A new legacy:Secrets Revealed

Autorstwa mindhackglitch

16.1K 538 25

Disclaimer: I don't own naruto or legacies, im making liberal use of it though👌🏻 This will be the sequel to... Więcej

I feel empty without you
Am I drowning ?
A deal ?
We're closed
Do you know who she is?
I dont regret it
I cant let you make that choice
Do you know kai?
On the bright side
You want to do what?
Reunions and death threats
On second thought.
A dragon of course
You weren't invited
Ill be the villian
Thats a promise.
Dont you dare touch her

They have one of those here?

843 26 1
Autorstwa mindhackglitch

Previously on A new Legacy:Secrets revealed

Hmm rings a bell, Malachi I think his name was, he became a hybrid of witch and vampire"

Hmm it's okay but I might punish you"

I wish this peace could last forever"

Naruto POV

The next morning, about 6pm usually I would be doing my morning training already, but since this was the first time for the past three months that Hope was back in my bed that I felt at peace I decided to linger in it a bit longer.

I ran my fingers through her hair absently whilst looking at the ceiling thinking about the last few weeks. Meeting the Mikaelson family, destroying a part of Triad, Another pit opening and Hope coming back.

" you're thinking very loud babe"I heard from the girl on my chest.

" Am I ?" I replied I said absently

"Yeah you are mind telling me what's going on in that mind of yours?"I sighed and kissed her head softly as she moved off my chest

"The usual, monsters and thinking that I need to get rid of that necromancer." I paused " also making sure the twins don't get into too much trouble considering they've been or rather Josie has been very obsessed with finding information about this curse" I said sitting up against the headboard.

"Hmm that sounds about right, but aren't you usually training about now?"

"Hmm I would but I decided to spend some time in bed my princess before I go and face reality" I said with a heavy sigh

"We can't hide away forever" she said softly laying her head against my shoulder

"We can try?" I quipped she shook her head and laughed softly

"You wouldn't even if we could you're a good guy Naru" I raised a eyebrow at the comment " a good guy huh does that make you a bad girl?"I teased lightly.

"Why do you have to make it perverted?" She asked with a huff, I got out of the bed naked and shrugged before gathering some clothes and ran into the bathroom.

"You weren't complaining about my perverted nature last night" I joked and closed the door as she threw a pillow.

"So violent" I laughed and turned the shower on and stood underneath as the water sprayed my body, it felt amazing. I heard the bathroom door open followed by the voice of my princess

"Can I join you? you know to save water and all?" I smiled.

"Oh of course to save water and all that then sure I wouldn't want there to be a crisis" I replied playing along.

She got inside with a giggle and stood in front of me and used the soap and lathered her body,my hands roamed her body.. taking this as an opportunity to massage her breasts..

"You know these might just be my favorite part of you" I whispered near her ear.

"Wow really I wouldn't have thought" she replied sarcastically.

" you might not want to be so sarcastic princess I've got you trapped in the shower with nowhere to go" I threatened playfully, she pushed she herself against my front grinding her ass into my dick.

"Maybe that's exactly what I want" she said lowering her voice, and I think it's safe to say that the goal of saving water ? Was not met since the shower we took together seemed to have wasted more than saving it. Let's say if there was a water shortage in future ? I would probably do the same thing again.

I was getting my training gear ready and Hope was tying up her hair in a bun she was still in her underwear.

"Are you going to join me for a spar?"

"I think we sparred plenty in the shower don't you think?" She said with a bit of mischief in her eyes, I chuckled and grabbed my medical tape.

"Yet I constantly get labeled as a pervert" I rolled my eyes playfully and ducked dodging the wet towel being thrown at me.

" you need to stop throwing things at me woman" I said as I finished wrapping my hands..

" and will you be joining me or do you have plans with your family?"

"I do yes my aunt wants to use the spell on the school so she's going to channel my aunt bekah and uncle kol while I help her" I nodded

"Good idea" I said grabbing my training bag and picked her lips softly " alright then I'll be at the lake if you or rick need me okay?" She nodded and said her byes

I left the room in a shunshin and started my stretches and created 5 clones.
I took out a blindfold I was going to try and use my senses only to defend myself.

"Okay guys I want you to try and cloak your chakra so that I can't sense you instead I'll rely on my hearing only"

"Sure boss" my clones replied and cracked their knuckles , like I said before I'm sure they were getting consciousness of their own, and wanted to pay me back for all those menial tasks I let them take on.
I sighed before taking off my t-shirt and put the blindfold on my eyes. I took a deep breath and got into my taijutsu stance.

The fight was intense and I struggled, my clones were relentless.I heard more footsteps however no one else participated. I got a nasty blow to the chest that sent me skidding across the lake for not paying attention.

"They must really be pissed at me" I muttered , I ran across the lake in a blur and 'killed' there clones quickly by sending a rapid barrage of punches and kicks. The last one muttered rasengan and I didn't want to take it head on, I created my own rasengan and reinforced in with youki it was a blue and red ball smaller the the normal rasengan, but definitely more dangerous.

"Rasengan" I clashed with my clone, pushing our rasengans together and I pushed through and 'killed' him too.

"Well that was an interesting attack how about fighting against someone other than yourself ?"asked a cocky voice and I knew it was kol.

I smirked and took off my blindfold and looked toward the voice " you're implying my clones were going easy on me?" Pointing at the bruises on my body for emphasis ?

He shrugged and gave me a lopsided smile trying to bait me into fighting him, it would be a great training session too.

"Well they are you? So.." he left it hanging. I sighed and saw hope and Rebecca watching, Hope gave me a smile and a thumbs up.Rebecca chuckled at the scene.

I shrugged and gestured for him to come on " weapons?" I asked he shrugged.I went to pick up two bo-staffs  and threw one over to him.

"Ready when you are Mikaelson" he chuckled and used his vamp speed there was an entire 5 minutes of dodging and evading each other strikes until the staffs broke. we threw it to the side and went at it hand to hand. Executing a roundhouse kick that sent him into a tree which consequently broke it.

"That must've stung" I commented

"We're just getting Started mate" he said flashing his vampire face at me,it was faster and I managed to keep up by using my senses. He punched my gut that probably fractured a rib.

"You feeling alright there?" He taunted I chuckled and spat some blood from my mouth and wiped my mouth.

"Bloody perfect" I said amused at my unintentional pun. We battered each other for a few moments until I decided to pick it up a bit.

"It's been fun kol" I said and activated my rinnegan and held my palm out to him. " but let's see you handle this"

"Shinra tensei" I said softly and watched as the gravity push propelled him back into the trees

" what was tha-" I cut him off by flipping through signs quickly.

"Kaze no Yaiba" was all I said and watched kol being attacked by a hundred tiny wind blades, his rapid healing wasn't able to keep up with the speed of the blades, he sank down to a knee..I was about to finish him off when I looked to the woods and saw the trees wilting.I heard a hiss and prayed to every god that orochimaru's snakes didn't follow me to this dimension because that would be a kick in the ass.

"Kol I'm afraid we have to continue this another time we have company" I said pointing to the trees.I helped the vampire to his feet as he looked to the woods, it was about 2 in the afternoon, but the weather wasn't too great it was overcast, the sun was exactly playing ball either.

"What is it?" Asked hope as she came closer to kol and I.

"I'm not sure but I'm betting you that it's a snake because I heard a hiss and well I've got some bad experiences with snakes." I said grimacing at the memory of fighting the snake sannin in the forest of death.

" how do you know it's a snake ? And why would the trees would be wilting if it's just a snake?"asked Rebekah as she looked at me, I didn't take my eyes away from the woods and answered her question.

"I don't know rebekah it mig-" I was cut off rudely by Kol

"What the hell is that" he pointed to a nearly fifty foot snake, with green skin slithering out of the woods killing off everything in a five foot radius.

"Could it be from malivore?" Asked hope as she readied herself.

"Maybe?  but we would've heard from Bonnie she put a barrier around it" I said and heard another pair of feet run towards us it was landon.

"Ugh" he breathed heavily, his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath.

"What is it hobbit , we're kinda in the middle of something" He held up a finger indicating he needed a second.

"Dr Saltzman said Bonnie called-" kol chuckled dryly

"Let me guess she told you the barrier was broken?" He guessed sarcastically

"Yeah how did you know?" He asked stupidly I really didn't need to deal with this idiot right now.I simply pointed to the creature, who had its gaze away from us.

I heard him breath in a sharp breath " oh my god that's a basilisk" he paused and Went in nerd mode explains some of the characteristics before finishing "I've seen this in Harry Potter but never thought it existed!  you know it's kills the vegatation around it and most importantly-" Now I don't know what exactly prompted the basilisk to look at the hobbit that time perhaps he heard his name being called or maybe he found him just as irritating as I did but when he did, Landon just fell Limply to the ground.

"Is he dead" asked hope softly, he was a Phoenix so he would come back and I wasn't worried to much about him but more about letting this creature get further into the school than it already was. I wondered how it got here unnoticed by people too probably the fucking necromancers doing. That guy was aching to be eradicated.

"He is but I'm guessing the hobbit was leading up to don't stare at his eyes because it could kill you" I said not looking at the creature.

" I remember it from the movie but I wonder if we kill it the same way" I wondered out loud , I made two clones and sent them to distract the snake while I strategized with the three Mikaelsons.

Kol gaze snapped to me as well as relay and Hope " you watched Harry Potter?" Asked kol I sighed and narrowed my eyes at him.

"What? It's a good movie besides I was forced by Alaric for Bro night" I said defensively

"You have Bro night?" Asked kol again

"How can we kill him Naru" asked Hope at the same time as her uncles question. I ignored kols question and answered Hope.

"Well In Harry Potter they used a mirror ?" I paused " do we have one big enough that will scare this bastard?" I asked to the group, Hope shook her head.

"Well where can we get one then?" I asked and kol rolled his eyes

" At the mirror store" He deadpanned, I didn't pick it up on his sarcasm immediately since I was trying to formulate my own plan.

"We have one of those?" I looked to the guy and saw his smirk, before I could retort my clones were destroyed.

" dammit come on we don't have time for this Hope I need to to try and use a fire spell" I paused, took out a scroll and poured some chakra into it and two out two katanas and handed them to Rebekah and kol "will you be able to use it?" I asked them and they nodded

"Brilliant I might just make you my bro too" kol joked. I couldn't help at laugh at the vampires timing.

"Come on, don't look into its eyes as Landon has so clearly demonstrated" I pointed to the dead body.

" you seem not to care about his death?" Asked Rebekah before I could answer Hope did " that's because his a Phoenix and pretty much will come back and Naru doesn't like him because he kissed me" she smirked at the last bit.

"Okay firstly I'm offended that you think I'm jealous of the hobbit and. Secondly " I pushed her out of the way from the snake who destroyed my clones and slithered towards us " I'm amazing you're lucky to have me" I winked and went to attack the large snake though it barely scratched the creature. This continued for another 10 minutes before kol screamed frustratingly

"It's not bloody working any other ideas mate?" I scoffed and blasted a tailed beast bomb into the side of the creature

"A mirror kol, we need a fucking mirror" I said back, slightly winded since most of our attacks were useless but the youki infused attacks, I blasted the basilisk with seemed to work.

"Well we don't have one so what else?" I sighed and created 20 clones reinforced with youki in them to try and destroy him from the inside.

"Alright guys I need you to be eaten by that snake" I said pointing to the fifty foot snake, it looked irritated and angry, his eyes were a yellow from the memories I received from my now two dead clones.

" why don't you get eaten?" Said one of my clones with some attitude but whining was heard from the rest, I scoffed incredulously

" firstly I'm the original here And secondly I'm getting the feeling that we've had this exact same conversation before" I said with a pensive look

"Because we have"  chorused my clones and I couldn't believe I was arguing with them.

"And from my memory it worked so let's go, victory stands on the back of sacrifice guys, and your sacrifice will be celebrated " I said pushing them along they groaned but ran eyes closed straight into the creatures path , as it opened its large jaws , the teeth were sharp I thought the basilisk would at least chew his meal but instead practically inhaled them though I wouldn't complain I needed them while in his stomach anyway.

"What good will that do" asked kol standing beside me now who witnessed the entire conversation I had with my clones, from the corner of my eye he was rather amused too.

" wait a second" I said breathing in and heard the last clone curse me as it was being swallowed.

"Bunshin Daibakuha" I muttered with a one sign,a split second my twenty clones exploded in the stomach of the monster.
Kol and I were standing too close to the blast site and felt the basilisk blood spray against us followed by guts.

"You know usually I wouldn't mind swimming in the blood of my victims but those were human" deadpanned Kol. I looked at him, we both we covered in blood from head to toe and it wasn't a pretty sight at all.

"Atleast we got rid of that reptilian bastard?" I said helpfully

Kol sighed and wiped his face a bit he looked pissed off but happy that the snake was dealt with. " I suppose you're right by the way where are the girls? I'll be very pissed off if Rebekah missed the blood rain" I looked to the side and saw the girls they had splatters on their clothing but nothing intense.

"Well kol you've always been a messy eater" she told the brown haired original, who rolled his eyes

"Hardy ha bekah fantastic, you've missed the show then?" I watched and saw hope grimace while looking at me.

"What .... hope do you not like my new look?" She scoffed and I came closer to her wanting to hug her.

"I swear to god if you come closer to me Naru I will cut you off" she said not noticing that her uncle and aunt where no looking at her eyes slightly widened, she realized what she said and try to back track, but decided to remain quiet and divert the questions to me.

"Relax Freya might give you more grief than kol and I will but do I hope you're using condoms atleast I'm too young to be a great aunt" said Rebekah somewhat jokingly. I on the other hand chuckled awkwardly.

"what are those?" I asked, yeah I knew what condoms was but I didn't see the need to use it hope had an anti pregnancy seal so she wouldn't carry any little ones just yet.

Both hope and Rebekah shouted " what!!?" While kol saw the smirk on my face and laughed.

"Not that I'm not enjoying this" I said before pointing to Landon "but the hobbit will be coming back to life any minute -" I saw Rebekah gasp at the sight of the boy bursting into flames before rising out of the ash a second later looking confused.

"I swear everyone keeps interrupting me today" I muttered before turning to Landon " hobbit welcome back to the land of the living.. where's Rick ?"

"Uhhh you guys know that there's blood all over you right?" He asked looking between kol and myself, kol rolled his eyes while I replied rather sarcastically because how in the world would a sane person not notice they're covered in blood.

"No I actually haven't" I paused adopting a thinking pose before looking to kol " have you kol ? Noticed we're covered in blood that is ?"  Kol smirked and chuckled, though his smirk looked more like a menacing and murderous look considering our current appearance.

"Not the faintest clue" hope interrupted us before we could continue.

"Alright enough guys" she said sending a glare to me and her uncle, I had a feeling kol and I would get on pretty well.

" now Landon where is Dr saltzman ? And the twins usually they'd be here ?" She asked I realized now that everyone remembered Hope they probably done the spell this morning, after I came for training.

"Well Dr Saltzman said he had something to take care of and lizzie was with him, but he found me and told me to go find Naruto to tell him about the barrier being broken  and well you know probably from there" he said referring to the large reptile we had to fight a couple of minutes ago.

"And where was Josie?" I asked looking to the curly haired boy, his face dropped at the name

"Uhm we kinda had a falling out this morning and I haven't seen her since" he muttered quietly

" about what" I narrowed my eyes at the boy, his gaze turned to hope and then back to me but didn't answer though I didn't need him too.

"Alright never mind your longing gazes gave me a clue excuse me I'm going to find my little sister" I said to the group and looked at kol muttering under my breath " Kol later I'd like to talk you later about something important" I saw the vampire's face change from the smirk, to a curious look before he nodded slightly, I knew Rebekah might've heard me but it involved her too so it didn't matter much.

"Hope, can you stay with Landon? I don't want the necromancer or whoever it is that created that pit to get him ?" She nodded  " alright I'll see you later"

" bye Rebekah always a pleasure and kol my future broseidon" I paused and enjoyed the grimace on his face at the name.

"No you will never call me that again" I laughed and pouted a bit " and here I thought we bonded" I said mocking offense.

"Maybe, but we're definitely not doing pet names" he said with disgust

"Hmm you'll come to love them" I said before I disappeared in a lightning shunshin to ALARICS offfice.I appeared and both occupants looked frustrated and in the midst of a rather intense argument.I looked to the blonde twin and back to Alaric and saw the serious look on Alaric's face and the distraught look on lizzie's face.

" what happened and what did I interrupt ?" They both looked at my appearance, lizzie grimaced in disgust. Alaric didn't care much " another monster?" He guessed I nodded

"Yeah a basilisk but the Mikaelsons and I took care of it" I paused " now tell me what happened ?"

"Josie went into the ascendant to find answers by trying to contact Kai" he said grimly I nodded

"The hybrid? Siphoner and vampire right ?" I asked, Alaric didn't look surprised and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"That's right but his full name is Malachi Parker" I nodded and listened " the twin brother of Josette ,biological mother of the twins  and my  fiancé " he took a shaky breath and continued I knew his fiancé died on their wedding day but I didn't know how, but nothing could've prepared me for the pang of horror I felt when Alaric finished " he is also the one that killed my fiancé on our wedding day" he finished sadly

Lizzie looked heartbroken at the confession and I clenched my fist tightly. Alaric closed his eyes and looked me dead in the eye.

"And now Josie is in there with a psychopathic murderer that at times makes Klaus Mikaelson look like an angel"

A/N so a bit late with this chapter, hopefully another will be following.

A bit of Landon bashing not really a fan of him anyway so sorry Landon fans.

I enjoyed writing this one though and I hope you enjoyed it too.

@guest I have things planned though I won't be giving to much information at this point so all I can ask is to remain patient please and thanks for the feedback 🙂

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