Running... (BNHA x The Flash...

By FrodoMcDabbins

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Running... There is nothing like it... I'm not talking about an ordinary jog, but something different... Some... More

Dylan Xander
Chapter 1: When Lightning Strikes
Chapter 2: Different
Chapter 3: Meta-Human
Chapter 4: In My Blood
Chapter 5: Denied
Chapter 6: Our Only Hope
Chapter 7: Hitting The Streets
Chapter 8: Some Changes
Chapter 9: Not Qualified
Chapter 10: Deal
Chapter 11: The Blur Exists
Chapter 12: Behind The Scenes
Chapter 13: Lured
Chapter 14: Without Prying Eyes
Chapter 15: Suspicious Coincidence
Chapter 16: 100 Steps Behind
Chapter 17: New Enemy
Chapter 18: Significant Difference
Chapter 19: Not The Fastest
Chapter 20: Fast Enough
Chapter 21: Another Hospital
Chapter 22: Getting Faster
Chapter 23: Human Bomb
Chapter 24: Swamped
Chapter 25: Nuclear Destruction
Chapter 26: Reset
Chapter 27: Timeline Swap
Chapter 28: With Friends
Chapter 29: Frosty Bridges
Chapter 30: Opposites
Chapter 31: Promised Well Kept
Chapter 32: Masked Meeting
Chapter 33: Keeping Busy
Chapter 34: Capping Stone
Chapter 35: Blink of an Eye
Chapter 36: Before You Know It
Chapter 37: Man Behind The Mask
Chapter 38: Reunion
Damage Report: Camino Ward
Chapter 39: Conflicting Feels
Chapter 40: Whole Dating Thing
Chapter 41: Time Always Passes
Chapter 42: A Brief Farewell
Chapter 43: Business Vacation
Chapter 44: Deeper Connection
Chapter 45: Stalemate
Chapter 46: Other Areas of Improvement
Chapter 47: Tachyon Leap
Chapter 48: Not From Around Here
Chapter 49: Before The Crossover
Chapter 50: The Super Friends
Chapter 51: Cause & Effect
Chapter 52: Data Mine
Chapter 54: Ghost In Time
Chapter 55: Battle on Two Fronts
Chapter 56: Between Two Earths
Chapter 57: Home
Chapter 58: Awkward Dinner
Chapter 59: Imposing Obstacles
Chapter 60: What We Make of It
Chapter 61: What Would I Do?
Chapter 62: Show & Tell...
Chapter 63: Losing Sight of Things
Chapter 64: What's Important
Chapter 65: Stalemate
Chapter 66: Bottled Up
Chapter 67: Ready To Burst
Chapter 68: Inflaming Emotions
Chapter 69: Crossing A Line
Chapter 70: Reputations
Chapter 71: Consequences
Chapter 72: Dissonance
Chapter 73: Can't Stop Running
Chapter 74: The Mantle
Chapter 75: Idle Hero
Chapter 76: Risky Dealings
Chapter 77: The Future is Yours
Chapter 78: My Responsibility
Chapter 79: Bonds
Chapter 80: Off Beat
Chapter 81: No Rhythm
Chapter 82: Heavy Bass
Chapter 83: Facing The Music
Chapter 84: Rekindling Passions
Chapter 85: A Beat in The Right Direction
Chapter 86: No Rest
Chapter 87: Plan in Motion
Chapter 88: Duel Fronts
Chapter 89: Countdown
Chapter 90: Across Worlds
Chapter 91: Scarlet Speedsters of Two Worlds
Chapter 92: Race Against Time
Chapter 93: Collision
Chapter 94: Bolt of Lightning
Chapter 95: Positive & Negative
Chapter 96: Underground
Chapter 97: Distance
Chapter 98: Haze
Chapter 99: Level Up
Chapter 100: Homecoming
Chapter 101: Brewing Storm
Chapter 102: Call To Action
Chapter 103:
Chapter 104: Lightning Rod
Chapter 105: Lingering Consequences
Chapter 106: Speed Limit

Chapter 53: Visions

333 13 8
By FrodoMcDabbins

Dylan's POV

Racing through the city, much faster than the speed of sound. I blitzed through the street, taking quick turns and moving faster and faster, not slowing down for anyone. I needed to run, to move. It gave me the illusion that I could escape my problems for at the very least a few moments at a time.

Whether it was a second or an hour, any time frame was total bliss...

The wind wisped across my face like a hot knife through butter. The lightning shroud expanded and grew brighter as I screamed, flashes of the alleyway shot through my mind, like a sledgehammer against my temple. It thrashed my train of thought making it the only thing that rattle around in my head.

Moving towards Star Labs, I entered the building. Coming to a complete stop in the cortex, everyone inside yelped as papers went flying everywhere. "Sorry" I said in exasperation, quickly using my speed to clean up the mess. "Uh...Thanks" Caitlin said, in between confusion and graditude.

"Why are you here? I thought you were with Cis-"

"They didn't need me and I was hoping you guys would know where Joe is?" I placed my hands on my hips, awaiting eagerly for an answer. So much so, that my foot rapid fire tapped against the floor at super speed.

Barry glanced around the cortex before standing up. "He's probably at the precinct, I'll take you there" He said as he grabbed his jacket, right before giving Iris a goodbye. "See you guys later" The two of us flashed out of the cortex in a rush. I kept in pace with Barry as I followed. "So, what's up?" Barry asked as we ran.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you have that look of dread. So, what happened?" Barry questioned. Sighing, I thought on what Rene said and how he ticked me off, the visions were also on my priority list. "I'm not sure, every lead I've looked up about my vision and my Mother has come up blank"

"And you want to see if Joe can help since he's been a cop for years?"

I nodded in confirmation as the two of us were brought to a halt due to us arriving at the precinct. We wandered inside, Barry leading me in the elevator and up to the main foyer. The contraption dinged and the doors opened quickly.

Stepping out, I looked around in awe at the spectecle. This place was huge and vintage. Barry tapped my shoulder and waved me to follow him. The two of us stepped into the desk space where all the cops were, Barry got a few greetings from the staff while I stuck out like a sore thumb.

Not only am I a minor, I was gawking at the size of this place.

"Joe" Barry announced our presence to his Not-Dad? This will forever be confusing. The older man looked away from his work and stood up. "Bare, what's going on. I thought you were busy with..." He whispered the last part so nobody around could hear him. "Yeah, we are. But Dylan here needs to speak with you" As Barry gestured to me, I stepped forward with an awkward smile and wave.

"Hey, uh... I was hoping I could ask you about a missing person's case. Amelia Parkingson, missing teen agers around twenty years ago?" The awkwardness of saying my mother's name out loud was like a itch I couldn't scratch. Also that fact that her name is different here than it is on my Earth. Dr Gwenzel, my actual Uncle's Girlfriend/Love Interest has that name.

On my Earth, my Mother had the name of Amanda...

Joe glanced at Barry who nodded, silently asking him to help me.

"Alright, but we better do this in the lab. Meet you there in a few"

Awkwardly knocking my fist together, I gave Joe double thumbs up before following Barry to his lab. Ignoring the magnitude of stares I received from the Officers within the building.

Stepping into Barry's lab I whistled, taking a quick glance around. "Like It?" Barry wondered with a small grin. "Like? Love it more like it" I said in awe, quickly using my speed to check it out, reappearing in the middle of the room laughing.

"Reminds me of Home" I said absentmindedly. "Yeah, it kinda isn't mine anymore" Barry said, stepping out of the way of the desk.

"Julian? Who's that?"

"That would be my ex-colleague" The Scarlet Speedster in civilian clothes pointed out which is when Joe wandered with a file.

The Detective handed me the file as he walked past. "The case was closed not long after the disappearance of the Girl. Amelia was last seen running into the alleyway, being followed by a dark figure never to be seen again. You sure she's your Mother?" Joe asked, careful not to sound blunt.

My eyes speed read the information, "It's her... I'm sure of it" I assured, leaning on the support pillar in the room. My mind was pulled to my Uncle, he must have a Doppelganger.

Flashing to the computer, I quickly hacked the system and search through the Database. "What are you-"

"John Parkingson. My Uncle is a Detective on my Earth but he probably exists here too"

The computer came up with a mugshot of my Uncle. My brow creased into a frown as I saw a Criminal Record. "Drug Dealer... Murder... Theft... What the hell, John?" My voice let loose the info.

"Meta-Human, ability to induce Twisted Nightmares" Stepping away from the monitor, I inhaled deeply to process the information as it flooded my mind.

Joe and Barry read the report, gaining a frown of their own. "I-I have to see him" I said, looking back at the screen, seeing a known address.

"What? You can't go alone" Joe insisted though that's when Barry received a text. "Uh...Cisco needs me and Kara. I have to go"

"See ya, Barry" I waved off as he had to make a run for it. Joe placed his hands on his hips and sighed, "I'm not letting you near this guy. He may look like your Uncle but he ain't"

Rubbing my face, I looked up at Joe. "Okay, let's go" I grabbed the Detective and blasted out of the building in a rush, leaving nothing but a faint gust of wind.

Passing through the city, we arrived in front of an apartment door with Joe taking a moment to catch his breath. "You alright"

"Y-Yeah, you're take off is faster than Barry's" I winced, giving an apologetic stare. Mouthing 'Sorry' with an extreme form of concern in which he waved it off and stood up straight.

I just realised how tall this man was...

At least he's not obnoxiously tall, those people scare me... If it weren't for All Might's somewhat pushover personality, he'd terrify me. Especially his skeleton form.

As we stood around looking pretty, the muffled sounds of shouting came from the other side of the door, followed by a bang.

Joe and I snapped our gazes towards the other and he knocked on the door, heavily. "Mr Parkinson! CCPD, Open up!"

No answer...

Joe looked at me as I awkwardly shrugged. Though hearing glass shatter, Joe decided to kick the door in with his Gun unholstered.

I caught the sight of my Uncle, he was so different. Eyes dull, distant. His beard was messy and worn as was his long, knotted hair.

Our eyes met as he climbed down the fire escape. We ran inside to see a man, beaten and bloody in a chair. Tied up, his wrists bruised from the rope.

"Get him" Joe ordered as he checked up the guy. Nodding, I flashed out of the building, appearing in the alleyway as John hopped down from the fire escape.

As he turned around, he saw me standing there with a raised brow. "Who the hell are you? Too young to be a cop" Seeing him like this hurt like nothing else.

John was a shadow of my Uncle...

"Why the hell do you have a hostage?!" I stepped forward with a glare, unable to understand why he's like this.

My Uncle never became this after losing his Sister.

The moment I stepped forward, he threw a punch though the world slowed down around me. Avoiding his punch, I grabbed his sleeved wrist and pushed him so hard, he accelerated into the brick wall, knocking him unconscious.

I jumped in fright as he stumbled to the ground with a split eyebrow. I hissed, kneeling down. "That's not good..." I grabbed him and pulled his up.

"...Sorry..." I gingerly whispered as his arm went over my shoulder. Appearing in the apartment, John met the floor with a thud as I accidently dropped him. "Oh shit..." I quietly cursed, trying to move him though hesitating.

"G-Got him" I called out, completely oblivious to how to deal with this. "I recognise this guy" Joe said, looking at the unconscious dude. "Who is he?"

"A big time Bounty Hunter"

"That's legal?" I pondered, taken aback. "Only for a few but this guy does jobs for Mob Bosses and whoever is willing to pay" That's ominous. "Alright, I'll call this i-"

"W-Wait, I can handle him" I pointed to my Uncle's Doppleganger, "He was holding a guy hostage" Joe said, completely shocked that I'd propose something like this. "I have to find out what happened to my Mom. I won't let him out of my sight, I promise. I'll call if anything happens" I pleaded, standing next to the deadbeat.

Joe took a moment to think about the situation, his eyes scanning over John. "Okay, but if I don't hear form you by tomorrow, I'm getting Barry involved"


Joe took the beaten Hostage out of the apartment, "Kid?" I glanced back. "Be careful, he's not the man you know" Sure he is, he just doesn't know it yet. "See you later" Was the last thing I said before closing the front door and moving him to the couch where I sat down on the arm chair in observation.

Waiting for a hours, my eyes didn't leave John's unconscious body. Only when I flashed around the apartment, searching for anything that might help with my questions. Though soon enough, he came too.

I listened closely as he came too, the mumbled words under his breath were hard to decrypt due to his rasy tone. "Amelia..." He muttered clearly. "Where-" He shot up, gasping for air in which I was by his side handing him a glass of water. "Easy, you're okay"

The moment he heard my voice, he freaked out. His hand swiped wildly which I easily dodged. "Calm down!" I sternly said, not knowing he'd need me to yell. "Who the fuck are you? What're you doing in my apartment?!" The two of us stood up and I realised he was slightly shorter than my Uncle though the resemblance was uncanny.

His eyes found nobody else in the apartment, "Where is he?!" He shouted, pushing me into the wall. "You mean the man you were torturing?"

"Getting information from" His bigger form pressed me against the wall, not caring about my wellbeing. "I know who you are, John. I'm looking for the same person you are" I replied in a panicked tone which changed the rage in his eyes to frustration.

Pushing me into the wall, also pushed him upright. "What the hell is a Kid doing, looking for Amelia?" He sniffed, almost resisting the urge to spit while kicking the arm chair. I remained by the wall, observing his mannerisms. I honestly didn't know why I looking for somebody I knew was Dead.

"I'm actually looking for the assholes who saw her last" I lied, better to keep the truth form him until he needs to know. He scoffed, "Well, good luck with that" He mumbled, falling into the arm chair in defeat. "The alleyway... One Guy chased her in and she never came back out. No body, just-"

"Tachyons" I finished his sentence. His expression shifted to relative intrigue and confusion, "How di-"

"I'm pretty smart for my age" I said dismissively, looking out the window, listening to the sounds of the city. "Look, I want to know what happened that night, so many years ago and I need your help if I'm gonna find what I'm looking for"

"And what are you looking for? Why would a Kid come all this way for answers about an event tha happened before he was born, eh?" He's still John, asking questions like a Detective. "It's complicated"

I received an eye roll the size of Texas as he stood up, "Give me ten minutes" John said without looking back, only able to glance once or twice at my eyes before retracting his gaze. The sense of discomfort was obvious in his expression though I didn't question it. "Sure..." I replied, though when he walked into the bedroom, I asked. "What do you mean by give you ten minutes!?" I called out.


Walking along the sidewalk, my Uncle's Doppleganger and I awkwardly moved in silence. Each of us taking glances at the other I was unable to cmprehend how similar yet different the man next to me was from Uncle John. Though I was oblivious to why he kept shooting me puzzled glances.

"So, where the hell are you taking me?" John finally broke the tension which I jumped at the oppurtunity, beginning my rambling and speaking. "Y'see, I recently went near the alleyway where Mo-Amelia disappeared and the strangest thing happened. I saw what happened that night, there was some dude with this gun. She got away but I wasn't able to see the Guy's face"

"What does that have to do with me?" Well, if I'm her son and can see what happened. Maybe her Brother can do the same. "I know you're a Meta-Human and maybe you can be a reciever for quantum particles" I answered, somewhat lying about the situation.

"Whatever you say, Kid?"

Can he stop calling me Kid already?...

Arriving in the alleyway, I felt a weight on my shoulders as I entered. Rolling my shoulders in discomfort, I checked the alleyway for any clues about what happened that night. "Feel anything?" I pondered as my Uncle looked at the permanent scorch mark on the ground.

"Nothing" He gave up quick, "This is stupid, I don't know why I let some kid talk me into this?" He began to walk out of the alleyway but I got in his way. "Hey, don't just give up. You didn't even try" I argued in which he pushed me aside.

Though I grabbed his shoulder, which he turned around me a swirling black mass in his palm. "Let go of me! Unless you want a trip down Nightmare lane" He threatened in a aggressive tone. "I've already lived through my worst nightmare" I challenged, my eyes glaring into his eyes, not caring about his hand.

"Leave me alone" John pushed me aside though I grabbed onto his hand, the physical skin on skin contact was like a cloud that sheltered my mind. Images flashed through my mind as I screamed out. My Dad and Mom both dead, being put in the ground as I was all alone.

The graveyard expanded, revealing tombstones of everyone I care about. I quivered at the paralysis that bound me where I stood. Then it suddenly vanished with John and I both falling on the ground, both shocked, unable to move.

"Y-You..." John looked up from the ground, astounished from my expression. "You're-" He wasn't able to say it, the words wouldn't come out. Taking in a deep breath, I was the first to recover thanks to my speed, though it felt like a snail's pace. "Amelia is yo-"

"She's my Mom" I averted my gaze, unable to look him in the eyes and tell him anything else. How could I tell him? It'd be cruel too...

"How? When?" He pondered to himself, not able to comprehend how I was born. "Not long after she disappeared, she met my father and they made new lives for themselves. I guess she couldn't come back because they would come for you if she did" I was talking out of my ass now, I didn't know what happened.

Granting him my hand to take, I pulled him from the ground with a sigh. He stood still for a moment, scanning my expression in bewilderment. "What?" I couldn't help put on an embarrassed grin with a stifled chuckle. "You have her smile" John blurted out before forcing himself to take a step back, turning around in the process. 

"Alright, Kid. I'll help you..." My eyes caught him glancing back briefly, unable to comprehend how I was standing before him. "Come on" He spoke abruptly, keeping our connection at arms length as he began walking out of the alleyway. 

With a small frown, I followed, not paying attention to my current surroundings...

How I wish I caught the sight of a cloaked figure standing behind a sedan, watching us like a hawk... I was just too slow to the point...



Feels so good to be writing this book again, I honestly love the comments you leave, it really puts a pep in my step everytime I read your opinions and I try to reply when I see them...

Next chapters will be coming out within a week of each other...

Also, have any of you seen the Recent Snyder Cut of the Justice League? Oh my God! Such a upgrade from the flop we received in 2017. It's FOUR hours of a single DC film that captures all the characters. 

It gave Justice(Pun Intended) to all the characters, giving them moments to shine, whether it be Action, Drama, Emotion all while respecting the Films before and after it. 

Anyway, I'm happy to be back at it... Hope you all enjoyed the chapter...

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