A new legacy:Secrets Revealed

By mindhackglitch

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Disclaimer: I don't own naruto or legacies, im making liberal use of it though๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป This will be the sequel to... More

I feel empty without you
Am I drowning ?
A deal ?
We're closed
Do you know who she is?
I dont regret it
I cant let you make that choice
Do you know kai?
They have one of those here?
On the bright side
You want to do what?
Reunions and death threats
On second thought.
A dragon of course
You weren't invited
Ill be the villian
Thats a promise.
Dont you dare touch her


855 31 1
By mindhackglitch

Previously on A New Legacy:Secrets Revealed-

"So the reason none of you remember your niece is because she jumped into Malivore to stop it from rising" I said staring down at the glass in my hand and back up to the Mikaelsons " and the reason I was looking for Kol is because he was the vampire that helped create it in the first place"

Third POV

"Bloody hell Kol when did you have time to do this?"asked Rebecca angrily. She waited for her brother to answer he stared at her rolling his eyes before he stood up and poured himself a drink.

"You mean between Father chasing us for sport and Niklaus having a fetish for sticking me into coffins?" he asked sarcastically

"I made some time" He said without any real venom, he finished his drink.

"Oh please You know why you were stuck into a coffin, because you kept drawing attention to us when you knew our vampire hunting father was on our trail and you loved leaving dead bodies in your wake" she answered with as much snark as she could.

Freya sat between her siblings as she realized the gravity of the situation,they forgot the hybrids daughter she was erased like she never existed.She looked to the young blonde boys expression his expression was dark and his jaw clenched as her two youngest brother and sister went at it.She rubbed the bridge of her nose and exhaled.

"Enough Kol, Rebecca you both are more than a thousand years act like it" she said strongly staring between the two.

Kol narrowed his eyes at Rebecca and nodded his head shortly, despite his snark he knew the situation was serious and unlike the rest of them he knew why Malivore was created in the first place.

"Naruto you said Malivore was created and my youngest brother helped, that means there were others yes?"

"Yeah a witch and a werewolf I'm assuming both of them are dead and Kol was the only lead I could find when I raided the and interrogated the organization that supposedly watched over Malivore for centuries since its creation." He paused before tapping his glass in question whether he could pour himself another, Freya understood and nodded at the unasked question. He poured himself a drink and kept speaking " The triad like they are named, set out to eradicate threats that could possibly endanger the human race... however recently they've decided that the supernatural community became to big and wanted to raise Malivore once more to annihilate said population" he paused taking his seat once more and sipping on his drink.

"Starting with the Salvatore school, the memory you saw where Hope was in a transitioning cellar, that was the day they decided to get more hands on and infiltrated the school. It goes without saying that Certain events lead to Alaric and myself being away from campus however once I returned I killed them all" I finished strongly.

Kol watched the blonde as he spoke he listened to what he said about the Triad he himself knew they probably decided to take things into their own hands.However by the time Malivore was done Niklaus had found him and stuck him into a coffin for another 100 or so years.He decided to ask his own questions he needed to know who this guy was and what he was.

"What are you?" He asked from his seat he watched the boys expression remain blank. Naruto merely sighed and decided to be honest.

"I'm not from this dimension originally" he answered shortly " as to what I am? I'm a fox demon and no I'm not kidding" he said seriously.

" wait another dimension ?" Asked Rebecca confused she didn't think about there being different worlds.

" I see perhaps that's the reason you remember Hope" said Freya realizing why she couldn't pick up any magic but felt a different kind of energy from the young blonde.

"This place you're from is it called the Elemental nations perhaps ?" Asked Kol leaning forward from his position on the couch. Naruto's gaze snapped up to meet his, narrowed his eyes.

"How do you know that name?" He asked quickly

"The man I spoke to was from there and I'll tell you this the reason Malivore was created wasn't to deal with fairies and unicorns" he thought of the kind of thing they locked away it was dangerous if let loose.if Malivore rose and that thing came out of its cage it would spell disaster for both the humans and supernatural.

" what do you mean ? And what does that have to do with my home world ?"Naruto's glass nearly cracked under the pressure of his hand tightening around the object.

Kol sighed and his mind wondered back to centuries ago when he first met the red haired man, perhaps a coincidence or even fate not that he was one to believe in such trivial things but even so he had to admit it seemed like fate.

"I was traipsing around the world when I ran into him, he was on a ship trying to find something, for some reason I didn't want to drain him we got to talking and I figured he wasn't from here he said his home was the elemental nations but he had a job to do. Being the curious man I was I asked what it was he then told me his name Kazuma Uzumaki" he paused when he heard a glass drop to the floor. He followed the object to the person who dropped it, the blonde now stared at Kol wide eyes.

"You said uzumaki?" He asked to clarify.

"Yes are you going to interrupt me again?" He asked somewhat irritated.

"No but uzumaki is my surname and in my world, being or having that surname means that it was possibly someone from my clan." He reasoned.

"Perhaps,he did give me a scroll thing to hold onto but no matter how I tried I could never open that damn thing!" Rebecca and Freya sighed inwardly.

"Brother continue please?" Said Freya and she listened to the story.

"Ahh yes so he told me of his homeland I was intrigued they didn't use magic instead they were born with something called chakra and would allow them to do certain techniques. Any way we became friends and he told me why he was here he was in search of a strong witch, vampire and werewolf since he found out about the supernatural creatures in this world to lock something away, something that If given the chance to roam free would ruin the balance of nature and destroy life" he paused and fought a shiver when he remembered what Kazuma told him of the demon and how he continued to get strong.

"So then I offered to help and besides I've always been interested in helping witches create amazing spells, sadly once I was done and the creature was transferred into Malivore, Kazuma died and asked that I ensure said creature is never released. I couldn't really make good on my word since Niklaus had found me two weeks later and put a dagger in me" he finished off.

"You don't know what this thing is or what it does?" Kol shook his head

"Like I said he gave me scroll but died before he could explain what the scroll says" he shrugged.

Rebecca and Freya was digesting the information, but Naruto's mind was working fast as he listened to the original retell his story and encounter with his possible clansmen.

"Do you still have it kol ? The scroll that is?" Kol looked to the blonde and nodded " sure its in a crypt I keep in the cemetery with all the magical artifacts I've gathered over the centuries why?"

"If I'm right which I really hope I am, perhaps I need to channel chakra into the scroll besides the uzumaki from my world was know for the Fuuijutsu uhm sealing arts" he explained for the benefit of the rest

Kol realized he was right since they were from the same world he might have a better chance of opening it. " sure I'll get it" he said and vamped sped away to the cemetery.

Naruto was deep in thought, he heard his name being called before he looked to Rebecca calling him " I'm sorry what?" He asked

"I'm saying how can you be a fox demon ? You don't look very demony?" She asked unsurely he chuckled, because that's the exact thing Hope told him.

"Sorry Hope said the same thing uhm I'll show you my hanyou form?" He said and removed his jacket, he willed his hanyou form to come out instead of 6'0 he was now 6'2 his eyes were magenta, the rinnegan present, the nine tails protruded From his tailbone and swung around loosely, his hair remained the same but there was fox ears on top of his head.

" Freya you're seeing this right I'm not going mad ?" She asked her sister

" yeah I am Becca its amazing, I thought other dimensions existed though I never thought this would be possible." She said fascinated by the change.Naruto chuckled and reverted back to himself.

"So yeah when I say I'm a fox I'm definitely serious" he said with amusement, as much as he could given the current situation.

"Wait how did you get here?" Asked Rebecca.

"I died, I was fighting a war I did what was necessary to save my people and I died while taking the shit head with me" he smiled a bit " after that I was given a chance to embrace my heritage so to speak and then kami sent me here and said that an evil was coming and whether I'd like to participate or enjoy heaven" he shrugged and picked up the broken glass on the floor.

"You chose to come here ? Are you positively insane ? You must be why not enjoy the afterlife?"

"Simple Im an idiot but since I made my choice I've never regretted it and then meeting Hope was really just an amazing bonus" he smiled and took his seat.

"I don't even know what to say" chuckled Rebecca unbelievably while Freya shook her head in disbelief.


Naruto looked up at kol throwing him a scroll, it was old but it looked like it had a preservation seal on it.He examined the rest of the seal.

"What's going on here?" Kol asked his two sisters Rebecca laughed softly "nothing brother just questioning our young friends sanity" she said vaguely kol looked confused but shrugged it off and turned his attention to Naruto.

"It's a blood seal" he murmured to no one in particular

" blood seal ? So all I had to do is put some blood on it?" He questioned unbelievably, Naruto nodded and gave him the scroll to try it. Kol cut his finger and smeared it onto the seal but nothing happened.

"I think you're wrong mate it's not working" he said handing back the scroll.

Naruto decided to take a chance " maybe" he but his own thumb and dragged it across the seal. He heard a clicking sound as the seal opened.

" I suppose it's really is your clansmen then" he said as he looked at the blonde.Naruto nodded without looking at him.He read the scroll it was in Kanji.

"To whoever is reading this I'm sure by now you've realized that only a member of the main uzumaki clan can on this scroll.

This scroll has all the remaining treasures and forbidden jutsus from the uzumaki clan.

Our clan and  Uzushiogakure was destroyed in the third ninja war .Our home was the prison to a foul demon that roamed the elemental nations before, only the clan heads were aware of this beast as it was dangerous and was sealed away. Since the war occurred my father thought that the seals would degrade over time thus the demon would be set free.With a last ditch effort and with my sister kushina already in konoha he sealed the demon in me and teleported me by using a forbidden jutsu to this world.

I have been lucky enough to find people with the power to create a new prison for the demon. However once I completed the transfer my body will die and life force drained. This beast cannot be held by a human being nor a supernatural creature the only reason I could hold out so long was because I am an uzumaki and we are blessed with amazing vitality.

So if you're reading this it means, that the demon might be unleashed I apologize for putting this burden on you and I hope you succeed in making sure the world does not fall prey to it's influence.

Uzukage Kazuma Uzumaki"

Naruto inhaled a deep breath and exhaled sadly " this was my mother's brother but from the time this happened and the third war in my home world doesn't make sense unless there's a distortion between our two dimensions." He spoke out loud.

"Perhaps you're right I mean, considering that he teleported here somehow" shrugged kol.

"Yeah they used a forbidden Jutsu, to bring him here but I don't think they were intending it to be this place exactly but like he said in the letter he got lucky" he paused rolling up the letter and resealing it.

"Mind if I keep this ? My clans techniques are in here and they aren't any use to you guys since you don't use chakra ?" Kol waved off

" it's your uncle anyways but at least now I know why he died since it was so sudden"

" thanks it mea-"He was cut off by the ringer on his phone.

" sorry" he said to the Mikaelsons before he answered the phone " Rick what's up?"

"Hey I just wanted to know how your search was going and whether you found what you needed?"

"Yeah and I might be headed back soon, any new monsters I need to know about ?" I asked.

"Hmm I wouldn't say monster but I think you might want to get a look for yourself" he said vaguely.

"Alright I'll be back in a couple of hours" he ended the call with Alaric and turned back to the Mikaelsons.

"thank you for everything kol, Rebecca and Freya I appreciate it but I've got to get back to mystic falls."

" what about our niece ?" Asked Rebecca as she stood up

" I'm not sure but Freya isn't there a spell you could use to remember her ? Or something?"He asked looking between the three originals. Freya nodded " I suppose Davina and I can work on it but I want you to keep in touch if you find out anything new especially since this seem way bigger than just your school" he nodded

"You're right I might call in some help but before that I need to get some more information on this creature." I said seriously they nodded.They shared the contact information.

" later kol try not to get daggered by your sisters" he said and walked out of the home, while Kol cursed at him.

"Bloody fox" he shook his head and went up to his room leaving Rebecca and Freya in the room alone.

"What do you think he meant by help?" Asked Rebecca

" I don't know but I'm sure it's someone strong and would be more help in this situation, this affects the entire world Bekah " she replied seriously as she walked up the stairs to her room to try and write up a spell that could make them remember Niklaus's daughter.

'I'm sure you'd dagger us all for even forgetting her in the first place wouldn't you Niklaus' Thought Freya to herself.


A/N: first part of a secret what do you think is waiting for naruto when he returns to Salvatore any ideas ?

Sorry for the late update though was caught watching archer😩

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