His Lips

By ilovekat_

90.4K 2.6K 507

"I can't change the past but I can change the future and I want that future to be with you." ~~~ After one ki... More

New Years Eve Is Evil
Define History
Family Dinner
White Guys
So This Was Happening
Ponce De Leon
0 to 100
Slightly Less Of A Heartless Bitch
Booty Call
Friendly Advice
Glutton For Punishment
Monongahela River
Double Date
40? 50? 55?
Never Have I Ever
Neck Deep
Guys Are Idiots
¡Dios mío
The Future


3K 71 44
By ilovekat_

Author's Note: Posted a picture of the beautiful Keith Powers aka Carter Sanders.

|Chapter 17|

Like most weekends in Pittsburgh, there was a party tonight. It was being hosted by some sorority- Zeta Omega Phi Delta Alpha Beta? Who the fuck knows what it's called, there's basically a billion of the stupid things-no offense to Ally whom had invited me to attend this party.

Ally and I stood, leaned up against someone's car in front of the fairly large, solid white sorority house. I was trying to finish up texting Ace before I walked into the party where I would become too shitfaced to text him back.

I was trying to convince him to come to the party and get him out of his depressed mood.

I texted: Come on, Ace. I promise Jess won't be here, just come hang out for awhile.

Ace texted: I'm just really not feeling up to it, babe. It's only been a few days, let me mope a little longer.

I sighed and texted back: Fine but you can't hide out forever. If you change your mind, text me.

I put my phone in my back pocket and looked up to Ally. Her eyebrows were raised as to say 'well, what's the news?'

I shook my head, "He's still pretty bummed so it's going to be a no tonight. Let's go on in."

Ally pursed her lips, "Poor guy" and started walking toward the front door with me, trailing behind her.

I was faintly curious as to what Carter was up to tonight but I didn't want to seem clingy already and text him. Plus, I needed a girls night, just Ally and I.

But as we opened the door to the house, Carter's whereabouts became quite clear.

Off to the left side of the house was the living room where furniture had been pushed back to make an amateur dance floor. Among the people dancing was Carter, he was grinding up on a beautiful, black girl with a booty like Beyoncé.

I clenched my fists, trying to control the raging jealousy flooding through my body. Did he just meet that girl or was he possibly stringing her along like me or hell, were they in a relationship already?

Ally caught my gaze, muttering, "Oh, shit."

It wasn't a surprise that Carter looked up to meet my eyes, with the way I was staring a hole through him, how could he not see me?

Carter's face turned to the same 'oh shit' expression that Ally had. He immediately stepped away from the girl and fled over to me.

Ally mumbled, "Um, I'll be in the kitchen" and left me alone with him.

Carter simply stated, "I didn't know you were going to be here."

I crossed my arms across my chest, "Hmm." That was obvious, dickhead.

Carter moved forward to grab my shoulders but I took a step back. Carter rubbed a hand over his head and sighed, "Look, don't be mad. It was nothing, it was just a dance."

I scoffed, "More like foreplay before you go off and fuck her in the bathroom probably."

Carter rolled his eyes, "Jesus Christ, Phoenix don't be dramatic. It was a stupid dance! It's not like we're dating, we can still do what we want."

I rose an eyebrow. Oh really?

Carter looked like he instantly regretted what he said, "I..."

I cut him off with a nod, "No no, you're right. We're most certainly not dating. Thank God for that. Have a good night Carter." I began walking away but he grabbed my arm, "Phoenix, wait."

I jerked my arm away from him, "Don't fucking touch me."

I stomped away from him and luckily, he didn't follow me. I knew we weren't dating but he didn't have to throw it in my face like that. Why don't you just go ahead and say we're nothing? That'd hurt just as much.

I knew one thing for sure, two could play this game.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the first bottle of alcohol I could find- vodka. I mumbled to myself, as I took a drink, "Here's to getting fucked up."

Ally appeared by my side with an attractive guy next to her, "Hey, are you okay?"

I shrugged, "Carter's an asshole, what's new?"

Ally rubbed my arm, "I'm sorry, babe."

The guy next to Ally shifted uncomfortably, looking between Ally and I.

Ally smiled at him, "This is Ryan, the amazing fuck buddy I told you about." Ally winked at him and he smiled widely.

I put out a hand, "Hi, I'm Phoenix. Nice to meet you."

Ryan chirped, "Nice to meet you too!" He seemed like a nice enough guy; pretty smile, spiky blonde hair and tan skin.

Ally leaned over to whisper in my ear, "We were going to go use one of the bedrooms upstairs but if you need me I can stay."

I shook my head, "No, no. It's fine, really. Go ahead."

Ally looked me in the eyes to see if I was being honest or not. I was being honest, just because my night turned to shit didn't mean that I wanted to drag Ally down with me.

Ally gave a slow nod, "Alright. Well, I'll be back as soon as I can. Love you." She kissed my cheek and I grinned, "Love you too."

Then the two horny college kids took off down the hallway.

I grabbed for the bottle of vodka again, when a guy approached me with a hostile expression, "What are you doing? That's mine!"

I pulled away from the vodka and mumbled, "Uh, sorry." I wasn't actually sorry, if you didn't want your alcohol drank, you shouldn't leave it unattended at a party.

The guys face instantly turned into a smile, "Wow, I was just kidding. I can always share my alcohol with pretty girls."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and smiled, "Thanks." I took two shots and set the bottle back down on the counter.

The guy grinned, "I'm Josh."

I muttered, "Phoenix."

Josh smelled of weed and cigarettes but I didn't hold that against him. He was fairly cute with shaggy brown hair that covered his ears, white skin, dark blue eyes and the fraternity boy outfit- ripped blue jeans and an Abercrombie polo.

Josh turned to me with a smirk, "Drinking for fun or drinking to forget?"

I shrugged with a grin, "A little bit of both."

Josh chuckled, "I get that. College can be rough sometimes."

I nodded. I thought for a moment before saying my next words. I knew I was being childish, stupid, courageous and 100% just trying to spite Carter but I said it anyways, "Do you wanna make out?"

Josh looked a bit taken back but smiled, "Well, hell, how can I say no to that?"

He pushed me up against the counter and began kissing me. What was I doing? I didn't even know this guy? Ah fuck it, who cares.

I flowed my fingers through his hair as his tongue entered my mouth. Ugh, too much tongue, way too much tongue! I pulled back and tried to keep our kisses as closed mouth as possible. There was still saliva everywhere and I had to stop every 30 seconds to wipe my mouth. How could a human being have this much saliva?

He lifted my legs up and set me down on the counter, pushing himself in between my legs. I could feel the beginning of a very unimpressive boner pressing against me. Ugh, I would definitely have to end this session soon. I just needed to go home and forget this night even happened.

Suddenly, Josh's lips disappeared from mine. Hey, where'd he go? I opened my eyes just in time to see Carter's fist connecting with Josh's nose.

The sound of bones crushing was heard by everyone in the kitchen. Josh fell to the floor, cupping his bloody nose with his hands and screaming in pain.

I shrieked, "Holy shit!" Carter stepped back, looking at his knuckles as I leaned down to Josh. "Oh my god, are you okay?" Dumb question, he clearly wasn't okay.

Carter swiftly picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I yelled, "What the fuck! Carter put me down!"

I wildly punched his back as he opened the back door and started walking outside. I screamed and screamed but Carter wouldn't set me down until we were off the back porch and standing outside next to the house.

I shoved him away from me, "What the hell is your problem?!"

Carter's eyes were huge as he yelled back, "What's my problem?! What the fuck is your problem? You think you can just go around making out with guys in front of me?!"

I sputtered, "WE'RE NOT DATING. WE CAN DO WHATEVER THE FUCK WE WANT. Or don't you remember?"

Carter huffed, "You know I didn't mean that, Phoenix."

I rolled my eyes, putting my hands on my hips, "No, what you meant is you should be able to do whatever you want with whomever you want, while I'm supposed to stay loyal to you. How much more of a stereotypical sexist asshole can you be?"

Carter shook his head, not meeting my eyes as he processed his thoughts. He knew I was right, I dared him to try to deny it.

Carter threw his hands up in surrender, "Alright, alright. You're right! I'm a fucking hypocrite. I'm not perfect, Phoenix. I'm overly jealous and a tad bipolar and completely unsure of how to handle this situation. I haven't cared about someone this much in a long time. I-I don't know what to do, okay?"

Carter leaned in to grab my face and I didn't deny him of my affections this time. He spoke softly, as if he was breaking every rule of his manhood by letting him be vulnerable with me and didn't want anyone else to hear, "All I know is the thought or the actual sight of seeing someone else touch you kills me."

I bit my bottom lip and mumbled out, "Well, now you know how I felt."

Cater closed his eyes, sighing, "I know but I just can't go from a huge flirt to a devoted husband over night."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not asking you to."

Carter stroked my cheek, "So are you okay with taking this slow and being patient with me no matter how difficult I am? Because I want this Phoenix, I want you, I do. I just haven't dated anyone in a long time. It's new territory for me."

I hated him so much for having such a splendid, manipulative way with words. But I knew if I wanted to be with Carter officially, I had to be patient. I wanted him to be 100% ready for this, I didn't want to pressure him into this and make him unhappy. So I would go at his pace, even though I wanted so desperately to be able to call him 'mine' already.

I nodded, "I can do that. But I'd prefer if you didn't hook up with any other girls."

Carter chuckled, "Deal and the same to you, babe."

We both smiled at his usage of the word "babe". I loved the sound of that.

I leaned into kiss him and Carter pulled back, looking repulsed.

Carter shook his head, "Not after you had that guys tongue in your mouth. Let's go back to my place and I'll give you some mouthwash."

I rolled my eyes and playfully slapped his arm, "Fuck you, asshole."

Carter laughed, "I'll make up for my assholeness tonight" and winked at me. Oh God, there goes my bet with Jess.
Warning: Sexual Content

Desire radiated off of Carter's eyes as he scanned my body while we stood face-to-face in his bedroom. He played with a strand of my hair and my bottom lip quivered in anticipation.

Carter whispered, "Tonight is going to be all about you. I don't want you to touch me, understood?"

I playfully said, "Yes, sir."

Carter rolled his eyes. He was trying to be all sexy and suave, hot and demanding. I liked it but I just wasn't one to take things too seriously in the sexual department.

Carter licked his lips before leaning into kiss me. It was gentle and soft, unlike most kisses we had ever shared. He took his time, seeing as there was no need to rush, we had all weekend.

His hand wrapped around my neck, holding me in a tight embrace. Our lips moved together in sync- open, closed, open, closed.

He moved to my cheek, planting kisses slowly as he moved to nibble on my earlobe. I bit my lip, sighing in content, "Mmm."

His hands found their way to the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head, tossing it aside.

He slid my bra straps down my shoulders, kissing down my neck and along my shoulders. I leaned my head back to give him more access to my neck and gripped my fingers tighter around his hips.

Carter moved back up to my lips, kissing a bit more passionately as he moved us backward and gently laid me down on his bed. He crawled on top of me, never letting our lips break contact.

He pinned my wrists above my head and moved his face down to my stomach, lightly placing hot kisses around my navel causing goose bumps to shoot down my legs.

He sat up, gazing into my eyes as he slowly undid my pants. The shy part of me wanted to break eye contact but I could tell he didn't want me to. He wanted to know exactly how I felt about all of his actions, looking to me for reassurance.

He slowly unzipped my pants, taking as long as possible to slide my pants down, making my breathing quicken. I was nervous. What for? I wasn't exactly sure.

Maybe I was realizing just how much I cared for Carter and how he managed to do things to do my heart that no one else ever had. I was scared that I was falling too fast, that this moment of contempt wouldn't last. Carter and I had already seemed to have more bad times than good in the short month I had known him. But I wanted to fight for the good times because they were incredible.

I was trying to be cautious with my heart, knowing the effects of a heartbreak all too well with my first love. But Carter was making it hard to resist letting him in. He had that face where you felt like you could just tell him anything and he wouldn't judge you or criticize you, he would just listen and understand.

I wanted to open up, I wanted to let him in. I wanted to fall so hard that I wouldn't ever be able to look back and think of a life without him.

Carter finally tore my jeans off and continued to look down at me. He stated correctly, "You're nervous. Why?"

I looked away from him and mumbled, "I've started liking you a lot more than I originally planned."

Carter smiled but then his face turned serious, "I know it's still hard to trust me but I don't have any intentions of hurting you, Phoenix. That's the last thing I want to do."

I nodded, unsure if I could believe him or not.

Carter stroked his fingers along my cheek, "Now, stop worrying and let me take care of you."

He roughly pushed a hand against my pelvic and I moaned loudly. He slid both of his hands underneath my butt, pushing my pelvic upward as he dove his head between my thighs. He began kissing and sucking my inner thighs, sending incoherent words shooting out of my mouth.

Carter sat up momentarily, ripping his shirt off to reveal his beautiful, sweaty body. Then he played with the hem of my panties teasingly. I groaned, "Take them off already."

Carter huskily chuckled and slid my panties off in a hurry. He swirled his fingers around my folds but never entering them, making me feel like I was going to combust if he didn't touch me. I squirmed around, uncomfortable with how much I wanted him.

Carter bit his lip and spoke sexier than any voice I'd ever heard in my life, "Do you want me to make you feel good?"

I closed my eyes tightly, gulping. I whispered breathlessly, "Yes."

Carter moved his fingers closer and closer to my clit but stopped, "Say you want me."

I moaned out, "I want you."

Within the next second, his expertly skilled, large fingers were moving back and forth from my vagina to my clit. I arched my back, moaning without thinking.

Carter dove his head back between my thighs. Was he going to...?

I felt a warm, wet tongue hit my clit and I yelped, "Oh God!"

His tongue flicked quickly back and forth against my clit, sending my legs kicking and flying with no direction intended. I moved my hands to grab Carter's head and his tongue disappeared. He demanded, "Keep your hands above your head."

I put them as he instructed and he went back to work, licking me vigorously.

His tongue remained at my clit, while he maneuvered two fingers into my soaking wet vagina. With the stroke of his fingers and the flick of his tongue, I was climaxing loudly within five minutes.

I laid breathing heavily, while Carter wiped his mouth and laid next to me. I stared at the ceiling, trying to control my erratic heartbeat.

Carter asked, "How was it?"

I looked at him dumbfounded, couldn't he tell? I huffed out between breaths, "Un-be-lieve-able."

Carter grinned, "Good" and pecked me on the lips. I cuddled up to him, chest to chest. It didn't take long for me to pass out in his arms, having the most peaceful of sleeps.

Authors Note: I wish I was able to conjure up a cliffhanger but I'm terrible at those ): maybe I'll work on one for the next chapter to keep you guys at suspense. (;

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