Wannabe // NCT College AU

By Svnwoo

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"You're a wannabe me." Nct college AU! Warning: college life, kinda nsfw at times, alcohol, weed, etc :) More



997 42 37
By Svnwoo

Hyunjae woke up to get ready for her morning class. She got up a bit earlier to try and have a decent breakfast but truth was cereal was not what she was hoping for.

Yeri entered the kitchen slowly after Hyunjae. The pair looked at each other and let out a sigh.

"Cereal?" Yeri asked.

"Mhm," Hyunjae nodded sadly.

"Damn, might order some McDonalds then. Hopefully they don't give me a stupid croissant again," Yeri mumbled heading back to the her room.

Hyunjae laughed remembering how Yuta was the one to get yeri's breakfast and vice versa. Boy was she mad when the tiny breakfast arrived. She decided to get ready for ball and unlike any other day Hyunjae ended up going to the school's convenience store to get some fruit or something. She wanted a decently healthy meal to start off her morning. The familiar sound of the bell rang as she entered the store. There were a couple students buying last minute stuff like test sheets or pencils and erasers. She headed towards the fruit section and picked out a container with grapes, watermelon and some orange slices. It looked really good to her. Happy with her decisions she went to pay and headed towards class before receiving a text. She stepped to the side to stop and read it.

I'm not gonna make it to class today
Take notes for me? 🥺

Jae z
This is why you cant do the work 😭
But fine fine
You owe me lunch or sumn

Thank you 🤩
Did you leave early??
I went to go tell you in person
But you weren't there

Jae z
Yeah I wanted breakfast
all we had was cereal so
I bought some fruit
Why are you missing class again though

Ha about that
Hanging out with Jaehyun

Jae z
Nvm I don't want any info

It's nothing sexual weirdo

Jae z
You say that now
Anyway I'll send you the notes after class
Just remind me cause I forget

Will do

Hyunjae locked her phone and made her way towards her classroom. There were a couple students as she entered. She didn't really know any of them though so she went to her usual spot, but decided to take Taeyong's seat today. He had the window seat so she never really got to look out of it during class much. The class started to get louder as more students piled in. I'm all honesty she wanted to skip class and take a nap but someone had to take notes. She made a mental note to have Taeyong take notes for her one of these days. She dozed off again only to snap out of it when someone sat next to her. That never happened.

"Looks like we're desk mates for the day."

Ah so it wasn't a stranger. Sure turned to see Yuta smiling brightly.

"Dude you're trying to be me so bad. Wannabe," She teased with a laugh.

"Why?" He asked confused.

"You're in my seat Duh," She chuckled softly.

"I don't think I see your name on it," He replied back with a smirk.

Well he got her there.

"Fine you win this round," She sighed sitting up to stretch, "Why are you sitting here though? Dont you sit in like the very back?"

"Yeah but I saw that you were sitting alone so I figured why not," He smiled turning to her.

"Uh huh how do you know my friends wasn't just late as he usually is?" She questioned with a laugh.

"Ok I saw him walking with Jaehyun off campus, happy?" He admits defeated.

She chuckled at his reaction, "Cute."

"Oh, we're still on for today right?" He asked as he took out his supplies.

She nodded, "Of course. What's the plan anyway? You never gave me any info."

"Movies," He said, "if that's okay with you."

"Yeah I'm always down," she smiled, "which movie though?"

"It's a secret," He chuckled.

She pouted as their professor entered. For once class actually went by fast. Maybe it's cause she had something to look forward to. She took pictures of the notes before packing her stuff.

"Wanna drop your bag off at my dorm?" Yuta asked as he zipped up his backpack.

"Yeah thatd be cool," she smiled, "let me send a text real quick."

Jae z
[image attachments]
Here's the notes and homework!
I'm gonna be at the movies
So if you need help ask Johnny 🤩

"Ok done," she chuckled following him out the door.

The day was relatively warmer, granted it was only noon, but it felt nice out.

"I love this weather. Not too hot but not too cold," Hyunjae spoke up as they walked side by side.

"Same! Although I prefer warm weather over cold any day. Also random you know what I noticed?" He spoke up with a slight laugh.

"What?" Hyunjae asked him intrigued.

"We've hung out a lot together on campus but how come neither of our friends have noticed once?"

["Probably cause the author doesn't want it to happen yet." She mumbled to herself looking up at the sky.]

"Sorry I zoned out say that again?"

"Oh that's true. I wanna say it's just plain luck at this point," she admitted.

It was odd that she always somehow found yuta or Kunhang but her friends never found her with Yuta. Then again they have their own personal life and issues to deal with just like her.

"That was random," she laughed lightly.

They arrived to his dorm and he unlocked the door to enter. She stepped into the all too familiar place. It was like her second home due to how much time she spent here.

"So you really won't tell me what movie we're gonna watch?" She asked plopping down on the couch.

"Nope," Yuta said booping her nose before taking her bag along with his.

He took them to his room and left them in there for safe measures.

"Nayu please!" She pleaded as he came back, "are you afraid I'm gonna back out or something if it's lame?"

"Huh I didn't even think about that," He said honestly, "but no I just want it to be a surprise. Curiosity killed the cat you know."

"Fortunately I'm not a cat," she replied matterofactly.

"You really don't give up easily huh," He chuckled leaning against the wall.

She shook her head, "no not really. Ok how bout you narrow it down by genre."

"Not historical," He smiled teasingly making his way to the door, "You coming?"

She sighed getting up from the couch making her way towards the door, "you win again wannabe. You're lucky you're cute though."

Yuta opened the door happily, "I'll take it."

They made small talk as they headed to the movie theatre together, hand in hand. And yes they did have that cliche moment where their hands touch while reaching for popcorn. Much romance.

"You've been pouty ever since you got that text," Jaehyun spoke with a laugh as he followed Taeyong towards his dorm.

"Yeah cause Hyunjae went to the movies without me, that's our thing," he sighed unlocking the door.

"You should have asked to join," Jaehyun suggested.

"I think she's going with some other friends. I didn't know she had another friend group," Taeyong said opening the door.

To their surprise Sicheng was on the couch doing homework.

"Oh hey," Sicheng waved surprised to see the two.

"Win? Didn't you go to the movies with Yuta?" Jaehyun asked.

Yuta had told him he was going to the movies after his class. He assumed he had gone with Sicheng but that didn't seem like the case. On the other hand Taeyong was sure he had heard the name Yuta before but he couldn't remember from where. He knew that he was one of Jaehyun's friends but where else had he heard his name come up.

"Nah you do know Yuta has more friends than just us right? Don't forget he's on the soccer team," Sicheng said putting his headphones on.

That was true. Yuta was social when he wanted to be.

"I'm not sure what the thing you're looking for looks like," Taeyong admitted. That's why they returned to his dorm in the first place, "Johnny said it was in one of his drawers so we could start there."

That's right. They were here to look for the script for night night tonight. Johnny had left it in his room when he got to the recording room.

"Right let's look." Jaehyun agreed following him to his room.

As they left Sicheng snickered to himself. If only they knew.

"Now you see why I didn't tell you?" Yuta asked.

"Why? Did you think I wouldn't like an action movie? It was really good! I actually wanted to watch baby driver."

"Huh didn't take you for an action slash car girl," He admitted surprised.

"Oh you have no idea, what about you? Isnt the car scene pretty big in japan?" She asked him as they crossed the street.

"Yeah there's a lot of clubs and races. I never got to go to one though. Kind of regret it now that I'm here," He admitted.

"You know they have that here too right?" She asked him.

His eyes widened, "Huh? Seriously?"

She nodded, "There's tons of underground car clubs and racing clubs. You gotta know someone though to get any info."

He sighed, "Well there goes my chance."

Hyunjae stopped causing Yuta to stop in confusion.

"You okay?"

"I can take you."

"Wait what?"

"I know this sounds weird but I used to go to races all the time. I have friends, er well I'm not sure if they're really friends anymore, but I know people," She said, "if you really want to go we can go some day."

Hyunjae had left that scene a long time ago but she stayed in touch with some of the people she met there. If she needed to she could ask for info on their next meet. She didn't want to go back but seeing how Yuta missed out back home she wanted to at least let him see a glimpse of it.

"You'd do that for me?" He asked holding her hands in disbelief.

"I mean yeah if you really want to," she nodded.

"Wait it's not dangerous is it?" He asked rethinking it.

"Um not necessarily?" She asked unsure herself.

It was never dangerous unless you wanted to race and Hyunjae knew how dangerous it would get.

"I'll think about it and see if I bitch out or not," he chuckled letting go of her hands.

"I highly doubt you'll bitch out but yeah let me know," she smiled patting his cheek. "Wanna go eat some sushi?"

"Yes! You really know the way to my heart," He gleamed at the girl before him.

She blushed a bit at the comment, "I'll take that as a compliment. Come on there's a new place I want to try."

She grabbed his hand so they could walk side by side down the streets.


Liked by notkunhang, loselose, baeirene and 3494 others
Hyunjaes sushi has my heart (sometimes)
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Notkunhang 🤤🤤🤤 that looks soooo good gimme
Baeirene where my invite at😭
Hyunjaes MAAM you had class????
Baeirene food comes first bb
Heresjohnny I too would like sushi
Iamyeri me too!
Hyunjaes let's go together next time then


Liked by loselose valentineboy and 3495 others
Nayutas no this was not all for me unless 👁👃🏻👁
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Valentineboy knowing you, it was all for you
Loselose ^ yuuuup we know you love your sushi
Huangxuxi pls spare sushi 🤲🏽
Wendyson ^ what he said 🤲🏼
Nayutas can I please have normal interactions from you guys one day 😭

After getting sushi together the two decided to go walk around myeongdong since there was still plenty of time. The sun was barely setting meaning the night lights would soon turn on and it would get much more crowded.

"Looking for anything in particular?" Hyunjae asked as they walked hand in hand down the street looking at all the shops.

"Jewelry. I need new earrings," he sighed.

Hyunjae chuckled, "Sounds like a chore. See if you didn't have so many piercings this wouldn't be a problem."

Of course she was joking, one of the things that caught her attention (aside from his hair) was his piercings.

"See if you had more piercings we could shop together for hours on end," He replied to her.

"Hey I can still shop," she pouted, "I could buy like twenty pairs or something. So technically we still could shop for hours on end."

"I guess you're right. Oh look this store looks good," Yuta said leading her towards the small jewelry shop.

It was a small store it could barely fit around ten people, but it had bright lights and white walls making it look spacious. They entered and were immediately greeted by one of the employees.

"Welcome. We're having a sale on couple items if you're interested. Please ask if you need any help."

The pair nodded thanking her without even realizing that she called them a couple. They couldn't blame her though, they were practically a couple just without a label. For now at least.

"Ok fashion major help me choose," Yuta said as they made their way to the earrings section.

He picked out a few that he liked and Hyunjae did her best to help him choose.

"Wait these green ones remind me of howl from howl's moving castle. I think theyd suit you too," She smiled holding up the pair.

"Are you saying I look like an anime character?" He asked teasing his head slightly.

She sighed putting the earrings into his hand, "Yes."

His cheeks tinted a bit not expecting her to say yes. She smiled patting his cheeks as she walked away to browse the necklaces. He looked at the earrings in his hand and put them in the basket with a small laugh. He went over to the associate to ask for some help while Hyunjae was in her own little world. She had been thinking about buying a new necklace for a while now, but she didn't know what she wanted. She was leaning towards something minimalistic. Just a simple pendant.

"Jae are you looking for something?" Yuta asked approaching her.

"Kinda. just looking to see what catches my eye," she said turning to him. She noticed he had a bag with all his accessories, "Oh you paid already?"

He nodded, "Yeah but did you still wanna look around?"

She shook her head, "No I'm good. I'm too indecisive to settle on something."

"Are you positive?" He asked her.

She chuckled seeing him get concerned, "Yeah these aren't very minimalistic. I'm looking for a necklace with like a single pendant or something you know."

He nodded understanding what she meant.

"Noted. You ready to go?"

She nodded as they walked out of the store. The walk back to campus was filled with various conversation mostly about Yuta's piercings but truth was Hyunjae was very intrigued. She wondered if they each had a story like tattoos. She learned that he got most of them back in high school and some were even done by his friends.

"I don't even let my friends near me with a sharp pencil, you're bold," she admitted.

"It's not bad. You don't even feel it," He chuckled.

"Maybe you but I'm a weenie when it comes to needles. So I don't think I'd ever get a tattoo either," She sighed.

"Have you ever poked yourself with a needle while sewing? Maybe that's where your fear started," He said intrigued.

She chuckled, "I have poked myself one too many times but I don't think that's were it's rooted from. I think it's from when I was little too many shots and shit from the doctor."

Yuta laughed understanding, "I get it. Would you ever consider it though?"

She shook her head, "Probably not. I mean I'll go if my friends ask me to go with them but I don't think I'd get a piercing or tattoo. But never say never I guess."

Hyunjae wants to get a tattoo, at least a small one, but it's the needles that stop her. If she'd be able to grow out of her fear then maybe she'd try. But only time would tell.

"What about you. You have to be afraid of something."

Yuta groaned not wanting to admit his fear but it was a very common one.

"I cant stand bugs. Especially cockroaches," He shivered just thinking about it.

Hyunjae blinked. That wasn't what she was expecting at all. For some reason she assumed it would be something like dying or something along those lines. Then again she was afraid of needles so it would make more sense that it was a common fear.

"Well consider yourself lucky, out of my siblings I'm the one who always had to kill the bugs."

Yuta smiled, "Oh thank god. I once made Sicheng come kill a bug for me. He wasn't even at the school."

She let out a small laugh, "You're so interesting."

They headed back to Yuta's dorm to go pick up Hyunjae's bag. Yuta brought it back from his room handing it to her with a smile.

"Thanks," She smiled putting it on.

"But before you go I got you a little something," he said with a smile.

Hyunjae's sighed playfully, "Dude you're gonna make me look bad. You don't have to get me anything."

"No I know it's just," he stopped mid sentence, "it just felt right?"

He pulled out a small box from his pocket and got down on one knee. Hyunjae's eyes grew even wider at the sight. What the fuck was going on.

"Uh yuta pause," she spoke trying to let him down easy.

Marriage was definitely not something she wanted to do this soon. She wasn't sure what he was thinking. He couldn't be serious right? He had to be joking. He ignored her and opened the box revealing a necklace. Hyunjae let out a breathe of relief as she saw the necklace. Yuta on the other busted out laughing.

"Yuta! You scared the fuck out of me! I'm not ready for marriage oh my god," She groaned hiding her face in her hands.

"I knew it would work. Your reaction was priceless," he said standing up, "But I'm serious I got this for you."

She slowly put her hands down to look at the box in his hands. The necklace was just what she was looking for, a tiny pendant and minimalistic, it was sterling silver and it shined very brightly. The tiny pendant was a simple star.

"A star?" She asked wondering why he chose it.

"Mhm. I was thinking of what would suit you and I noticed that you liked paint stars or use stars in your art, at least from what you've shown me. Plus not to be a weeb but it reminds me of the movie your name."

She was taken back by the thought behind it. She remembered that she mentioned to him that she loved the movie your name, she even painted a scene from it. He put a lot of thought into it even though the pendant itself was small and plain, but she liked it.

"Wait that's so sweet," she smiled looking up at him.

"And uh I figured why not just make it a couple's item," He showed her a ring he bought.

It was a plain silver band, very plain compared to his other rings, but what stood out was that there was a cut out in the shape of a star.

"So your necklace pendant fits in my ring," He gleamed explaining it.

Hyunjae looked at the ring and necklace side by side. She couldn't stop the smile growing on her face. This was the cutest gesture she's ever seen and received.

"Sorry I got quiet, I just don't know how to react in this situation. This is so cute," she beamed at the two jewelry pieces.

Yuta mentally let out a breathe of relief. He had seen the two accessories at the store they went to earlier a couple days ago, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to buy them. He used today as an excuse to go see what Hyunjae was into, jewelry wise. He had noticed that she tended to choose very simple earrings for him, so he assumed she'd want something simple as well. Then when he told her that she liked minimalistic necklaces he knew he made the right decision in buying the set.

"Want me to put it on for you?" He asked.

Her cheeks began to darken, she had only seen this in romance movies. Her heart was beating at an alarming rate and he wasn't even near her yet.

"Oh uh yeah. If it's okay with you," she chuckled trying to ease her heart.

He nodded taking it out of the velvet box. Of course Hyunjae wasn't the only nervous one, Yuta was freaking out and mentally beating himself up for asking her if she wanted him to put it on. He knew his hands were shaking and his breaths were shaky as well. It felt like a very intimate moment. Hyunjae moved her hair to the side as Yuta put the necklace around her neck gently. He carefully clasped it and let go. He felt a weight lift off his shoulders.

"Done," he smiled as she turned around to face him.

"How does it look?" She asked seriously.

He chuckled booping her nose, "It looks great Duh. Cause i picked it."

She let out a laugh, "Yeah you're probably right."

Yuta was taken back as she suddenly hugged him. It was very out of the blue for Hyunjae but he obviously hugged her back.

"Huh it's not everyday I see you become affectionate," he teased.

"Same to you. You were pretty sappy when you were talking about the necklace," She shot back.

"And?" He replied.

"Ohhh you wanna kiss me so bad," She laughed referencing the meme.

"You're not wrong though," he replied with a smirk.

Now she had turned red. She wasn't expecting him to answer honestly or boldly, but this was Yuta she was talking to. She should have expected it.

"You're so cute when you get caught off guard," he laughed noticing how red she was turning.

For him it was weird to see Hyunjae get truly flustered, she usually was the one teasing him. It was a nice change. Hyunjae composed herself before responding, or well tried to compose herself.

"So are you going to then?" She asked bluntly.

"Do you want me to?" He replied back rather quickly.

"Do you want to?"

"Jae I'm asking you. I'm pretty sure you know I want to. But if you don't want to thats okay. Don't feel pressured, for real," Yuta said reassuringly.

"I mean-"

Hyunjae was cut off by the sound of a loud ringtone. They looked at each other trying to figure out who's phone it was.

"I think that's me," Yuta sighed.

Hyunjae let go of him as he went to go look for his phone on the couch. What a surprise that it was Sicheng calling him. The world worked in mysterious ways.

"I'll call him back later," Yuta laughed, "want me to walk you back?"

She shook her head, "It's all good. I appreciate the offer though."

"Ok but text me when you get back okay?" He said seriously.

"Yes sir," she teased saluting him like a solider.

Yuta let out a laugh, "Bye Jae see you!"

"Bye Yuta!" She waved as she left his dorm.

What a hectic day. She was still nervous from their little conversation earlier. They were so close to kissing, but did she want to? Honestly yes, but she got nervous. Why am I so stupid? That was the perfect opportunity, but she fumbled it because of her nerves. God why did Yuta have to be so handsome? It made her brain malfunction, not to mention how he asked for her consent. He's hot and respectful what more could she want. She needed to talk to someone and who better than Kunhang.

Jae z
I've got it bad FR

It was odd that he didn't respond right away. He was usually glued to his phone especially at this hour.


Oh fuck.

Wee woo (I miss pristin) anyway yeahhhh hahah cliff hanger cause ya know it's what I do best. Anyway in case anyone was wondering what the ring and necklace look like it's basically this. Except the bottom ring would be a necklace with that pendant hahah and the top ring is what Yuta's ring would look like. So yes see you soon😳

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