Aurora | ✓

By itslina2356

1.3M 29K 14.1K

Cover made by: @_navyblueee_ I'm living in a house made of glass. I'm scared to move, to breathe, to think. I... More

✨ Characters ✨
The island
1| Darkness
2| Done
3| Hope
4| Reunited
5| Sorellina
6| Revelations
7| Safe
8| Nightmares
9| Truth
10| Heartbroken
11| I love you
13| Danger
14| Time for the show
15| Clever
16| Heartbeat
17| Grandfather?
18| The devil herself
19| Janine
20| A visit from the past..again
21| Surprise
22| I know you
23| No longer afraid
24| Comfort
25| Sister
26| Screams
27| They came for us
28| Rescued
29| Finally home
30| Unexpected
31| Joy
32| The calm before the storm
33| The eye of the storm
34| Family
35| Epilogue
Bonus I: Aurora
Bonus II: Quinn
Bonus III: Matheo
Bonus IV: Atlas

12| Pregnancy

44.6K 795 790
By itslina2356

"She's strong enough, she just needs to believe in herself"


All these meds are really making me feel nauseous. We're having breakfast together in the patio overlooking the pool and beach.

The cooks and I have come to an agreement. I'll be making breakfasts on weekdays and they'll do it on the weekends.

It's Friday and the guys already missed school yesterday. They wanted to stay with me until I fully recover but I told them not to because they really shouldn't miss school.

They'll go in an hour and knowing I'm gonna be away from my twin and Theo when they leave in an hour is making me feel bad things. I'm sad. I'm also not feeling too well. Again.

But I refuse to acknowledge that the symptoms I'm having indicate something I'm not ready to think possible. We ruled it can't be, right? I'm not pregnant am I?

I shake the thoughts off for now, I will not dwell much on it.

Today I made bacon, eggs and buttery toast. It's delicious but the nausea is killing me. Dad and the guys are talking about something but I block them out trying to resist the urge to vomit.

Turns out when you really, really have to spill your contents can't hold it in.

I'm soon sprinting towards the nearest toilet. I ignore the fucking pain in my body as I run.

I make it into a huge bathroom I hadn't seen yet. I'll just spare you the gruesome details of how I much heaved on the toilet.

Oh my. No. It can't be. I'm pregnant am I not? Mothereffing shit.

"Baby what's wrong? Is it the meds?" Dad asks. Thankfully it's just him and not everyone.

"No" I say and start hyperventilating. I get up and wash my face and mouth. I drink the water until I'm sure my breath doesn't smell.

I sit down on the floor. I can't breathe and tears are falling down my cheeks. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

"Aurora. Aurora breathe. In and out. Do it with me okay? In...out" dad instructs

I start breathing with dad and it takes a few minutes but I finally breathe normally again.
"Okay that's good baby you did good. Now tell me why you got this upset sweetie" he asks

I start crying hard and dad hugs me. Just then Atlas comes into the room with the phone. I already know who it is. He glances at me with worry in his eyes at seeing me cry.

"It's doctor Bella, she said she wanted to talk to you first" he hands me the phone. I put it on my ear and hold my knees to my chest and my head is braced on my arm.

"Hello?" I say sniffing and in a broken voice.

"Good morning Aurora! The blood results came in and I don't know how to tell you this. First, I want to tell you I'm here if you need to talk" I thank her but want her to get to the point

"...Aurora the test results gave negative for any STD or STI but...Aurora you're pregnant"

There it is. I've been thinking of the possibility since yesterday. My emotions where all over the damn place.

"Yeah I just kind of realized it could be that, I just needed you to confirm it" I say and my voice breaks

We say goodbye and hang up, I have to get to the hospital later. I start crying into my hands and dad is so worried right now.

I need to tell him so at least he doesn't think I'm dying or something. It's just me and him.

"Baby what's wrong please tell me I'm worried" he asks

I look up at him still crying and doing my best to wipe the wet traces from my cheeks.

"Dad I'm pregnant" I spit it out

His eyes widen and I see a thousand emotions flash past his eyes. He settles with concern for me and gets me off the floor to hug me properly. I sob into his chest

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry" I say

"Shhh no Rora don't, don't apologize. It'll be okay baby whatever you decide I'll be there for you" he says

"We need to go tell my brothers and I'll tell you all why I thought it could be a possibility" I whisper

We head outside and find all my brothers worried out of their minds.

"Rory what's wrong why are you crying? What did the doctor say?" Asks Sandro

Dad and I sit down, he grabs my hand in encouragement.

"I-I'm pregnant"





They all say at the same time and dad silences them with a look.

"A couple of months ago, maybe less Riggo thought it'd be a great idea to drug me with a paralyzing drug. I- I always fought him harder until he umm put on a condom on. It was some fucked up agreement. I fought less if he wore one but that day...

That day I couldn't move at all. I hadn't thought of it until now. That one time he took advantage of the fact that I could do nothing so he went on all day long. I didn't walk for the whole week, I was always bleeding so I'm not sure when my last period really was.

I've been puking every morning, it's usually after a nightmare so I thought that was the reason, I've been more sensible like yesterday, I've had the pineapple and I've been nauseous at the thought of certain foods.

Just now I put things together and...Bella called with the blood tests confirming it. I have to go to the hospital in a couple of hours. I-I'm sorry I brought all this trouble to you"

I finish saying and tears fall down my cheeks. I'm pretty sure my cheeks are flaming red from the embarrassment of giving them details.

"We're not going to school today we'll go with you. It's not trouble we'll be there every step of the way in everything you decide" Theo says and I send him a thankful smile

"Theo is right RoRo, we're not going anywhere. Don't apologize it isn't even something on your control, even if it had been your choice to get pregnant we would fully support your decisions" my twin says and I thank him wiping my my cheeks

"Honestly I'm a little angry you have to make such a choice when it wasn't even your decision to have sex, it doesn't even count as such. I'm angry you're all taking this so well because I'm about to lose all self control and go beat the fuck out of Rodrigo for doing this to you. But even then, I'm here for you sweetie. I'm not going anywhere whatever you decide" Alessandro comments clenching and unclenching his fists

I nod and smile at him.

"Sorellina, I have to say I don't know how you're taking all this in. I feel emotionally drained and it's not even me. I will be here for anything you need no matter what decision you make, if you keep this baby we will love it like our own and if you don't we will be there for you before, during and after" finishes Quinn

I cry, again. Why are they so good with me? Dad is still holding my hand and rubbing my back.

"Okay I'll go get ready. I need to talk to Bella before I make a choice" although I think I already know what it will be...I don't want to get an abortion.

I don't think I can and if I do it'd be so I don't burden my family but it wouldn't be for me. Adoption is not on the table, I went through foster care and I don't want that for anyone, maybe I could pick a family myself...

I get into the shower and wash my hair, brush my teeth and shave my legs. I'm wasting time but I'm not gonna be ready for today's appointment.


An hour later I'm passing through the hospital doors, I want to puke right now. I'm worried because I've taken strong pain meds and anti inflammatories while being pregnant.

I'm worried because even though they support me in sure it's hard for my family. I'm worried because I don't know if I can be a mom, but I can't get an abortion either.

I get signed in and they change me into a hospital gown, dad is to my left holding my hand, Atlas on the other side leaning on the wall behind me.

To my left Theo is sitting on a chair leaning forward and to my right Alessandro and Quinn are sitting on a couch.

A new doctor comes in, she's a woman thankfully because I get anxious around men. I feel like every man is gonna hurt me but I know not everyone is like Riggo.

"Good morning Aurora, I'm doctor García and I'll be your OB/GYN. Doctor Bella Smith has put me up to date on everything that's been going on. I can assure you that with me you have a judgement-free safe place, ask me anything you want alright?"

"Thank you" I smile at her.

"Firstly, I want to talk about all the options you have. You don't have to decide right away, we can give you time and we'll make a plan accordingly to what you decide. Have you made a decision or do you want to know your options?"

"I'd like to know every option I have just not foster care" I say

"Okay can't be more than 3 months along, we'll confirm it with an ultrasound in a few minutes so abortion is still an option..."

Maybe I should go with finding two caring parents...

"If you don't wish to terminate the pregnancy and don't want the baby to end in foster care we can look for a suitable couple who isn't able to conceive." She says explaining the one I'm rooting for

"We actually have two dads in the staff who just got married and are looking into options for adoption. We can find as many parents as you'd like until you find the ones" Dr. García tells me

"And lastly if you wish to continue the pregnancy we can start on the prenatal appointments as we should if you decide on adoption. We can get you started on prenatal pills and a birth plan"

I want to keep this baby but...what if the right choice is giving it up to capable parents except of someone like me...17 and with mommy issues.

"This is so overwhelming" I say and sigh. A few tears escape my eyes. "Can we do the ultrasound first and then talk more about my options?" I ask

"Of course sweetie" Dr. García nods

She starts setting up the equipment with help of the nurse, everyone moves to the other side and the end of the bed so they can see the monitor.

The doctor is beside it. She lifts the sheets until the cover my privates and lifts my hospital gown so she can see my belly.

I'm nervous. Atlas is holding my hand now and I think I'm shaking.

"It will feel a little cold" she says and puts some gel on my belly. Damn it is cold.

She starts moving the little thingy around and settles on my lower belly still moving it around it.

"There it is, I believe you're about 9 weeks exactly. Everything seems to be perfect, the baby is—"

Tump tump tump tump...

Is that..?

"Is that a heartbeat?" I whisper afraid the sound will go away

"Sometimes it's hard to hear it this early on but there it is. It's a very strong heartbeat" she says with a huge smile

I start crying. "I'm sorry it just hadn't felt as real is does now" I sob

"It happens a lot, it only hits you when you least expect it...would you like some pictures?" doctor García says

I nod and turn to look at my dad and brothers. I take a deep breath and say "I don't want to have an abortion, when we found out this morning I thought maybe I need to do it so I don't burden you guys any more than I have but I just can't. I wouldn't be doing it because it's my best choice but because I think it'd be the right one for everyone but me and the baby. I don't want to terminate the pregnancy I really don't and I would never forgive myself"

I finish with a sob and dad hugs me and says while keeping me tucked in the safety of his arms...

"We don't want you to get an abortion either baby, it's completely your choice and we will always support you whatever you decide. Don't make a choice because you think it'd be better for us. Ask what we think if you're unsure but you could NEVER be a burden, baby or not"

"I want to keep him more than anything but I'm scared I won't be a good mom. What if the best I could do for him is give him to a prepared couple like those two dads Dr. García mentioned or someone capable of it? Why if I'm not good enough dad?" I say, voice trembling

"Baby you could never be a bad mother, the fact that you're thinking of his or her future from now, putting it first and thinking of what could be best for it without counting what you want already tells me what a great mom you'll be"

I nod because I'm scared of talking and choking on a sob...just then Sandro says "Sorellina, mom was the worst mom we could've had. She was your age when she had me and she was the very worst because she lacked what you and kindness. I turned out to be great because I had dad, this baby will have you and that's more than enough. He or she will also have 4 crazy uncles and the best grandpa it could ask for. Whatever you decide we'll be here"

I sigh and turn to the doctor "We should get started on the birth plan then"

"Alright, if you change your mind any day you can tell me and we'll start looking for parent candidates" she agrees and pulls down my gown

I nod but...I have no doubt in my mind this baby will be ours, I won't change my mind. I can't and don't want to give him or her away.

I get dressed and doctor García gives me a prescription for prenatal vitamins and pregnancy safe pain killers.

We head home and I feel emotionally drained. I'm looking at the ultrasound pictures on the car. It's such a tiny thing.

I was right I did get pregnant about 2 months ago. I'm overwhelmed and worried but I can't help the happiness creeping it's way into my heart.

"I have a feeling it'll be a boy" I say

"I think it's a girl" my twin says

"Definitely a girl" Quinn comments

"Sandro? Dad? Theo? What do you guys think it'll be?" I ask

Dad says "I'm sure it'll be a beautiful little girl" with a dreamy look in his eyes

"Well I think it's a girl too" Sandro says

I turn to Matheo "I'm sure it's a boy" he says and smiles "you'll all see how right I am" he tells me and kisses my temple

"Guys I'm sorry but I strongly believe Theo will be his favorite uncle" I say smirking at their scandalized expressions


"No way!"


I explain "I think so because I've been feeling extremely affectionate and clingy towards Theo even though he isn't forgiven for yesterday and the days before so it must be the baby" I shrug


"Fuck you Theo" Sandro says and sticks his tongue out at him. So childish.

"Baby and I will have a little talk about her questionable taste in uncles" Quinn says and Atlas agrees

"You guys are just jealous" Theo says and smirks while we all laugh.

We get home and I head upstairs without knowing what was to come...


Please don't come at me for the baby plot. This is what I had planned for the story since's on the tags and there's a warning on the description.

If you stick around you'll see it's not all about the baby and Rora will still find her love interest...along with some other characters.

The baby doesn't come until almost the end of the book, plenty of things happen in between guys I'm serious. A lot of things.

(Including cliffhangers, kidnappings, murder, torture, unexpected visits from bad people, good acquaintances...some bad ones too, cute chapters, etc)

Anyways, thank you for reading and don't forget to vote ✨

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