Believe in Love.

By blarry20

728 7 13

Liam never expected to fall in love again after his breakup with Danielle. You never thought a guy like Liam... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.

Chapter 11.

37 1 2
By blarry20

As the movie ended, Pika came down in a completely different outfit and her hair was wet. "Sorry." She told you all, "I had to take a shower. Mew, can I talk to you in the kitchen please?"

"Sure thing." You replied and got up. "What's up?" You asked her and stood across from her as she sat on a barstool at the island.

"I met a guy when I was on my way here!" Pika squealed. "He's actually how I found out where you lived!!"

"Really?" You questioned. "Not to many people know where we live..."

"He pointed me straight here!" She said. "Oh, and he's the cutest guy too!"

"Gee Pika!" You told her. "He must have been something in order for you to be like this!"

"He is!" She gushed. "He was a bigger guy, but just had the nicest personality. His name is Charlie and we're gonna go out tomorrow night!"

"What's his name?" You asked her in shocked.

"Charlie." She replied. "Why?"

You walked over to Liam's open laptop that still had Charlie's picture on it. "Is this him?" You asked Pika carrying it towards where she was sitting.

"Yeah!" She exclaimed. "How do you know him?"

"He was just here." You informed her. 'He came over to apologize for his rude behavior last night at Grimmy's party and he ended up being even more rude! He was checking me out and Liam had to step in between us. Then Harry tried protecting me too, and accidently admitted that he was brother. Then Zayn covered really quick by saying that they're all like brothers. He's a reporter. So if it got out then it would be all bad."

Pika took in everything you just said, and thought about it. "Oh." She said after minute. "Should I not go out with him then?"

"No." You sighed. "I don't want my life to stand in the way of your happiness." You paused for a minute and a huge smile formed on Pika's face. "But if  the topic comes up, you can't say anything. I'm trusting you!"

"My lips are sealed!" She replied and gave you a big hug.

"Thanks Pika." You told her hugging her back. "I'm really glad you're here."

"Me too, Mew." She said before letting go. 

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