Our Love is Doomsday (Pico x...

By ahxiaifis

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For whatever reason Pico manages to cause a melancholy of events to happen just because of his stubbornness... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three TW: kinda NSFW
Chapter four๐Ÿ˜ˆ TW:NSFW
Chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
TW:NSFW LMAO ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Chapter ๏ฟผEleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifthteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight (Ending)
Explaining lore/ Q & A ๐Ÿ˜ญ Please ask questions so I can make more so bored ๐Ÿ’”

Chapter Twenty-Six

461 16 65
By ahxiaifis

|Skid's Mom POV|

The strange creature with a lemon for a head was still unconscious. Well, the poor thing did fall face flat so I can see why it's unconscious.

I glared over at the creature again, the creature's eyes were closed and had some weird pouting expression.

"I wasn't feeling bad for it....Was I?" I mumbled to myself.

I step a little closer to the creature to take a further inspection.

I started touching the creature's stomach, to feel this rough weird texture against my fingers.

Like a pickle... but harder.

"You definitely don't look like you belong in this word-" I said aloud.

"Hmm... How rude." A strange voice said.

I turn my head and scanned the room, I were all alone in the basement and no one in house sounds like that voice I just heard.

"What- Is something wrong?" The strange voice asked.

I scanned the room even harder, desperately trying to find the voice echoing throughout the room.

"Just... turn around." The person's voice sounded slightly irritated.

I turn around and see the creature awake, I could feel my jaw drop.

"What's wrong? It wasn't that much of a surprise anyway- We're literally the only people down here." The creature said.

"People..?" I mistakenly said aloud.

The creature looked away.

"Right- I'm..." The creature sighed.

"Anyway- Can you tell us how to stop that doomsday program?" I asked.

The creature looked off at the side again and sighed.

"I have no clue how..." The creature said, struggling to wiggle out of the rope.

Weird, that thing had the ability to float over Senpai (gag) why is it so weak now?

"Senpai has a good 90% of my power." The creature said.

"UWAH! It can read minds?!" I said to myself.

"Yes, however every other ability I had is now rendered useless because of Senpai's current status." The creature nodded it's head.

"Senpai's current status?" I asked.

"He's dead." The creature jerked.

"And you have no clue how to stop the doomsday program-" I sighed.

Full of doubt I could feel myself stubble across a table, the table had many blunt objects on it.

Such as a pipe wrench, a metal baseball bat, and a crowbar.

I glare at the possible torture weapons then glare at my possible victim.

"Hey! Before you get any ideas I..." The creature interrupted.

"I was requested to retrieve Daddy Dearest's daughter from that blue haired fellow. However... Some weird force was bounding me to stop, no matter what I did I couldn't move past it." The creature said.

"After failing Daddy Dearest's orders he had completely tarnished my shop's reputation. However, one day a man wanted to buy my services. That man wanted to get back at Daddy Dearest for trapping him in another world, so he wanted to buy 90% of my power for himself." The creature said.

"I couldn't refuse- I want Daddy Dearest to pay for everything he has done to everyone. And now you idiots are trying to stop our plan, why?" The creature asked.

"That program is deleting everything in it's path!" I exclaimed.

"Who cares- He has so much influence on this world. It's tainted with his lies so why not delete it." The creature started smiling a demented smile.

"Daddy Dearest is a good man! You should put some respect on his name!" I flailed my arms around like a toddler having a temper tantrum.

"Keep telling yourself that." The creature winked.

I let out a hostile grunt and stomp my way upstairs, slamming the basement door.

|Boyfriend POV|

I see Skid's mother hunched over with an angry expression plastered over her face, her face completely red like a hot stove.

I inch my way up towards her.

"Woah, what happened?!" I asked her.

"Lemon head is saying it doesn't know how to stop the doomsday program. It's also disrespecting Daddy Dearest." Skid's mom rolled her eyes.

"...It...?" I asked.

"Yes! It." Skid's mom said.

"I had a feeling this would happen..." Pico signed.

Pico started pondering to himself, thinking of an idea. He stood there rubbing his chin squinting his eyes. I could feel myself losing my patience by the minute.

"So...?!" I interrupted him.

"Right! Uh... Maybe we could try something tomorrow?" Pico yawned.

"Wha- That's your plan..?" I looked him up and down, blinking repeatedly.

"We have time." Pico said a little too confidently.

He put his hands behind his head as if he were sitting in a lay chair.

I felt a twitch of disgust from his mannerisms.

"How could he be so nonchalant about this?" I asked myself.

I couldn't find a answer to my own question.
Pico is Pico after all so I shouldn't be surprised that he would respond in such a inappropriate way.

I felt a hand caress my face.
It was Pico's hand and I looked up in his direction. His eyes pointing directly at me.
I felt this tense feeling across my spine, I look up at Pico again but to my surprise he wasn't mad or upset with me. He was actually smiling, the tense feeling I had before had been lifted by Pico's bright smiling face.

"You look lost in thought is something wrong?" He asked.

Yes, there was a problem.
How are you so nonchalant right now?!
I wanted to say but I felt as though it would make the situation worse.

I felt Pico's hands caressing my face and he lifted my head up so I could make eye contact with him.

"You're still lost in thought is something bothering you?" Pico's smile had been wiped away.

I twiddled my fingers in embarrassment, and tried to gather my words.

"I'll be honest- How can you he so... Nonchalant about all this..?" I asked.

"We've done a-lot already in a short amount of time- I'm... tired." Pico yawned again.

"Besides I believe we'll find a way- We have so far. So wouldn't we now?" Pico asked me.

"I guess since this is possibly our-" Skid's mom stopped herself.

"I guess since this is possibly the last time I'll ever be able to interact with you two I thought I might as well reveal my true name." She said.

Despite her comment not making sense she was more confident than before, her voice sounding more stern then ever.

"And your "true name." is?" Pico tapped his foot.

"Lila. My name is Lila." Lila said.

Lila zoned out for a second.
I presume she was thinking of what else to say.

"Yeah- I'm aware I should've told you a while ago... But, I don't really like sharing my name to random strangers. I don't want CPS called on me again." Lila chuckled.

"CPS??" I gasped.

"Heh- I'm just really grateful for your help really. So I thought sharing my real name would bring us closer." Lila said.

I grabbed Pico's hand.
I thought I did it in a discreet manner but Lila had saw me.

"You two are adorable. I guess I'll be going now, tootles!" Lila waved goodbye and rushed upstairs.

|Lila's POV|
As I was making my way upstairs I saw Kaleb and Daddy Dearest's daughter eavesdropping.

"He didn't really just say we should wait until tomorrow right?" Daddy Dearest's daughter asked me.

"He... Sorta did." I shrugged.

She let out a frustrated grunt and stomped downstairs, Kaleb following her trying to calm her down along the way.

I couldn't help but follow them because I was curious to see what was going to happen.

"I know I didn't bust my ass to save you and you refuse to do the same for me." Daddy Dearest's daughter had confronted Pico.

"You didn't save me- You haven't done anything noteworthy this whole entire time. But you still have this infatuated ego for yourself." Pico replied.

His words had cut her like a knife, causing her to fall to her knees.

|Ex-Girlfriend POV|
He was right. I haven't done anything this whole time- I've just been a nuisance this whole entire time.

This whole entire time I've been blaming my mother for how I turned out. But.... It was actually myself. My enormous ego for myself.
I did this to myself, I am my own monster.

"Y-You're right." I said.

|Third Person Narrator|

Girlfriend closed her eyes and opened them like she was opening her eyes for the first time as she spoke, her eyes glancing with shine almost like she were holding back tears.

|Ex-Girlfriend POV|

"I'm sorry." I cried, wiping away the tears running down my face.

"Oh- An apology... That's unexpected." Pico scoffed.

"Well... It's just you're right. I haven't done anything noteworthy. If tomorrow is our last day together I suppose I would like to apologize for my actions now." I could feel the awkward tension in the room, the room was silent but only for a moment.

"As if! You're not that useless babe. Remember that time you- Uh... Uh.... Uh...?" Kaleb tried his best to recall anything noteworthy I did.

His stuttering and his dumbfounded face angered me, without a second thought I quickly  nudge him in the throat, catching him by surprise causing him to lose his balance and fall onto the floor with a thud.

I turn around to everyone else and notice they were dead silent, sleep deprived I wish them a good night and drag Kaleb upstairs.

|Boyfriend POV|

"I kinda feel bad for that Kaleb fellow." Lila sighed.

I let out a "huh?" and she quickly explained why she thought that.

"She's always hitting him." Her voice sounded cold and bitter.

"She could possibly be over analyzing this a bit." I said to myself.

"What if she's just playing around?" I threw out a possible reason.

"Did she hit you like that?? You two used to date after all." Pico asked.

"No- It's just so fuzzy I can't really remember anything... really." I rub my head in agony.

"If it hurts your head so much I guess we shouldn't talk about it." Lila said.

She walked a few inches away from me and Pico to the staircase.

"Good night you two!" Lila waved.

"Hold your horses- Aren't you on Lemon Demon guard duty?" Pico asked.

"Right! I forgot." Lila exclaimed.

I wonder why Daddy dearest couldn't watch over The Lemon Demon or literally anyone else who could possibly defend themselves from that grotesque monster. Honestly what could Lila even do really?

"Feel like this is a bad decision- We're lucky she didn't manage to get hurt the first time." I whispered in Pico's ear.

"On the contrary, Mr.Xml. This isn't a bad decision." Pico put his hands on his hips and grinned to himself as if he achieved something.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"If everyone wants to be brain dead then let em' be brain dead." I said to myself.

I notice Skid and Pump were having a conversation, a deep one at that. The two were constantly nodding their heads, agreeing with one another about something.

I decided to be nosy and eavesdrop.
I step forward behind a wall so I could hear their conversation a little more clearer.

"That Lemon Demon guy looks awfully similar to that Lemon Guy that tried selling us ice cream." Pump said.

"That Lemon Guy had a mustache." Skid rolled his eyes.

"Opps- Forgot about that...." Pump looked away embarrassed.

If I recall I think I saw something similar to what they were just talking about.

Two kids in halloween costumes were stopped by a ice cream truck with a lemon man trying to lure them in, however the kids declined the man's offer and ran off the man followed the two however. And I saw this all from the porch of a haunted house my girlfriend (at the time) invited me to. But I arrived earlier than her and I was locked out so I had to wait until she arrived.

"Those two children were Skid and Pump?" I pondered to myself.

"And that Lemon Guy must've been-" I felt a hand pressed against my shoulder.

"Let's go to bed." Pico yawned.

Me and Pico quickly go upstairs, then into our bedroom. I fall back into the bed like I were making a snow angel and quickly lose consciousness. Same goes for Pico I presume.

|Pico's Dream|

The sky was blue and the world looked like a clear rectangular shape.

"Knew the earth was a rectangular. Suck it flat earthers!" I exclaimed.

I felt this weird soft sensation from the ground, it wasn't mud or soil.

I looked down at my feet and see bedding everywhere. This is something you would most likely find in a hamster cage or a bunnies' cage.

I look over to my left and see a massive pet canteen. I look over to my right and see the mouse from earlier, however this time the mouse wore a orange beanie with black sunglasses. Looks like the damn rat was chowing down on some cheese.

I reach in my pocket for signature weapon of choice, my Uzi.

"Looks like we have some unpaid business to attend to." I winked.

The mouse squeaked in shock at the sight of my Uzi and ran into a nearby hamster wheel.

I followed him into the hamster wheel, continuing to chase him around and around.

"Get back here you damn rat!" I yelled.

"If you had just accepted my friendly gesture you wouldn't be losin your life-" I said.

|Kaleb POV|

"Do you think I'm useless, babe?" My girlfriend asked.

She stuck her head out of the bathroom doorway waiting for my response.

"No, but after a lot of thinking I haven't done anything noteworthy either. I've just been here. My whole entire life has felt this way. Ever since grade school. Everyone else had two loving parents while I didn't have a family at all. Everyone else was the same height while I was much taller than nearly everyone." I sighed.

I heard a screech come from the bathroom, I quickly run up to see what was the matter.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"F*CK I burnt my hand on my curling iron!" My girlfriend cried.

|Lila POV|

I walk my way down the basement stairs.
When my foot finally touched the cold dusty basement floor I was greeted by a voice.

"Ah- You're back my sweet." The Lemon Demon said.

"S-sweet?!" I stuttered.

"Yes, my sweet. I've grown quite fond of you. When I'm starving I fall in love." The Lemon Demon stuck out a claw out of his disfigured hand and cut himself free.

He slowly walked up to me, cornering me into a wall.

I could feel his hot lemon breath hit my face, I urgently push him away.

"Don't be that way my sweet..." He sighed.

"A song will get you into the mood." He winked.

"I will cut out your liver then serve it for dinner~" He sang.

"I'll make your spine shiver, drink your blood like fine wine. I'll make you mine my define divine borderline sunshine." The Lemon Demon sang once more.

Felt like I were falling for some trance but he had such a way with words. I couldn't help myself but bite my lip.

|Boyfriend's dream|

All I could see is black, there was no setting, no atmosphere. The world I was in were just completely pitch black. I had thought until I saw a weird red light from nearby.

"An exit." I thought to myself.

I followed the red light until it got brighter and brighter, until I found this bizarre red ghostly figure by itself, I presume it was a fireball or something. It didn't have a face but it did make a eerie sound once I got closer.

"You ugly puny worms never know how to quit, huh?"

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