Something Worth Living For (W...

By nikkichicky

2M 31.9K 3.8K

Allison Warner was head over heels in love with her ambitious sport journalist boyfriend, Eric Denton and cou... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
(CH 9)Something Worth Living for
Chapter 10 Something Worth Living for
Chapter 11 Something Worth Living For
(Chapter 12) Something Worth Living For
Chapter 13 Something Worth Living For
(Chapter 14) Something Worth Living For
(Chapter 15) Something Worth Living For
(chapter 16) Something Worth living For
(Chapter 17) Something Worth Living For
(Chapter 18) Something Worth Living For
(Chapter 19) Something Worth Living For
(Chapter 20) Something Worth Living For
(Chapter 21)Something Worth Living For
(Chapter 22) Something Worth Living For
(Chapter 23) Something Worth Living For
(Chapter 24) Something Worth Living For

Chapter 1

239K 2.1K 111
By nikkichicky

Hi everyone!

This is a new story I'm considering entering for the watty awards. I've uploaded the first two chapters that I have written and will add more if readers like what they see.  

So let me know what you think please :)


Something worth Living for

Chapter 1

Allison Warner sat at the table of the Northern Lights restaurant, as she anxiously rung her fingers. She checked her watch every ten seconds as she impatiently awaited her boyfriend, Eric Denton - who earlier had called her saying he'd made reservation for them.

Apparently he had some real big news that he couldn't wait to share with her. Well whatever the news it must be pretty big. Reserving a table in one of the finest restaurants in Los Angeles definitely meant celebratory news. 

Checking her watch for what seemed like the hundredth time in the last four minutes, Allison decided to take a calming breath to ease the nerves that had been fluttering around in her stomach ever since this morning.

She smiled to herself, all the while running a loving hand over her abdomen.  

Eric might have big news, but she had some pretty big news of her own.

She'd been feeling under the weather for the past few days and had thought that maybe she had caught a bug of some sort. Believing it would blow over in time, she took no heed of the symptoms. As the days went by and still she felt the sickening nausea that came every time she caught a whiff of someone's perfume, be it to sweet or too spicy, or the smell of freshly baked goods - which happened to be her favourite smell in the world. It was then that Allison knew something was wrong with her. So rather than prolong the inevitable, she went to the doctors, knowing only they would be able to help her.

Dr Steward was an elderly man of fifty-six. He had been her family's doctor as far back as Allison could remember.  

As Allison sat on the examining table, dressed in the white gown, she was greeted by a pair of friendly blue eyes that matched a friendly smile. The old man's hairline was receding but he still looked as handsome as the day Allison met him, some eleven years ago.

"Allison, how are you today my dear? It seems like ages since I last saw you." He greeted his eyes held nothing but fondness as he spoke to her. 

"I'm doing well Dr Steward. How have you been?"  

He shrugged, "I can't complain. The practise has been doing well. Both my children are married and my wife is as beautiful as the day I met her."

These were things she missed most about Dr Steward. The way he spoke about his wife... Allison could only hope that someday down the line a man - and she's hoping that man would be Eric - would speak about her the way the doctor spoke about his wife.

Putting on his spectacles he said, "Now, why don't you tell me why you are here today." 

She proceeded to tell the doctor all about her bout of nausea, the swollenness of her breasts, the fact that she'd skipped a period - something she'd recently noticed - and the fact that her body ached in places she never imagined would ache.

The doctor looked at her seriously before giving his prognosis, "Allison, I believe that you are pregnant." 

Allison looked on at the doctor in shock. But how could that be? She took birth control and if that wasn't enough, she and Eric were always responsible, taking extra precautions.  

Yes, they were very responsible.

And then it hit her. They were responsible all except for that one time.  

Allison felt her world come crashing down on her. What was she supposed to do now? Eric had only been working for a few months with the local network as a sports journalists and even that was small time, considering he was barely out of college. She herself was still in college, working her way towards her medical degree.  

She felt the panic rise up within her, her breathing came out in short grasp.

"Allison?" Dr Steward stood at once coming to her side, "Breath, Allison. That's it short deep breathes." The calming atmosphere he created within the examining room was enough to help her get her wits about herself. 

"There, feeling much better?" the doctor asked. 

She nodded her head vigorous, still feeling the weight of the bombshell he had just dropped on her. 

"Allison, the prognosis I gave might not be true. There is a chance that these symptoms point to something else. But to be on the safe side, we should run a few tests. We shouldn't rule out the possibility of pregnancy until the results have come back." He offered her a reassuring smile.

Taking the test and then waiting for the results was probably the longest waiting period she'd ever had to endure. But once the wait was over all she wanted was more time to gather herself. 

The doctor sat before her, taking forever to read the results that his lab technician had given him. 

Sitting on the edge of her seat, she impatiently bobbed her leg up and down as she waited for the doctor to read her, her fate. Dr Steward was taking his own sweet time and all Allison wanted to do was rip the damn folder out of his hand and read the results herself and put her out of her misery. 

Finally Dr Steward looked up at her and by the expression on his face she already knew the outcome.  

"Allison, you're pregnant."

She sat in silence, though she didn't know why. Deep down she'd known the truth, even before she'd come here she knew. She just wouldn't admit it to herself. She was a medical student after all. How could she not know? 

"You have options, if you do not wish to keep this baby." She heard Dr Steward tell her through her daze. 

She looked up at him in shock. Was he actual suggesting adoption, or worse abortion?  

"Dr Steward," she interrupted him before he could say anything further that might damage their relationship, "Thank you for your help, but I think I've got it from here." 

And with that she's left the office.  

Millions of questions had swarmed her mind the moment she'd left the office, most of them directed at Eric.  

Would he accept the baby? Would he be mad or happy? They hadn't exactly been planning on having children; in fact the talk of marriage hadn't even come up yet. She and Eric had only been dating for a year and two months.

They'd met through their best friends, Jennifer and Paul. Allison had met Jennifer when they'd started college. They were roommates and Jennifer had spoken non-stop about how glad she was that she got to move closer to her boyfriend. Allison knew all about high school relationships, the fact that they never lasted long and she had a feeling Jennifer and Paul weren't any different. 

Of course he was proven wrong the moment she saw them together. Now there's a pair that couldn't be more perfect together if they were genetically programmed to be.

Just as Allison hadn't counted on seeing two people so in love that night, she hadn't counted on meeting Eric Denton either. He was such an ass, trying to impress her, using his charm to sway her. That smile and the glint of those eyes might have fooled other girls but they weren't working on her and Eric could see it.

After that night Eric had done anything and everything to get her attention. But after the months of friendship and his constant flirting, she finally gave in to his charms. And it was the best decision she'd ever made, giving in and being a normal nineteen year old, who, for once, threw caution to the wind. 

Now at twenty she's just as head over heels in love with Eric as Jennifer was and still is with Paul. And it was exactly for those reasons that he would accept the baby. He just had to.

She was so deeply wrapped in her thoughts she hadn't even seen Eric enter the restaurant or approach her. 

"Hello gorgeous," he whispered in her ear and placed a kiss to her cheek, making her heart soar with exhilaration.  

She turned her face to see the man that made her thankful for another day, everyday.  

"Sorry I'm late. Traffic was crazy." Eric said as he eased himself into the chair opposite her. He picked up the menu that lay before him and scanned it. Allison studied the man that would be father to her baby.

He would make a great father, she thought, a better one than his father would ever be. 

She hoped that the baby looked like him. That same black hair that shimmered in the glow of the restaurants dim lights, those same smouldering grey eyes. At times they were so intense it felt as if they would sear a hole right through her body and other times they were so sincere it was like she could see right into his soul. He was well built beneath those dark clothes he wore, a muscular chest chiselled by the gods and two strong arms that held her every night as she slept.

Eric looked up and caught her staring, "What is it?" he grinned at her. 

She just bit her lower lip and shrugged, "Nothing, just... just thinking what a lucky woman I am." 

Allison could see the glint in his eyes, "Are you now? Well I consider myself the luckiest man on earth, having to wake up to a woman who loves me, who supports me through anything," his tone became serious suddenly, "who I'd support through anything no matter what it is."

Allison gaped at him. It was almost as if he knew. But how could he when she herself had only gotten the news this morning? Dr Steward knew about Eric but they weren't well acquainted that he'd call Eric and besides there is that whole doctor, patient confidentiality.  

She ruled out that possibility, believing that somehow Eric's words were a sign that everything would be okay.

Finally finding her voice she spoke up, "I'm glad you feel that way, because there's something I have to tell you and its kind of important-" 

Just then the waiter came up to them, interrupting her. She knew it wasn't his fault, after all he was just doing his job, but at that moment she wanted to throttle the waiter. She wanted to tell Eric before she lost her nerve and right now the waiter stood in her way of accomplishing that.

"Ah, yes we'd like the best Champaign you have. We're celebrating tonight." Eric said excitedly, but before the waiter could go off in search of this Champaign Allison stopped him. 

"I'm not drinking tonight, Eric." 

"Not drinking?" he looked at her confused and she understood why. It wasn't like she was a regular drinker but when they come out on nights like this, she was known to have a least one glass of wine with her meal. 

"Yes, I'm not drinking, not tonight." And not for about another eight or so months, she thought but didn't say it out loud. 

She could tell Eric didn't want to force her; he had always been the understanding kind. But he was definitely confused by her sudden change. 

"Are you ready to order, sir?" the waiter asked politely. 

"Err... yes I believe we are. What will it be?" he asked her. 

After they place their orders the waiter hastily left obviously sensing the tension rolling off of Allison. She didn't mean to make the guy feel awkward but she really needed to get this off her chest. 

"So I have-" Eric started just as Allison said, "I have some news I need-" 

They both abruptly stopped, looking at each other and then laughed. 

"You first." He indicated to her, the humour still in his voice.  

She took a deep breath and then smiled up at him nervously, "I - err - I have some big news that will-" he interrupted her before she could go on. 

"You do? Well I have so news of my own." He sounded all excited that it really had her wondering what all this was about.

He reached over the table and took her hands in his, waiting for her to relay her news first. His face was alight with enthusiasm and he looked like he would explode at any moment if he didn't tell her soon.  

For fear of spewing gusts, she pushed her news aside to let him speak first, "You go first." 

"You sure? I don't want to-" she broke him off. 

She shook her head, "No, you go first." 

He grinned widely at her, all trace of excitement now on his face. He was silent for a moment. He seemed slightly nerves, but the excitement overpowered it helping him find his voice, "Remember that job I spoke to you about? You know the one in New York?" 

She shrugged, vaguely remembering him mentioning some big time job in New York. 

"Anyway, well the guy that had the job retired and now they've found some one to replace him." He raced on anxious to get to the point of his story. 

"Okay, I'm glad they found some one to replace him. Was this your big news?" 

"No," he said a bit irritated that she'd interrupted him, "Look the guy they used to replace the other, well he worked for Sport lnc before and now they are looking for someone to replace him." He rushed on. 

"Okay, but what does that have to do with you?" 

"I've been considered for the job." He added excitedly.

Six little words were all it took, six little word that had her world shattering around her. What was she supposed to say or do now? Should she still tell him about the baby? 

Most people would have told her that she was overacting, but she believed she had a right to be. She knew that if he got the job he'd move to New York, thousands of miles away from her and the baby. She couldn't do this alone, not without him. 

He started chattering fervently about the job and the prospective it holds for him if he actually got it. But she heard nothing. All she saw was his mouth moving as he went on and on about it all.  

"Honey, you okay?" She shook herself out of the thoughts once again to see his concerned face looking at her. 

She smiled, it was fake but believable, "Yeah, I'm fine." She took his hand and squeezed it. 

"You had something you wanted to tell me?"  

She looked away not so certain it was a good idea to tell him yet, "Uhm... it's nothing actually."  

"You sure?" 

"Yes, I'm sure,"

He smiled and continued talking about the job. Which is in New York, she kept repeating to herself.  

She sighed inwardly. It's not that she wasn't happy for him, because she could really tell he wanted this bad and that it would be a good career move. But she knew if he got the job he'd move to New York and she wouldn't be able to go with him. 

She was still in college, pre-med and couldn't drop out to move to a city she knew nothing about. She had dreams too and finishing college was one of them. Besides, raising a baby in New York wasn't what she had in mind.

From the time that she was old enough to dream realistically about her future, she'd always known that Los Angeles was the place she'd raise her family. It was her home and soon would be the home to her child that grew within her. 

She was taken from her thoughts when the waiter arrived with their food. Having suddenly lost her appetite, Allison picked at her food as Eric - still oblivious to her obvious misery - kept chatting about the job in New York.

The rest of the night went the same. He kept babbling on about New York, seemly unaware of the slow torture he was killing her with. She felt as if she would break into tears at any moment. She kept strong, not really talking much - letting him do most of it - just pretended to listen.  

The ride home was the worse. She kept her eyes straight on the road, never looking at him for fear of losing her resolve. She had no idea what her next move would be. But she had to think of something and fast.

When they finally got home to their one bedroom apartment with an open plan living area and kitchen, none of the questions filling Allison's head had gone away; in fact they seemed to have increased. They were starting to give her a headache and right now all she needed was aspirin. Walking to the bathroom, she opened the mirror cabin above the wash basin and took out the aspirin. Closing it she saw Eric's reflection in the mirror, he was leaning against the door jam watching her.

"Okay, what's wrong with you?" he asked. 

She swallowed the pills with some water, her facial expression as blank as the empty pages that lay upon his desk.  

She turned and walked up to him "Nothing," she replied, pecking him on the cheek and then sliding past him to the bedroom. 

He was following her; she could feel him close, like a shadow.  

"You and I both know that is lie. Come on tell me what's really bothering you?" he insisted. 

But she remained silent not in the mood for the fight that they both could feel coming on.  

"Damn it, Allison, talk to me. I hate it when you do this, you shut me out when all I want is to help." He was angry, but she was fuming, the entire evening's frustrations boiling to the surface. It was boiling so hot that she opened her mouth. 

"You want to know what's bothering?" she shouted. 

"Yes, yes I'd love to know what is going on in that head of yours, please." 

"You want to take a job that's in New York, thousands of miles away from me. That's exactly what's bothering me." she said exasperated.


Eric had known something was wrong the moment they'd gotten into the car. Allison had been strangely quiet, but he figured she was still under the weather as she'd been the entire week.  

So when he'd asked her what was wrong, he never excepted her to give him the answer that she did. 

He remained silent; his eyes trained to her like a hawk, as she moved about the bedroom, clearly frustrated with him. He noticed how frazzled she looked and realised she'd looked like that the entire evening. Was he such a bad boyfriend, so wrapped up in his own world that he hadn't even noticed Allison's obvious displeasure about him getting a job that was so far away?

Yes I have. 

But he couldn't help it. Yes, he knew saying that was an excuse. But a job such as the one in New York didn't come around very often. Being considered was already a great honour considering that fact that he had only graduated from college a little over nine months ago and has only been working for Sports Inc for eight of those months. 

He had applied when he'd heard that the position was open but had never considered that he would actually be one of the candidates selected. Truthfully he was a bit shocked when he'd first heard he was being considered.

But maybe it shouldn't have come as a shock to him. He was smart, a hard worker and a real fast learner, who knew what he wanted and went after it. And this job was something he really wanted. He just thought that Allison would understand that.  

But as he looked at her tensed body, he knew that she didn't. 

Feeling slightly angered by her lack of support, he marched right up to her, "You know, most girlfriends I know would be happy that the man they love is moving up in the world. Being considered for this job means a lot to me and it would be great if you could have at least shown some enthusiasm about it."

He said a bit angrily and then added bitterly, "Not everything is about you, Ally." 

She stopped dead in her tracks and turned her head to him, her eyes ablaze with anger, "You think I'm thinking about myself?" 

Eric held his ground, not answering her. He knew he was right and that she wouldn't admit it. 

"Well I'm not," she yelled at him when he didn't answer and then stormed pass his out the bedroom door. 

Far from finished with her he stormed off after her. Taking hold of her by her arm, he spun her around to face him. 

"Aren't you thinking of yourself? Because all I heard was how my moving away from you was what was bothering you all evening." He retorted. 

"Yes it is bothering me, because I know if you got the job, you'd take it and move across the country and I wouldn't be able to follow you."

He knew she was right. She was still in college, working towards her dream of becoming a paediatrician. He was proud of her for it and would never ask her to give up her dreams to follow him right across the country, just like she couldn't ask him to give up his.  

He loved her, but giving up an opportunity such as this would be career suicide.

Slowly he saw the flame die down in her eyes and in a lighter tone she asked, "Why can't you just get a different job here, in Los Angeles?" 

"I can't, Allison. Sports Inc is the biggest and most prestige sports network in the country. Getting a job with them is the best there is and the only choice I have is to move on up in the business. And this is my chance."  

"But-" she stopped herself, "You're right. Sports Inc is the best and if this is what you want, I won't stand I your way." 

Brushing past him she headed for their bedroom. Walking in, she slammed the door shut, closing herself off to him. 

As angry as he was with her, Eric understood were she was coming from. He knew that if he got the job and went off to New York that leaving her would be his only regret, because he loved her so damn much.

Going to the kitchen, he opened the top cupboard, pushed aside all the items only for his hand to land of the bottle of whisky he kept for the occasional drink that he would sometimes need.  

Pouring himself a glass, he walked back to the living room only for his eyes to land on the mantle above the fireplace. Taking a sip of the strong drink, welcoming the burning sensation that trailed down his throat, he walked over to stand by the unlit fireplace and smiled to himself as he looked at the many framed pictures that stood upon it.

There were so many; most of them of himself and Allison, taken over the year that they'd been together. There were some of their families; of Mr and Mrs Warner and her older brother and sister, she being the baby in the family, there was also one or two of his mother, the only family he ever knew until she had passed way three years ago. His father might still be alive, for all Eric cared. 

For all the pictures that stood upon the mantle, smiling faces laughing up at him, the one that stood out the most was the one of himself and Allison, with their friends Paul and Jennifer. 

Eric smiled again remembering that night as if it were yesterday.

He had been upset with Paul that night. He had informed Eric that they would be meeting up with his high school sweetheart and her roommate, instead of their usual night out with the guys. He had been looking for some action that night, a pretty blonde to pass his time, but now instead he was stuck with the two women he probably would have no interest in, not to mention one of them was already taken. 

Though Eric had been sceptical when Paul had mentioned that Jennifer's roommate was hot, he was definitely blown away the moment he laid eyes on her. That night a pretty blonde wasn't needed after all.

Putting on his usual charm, he tried just about every trick in the book on her, but unlike other girls, she never fell for any of it.  

She was smooth, playing hard to get, never giving into his flirtations, but on occasion he did however manage to make her blush, which to him was a major victory.  

When the night had drawn to an end and still she wouldn't let up, he found himself even more mesmerised by her.

Of course the next day there was just no getting her out of his head. All he could see was he fiery auburn hair that cascaded down her back, the soft glow of her brown eyes as she smiled innocently at him, her laugh that sent shivers of delight down his body.  

Yes, she was the girl that got away and knowing he'd never have her, only made him more determined. 

Taking some initiative, he wormed his way into her life, much to her reluctance to let him in. But as time passed and the unusual attraction he felt towards her only grew into something more, he knew that this innocent beauty had stolen his heart.

He had been so nervous the first time he'd asked her out, feeling like a schoolboy asking his first crush on a date. And when she'd actually said yes, his jubilation was too great to handle, feeling that this date would be the best he'd ever had. 

And it had been. Nothing in his life could compare to the moment he'd first kissed her. He lips still burned with the memory of its wonder.

Though Allison had never been apart of his plan, she has been the best thing that he never planned for and the last year with her had held the most cherished of memories for him. Looking at the closed door, he drained the last of his drink and then taking a deep breathe he walked over to the door and rapped on it lightly.

Opening the door he saw Allison's still figure lying on the bed. She had curled herself into a ball and knowing her well by now he knew she was only pretending to be asleep. He hated fighting with her and avoided it at any cost, but tonight it was inevitable. 

Getting on the bed along side her, he wrapped an arm around her waist. Then, when she didn't pull away, he pulled her closer, nuzzling his face in the back of her neck.  

Bringing his mouth closer to her ear he whispered, "I'm sorry. I hate fighting with you, please let's not fight anymore." 

Not saying a word she relaxed against him, intertwining her fingers with his hand that held her securely. He placed soft kisses to her cheek, caressing it with his lips.  

"I love you." 

"I love you too." she said, her voice quivering and he knew she'd been crying. 

Not saying anything else he just held her, knowing he would never love another as he loves her.  

But did he love her enough to stay?

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