A new legacy:Secrets Revealed

By mindhackglitch

17.1K 563 27

Disclaimer: I don't own naruto or legacies, im making liberal use of it thoughπŸ‘ŒπŸ» This will be the sequel to... More

I feel empty without you
Am I drowning ?
A deal ?
We're closed
I dont regret it
I cant let you make that choice
Do you know kai?
They have one of those here?
On the bright side
You want to do what?
Reunions and death threats
On second thought.
A dragon of course
You weren't invited
Ill be the villian
Thats a promise.
Dont you dare touch her

Do you know who she is?

790 33 1
By mindhackglitch

Previously on A New Legacy:Secrets Revealed-
"I don't know a kol" she lied easily my expression remained the same.

"Oh silly me let me clarify ...I'd like you to tell me where I could find your brother Freya Mikaelson" I said with a small smile.
Naruto POV
As the words were uttered she muttered some kind of spell.I tried to move and sighed.

"You won't be able to move" she said holding her hand of course a paralysis spell, Hope often used this when we sparred.

I grunted but ultimately decided to stay still, and let her have the upper hand I'm sure she wanted to know why all of a sudden, I was looking for her brother since they probably had many enemies.

"I see that yes" I answered and relaxed my body.

"You don't seem worried ?" She raised an eyebrow in question

" I'm not especially worried, I could get out of this spell I admit" I paused flexing a bit she put more power into the spell " it's much stronger than I'm used too but this gives you some ease so I'll stay in here" I attempted to shrug but it didn't come off as such.

"Why are you looking for Kol? Did he hurt someone you care for and now you're looking for revenge ?" I chuckled softly and shook my head at the question.

"No  however he does have information I need, I don't care what he did in his life it's not my business" I said honestly.

"And what information would that be ?"

" I don't think you would know what I need to know so if you could please direct me to where I could find him, that would be just super" I said with some humor clearly she didn't find it amusing and strengthened the hold, I heard the door open and turned my head an saw a blonde walk in she was about 5,6 feet and blonde hair hung over her shoulders, she had a feisty look about her but she was very attractive.

"Sister what do we have here?" She pointed toward me, I flared my chakra and broke the spell, fixing my jacket.

"Rebecca Mikaelson I presume?" I looked to her and she raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"The Mikaelsons sure had some luck in the gene pool" I said quietly, I walked around the bar and looked at the pictures on the wall.I took one off, it was a younger Hope she was probably 15 in the picture he blue eyes shone brightly as she smiled with her mother.

"How did you get out of that spell?" Asked freya confused

I answered without looking away from the picture I felt Rebecca come closer as well as freya they were cautious but didn't attack.

"I told you, I could get out of it easily but I let you keep it up because I'm not looking for trouble I just want to know where your brother is, so that I can ask him my questions and get back to the Salvatore school." I said when I finally put the picture back on the wall and turned to the two blonde woman who now watched me their suspicion turned to curiosity.

" you're from the school Alaric and Caroline started ? What are you I don't sense any magic and you're definitely not a vampire..." she trailed off.

" I'm something completely different and I'll leave it at that so can you help me or not ?"

Rebecca answered now crossing her arms over her chest " answer this first" she paused and pointed to the picture I was looking at " Do you know who she is?" I turned back and smiled at the picture and nodded my head.

"I do and that's why I need to speak to your brother" Rebecca looked to her sister and nodded

" alright if you have a car you can follow us back to our home but if you try anything I don't care if you're a student at Salvatore I'll stick your head on a pike" Rebecca threatened seriously flashing her vampire face, if I wasn't completely In love with my darling I might've flirted with her a bit and said something completely perverted but I held my tongue and nodded my head " yeah sure no worries" I waved off and walked toward the door ..I looked down to the handleless door and turned back " you really need to get this door looked at" I said with a smirk before going to my car.
Hope POV

I aimlessly wondered the dark void waiting for Ryan to show up.I really hoped I was making the right choice.

"From the look on your Face I'd say you've made up your mind" he said from in front of me scaring the living shit out of me in the process.

"What the hell!?" I said with my eyes wide watching the curly haired man smirk " I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you hope"

I would have believed him if it wasn't for that damn smirk on his face , I scoffed regaining my composure " sure you didn't" I muttered and decided to this over with.

"So how do we get out of here?" I asked plainly.

"Well since you're giving my father let's say indigestion?" He questioned before continuing " he wants you out and there's a specific place that I know of where the monsters spawn from."

"I see,so you want us to be there and when he gets ready to spit out a monster it'll be us instead?" He nodded

"Well that's sounds easy... too easy what's the catch"

He chuckled " Smart girl, the catch is that there's no set time for this spawning or monsters to take place. I highly doubt my bastard father keeps a diary" he said the last bit sarcastically, I sighed inwardly I knew it wouldn't be too easy.

"Why hasn't Malivore risen yet?" I asked because if I didn't kill him and all three keys were used, he should've risen and well reeked havoc but it didn't seem like there was any activity whatsoever.

"Now that is a story for another time besides, if you think hard enough I'm sure you'll arrive at the answer Hope" he said " now follow me" I nodded and walked behind him pondering his words. Malivore needed three keys to rise, but he didn't have a body to use since he was just a golem.

'Think hope' what could be necessary for him to unleash all those monsters that he collected over the centuries that he roamed freely.
Ryan and Landon are his sons, but it seemed Ryan didn't want to collect the keys in the first place.
The first key activated after Landon entered the school, and he said there was a voice that wanted him to steal it. The same thing happened with the vase.The common link is 'Landon' my eyes widened and I stopped dead in my tracks.

"He created his own sons so he would have a vessel" I breathed out unbelievably, the lengths he went too and here I thought he was lonely and wanted a family but that wasn't it. I saw Ryan stop as well he didn't turn around but the tension in his shoulders were enough to know that I hit the nail on the head.

"I'm right aren't I? He created you to have a vessel but since he already had you.why Landon? Why impregnate seylah?" I asked to him and myself.He continued to walk and I followed the was some some silence before I heard him speak.

" I didn't have what was necessary for my father to inhabit my body, I wasn't enough" he trailed off trying to act indifferently but there was something else in his tone, sadness , regret or even maybe anger I didn't know what it was but it was clear he resented his father.

"So then he told me to find a woman that would be good enough to birth a new vessel." He chuckled without humor " that's where Seylah comes in, she wanted to be of use to The Triad and so I chose her as an incubator" I saw his fist clench. I was disgusted by how easily he did what his father wanted.

"Then came Landon once he got what he wanted he pushed her back into the world, until the time for Landon to be of proper age so that he could use his body as a vessel" he finished off.I shook my head sadly as I listened to him speak, I'm not sure whether he meant to tell me all that but it was abundantly clear to me there was no love lost between his father and himself.

"I see that's why you kidnapped Landon from the school not only to find the last artifact but also because he was necessary but when I jumped in I messed up your plans?" I half stated, half asked.

"You did but thanks to you I no longer have to deal with my fathers control." He stopped, turning to face me " his voice no longer echos in my mind to do his bidding so yes maybe I'm thankful to you for that" he said before putting his mask back up and motioned with his hand " we're here"

" I still don't trust you" I said honestly he laughed but it held real amusement

" I never expected you too but like I said I'll go my own way and try and live my own life while you deal with all this mess" he shrugged as he so easily absconded responsibility, I scoffed.

"Real responsible of you" I said sarcastically

"I know,I'm the poster child for responsibility" he played along.

"Now we wait?" I asked even though I knew the answer already " yup" he said popping the P like a kid.

I sat and wondered how long I would have to wait for Malivore to spit me back up. The objective I had didn't change, I needed to complete my transition and find a pit and do the same thing over again.
Naruto POV

I followed the mikaelsons SUV in my car, they pulled off to a property in the middle of the French quarter, it was clear it was more residential but when I got out of the car the house looked big.I passed a pole with a poster and hopes face on it, I stared at the woman in front of me there was something weird, it's clear they were looking for Hope but they didn't know who she was.

I walked behind Rebecca and Freya and came to some gates the Mikaelson crest adorning it, the same one hope wore as a necklace.The place looked old but well preserved.

"Welcome to the Abattoir" said Rebecca I looked around the compound it was big, old and but it suited the Mikaelsons and the stories hope used to tell me about her family.I honestly felt like I knew them but I didn't expect to meet them like this.I picked up 3 other signatures in the home one was small like a baby and the other two was strong I could feel the power roll off them.

The one had a similar signature to Rebecca before I could continue my thoughts I heard a British accent ring off the walls of the entrance, I looked to the balcony where the voice came from , there stood a man with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes probably about 6'1 he looked into between 18-19.

" do you trust me that little sister that you couldn't leave me with my nephew for even an hour?" He asked with a smirk, I watched him and Rebecca banter back and forth before his attention turned to me.

"And it appears you've picked up a stray?" He said curiously his eyes sizing me up.

"I wouldn't call myself a stray per say" I said shrugging off his comment " more like a curious fox" I grinned giving my own fox grin with a glint in my eye.I watched Kol as his facial expression changed.

" you know what they say curiosity killed the cat" he quipped from his position on the stairs.

" perhaps but a cat didn't have the cunningness of a fox to avoid such a predictable death"I retorted easily

" I see and what business does a curious fox have in the home of the original family?" He said using his vampire speed to try and intimidate me but my eyes followed his movement he way faster than the other vampires but with the receiving the rinnegan combined with my innate abilities I was able to do it.
He was now close to my face, I stared back at him unflinching with a bored expression.

"Malivore" I said I saw the flash of recognition in his face, his hand reached out to put me in a choke hold, I dodged it and kicked him across the room.

"Hope was right about you, always the act first ask questions later kind of guy" I said with a grin and flashed my canines and waited for him to come at me but Rebecca stopped him with a hand to his chest.

"Why do you look like you've seen a ghost brother?" She asked half confused and half concerned.She then turned her attention to me " and why do you know that name ?"

He didn't answer instead he stared me down but I raised my eyebrow.

"Because Hope Andrea Mikaelson is my girlfriend and for some reason I'm the only one of this god forsaken planet that remembers her" my jaw clenched as I said it and stared straight at Rebecca.

"Alright let's just all calm down Kol put away your fangs and stop trying to attack one of Alaric's students."she looked to me " and do you mind explaining who this girl is, because we found pictures and letters with that name but no one in our family remembers who she is." I sighed

"First of all I'm not a student, more of a self defense instructor at the school" I said to freya and watched kol still watching me suspiciously.

" second of all I need a drink you've got any whisky or bourbon?" I looked to the vampires and witch in the room.

" aren't you under age ?" I shrugged " old enough to kill, old enough to drink is my motto so any whisky ?"Rebecca chuckled while kol smiled a bit at what I said but freya shook her head and took a seat on the couch.

"Here you go so why don't you tell us what you know" she said handing me the drink, I drank some of it and nodded " I'll show you some of my memories of her" I said sitting on the sofa facing the mikaelsons " I just need you to make direct eye contact with me"

"Why ?" Asked Kol suspiciously

I sighed " I don't expect you to trust me.All you Mikaelsons have the same trust issues. To answer your question Kol it would let me project my memories so that you can see that the person you were looking for exists." I said the rest nodded.

"Go ahead and don't think I forgot about that dig at our family"huffed Kol as they made eye contact with me

{A/N real quick I realized Naruto had this kind of ability when he shared his chakra but it's obviously a bit different in my story so yeah anyway back to the story}

Third POV

Naruto flipped through the signs for the Jutsu quickly and murmured "Memori kyōyū no Jutsu"  He said before his eyes changed to the magenta Rinnegan he possessed and started playing the memories he had of Hope.

*Pleasure to meet you but I still haven't got the lovely lady's name" he smiled charmingly at hope, hope for her part was surprised but decided to introduce herself "I'm hope Andrea Mikaelson" she said clearly.Naruto smiled and shook her hand and brought it up to his mouth and placed a soft kiss on the back of it "A beautiful name for a beautiful woman I suppose" he smiled before letting go he watched the girls cheeks tint a lovely pink.*

Different memory

*Naruto stepped over to the girl who was trying desperately not to let her tears spill, his heart ached for the emotions he saw swirling in her blue orbs.He pulled her against his chest and held her as she sobbed "I'm sorry does it make me a monster for wanting to kill him because he betrayed my trust?" She asked brokenly.

Naruto sighed and spoke next to her ear "you're not a monster Hope, a monster is something that no longer feels anything after they've taken a life, a monster feels nothing but hatred you" he moved her face cupping her cheeks staring into her eyes "you Hope Andrea Mikaelson are not a monster, you were hurt, betrayed in the worst way by someone you cared about it hurts, but Alaric is right hatred and vengeance is not the way to vent that hurt.Forgiveness is the worse kind of punishment for those who cut you so deeply, forgive and move on and be better."

He smiled using his thumbs to wipe away her tears "I don't know your father but I'm sure Alaric has his own version of who he thought he was but I know that you do too, others tend to only see the bad and never the good so don't give into the hatred alright" *

Different memory

My father was the Original hybrid Niklaus Mikaelson, My mother the werewolf alpha Hayley Marshall..." she began to tell him her story from what she could remember as a child, from what her aunts told her happened when she was a baby. She told him about how her father sent her away from New Orleans her kingdom while he made sure her home was safe enough for her to return. She told him about how when she was 7 she met her family and her father for the first time since she was a baby.

"I was 7 and an ancient magic was in me I lived with it for a couple of months until it made me hear whispers,it was awful.." she said her voice had broken slightly as she was telling him about her past, it hurt she never really discussed it with him or anyone really and now the dam was bursting he raised his head and reversed their positions as he leaned against the headboard holding the girl between his legs and allowed her to cry into his chest.

" you don't have to continue if it's to difficult princess" he said softly it saddened him that she went through hell since before she was born, people trying to kill her just like him but the difference was she had a family that would go to the ends of the world to protect her.

"No no I want to just keep holding me please" she half pleaded " always princess always" he said softly.. for a moment everything was quiet and the only sounds that was heard in the room was their heartbeats and breaths.Hope broke the silence and started talking.

"It got too much my 7 year old body couldn't handle an ancient spirit and everything else as the same time... my family made a sacrifice. My aunt Freya Mikaelson was and is the strongest witch after my grandmother Esther and grand aunt Dhalia she used a spell that took the hollow out of me and split it amongst my father, my uncle Kol, uncle Elijah and aunt Rebecca, the sacrifice was that we couldn't be in the same place never mind the same state,so each of them travelled to different parts of the world, while still promising always and forever" she paused and took a breath .. "
Different memory

Naruto sparred with Hope on the deck near the lake.

"Stop over extending, use your anger and aggression don't let it use you hope" he said as he dodged the furious punches

" I know I know"

He got her into a choke hold, she stomped her foot onto his and knocked the back of her head against his nose used a round house kick nailing him into his mid section and watched him sail into a tree.

He got up and wiped the blood from his nose and watched the girl raise an eyebrow.

"You mean like that?" She wore the Mikaelson smirk

He chuckled " exactly like that" he ran towards her " again"

Different memory

Who are you? And how did you get past the others" I raised my eyebrow as I held two kunai in my hands and tilted my head to the question.

"How do you think?" I asked sarcastically the man looked angry he raised his gun and aimed to shoot me but I appeared behind him sliding the kunai through the flesh in his neck, I was angry because he threatened my mate and my voice held a demonic quality as I spoke "I'll see you in hell you fucker" I said removing the kunai as he dropped to the ground losing blood by the liter, his eyes dropped as his chest heaved one last breath. I sighed and put his body in the scroll before turning to hope and the twins.

"You were shot" said Hope I grimaced but didn't let it show on my face, my face was blank.

"I'm fine " I waved off her concern,she looked to me but I turned my gaze to Josie and ripped the gate off the cell.

"Hope give her your blood" I said before I felt a pain near my chest, the bleeding started up again. " fuck" I breathed heavily leaning up against the wall trying to expel the poison.. Hope cut her hand and let Josie drink her blood.
After a few second Josies bleeding stopped and hope came near me " come on you too baby, you're not healing" I shook my head as I opened my eyes "stop being stubborn those bullets are made from mud of malivore! come on please" she pleaded with tears in her eyes.

"I'll be ... fine your blood won't work Hope" I said honestly she looked confused " your blood or vampire blood causes havoc in my system so relax I won't die" I cracked a smile I heard footsteps and shoved her behind me but I saw Alaric's face and he looked relieved.

Different memory

I didn't expect you to be awake so quickly" I tried to move but I felt my arms chained, my gaze travelled up to see it was chained into the wall.

"What is this Hope?" I said pulling on the chains, but the pain in chest made it more difficult.

"I didn't want you to stop me" she said looking down at the ground.

"Stop what hope!" I was getting I'm even more frustrated by her vague answers..

"I'm going to stop Malivore by jumping in there" she said finally looking in my eyes, my mouth dropped open " NO"
" no you are not doing that, please we can find another way"

"The is no other way, Malivore was created by a witch, vampire and wolf" she said chuckling dryly " I am the loophole Naruto don't you see ?" I shook my head refusing to let her do something so stupid.

" I always wondered whether I was a miracle or a mistake"she said trying to convince me or maybe herself I didn't know but what I did know was that she was never a mistake.

"That's simple you were, are Always a miracle never a mistake hope" I said sincerely pulling on the chains more.She laughed and came to me kissing me " I love you so much ... baby but I have to do this"She said walking away. I tried pulling more I felt it giving way.

"Hope if you do this.. I'll hate you!!" I said trying to convince myself my eyes were filling with tears as I watched her smile sadly.

"You could never, but you won't remember me anyway no one will" she walked to the guy who just woke up and casted some kind of spell.. I watched her stepping closer to the edge of the pit.

"HOPE!!!!!" I screamed as jumped into the pit my tears were streaming down my face as I felt my eyes burning even more but I didn't care about any of that I needed to get to her before she jumped, I gathered all my strength breaking the chains, I ripped the wall and heard it crumble I ran over to the pit but it sealed up. My fists were raw as I pounded the ground, screaming her name at that time I didn't even realize that I could still remember her that she wasn't erased from my memory

"Hope please come back!"

Naruto POV

"Memori kyōyū Kai" I said I finished my drink and put the glass down on the table, the expressions and emotions in the room was difficult to take in their was confusion, sadness, regret and anger.My own eyes were glassy as I calmed myself down. Kol's expression was hard while the two blondes had tears in their eyes.

"So the reason none of you remember your niece is because she jumped into Malivore to stop it from rising" I said staring down at the glass in my hand and back up to the Mikaelsons " and the reason I was looking for Kol is because he was the vampire that helped create it in the first place"

A/N  chapter 6 will be a reveal.

Ryan Clarke I felt sorry for him because he wasn't good enough to be a vessel for Malivore or whatever so his not a complete good guy but his alright.

Hopefully the next chapter will be up tonight enjoy🤟🏻

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