Duchess Swan

By Char-Lou

184K 3.3K 206

Duchess Swan, twin sister of Bella Swan moves to Forks, Washington for a new change and a new life, she didn'... More

Character Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Nearly a year
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
The cover
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Not a Chapter
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 55

821 23 4
By Char-Lou

Duchess' POV

Everyone froze and I walked to my throne, sitting down as grace as every reigning or historical monarch, minus Henry VII.

"Would somebody care to tell me what happened whilst I was away for a mere half hour?" I questioned with authority.

No one came forward to tell me anything.

"Sabrina." I called to one of the lower guards who looked angrier than anyone else in the room.

"Yes Your Majesty?" She said looking as though steam was coming out of her ears.

"Come here sweetheart." I summoned her and she was in front of me within seconds.

My sister stood, watching with her mouth agape.

"Quite gawping like a frog trying to catch flies Isabella." I heard her huff as I pushed my hand toward Sabrina.

She quickly placed her hand into my own although I could feel the coldness as it shone from her hand upon my warm one.

I was sat for about a minute before I spoke again.

Anger filled my eyes and betrayal filled my slightly beating heart.

I turned towards my sister with a malicious look upon my brand new feature. Edward went to protect her but with a wave of my hand he stopped and froze feeling Jane's pain flow through his vein like a snake, twisting and turning, finding new paths to discover inside of his body.

"How dare you take one step towards me Edward Cullen! I have already spared your life once before, I may not have so much mercy if you push me again. You might just end up losing something. I am your Queen and you bow to me whether you like it or not." My voice growled like the thunder that growled through the clouds in the blackest of skies above the scariest of oceans.

I turned to Bella once more.

"Isabella Swan. I may not be your Queen yet, but I am still your sister. I have spared your mates life after he came in here and stated that you were dead. He didn't even feel the connect of the bond breaking under the strain of losing his True Mate as he was so clouded with despair. He begged me to take his life. Begged me like a little puppy begging for a treat. He then attacked my new family. My new life when I didn't give him what he wanted. I made sure no harm came his way and albeit, I put him in the dungeons instead of a room, I still made sure he was adequately fine. And for you to say I'm evil after I have protected you by letting myself be a punching bag so then it wasn't you that got the black eyes or the bruises and what did you do when that was happening? Nothing. You stood acting like the perfect daughter as the kicked and abused me. When they took my baby from out of me. Your niece or nephew. I love you more than you know Issy so don't you ever, ever say that I am evil. We have rules for a reason. Some are there to be broken while others are not and testing me on that is not a good idea. I will continue to protect you but if you put another toe out of line and I will have to do something. With actions come consequences. Now as a consequence for Edward's behavior I have decided that you must be turned into a vampire at least after you graduate. Don't bother trying to hide it from Charlie, he already knows. Even about the Cullen's secret. Now, Alice," I smiled at her, "Give the rest of the family my regards. I will be releasing the pain on Edward now but make sure you are there to help him as he will not be able to walk in a bearable state. Other then that, I have missed you so much. And I love you. You are apart of my family. Before you go, I need to speak with you. Alone."

And with that I dropped my hold on Edward as Alice caught him before he fell to the ground.

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