telling him you'd understand," Maggie told her quietly.  

Pressing her lips together Beth nodded, "It took Carol's perspective to get me to understanding, but still pissed.  The thing is, Mags, Daryl grew up a lot like Daddy, and I do understand why he thinks he owes it to his brother to stick by his side," Beth explained.

Nodding Maggie told her she understood too.  

"I just thought we were starting something, you know?"   

"Did something happen?" Maggie questioned.  

"We kissed a few times," she admitted quietly, "He told me before he left that we had started something, but then he didn't come back."  

"He's gonna come back, Beth.  He'd be stupid not to," Maggie consoled her.  Sighing she shrugged, "Maybe it's for the best."

"I don't think so," Maggie disagreed, "Beth, there's something about the way he looks at you.  Like he'd literally kill anyone who even looked at you wrong.  That's something worth having."

"He's thirteen years older than me," she reminded her sister, "People may look at it wrong."

"Who cares about other people?  Growing up with Daddy and your mom you should know that.  Besides the way I see it you're probably both at the same maturity level," Maggie replied laughing as Beth hit her with a pillow.  

Hearing the baby start to fuss Beth smiled, "Hey why don't I bring Judith back here with a bottle and maybe you could feed her while I go check on Daddy," she suggested.  

After leaving the baby with Maggie Beth went in search of her father.  Stepping outside she waved to Axel and Carol before heading to the gate into the prison yard.  Shielding her eyes she could see Michonne down by the overturned bus.

Scanning the field she found her daddy struggling to walk back up the yard with his crutches.  Rolling her eyes Beth shook her head, "Is he trying to fall?" she questioned out loud.  "He was down talking to my dad," Carl told her walking up next to her.

Wrapping her arm around him she gave him a squeeze, "Well how about if we head down and help an old man up?" she asked as they started down the hill.

She didn't actually hear the gun fire but she heard Carol start screaming and the ensuing gun fire after.  Pushing Carl down into the overgrown grass Beth dropped to her stomach and looked back up the hill to see Carol using Axel's body as a shield.  

Following the shots she could see someone up in the outer watchtower shooting into the courtyard.  Scanning the woods she could see a man standing next to a jeep firing in at Michonne along with another using the car as cover.  

Hearing shots from where her father had been she could make out another in the woods firing at something outside of the gates, she assumed he was firing at Rick.  "Where's Glenn?" she asked Carl.  "He went out with the truck to try and find where Tyreese's group got in," he answered.

Biting her lip she weighed her options, "Carl, if we crawl through the grass I could probably come up the backside of the top tower.  You'd have to cover me but I could make it into the tower.  I know Daryl left some guns up there they got from the armory that would actually do us some good.  Our handguns won't reach where these guys are," she explained.

Nodding Carl followed her through the grass as they army crawled towards the back of the tower.  She could hear a barrage of gunfire all around her but was determined to block it out. 

Coming to the edge of the grass Beth prayed before she counted with Carl and they both stood and ran for the cover of the tower.  Keeping flat against the wall they inched their way towards the front where the door was.  

Peaking out she could see the guy up in the tower still shooting towards the courtyard and when she looked she could see Maggie had come out and was shooting back.  "Okay, I'm going to count to three and then I need you to cover me," she instructed.  

Nodding Carl raised his gun as Beth counted, "1, 2, 3," she came around the front completely exposed to both the man in the tower and those shooting from the woods.  She could hear Carl behind her shooting as she yanked the door open and made it inside.  Hearing the shots hit the door she was leaning on Beth breathed deeply.  

Rushing up the stairs she stayed low when she got to the top; they knew she was in the tower so she had to be smart about this.  Grabbing one of the guns that Daryl had stashed inside she stayed on her knees as she broke a small hole into the glass.  

Raising her head just far enough she could see the sniper on the other tower.  He was still shooting down into the courtyard at her sister and Carol.  Clearing her mind she took a deep breath before squeezing the trigger.

Watching the man fall Beth exhaled her breath.  Taking a chance she opened the door and crawled out to the balcony.  Looking out towards the woods she saw the men get into the jeep and start to back away.

Confused, she didn't understand why they were retreating until she heard the snarls coming from the yard below.  Wide eyed Beth looked down to see an ice cream truck in the yard with walkers spilling out of it.  "Daddy!" she screamed.

She took aim shooting the walkers as they got close to her father.  She could see Michonne wielding her katana trying to get to her father.  She had just made it to him when Glenn came driving in with the truck and headed straight for both of them.  Beth kept picking off walkers as Glenn drove back up through the yard and right into the courtyard.  

Sighing in relief when she saw Carl shut the gate behind them she turned back to the yard and scanned the fences knowing Rick was still out there.  Spotting him fighting walkers on the other side of the fence she aimed her gun out of the yard.  

Looking down the scope she was about to pull the trigger at the walker currently trying to take a bite out of Rick when an arrow was shot through it's head.  Heart racing she lowered the gun to find Daryl a few feet away from Rick.  Seeing another man helping to fight off the walkers Beth could only assume it was Merle.

The three were so focused on getting rid of the walkers by the fence they weren't paying attention to the ones coming out of the woods behind them.  Raising the gun again she prayed the prison guns would reach outside the fence.  Seeing one getting too close to Daryl she took aim and fired.

She saw Daryl whirl around to look behind him before looking back up into the yard and to the tower she was standing on.  Even from here she could see his smile.  Watching as he said something to his brother she pulled the rifle back up and started picking the walkers off so that the three could run for the busted gate.

The three had to get from the busted lower gates, through the walker filled yard, and make it back up the hill to the prison courtyard.  Aiming she kept as many walkers from them as she could as they ran back up the hill.  

At the top of the hill Carl opened the gate and Glenn, Maggie, and Carol came out with guns and started popping walkers to help cover the men.  "Beth, get down," Maggie yelled.  Taking her rifle Beth swung it around her back as she rushed down the stairs and out the tower door.

She didn't make it more than two steps when Daryl was there grabbing her hand and dragging her into the courtyard.  As the gates slammed shut she felt him running his hands down her arms looking her over.

"Daryl I'm fine," she insisted.  "Everybody inside," Hershel commanded, "It's not safe out here."  Spotting Maggie hugging Glenn she asked her sister where Judith was, "I put her in her carrier when I heard the gunfire."

"We can talk later," Beth told Daryl quietly, "I have to get Judith," she told him before pulling away from him and running into the cell block.  Hearing her wailing Beth took the steps two at a time to get to her as fast as she could.  Rushing into the cell she scooped the baby up and worked on calming both herself and Judith down.  

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