Pinky Promise

Por Licutie269

17.5K 273 27

Not wanting to be just another dead girl Beth asks Daryl to teach her how to survive in this new world. Work... Más

Pinky Promise Part 1
Pinky Promise Part 2
Pinky Promise Part 3
Pinky Promise Part 4
Pinky Promise Part 6
Pinky Promise Part 7
Pinky Promise Part 8
Pinky Promise Part 9
Pinky Promise Part 10
Pinky Promise Part 11
Pinky Promise Part 12
Pinky Promise Part 13
Pinky Promise Part 14
Pinky Promise Part 15
Pinky Promise Part 16
Pinky Promise Part 17
Pinky Promise Part 18
Pinky Promise Part 19
Pinky Promise Part 20
Pinky Promise Part 21
Pinky Promise Part 22
Pinky Promise Part 23
Pinky Promise Part 24
Pinky Promise Part 25
Pinky Promise Epilogue

Pinky Promise Part 5

765 13 1
Por Licutie269

"Ohhhhhhh," Lori moaned, grabbing onto the chains hanging by her.  

"Okay, okay, how about if we get you down to the floor?" Beth suggested.  "Noooo.....there's no time the baby is coming," Lori moaned.  

Wide eyed Carl stood off to the side, "What?  We have to get back to the cell block.  Hershel, we need his help."  Helping Lori as she stumbled over to another set of steps Lori clutched the arm rails, "No, we can't risk going out there and getting stuck," Lori told Carl, "Beth you're gonna have to deliver this baby."

"We can do that," Beth decided, "Now I've never delivered a human but I've done plenty of cows and horses on the farm.  It can't be much different," she declared, rubbing Lori's back. 

Laughing through her pain Lori looked back at Beth, "You saying I'm a cow now?"  Smiling, Beth unbuttoned Lori's pants telling Carl to turn around while she helped his mother pull her pants off, "I wouldn't say cow.  You're fairly tall and skinny so maybe a horse is more like it," Beth told her seriously.  

Laughing through another round of pain Lori bore down against the wall, "Beth, I already feel like I have to push," she exclaimed.  "Okay, okay, it's just like with the animals.  Your body knows what to do so bare down and push if you must," Beth told her, squatting behind her to try and see anything, "Carl, rub her back for her," Beth instructed the wide eyed boy.

After a few more strangled moans from Lori as she pushed Beth heard a squelching sound and looked down to find blood running down Lori's legs, "Lori no!  Stop pushing.  Something's wrong!"

Just as she said it Beth felt Lori's legs give out as she began sinking to the floor, "Whoa whoa okay," Beth helped her down onto her back, "We have to get you back to my dad."  Shaking her head Lori stared up at Carl, "There's no time.  I'm not going to make it," she told them faintly.

Biting her lip Beth looked up at the pale woman, "Lori, there's too much blood.  I don't even think you're fully dilated so no amount of pushing is going to do anything," she told her hearing the panic in her own voice.

"Beth, I know what it means and you have to cut me open.  My baby needs to survive," Lori told her calmly.  Shaking her head Beth stared at Lori, "I can't.  I don't know how.  Daddy showed Carol and Maggie, but I only overheard the general idea."

Standing Carl looked down at his mother, "I'll go for help," he told them heading for the steps.  "No!" Lori told him sternly, "There's no time.  Beth cut me open and get the baby out."

Crying now Beth looked around widely, "I have no anesthetic, no equipment," she cried.  "Carl has a knife," Lori declared looking at her son.  "Lori you won't survive," Beth pleaded.  

Gripping Beth's hand Lori pulled herself up to look her in the eyes, "My baby will survive.  I need my baby to survive.  Lift my shirt and cut across my old c-section scar.  I know I'm asking a lot Beth but I know you can do it.  Honey, I'm so proud of you these last few months.  You were right that day in the woods.  I wanted you to live, I demanded it of you, and you found a way with Daryl.  Now find a way to allow my baby to live like you did," she told her quietly. 

 Wiping her eyes Beth nodded as she attempted to get her breathing under control, "Okay, Carl, I need you to come hold your mother's hand and I need your knife," she told the boy standing frozen by the steps, "Now Carl."

Rushing back to his mother Carl handed Beth his knife before dropping down beside Lori's head.  Beth could hear Lori talking to Carl but it was like the voices were down a tunnel as she stared at the knife in her hand.

"Okay Beth, Beth Honey, I'm ready," Lori's voice broke into her consciousness.

Taking a deep steadying breath Beth brought the knife to Lori's stomach, "I'm so sorry Lori," she whispered before dragging the knife across her stomach.  Beth had never heard anyone scream the way Lori did till finally the pain was too much and she simply passed out.

There was so much blood as Beth took a deep breath and stuck her hands inside Lori's stomach.  "Carl, I'm going to need something to wrap the baby in.  Your jacket," she told him as she felt around, "I can't find it," she mumbled until finally her hand hit what felt like a leg, "Oh God I think I found it.  I can feel it's leg or maybe it's arm."

"Lay your jacket down I'm going to pull the baby out," she told Carl as she took a deep breath and pulled the baby from it's mother's womb.  "Why isn't it crying?" Carl asked.

Shaking her head Beth concentrated on the baby in her hands, "It's a girl! There's stuff in it's airway."  

Remembering her child cpr classes that her daddy made her do before she could baby-sit Beth turned the baby over and began clearing the airway.  As she worked she instructed Carl to cut the umbilical cord from the baby to Lori.  

"Beth, she's not breathing," Carl cried.

Feeling the baby's breath on her arm and then hearing a slow pitiful cry Beth cried, "Yes she is Carl.  She's breathing," she announced looking up at the boy only to notice he was speaking of his mother and not the baby.

Seeing him pick up his knife and raise it Beth cried out, "Carl, no, I'll do it!" moving the baby to his jacket she wrapped her quickly intent on taking the knife from Carl but as she turned to take it he had already slid his knife into her head.  

"Carl!" she cried, pulling him away from his mother; she rocked the crying boy in her arms.  

After a few moments Beth became aware of the baby crying on the floor, "Carl," she whispered, "We have to go.  The alarms stopped a while ago.  We have to find our people.  I need you to help me get your sister to safety," she told him, looking him in the eyes, "Do you think you can help me?" she asked.

Glancing  one last time at his mother Carl nodded before taking his knife and Beth's machete that was on the floor by Lori's body, "You take the baby.  I'm going to get us out of here," he declared moving towards the door to the hallway.

Slowly the two made their way back down the hallway the way they had come when the nightmare had begun.  She prayed to God they'd find a clear path and was thankful when they made it to the cellblock.  Noting the dead walkers Beth motioned for the door that led outside.  

Letting Carl push the door open he went first out into the sunshine.  Squinting against the sun Beth saw most of the group across the courtyard as she and Carl pushed their way out of the chained door, "Rick," she called as the baby cried out.

She didn't know if they had heard her or the baby but they all turned towards her and Carl as they moved across the pavement.  Carl clutching a knife in one hand and a machete in the other while Beth clutched the baby wrapped in Carl's jacket to her chest.  

Seeing the look of devastation as Rick slowly walked towards them Beth shook her head unable to stop the tears, "I'm so sorry.  I'm so sorry," she repeated over and over.  

"Where.......where is she?" Rick stuttered.  

Shaking her head Beth was unable to answer as she gasped for air and her tears blinded her.  She heard people moving towards her but couldn't decipher who it was until she felt Maggie taking the baby from her, "Bethie, let me see.  Daddy needs to make sure it's okay," she whispered.

Nodding Beth gasped, "It's a girl," she managed to get out before she felt Daryl's arms around her.  Sobbing she felt her legs give out as they both sunk to the pavement.  

"Breathe girl," Daryl told her as he held onto her, "Come on now breathe."

Taking a deep breath Beth held it for a few seconds before slowly letting it out again.  Once she was steadier she nodded and Daryl pulled her up to her feet.  Framing her head with his hands he stared into her eyes, "You okay?" he asked.

Nodding she looked past him to where Maggie and Hershel were examining the baby.  Moving past him she kept her eyes on the baby as she heard Daryl calling out for Rick behind her.  

"The good news is she looks healthy," Hershel declared.  "We thought we had more time. We don't have formula or bottles," Maggie reminded them.  

"Carol was mapping out places to go to.  Towns we passed that had daycares and stuff," Beth remembered, "Where's Carol?" she questioned scanning the group noting that both Carol and T-Dogg were missing.  

Pausing as she caught Daryl's eye she closed her eyes taking another deep breath before reopening her eyes, "I know where one is," she announced, "The last one I saw on the way here about twenty minutes away."

Nodding Daryl announced he was going on a run, "Beth, let's go," he yelled for her as he began barking out orders.  "We can go too," Glenn called hurrying after him.  

"Nah, it's faster on the bike and I can only take one of you," Daryl called back as he made it to his bike pulling his crossbow off to strap it to the bike.  "Beth, there's a bookbag in the car," Maggie yelled as she ran to open the gates.

Grabbing the bookbag she swung it onto her back before rushing to the bike, "Glenn, she....she's in the boiler room.  Don't let Rick," she started to tell him before Glenn interrupted.  "I'll take care of it," he assured her.  

Nodding Beth swung her leg over the motorcycle and settled behind Daryl, "You've ever ridden a bike before?" he asked.

Scoffing she rolled her eyes, "What do you think?"

Nodding as he fired the bike up he leaned back, "Best hold on then," he told her before cruising the bike out of the gates.  Once they were free of the gates Daryl took off down the road as fast as they could while Beth directed him to the daycare she'd seen on the way to the prison.

Less than twenty minutes later they were pulling up to a deserted daycare.  Jumping off Beth waited for Daryl to pull his crossbow off the bike and lead the way to the door.  Turning the knob Daryl found it to be locked, "You think you can break it down yourself?" she questioned.

Snorting Daryl shook his head, "Ain't the Hulk."

Looking at him dryly she moved around him and headed for a window.  Peering inside, she pulled her gun out of her waistband, "I don't see any movement," she told him before bringing the butt of the gun down on the window breaking it.

Flinching as pieces of the window cut her arm she cleared the debris away and then hoisted herself into the daycare.  Looking around Beth got to work searching for bottles, formula, and diapers.  Opening cabinets she started shoving things into the bookbag as she heard Daryl climbing through the window. 

"Daryl, we're going to have to come back here eventually.  We could take that crib there," she told him pointing towards the white crib, "There's toys," she continued as she approached a small dresser and pulled it open, "Oh thank the Lord, clothes," she exclaimed. Picking up a discarded diaper bag she began shoving clothes and blankets in to go along with what was already in her bookbag.  

Pulling open more drawers she found a woman's t-shirt with the name of the daycare on it.  Noting her top was covered in Lori's blood she pulled the shirt out and dropped the bookbag and diaper bag to the floor so she could take her other shirt off.

Grabbing the hem of her shirt she pulled it over her head and dropped the bloody mess on the floor.  Hearing a choking noise from behind her she looked over her shoulder at Daryl, "What the hell are you doing?" he questioned immediately dropping his gaze to the floor.

Slipping the clean shirt on she grabbed up the two bags and turned towards him, "My shirt was covered in blood.  I needed a new one," she explained, "Relax Daryl we're all adults here and it ain't like ya haven't seen them before," she laughed reminding him of the time he had accidently walked in on her changing while they had been out on the road.

"That was an accident," he grumbled.  

"Fairly certain we all got an eye full of one another a time or two out on the road," she commented.

"Who you been getting an eye full of?" he asked, glaring at her.  

Snorting Beth laughed, "Who didn't I?" she exclaimed, "Got a nice view of Glenn one time, Rick's bare ass walking past an open door, T-Dogg had no shame and would change wherever," she told him, smiling at the memories, "Ya know Mr. Dixon I think you may be the only one I haven't seen bits and pieces of.  How bout you strip down to make it four out of four?  Plus you now you kind of owe me a show since you walked in on me," she teased, winking at him.

Rolling his eyes Daryl turned away from her, "That ain't happening," he grumbled moving into the hallway to search the rest of the daycare.  Laughing Beth followed after him.

"I think we have enough till we can get back here," she told him following him as he searched the place.  Quietly they searched each room Beth making a mental note of all they could bring back with them on another day.  

As they searched Beth asked quietly, "What happened?  How did those walkers get in and what happened to Carol and T-Dogg?"

Pausing Daryl looked back at her, "The prisoner we thought was walker food let them out.  He turned that alarm on, other prisoner Oscar, killed him but T was bit.  Found him down in the tombs, walkers all over him, don't know about Carol."

Biting the inside of her cheek Beth asked, "You didn't find a body?"  Clearing his throat she saw him shake his head.

"Daryl, she could still be alive," she whispered.  Seeing him tense he shrugged.  "Well I'm not giving up on her," Beth declared, "I'll go down into the damn tombs myself to find her."

Hearing a rustling coming from down the hall Daryl switched his flashlight on holding it in his teeth as he brought the crossbow up.  Glaring at her he turned and made his way into a small kitchenette.  

Motioning towards the cabinet where the scratching was coming from he waited for Beth to get into position.  Giving her three nods Beth pulled the cabinet open to find a rather large possum hissing at them.

Daryl let an arrow fly killing it instantly, "Hello, dinner," he joked pulling the flashlight out of his mouth.  

Rolling her eyes she started opening cabinets as he pulled the possum out, "That's gross," she commented, shoving another can of formula into her bag.  Smirking he held it up, "That's dinner, Princess," he said taking a glance outside, "Come on we've gotta get back we're losing the light."

Following him back through the daycare they went out the front door locking it behind them hoping it would keep walkers out till they could get back.  As they climbed onto the bike to head back to the prison he turned to look at her, "Keep your ass out of those tombs.  I'll find her," he all but snarled at her before turning around and starting the bike.  

As they  headed back to the prison Beth wrapped her arms around the man in front of her and laid her head on his back as he drove.  

By the time they made it back to the prison the sun was setting.  The gate was already open for them when they drove up to the prison and Beth could see one of the prisoners, Axel, rushing to shut it behind them.  Daryl drove right up to the prison courtyard stopping outside of the door.

Hopping off Beth rushed inside with her bulging bookbag and diaper bag with Daryl close behind her.

Inside the baby was crying in Carl's arms.  Dumping everything out on the table Maggie came over and helped prepare a bottle.  She could hear Daryl shushing the baby behind her.  

Once the bottle was made she took it straight to Daryl who had the baby in his arms.  Handing him the bottle he brought it to the little girls lips and Beth watched as she immediately latched on and ate.

"Do you like that sweetheart?" he cood to the baby before asking Carl if they named her yet.  When Carl shook his head Daryl pulled her in tighter as he talked to her, "That's okay sweetheart.  I'm going to name you, Lil Asskicker, till we come up with something else," he told her, smiling down at the baby.

Smiling through her tears Beth clutched Maggie's hand and in that moment she knew without a doubt that her stupid teenage self loved this gruff mostly rude heart of gold man in front of her.  

Glancing at her daddy she smiled  at him when she saw he was watching her.  The day had been hell and they had lost people but this moment would be something she remembered for the rest of her life.  

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