Be There In a Flash (Speedste...

By TheMasterInTraining

82.4K 1.3K 901

"My name is Y/n Jackson Garrick, and I am the fastest teenager alive. In my world, I was a superhero known as... More

Where Am I?
Welcome to Beacon
First Day
A Midnight Stroll
Friends, and Vigilantes
Trouble with Cardin
Forever Fall (Part 2)
The Cat's Out of the Bag
Showdown (Vol. One Finale)
One Hell of a Day
Being a Hero Isn't Easy
Best Day Ever?
Warm Welcome
Paint it Red
Slow Day
Shall We Dance
Adventure Awaits
Mountain Glenn
Off the Rails
Clean Slate

Forever Fall (Part 1)

2.5K 43 14
By TheMasterInTraining

Disclaimer: I still don't own RWBY or the Flash. Never have, never will. *Mopes in Zoidberg*

Third Person Pov:

It's been a few days since Jaune told Y/n and Pyrrha his secret. Since then, he's been forced to do Cardin's bidding after he overheard him and threatened to expose him if he didn't. As a result of the short leash Cardin has him on, Jaune distanced himself from his team.

Jaune Pov:

'Oh man, what am I going to do? I can't ask Pyrrha for help because things would be awkward between us. I can't go to Ren and Nora since they don't know about my transcripts, and Nora would try to solve the problem with violence, and I can't go to Carmine because he's furious at me for hurting Pyrrha. And my only other option is telling team RWBY. And that's a no-go because Ruby wouldn't look at me the same for lying to her, Weiss would probably go straight to Ozpin, Blake and I might as well be strangers, and Yang would probably kill me for upsetting Ruby.' *Ring*'Oh great, what does Cardin want now.'

Carmine: We need to talk

'What, do I do? Do I ignore him and make things worse? Do I go and possibly get my butt kicked?'

Me: About?

'Please don't be what I think it is.'

Carmine: About you being Cardin's lapdog

'How does he know? We haven't talked since he punched me. He's been busy hanging out with that girl team CRDL was picking on.'

Me: How do you know about that?

Carmine: I didn't

'Wait, what?'

Carmine: I'm kidding. I've noticed you've been spending more time with team CRDL. Pyrrha is bummed out, and Ren and Nora are starting to be affected by your absence. Not to mention you've been looking pretty burned out in class

Me: How did you get all that? I thought you were too busy hanging out with that girl you helped out

Carmine: That's for me to know and you to never find out

Me: Where are we going to meet?

Carmine: Tomorrow in the library after classes are over. It's quiet, so no one would give a second thought to us whispering. And you won't have to hear me yell at you again.

Me: Fine

Y/n Pov:

"Fine, huh, whatever you say, pal." I slip on my ring, "Time to go to work."

*Timeskip to the next day after classes.*

'Alright, Jaune, let's see if you're still a man of your word,' I start walking to the library, and after a few minutes, I make it there.

"Now, where are you, Jaune?" I start looking around the place.


'Found him.' I turn around, "Hey Jaune, ready to talk?"

"Not really," he says.

"Well, too bad, kid," I say. "Come on, let's get a table in the back. Even fewer witnesses there."

"Sure," he says. We manage to find an empty table near a corner and sit down.

"Now, Jaune, it's come to my attention that Cardin has you on a leash, care to explain why?" I ask.

Jaune looks around nervously, "He heard us," he whispers.

"Heard us what?" I ask rhetorically.

"He heard us talk about, you-know-what," he says, leaning on the table.

"And, what are you going to do about him making you his lapdog?"

"What do you mean I thought you were going to help me?" He hisses.

I raise an eyebrow, "I never said that. I only said we needed to talk about Cardin blackmailing you. It's not my fault you thought I was going to help you out with this."

"Then why did you want to talk if you weren't going to help?"

"Because I need to hear you say it. After all, you can't help a person that doesn't want to be helped," I state.

"Say what?" he asks.

"You know the words, three simple words, nine letters, and two spaces," I say.

Jaune looks like he's about to swallow a bullet, "I need help," he grinds out.

"Atta boy," I say, "Now that wasn't so hard, was it?"

"What are you going to do to help me?" he asks.

I lean back and scratch my chin, "Well, the first thing you should do is tell Ozpin the truth about you-know-what. After all, he is pretty old, so this likely isn't the first time he's seen a situation like yours. The next would be telling the truth to Ren and Nora when you're good and ready. And the final step comes after you tell Ozpin the truth. After all, Cardin can't threaten you with telling Ozpin if you already told the man himself. Sure he can go to Goodwitch or any other teacher, but in the end, only Ozpin has the authority to kick you out. And sure, Cardin can go online and tell people, but what's worse, using fake transcripts or blackmail and academic dishonesty. My money's on the latter. Plus, I've been recording this conversation in case Cardin does go through with it," I say, taking out my scroll before stopping the recording. "Had this thing on since we sat down. So, what do you say, Jaune."

"Fine, let's say I go to Ozpin. What if he expels me right then and there?" He asks.

"Well, for one, Jaune, who said you were going alone? Secondly, I have a feeling Oz won't expel you. Sure the safest option would be kicking you out because of your non-existent combat skills, but your mind Jaune is your greatest strength." I say, tapping the side of my head, "You managed to come up with a way to defeat a Deathstalker after barely meeting your teammates. Imagine what you can do after four years at Beacon, not to mention with Pyrrha and me training you along the way."

Jaune perks up, looking more confident in himself, "Yeah, your right. But," and there it goes, "Pyrrha tried helping me, and I yelled at her."

"Believe me, pal. She won't hold it against you. And besides, you weren't exactly in the best headspace when you yelled at her. She'll forgive you, it may take some time, but It'll happen."

"Okay, let's go tell Ozpin," he says.

"Just like that?"

"Just like that," he says, nodding, "Besides, I might chicken out if I went on my own."

"Whatever you say, man," with that, we make our way to Ozpin's office. We stay silent the whole way there. Either because Jaune doesn't want to distract himself or doesn't have anything left to ask me. We soon make it outside the building, Ozpin's office, and Vale's Cross Continential Transit Tower. I didn't take a good look at it the first time I saw it from the outside, and I won't this time because Jaune and I have bigger fish to fry right now.

"Oh, students, are you two here to make a call, or is this a school-related visit?" a secretary asks us.

"School-related, we need to speak with Professor Ozpin," I say, rubbing the back of my head.

"Press the button for the top floor then. I hope you two aren't in any serious trouble," they say.

"Thank you," I say, dragging Jaune to the elevator, pressing the button for Ozpin's office once we're inside.

"So, we're doing this?"

"It would appear so, Jaune," I say, tapping my foot rapidly.

"You don't like elevators do you?" He asks.

"Not really, no?"

"Can I ask why?"

"Don't really like being cooped up in one spot if I can help it."

"So, what do you and Velvet do when you hang out?" Jaune asks, changing the subject.

"We've been studying for any classes we share. Sometimes we get off track talking 'bout you, your team, and Team RWBY and her teammates."

"Oh, Gods. I'm scared to ask about what you guys talk about."

I let out a small laugh, "Nothing bad, just the fun stuff."

"And I ask again how did you manage to find out Cardin was blackmailing me?"

"I'm a pretty good detective, and I have some extensive psychiatric knowledge."

"Wow, so not only are you strong and good-looking, but you're also smart."

"Beauty fades, Jaune, but knowledge is forever." *DING* 'Three more floors.' "Well, we're almost there. You ready for this pal?"

"Not really. I'm a little scared."

"Well, we didn't have time to prepare ourselves. But you can do this. You know why."

"Because I believe in myself?" he hesitantly asks.

"Yes," and at last, we reach Ozpin's office. We step out of the elevator.

"Ah, Mister Arc, Mister Infantino, what brings you two by?" Ozpin asks us.

"Well, Professor, we came by to tell you," I hear him gulp," to tell you, to tell you that I applied to Beacon with fake transcripts," Jaune says that last part so fast I don't think Ozpin understood.

"I see," he says. "Thank you for coming forth with this information Mister Arc, but if I might ask, why exactly is Mister Infantino here with you?"

"He came with me so that I wouldn't run away, Sir," he says.

"It's true," I say.

"Interesting. Now, Mister Arc, what exactly brought on this decision?"

"A few days ago, I was on a rooftop with Pyrrha and Carmine. I told them how I feel like I don't belong here because my transcripts are fake. Cardin overheard me telling them, and after Carmine left, he threatened to expose me if I didn't do what he told me. I've been doing his and his team assignments for the past couple of days. I actually didn't know what I was going to do, and then yesterday, Carmine sent me a message telling me he knew Cardin was blackmailing me. We agreed to meet in the library today after classes, we talked, and I swallowed my pride and asked Carmine to help me out. He told me to tell you and my team about my transcripts. And that once I told you, that I stop doing Cardin's bidding since he had nothing to hold against me."

"This is an unusual development. Mister Arc. But I'll be honest with you. I originally intended to expel you after initiation under the guise of an error in your transcripts and not having the desired skill level. But the way you took charge and lead your team through taking down a Death Stalker changed my mind. You are a natural-born leader. And it would be a shame to expel you due to false transcripts. After barely being able to scratch the surface of your potential."

"He's right, ya know," I say. "Besides, if he expelled you, he would have to expel me for vigilantism."

"Wait, what do you mean, Carmine?" Jaune asks me.

"Mister Infantino, are you sure it's wise to reveal your secret to Mister Arc?"

"I'm not sure, Professor, but Jaune trusted Pyrrha and I with his secret, so I'll trust him with mine."

"What do you mean, Carmine?"

"Well, for one, my name isn't Carmine Infantino. It's Garrick, Y/n Garrick, and I'm The Flash."

"Wait, what?"

I don't answer and slip on my ring, and speed into my suit.


I take off my scarf and goggles. "It's a long story. But the shorthand version is that I'm not from Remnant."

"So you're an alien, like from my comic books?"

"Eh kinda," I say, making a so-so gesture.

"But why are you trusting me with this?"

"Because I trust you, and besides, it's annoying always having to come here to talk to someone about being the Flash."

"But if you lied about being Carmine, then is anything you told us real?!"

"Most of it is. I just changed some of it around so that if anyone asks me about my past, I can make it seem like I grew up here on Remnant."

"You two do remember that I am here correct," Ozpin says.

"Sorry, Professor, but what are you going to do about Cardin?" Jaune asks.

"Well, considering that tomorrow is the trip to Forever Fall, I'll delay punishing Team CRDL. Let them enjoy their last days of freedom for the school year before, what is the phrase, pulling the rug out from under them."

"Wow, Oz, that's cruel," I say.

"So is threatening to expose the secrets of another person."


"Now, is that all you can to visit for or is there something else we must discuss?"

"That's it for me. What about you, Jaune?"

"I'm good, Car- Y/n," Jaune says, correcting himself.

"Hey relax, you can still call me Carmine if that's what feels natural. Besides, it's not like I can be called Y/n in public. Actually, go ahead and call me Y/n. If anyone asks I'll just say it's my middle name and that I forgot to tell people I prefer going by it."

"Well, since we have nothing more left to talk about, have a good day, gentlemen," Oz says, dismissing us.

"Later, Professor," I say, walking to the elevator after changing back into the school uniform.

"Bye, Professor," Jaune says, following me.

The doors to the elevator close as Jaune and I make our way down.

"So? How long have you been a vigilante back home?" He asks.

"Ever since I was ten."

"How did you get your powers?"

"I was... Chosen."


"I can't really explain it because even I don't know the specifics. All I know is that I was chosen by the source of my power. Now before I somehow forget, what are you going to do the next time Cardin asks you to do something for him?"

"Play along. After all, Ozpin said that after the trip, I'm free."



"Oh, Gods."

"What is it this time?"

"I don't know. It's just a voice message."

"Well, play it. I mean, it's not like Cardin's going to ask you to gather Rapier Wasps."

"Hey Jaune, it's your buddy, Cardin. Look, I know you're busy with that dust project I gave you, but I need you to do something else for me. I need you to go out and get me a bag of Rapier Wasps. Make sure they have huge stingers. It's important, so don't mess this up, or I'm telling Ozpin about our little secret."

"You just had to jinx it," Jaune deadpans.

"I'll help. That way, you can finish faster, and we can come up with a plan for you to make things right with your team."

"Thanks, man. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Think nothing of it."

A/n: Tada, another chapter.

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