Living With A Police Officer...

By Tears_To_Roses

7M 104K 15.7K

Harmony Kingston has been through more in her short life, then anyone good ever image going through. She's a... More

Living With A Police Officer
Living With A Police Officer Chapter 2
Living With A Police Officer Chapter 3
Living With A Police Officer Chapter 4
Living With A Police Officer Chapter 5
Living With A Police Officer Chapter 6
Living With A Police Officer Chapter 7
Living With A Police OfficerChapter Eight
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Nine
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Ten
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Eleven
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Twelve
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Thirteen
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Fourteen
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Fifteen
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Seventeen
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Eighteen
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Nineteen
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Twenty
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Twenty One
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Twenty Two
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Twenty Three
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Twenty Four
Living With A Police Officer Twenty Five
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Twenty Six
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Twenty Seven
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Twenty Eight
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Twenty Nine
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Thirty
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Thirty One
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Thirty Two
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Thirty Three
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Thirty Four
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Thirty Five
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Thirty Six
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Thirty Six
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Thirty Seven
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Thirty Seven
Living With A Police Officer Chapter Thirty Nine *Final Chapter*
Living With A Police Officer Epilogue
Living With A Police Officer Credits

Living With A Police Officer Chapter Sixteen

176K 2.6K 407
By Tears_To_Roses

Yoo :)

Here it is Chapter Sixteen. I worked super hard on this, like major hard. I would've uploaded sooner, sooner as in yesterday, but I went to a hockey game and I slept in until like 12:30 this afternoon.

I now have 145 fans? i don't know if that's correct or not, but eh it's close :) Also, this story made it all the way to 65 on What's hot :) Thanks guys. :)

Here it is, just for you lovely people.


Chapter Sixteen

Harmony's POV

          "Hurry up Mony, we don't have all day" Drew hollers from the front door.

          "I'm coming, I'm coming, don't get your panties in a twist" I grumble.

          I haul my suitcase off the bed and it lands on the floor with a dull thump.

          It's not my suitcase. It's one of Drew's sport kitbag things really. I don't own any suitcases and I didn't feel the need to buy one when Drew and I went shopping, I didn't think we'd be going away then. Oh well, Drew's works just fine.

          I drag the suitcase out into the hall where Drew is sipping on a Dr. Pepper, his bag slung over his shoulder, his sunglasses already shading his eyes.

          He's wearing a pair of basketball shorts, a pair of red Nike high-tops, a yellow t-shirt and his hair is fashioned in the normal foe hawk.

          "About time" He murmurs, seizing his sweat shirt from the back of the coach.

          I roll my eyes and snatch the pop can from Drew, chugging all of it down.

          "Ahh that was good" I wipe the pop that didn't make it down my throat away with my arm and slam the can down on the counter.


"Classy" Drew snorts.

          "I know I am"

          Drew rolls his eyes and grabs my bag, slinging it over his shoulder.

          "Can we go now?" Drew asks his hands on his hips.

          "We most certainly can," I whistle for Echo. He bounds around the corner and stops at my feet, "Let's get this show on the road"

          Drew and I are going to visit his parents. His sister- who I learned is his younger sister Sasha- was the one that called earlier, telling us that Drew's eldest sister Leigh- Anne is getting married.

As soon as Drew hung up, and told me we're going on a road trip he forced me to get packing. That was all last night.

Apparently he's been up since 6:30 making sure we have everything and that our hotel rooms are all booked. I'm actually really excited to be going though.

           Drew's parents live in BeachTown, which is a three days drive from here. All I know is that Drew's parents have a mansion for a house and it's on their on private island, just a little ways out of BeachTown.  

          Drew also tells me there are lots of things to do because it's a tourist town.

There aren't any historical landmarks or museum's there; it's more of a honeymoon tourist town.

There are tons of beaches -thus the name- tons of little boutiques and shops. Around this time of the year there's always a fair going on and there's a bunch of amusement parks to go to. Can you see why I'm excited to be going?

The only thing that has me worried is if his family will like me. Someone might've told them about me being a delinquent and almost getting sent to jail, I don't want them to know that and judge me for it. I made a mistake, and I won't ever do it again.

Drew and I hop into the Ute and he drops our bags in the back beside Echo who already has his head out the window and his tongue hanging out.

I plug my iPod in, choosing random and pull on my sunglasses to shade my eyes. I roll down my window and throw my air up into a messy bun at the side of my head to keep it from flying all over the place.

Drew pulls onto the highway and cranks up the music, bobbing his head along with the beat.

"Tell me about your family" I turn down the music a notch so I can hear him.

"Well my mom is wedding planner, one of the best there is in the business, my father owns practically every business there is in Beach town"

I nod my head.

If only my parents could've chosen that path of life other then the one they did choose.

I don't think about my parents much, I don't like to. Their jobs embarrass me, they disgust me. It's the reason I never brought my friends or my boyfriend's home.  I didn't have many of either of those as it is because most of the kids I went to school with saw my mother on street corners in the slums, or heard about Moolah and had suspicions that he was my father. It wasn't my fault Dad sent guards with me to school to keep me from revealing his identity; people just assumed there was something up with my family.

"My younger sister Sassy is- dude Sassy is bubbly, fun, annoying, she is an amazing volleyball player, she loves people and people love her"

A permanent smile is plastered to Drew's face, has been since we left the house. He really is excited to see he's family.

 I don't know why he felt he had to bring me along; I'm not part of his family. They don't even know me and yet, he's bringing me to his sister's wedding. I wouldn't care if he left me home- yea I would, I'd be lonely without Drew, I've grown to enjoy his company- he didn't have to bring me and because he did, I'm grateful.

I've never actually been around a family since I left mine, nor have I been to a wedding before. I almost went to my sister's, but the wedding was called off a week before. The groom backed out and slept with his ex. They were a little young too. 19, in case you were wondering.

At the thought of Raina's almost wedding, I think of Raina.

Raina is my older sister. By 3 years. I haven't seen her since her wedding was called off.

Even though she was young, she loved Drake with all her heart. She gave him everything, she gave up everything for him, only for him to go and break her heart.

 I knew it was coming. He was Drake Evans for crying out loud. The player who screwed everything with two feet and a heartbeat. He wouldn't tie himself down to only one girl. I was shocked when he purposed, Raina was too. She thought he was going to break up with her for another girl. He might as well of done just that, 'cause in the end that's exactly what he did. Left her for another girl.

 During their engagement, I saw him checking out other girls, I saw him flirting with other girls. I even saw him on the beach with another girl that wasn't Raina. The signs were all there, I just didn't want to believe them, or tell Raina. I didn't want to hurt her.

When he called it off, I held Raina as she cried. The next morning I woke up and other then Raina asleep in her bed, there was a note telling me she was leaving because she couldn't stand to be around here anymore.

I knew it was about time Raina took off. She was always telling me that Drake was her ticket out of the life she had. Her plans were obviously destroyed when the wedding was off, but that didn't stop Raina from taking off.

I wonder how she is. I miss her tons. She is the only family I have that treats me like family.

"Leigh-Anne, well she's 23. She's a model. I don't know who her fiancée is; I never even knew she was dating"  

"Your family sounds nice" I compliment.

"They are, they have their days though"

I laugh, "All family's do" My family's day was everyday.

"What about your family? What are they like?"

Here goes the staling . I'll tell Drew, just not now. He's happy, and the minute I tell him about my family, he'll probably kick me out of his car. Maybe I'll tell him tonight when he can't kick me out of his car and we have different rooms.

"I have a mom, a dad and a sister." There, that's all he's getting.

I don't want to lie to Drew. I don't like lying to Drew, so I don't.

"Interesting" Drew chuckles.

I think he catches my silent request though because he isn't asking anything more.


"D make him shut up" I whine, referring to Echo, who won't stop with his damn whining.

"Love to; I have to find a place to stop first"

We continue down the familiar looking back road with Echo whining in the background. Eventually, Drew finds a nice looking spot and pulls over.

He jumps out of the Ute, holding open the door for Echo. I too jump out of the car to stretch my legs; we've been driving for the whole day now.

I walk around to the other side where Drew is standing. I cross my arms and lean against the truck.

"We stopping for the night soon?" I ask.

"Yea, the hotel is only a couple miles away from here" Drew replies.

"Thank god, I'm hungry and tired"

Drew nods his head in agreement. "Same"

We wait for Echo, owls hooting in the background. The only light coming from the stars and the moon. Although after a couple minutes, Echo still hasn't come out from behind his tree.

"Echo, Echo, C'mon Echo" Drew shouts. Still no Echo.

"I can't believe I have to go get that dog" Drew complains.

Drew stocks off down the bank, leaving me alone, by the Ute, in the dark. Me +

the Dark =Not good.

I jog down the bank to Drew, sliding closer to him for comfort.

I glance around at my surroundings. Why does this place look so familiar?

Drew hollers for Echo, listening for him. We hear a howl coming from our left. Together we turn to see a shack; Echo sprawled out on the porch, his paw caught underneath a broken board on the step.

My eyes widen and all my nightmares come crashing down on me.

"No, No, No" I shake my head and back away from the shack, getting as far away from it as I can.

"You stupid Bitch, you actually believed I loved you?" "Don't move our I'll kill you" "This is too fun, I'm doing it again" "Boys, get ready, it'll be your turn the minute I finish"


"No, No, No" I continue to back up, still staring straight at the shack, unable to tear my gaze off of it no matter how hard I try.

"Mony, is everything okay?" Drew asks, extending his hand towards me.

"No, No, No" I trip over a tree root, falling to the ground.

My body quakes with fear and silent sobs. I wrap my arms around my body and rock myself back and forth, closing my eyes to try and forget I ever saw the shack, to keep the memories out of my head.

"Don't worry Harmony; this will only hurt-a lot for you"

I cry out and squeeze my eyes shut as tears flow down my face like a water fall and sobs ripple through my body.

This is the bad part, the part that I always try to avoid in my dreams.

"No Blaine, don't, please, stop, help me, somebody help me" I cry, squirming around on the ground, my arms flailing all over the place.

"No, No, Please, you can't, let me go, HELP" I scream bloody murder, convulsing on the ground.

"Mony please, please peaches" I hear a voice beg.

"No, No, DON'T, Please stop, why, Blaine, I Hate you, Help, please someone, please, Blaine, stop, stop, STOP" I feel the tingling off the slap, although I don't feel it.

My body is suddenly raised in the air. I scream again and claw at the person who lifted me. I kick my legs and bunk my hips, flailing my arms around trying to get away.

My dream comes to an end the moment what 'he' did to me ends.

 I slump down, halting my struggles to get free. Tears and sobs continue, my body still quivering.

I can still feel it. I can still see it, and I want it to go away. I don't ever want to remember that part again.

Sadly, I know there's still more to go. The only thing I can do is the same I did for Blaine.

Cry, Beg for them to stop, try to get away, try to make it stop.

Finally, the last person finishes and the horrible part ends for good. I jam my eyes shut, and cry my heart out all over again.

The last thing I hear before I fall into sleep is,

"What happened to you Mony? Who did this too you" As someone smoothes the hair out of my eyes and lays me down on something soft.


How was it?




Was it all you were hoping for?

Do you think she'll tell Drew soon?

How will she tell Drew?

That's all for now follks,

Good night and

big balls :) (Haha sorry, I had to do that)

You know the drill,

Ren Elizabeth

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