Precious To Me Always (Cross...

By TechnoKei

36.4K 1K 781

He sheepishly smiled at me, one hand still tugging at the edge of his jacket in a nervous way. I couldn't hel... More

My Best Friend
!~Outta This World~!
- H E A R T B R O K E N -
♥️ - Tugging At My Heart - ♥️
It Was Just A Few Drinks...
A Little Sick
You're My Everything, Part 1
- I'll Never Leave Your Side -
~ I Love You ~
The All Too Familiar
- Fallen Deep -
- Hoodie -
· S T A R K E ·

You're My Everything, Part 2

2.2K 75 7
By TechnoKei

Cross POV

I held his jacket, in my hands. I gasped, "Epic..." I muttered, holding the jacket up to my face. It smelled like lavender. A hint of blood. ", this is all my fault...No!" I screamed out.

My voice cracked, "NO!"

I was choking on sobs, holding the jacket up to my face. I couldn't live without him. 







Take me...leave...leave him alone...Don't hurt him...

I screamed out again in pure agony.

I could see Ink and the others in the distance, shocked.

None of their reactions stood out, except Killer's.

He stood still, his hands at his side, shocked. He was crying. I could hardly see through my tears, but, I knew he was crying. It was almost as if he was paralyzed.

I    w a s   t o o .

I   c a n n o t   l i v e   w i t h o u t   H I M .

"Cross...!" A faint voice yelled for me. "CROSS!"

I didn't move, I just held his jacket to my face, taking in the scent.


I snapped awake, shooting up, gasping in shock.

"Oh my stars, Cross- You were screaming and crying in your sleep! What happened?"

"E-Epic? Where's Epic?" I ask, frantic.

"Epic? Epic's asleep."

"What? No! Let me see him!"

"What's the matter with you, Cross? He had a head injury and that was what was causing those back to back migraines. He's sleeping in the room next to us." Sci tries to calm me. "What the hell, happened to in that nightmare of yours?"

"N-Night...mare...?" I ask.

"Yes, nightmare! You fell asleep!"

"It...It's not real...?"


I released a shaky breath, looking around, Sci sighs and goes into the room before coming out, throwing Epic's jacket at me.

"There you go. I figured it would comfort you a bit, since he can't, ya know." Sci explains to me. I grab the jacket, holding it close to me.

"T-Thank you, Sci," I say, still a bit spooked and shocked from the nightmare. Epic's jacket smelled of lavender and slightly of alcohol. I smiled.

It smelled just the way it should.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Sci asks me. I nod a bit. "Ok, fine, you can see him, but, be quiet and gentle. I must repeat, be gentle."

I followed him eagerly into the room, Epic laid, perfectly fine, he had bandages around his skull, covering up his right eye.

I smiled and walked up, grabbing his hand gently. He's okay. He's right in front of me.

"Why is his skull bandaged?" I ask Sci.

"I had to do something. The migraines won't do away if I don't fix what's wrong. But, I did, so they shouldn't come back maybe except for once a month."

"Once a month? That's not so bad. How bad will they be?" I ask him.

". . ."

"Sci? How bad will they be?" I repeat.

"Bad. Like this bad. But, there will be nothing you can do this time. You'll just have to be there for him. However they will go away in an hour or two, like a normal migraine."

"Oh...will he be able to sleep it off?" I wonder aloud.

"Yes, he should be able to sleep it off." Sci answers, despite the question not being directed towards him.

"Oh. Ok..." I yawn.

"I'll be asleep if you need me, wait until morning." Sci says, walking out of the room, waving.

I watch him leave and turn to Epic.

"I have something I need to tell you when you wake up...I think I realized how important it is to tell you this. Before something like my nightmare becomes reality. I can't hold back forever...just hurry and wake up..."

. . .

. . . 

"Please, love, I need you."

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