MHA Boyfriend scenarios!

By Obicat3

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Characters: Hawks πŸ¦… Dabi πŸ”₯ AizawaπŸ’€ Bocogo πŸ’₯ Monoma πŸ’― Todoroki πŸ”₯❄️ shinso 🐈 twice 🎭 Kai 🦠 Shigar... More

How you met
First thougts
Your quirk
When your hurt
What made him relize he liked you
Dabi x reader ~framilyar~
How thay confess
Fav nick names
PDA levels
They find you crying
You lose control of your quirk
Thay acidently hurt you!
First 'i love you'
When thair sleepy
What other people think of your relation ship
When your sick
Villan or hero and what class
When your hurt
Who's your best friends
They make you cry
Fucking cute fanart!!!
When someone touches you
When the reader cuts
Hawks catch up
When some one flirts with you
When your drunk
When you call them by there real/ first name
First kiss
When you cook for them
When they cook for you
When there drunk
What does your faimly think of him
What does his faimly think of you
Where they like to kiss you
When mineta flirts with you
They walk in on you changing
You walk in on them changing
Where do you go on dates
Moving in
Hero/ villan outfit
When you wear there cloths
Cuples tattoo
Cuples outfit
When they turn into a kid
When you turn into a kid
When they turn neko
Suprise present!!!
When you turn neko
When your on your period
Cupples ring
When they meet your EX
When your being bullied
Hawks x fem reader
When your jealous
When they get jelouse
Who are they Jealous of
Who are you Jealous of
When your stressed
When there stressed
How you make them blush +important message
they make you blush +twice kai and shigiraki catch up
If you have seperation anxity
When your attcked
When your in a car accident
When you wake up from your comma
When you/they want attention
When your being annoying
When he's being annoying
When you have a night mere
When he has a night mere
When/If your scared of thunder and lightning
Who's your faimly
When he misses you
When you miss him
When you get arested
When someone kid naps you
When you have a panic attack
When you get your hero license
Strangth stats
Whats your main goal in life
Requests please!!!
Aizawa Catch Up | Part 1

When your in a comma

2.7K 45 48
By Obicat3

Sorry it's taken me for ever to update iv been having a lot of fun writing about Dabi!!!😊   

⚠️Also!!! This is very important!! I NEED to know!! Does Dabi get killed captured or hurt in the manga!? because if so I swear I'm gonna cry and murder why everyone the fuck hurt him⚠️


-When the doctors explained to hawks that you were in a comma and most likely wouldn't wake up...
-he was devastated
-hawks refused to let the doctors take you off of life support
-hawks knew you'd wake up
-at least that's what he wanted to believe
-but as time passed you didn't wake up
-the world moved on but hawks didn't
-that little sliver of hope was killing him
-hawks became depressed and almost never left the hospital
-he didn't talk to any one
-he didn't go to work
-he didn't do any thing
-but hawks swore he saw your hand move


-after the league told Dabi that you were in a comma he stoped talking
-there was no more nice Dabi
-there was no more snarky confident Dabi
-there was no more rude disrespectful Dabi
-all he could feel was numbness
-he didn't want to eat or drink or go out side
-he didn't want to do anything
-after a few weeks the league gave up on trying to help Dabi
-you were both gone
-but Dabi never gave up on you
-he knew you were strong
-he really did know
-but that hope he had slowly decreased as time went by
-you'd been in your comma for months now
-and nothing was the same
-the league told Dabi it was time to let you go
-but dabi knew he hurd you call his name


-monoma was the person to visit you the most in the hospital
-he even visited more than mr.azawa
-the doctors told monoma it would be best if he'd just move on
-but he couldn't "just move on"
-you were the love of his life there was no way he was gonna "just move on"
-everyone at school visited you but they mainly came to Comfort monoma
-after a month in the hospital eraser head started talking to monoma about taking you off life souport
-monoma immediately shut the idea down
-mr.azawa explained that if you didn't wake up in the next few months you were going to be takin off life sport
-monoma was heart broken
-he though about it more and more every day
-monoma stoped talking for the most part
-and he didn't care about showing up to class
-he didn't care about much any more
-the teacher and students were getting really worried about your boyfriend
-especially when he claimed he felt your hand move


-after Bocogo was told about your condition
-that you'd most likely be in a comma the rest of your life
-he stoped being his usual Bocogo self
-he stoped trying to be the best
-he stoped cursing people out
-he stoped caring nothing mattered to him
-he started skipping classes and failing a few classes too
-the teachers and students were especially worried
-By the second month that you were in a comma Bocogo had stoped talking at all
-mr.azawa decided it was time to tell Bocogo on your third month
-your teacher explained that if you didn't show any sign of getting better
-then you would be taken off life support
-when mr.azawa told Bocogo he siding have any reaction at all
-your teacher stayed for a few more minutes to talk to you before leaving
-once that door closed Bocogo let tears well in his eye's
-he grabed your hand and begged you to wake up
-he didn't know that some of his class mates were out side watching this display
-some felt sick feeling dispar and sadness but most of all pity for Bocogo
-they knew you weren't going to wake up even if he did claim that you had moved


-Todoroki grew depressed apon finding out his one source of happiness was going to forever going to be stuck in an unmaking slumber
-he was broken he couldn't understand why such a wonderful person would be put threw this
-Todoroki got so depressed just smelling the sent of the sanitizers they'll use at hospitals will make him hurl
-and the beeps all the machinery was making drive him up the wall
-every day every night all the time Todoroki was crying
-he didn't know what to do there's nothing he could do to help you when you'd done so much to help him
-rei knew about your condition and she loved you like her own daughter hearing about what happened brought her to tears
-after you were asleep for about a month everyone decided that it would be best if (u) stayed in a frimilyar place
-so your were moved to Rei's room
-the school was a lot quieter and Todoroki completely stoped going
-he didn't want to be a hero like his father wanted him to be in the first place so what was the point? You were the only reson he was going to school
-and now that you weren't there there was no purpose in going after another month Todoroki grew even more depressed
-he stoped eating stoped talking stoped sleeping stoped everything
-and when mr.azawa told him that you'd be taken of life line in the next month he couldn't take it
-he self harmed and his mother feared if you didn't wake up soon he may go to grater lengths
-the only thing that kept Todoroki from ending everything was the hope he got after you squeezed his hand


-twice's split personality disorder got worse as time passed
-he'd talk to you as if you were awake talking you about his day about the league plans
-your borther came to visit you quite often but it hurt seeing his only family unresponsive
-after months your brother stoped coming to see you and everyone els did but twice they couldn't take it seeing your motionless self
-twice on the other hand seemed to be completely fine he was his normal up beat crazy self
-some people in the league thought that maybe he didn't understand what was happening
-that you were dying
-after a long discussion Dabi was voted as the one to brake the news to twice
-dabi sat down with twice and you with a serious expression
-"twice do you understand why (u)'s alseep?" Your bother asked
-twice nodded confusing Dabi
-"arnt you sad?" Dabi asked almost angered that twice didn't care that you weren't waking up
-"I'm not sad (u) wouldn't want me to be sad" twice says
-dabi couldn't stay any longer he sighed a left thinking twice would snap back into reality soon enough
-but twice clung to the dream of you waking up after he hurd you mumble


-Kai didn't like hospitals they discussed him so he had you transferred to the base
-he hired a doctor to be around you 24/7 and he visited you once every other day
-When Eri found out she wouldn't stop crying
-normally Kai wouldn't like this but he had to admit he felt like crying too
-but despite that he didn't
-he carried on with business but still visited
-he started trying to o find a way to cure you
-but despite many sleepless nights of studying he couldn't find a single way to wake you
-he completely neglected Eri as his focus was on curing you
-Kai's employees began to worry about him a lot
-he started eating and sleeping even less that usual putting all his time and effort into finding a way to help you
-after months everyone agreed it was only human to let you go
-but Kai refused arguing that you were showing signs of waking


-Shigaraki got even more temper tantrums and Moore sever ones at that
-he started drinking more and got drunk often
-he blamed the world for what happened to you
-it was the hero's fault you were in a comma
-it was society's fault for not doing anything about it
-any thing in the world that moved when you didn't was at fault
-Shigaraki was broken with out you
-you were basically the co-leader of the league
-with out you to tell everyone what to do the league went down hill
-many of the members were captured or killed
-Shigaraki didn't know what to do he needed you to tell him what to do
-Kugiri very much needed you to wake up for the sake of his sanity
-trying to keep Shigaraki from taring the league apart like you had was proving difficult for your bartending friend
-everyone was nervous because if hero's found out were the base was they'd find you
-and you'd be taken to prison
-everyone thought it may be better if you were taken off life support so that didn't happen
-but Shigaraki refused saying that you'd wake up that he knew you'd wake up

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