the king and his bride |

By x_linn_

278K 15.6K 8.1K

[discontinued] "He must be quite fond of you if he's calling for you even in the middle of the day." "I don't... More

TKAHB universe


2.8K 205 138
By x_linn_

You remember me

3. person

The sky was painted in pink and orange when the pair strolled across the castle yard, a comfortable silence in the air. While Chaeyoung was still hazy from her afternoon nap, Taehyung was walking next to her, his mind busy thinking of anything that could have dampened the girl's mood this much.

He could see Chaeyoung was bothered by something, it was bright as a day. The moment he saw her in the morning in the corridor, he knew something was wrong. That only confirmed itself once she threw herself at him. She didn't want him to see, but he did. Her damp cheeks that she tried to wipe dry the moment they separated. He didn't ask, he wasn't sure whether it was his place to pry. But as the day went on, he was starting to get more and more concerned.

Most of the day, Chaeyoung spend sleeping in his chamber while he worked.

Once he came back from the countless frustrating meetings, his chest tightened at the sight of her sleeping soundlessly in his bed, clear traces of salty tears on her reddened cheeks.

She has been crying again.

Sighing heavily he looked to his right, watching the girl as she walked along with him, her attention on the grass beneath their shoes. She hasn't spoken a word to him ever since they stepped outside for a walk. And as much as he knew it was none of his business, he couldn't help but wonder what was going on. He had never seen her this down, this miserable. Maybe the night he forbid her to meet with Jungkook, but even then she didn't look this...broken.

Did something happen at the festival last night? Did some people bother her again? The thought of that made his blood boil madly.

Not able to hold himself anymore, he looked away from her, clearing his throat.

''I haven't had the chance to ask was the festival? Did you enjoy yourself?'' Chaeyoung looked up at him, her face blank as she tried to register his words, the world around her foggy and blurry, his voice echoing emptily.

Everything in her ached but even so, she felt numb.

''Yes, I enjoyed it. It was lovely,'' she smiled weakly before looking away from him, her smile disappearing immediately.

This did not reassure Taehyung at all. Her response made him worried even more. She wasn't herself.

He clenched his jaw, not tearing his eyes away from her slumped figure.

''Sweetheart,'' at this, he noticed her flinch softly before looking at him once more in question, ''tell me what's wrong.'' Chaeyoung stopped in her tracks, making him do the same. He turned his whole body towards her, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

Chaeyoung watched him, silent. The last thing she wanted to do right now was to annoy the man in front of her.

He has been nothing but patient with her the entire day. He had watched her silently as she wiped her tears in front of him, hoping he wouldn't ask. He didn't. He made sure she was warm and comfortable in his bed before going off to work. He brought her food once he returned, saying she needs to get some food in her system. He took her for a walk, saying it would do her good. Yet, all she did was ignore his concerned looks and questions, keeping to herself. And as much as she wanted to continue doing that, she knew the man in front of her had his limits. And she was not planning on testing those anytime soon.

Steering her eyes away from him, she took a deep breath, clutching her hands tightly in front of her.

But what was she going to say? The truth? Would he even care for it?

The king took her face in his palms, forcing her to look at him.

''Did something happen at the festival? Did someone bother you?'' once the words that left his lips finally made sense she widened her eyes, shaking her head quickly.

''No! Nothing of that sort, your Majesty! You don't need to worry, I promise.'' however, Taehyung kept his eyebrows furrowed, trying to read the girl in front of him.

''Something must be going on. I am not blind,'' as she looked away from him, he could see Chaeyoung taking in a deep breath, most likely thinking of a way to get out of this. But he would not allow such a thing. ''Anything that's bothering you, you can tell me,'' Chaeyoung looked up at him doubtfully, one eyebrow up. Taehyung could not deny that he felt a bit offended at that but he shook it off quickly.

He watched her as the girl looked down, her eyes running all around his broad chest, gathering her thoughts. Knowing to be patient, Taehyung ran his hands from her face to her shoulders soothingly, holding her softly but firmly at the same time.

Taehyung could see she was shaken, even now her face adorned such sadness that it made his chest tighten uncomfortably. He didn't know why, but he hated seeing her like this. He was so used to the bashful and chirpy girl he knew her for, he despised how all that went away just in the span of one night. Just yesterday, she was nothing but a ball of sunshine, her wide smile brightening up the entire room as she had tried to persuade him into letting her go to the festival. He was just now realizing how he fucking adored her childish giggles, her playful pouts, her heartful laughs. He would do anything to get those back.

Yet, once he saw the first tear roll down her cheek, he couldn't help but panic. Taking her face in his palms again he stepped closer, looking down at her in concern.

''Sweetheart, come on,'' he pleaded, searching her teary eyes for an answer.

He knew he wouldn't pry the answer out of her forcefully if she didn't want to tell him. But he had to try.

''You see...'' she muttered shakily, playing with her fingers as she avoided his eyes, ''the-the thing is...'' Taehyung sighed, she was a mess.

''My love, look at me,'' he cooed, making her look up at him nervously, ''I want you to breathe slowly and relax. You're shaking,'' Chaeyoung took in a few deep breaths, closing her eyes. Taehyung could feel her relax in his arms, making him sigh in relief. ''Good girl.''

Stroking her cheek softly he watched her as she opened her eyes again, looking up at him in sorrow.

''In three weeks from now,'' she started quietly, Taehyung listening to her carefully with a little nod of reassurance. Chaeyoung took another deep breath, ''it''s my parents' death anniversary.'' she muttered quietly, looking away from him, not wanting to see his reaction.

Would he be surprised? Maybe indifferent?

''And I...'' she continued, seeing as the king was quiet, ''I was wondering whether I could visit their graves once the day comes.'' she finished quietly, looking down with his palms still cupping her cheeks gently.

She was a mess on the inside, not just because of the sorrow, but also because of the realization that she was sharing something so personal with the king himself. She did feel close with him lately. He confided in her about Seokjin and Juhyun therefore she knew it wasn't that out of place to tell him. But it still was a big deal for her, her parents meant everything to her, and sharing even just a little about them with the king was a big step to her.

Taehyung, on the other hand, was utterly speechless. He expected anything but this.

He knew there was something off about her family. She never mentioned her parents and he knew she lived with Jungkook. But that still didn't prepare him for what he just heard. Their death anniversary was in three weeks. And she wanted to visit them.

He looked down at her, the little girl avoiding his eyes once more. Shaking his surprise off he brushed the back of his fingers against her cheek, gathering the tears rolling down and wiping them away. Chaeyoung looked up at him cautiously, her eyes still shining with some unshed tears.

''Of course you can go,'' he breathed, searching her beautiful eyes.

This was a strong blow for him, and he couldn't help but be curious about her past. She never mentioned much besides the Jungkook guy and the pharmacy she used to run. Only now Taehyung realized how little he really knew about her. And for some reason, he didn't like that. But he knew better than to push her further right now.

He could feel the burden fall off his chest as he watched her relieved eyes, her lips slowly stretching into a weak but sincere smile. He returned one back before the girl in front of him sighed heavily, leaning her forehead on his chest. She leaned most of her weight on his body, taking him by surprise.

Wrapping his arms around her waist he held her close, looking up at the sky in thoughts.

The pink and orange slowly turned to dark purple, and Taehyung knew it was time for them to go inside. That only confirmed itself once the chilly air picked up on its speed and the frail girl in his arms shivered.

Taehyung bent down, dipping his face in her hair gently.

''Let's go in, sweetheart. It's getting late.'' Chaeyoung nodded but made no move to push herself away from Taehyung, making him chuckle lightly.

Carefully, he picked her up in his arms, holding her firmly as he made his way back towards the castle. Chaeyoung only nuzzled closer into his body heat, too tired to protest. Her nap in the afternoon wasn't enough to make up for the sleepless night, and the exhaustion was catching up with her again.

Feeling comfortable, she wrapped her arms around the king as they made their way towards the castle, the sky turning dark and the night approaching once again.

Chaeyoun's pov

I could feel the chilly air caressing my bare legs as they hang from my dad's shoulders. Even in such a big crowd of people, it was still very cold, making me hug myself tighter in my fuzzy coat. But even despite the cold, I couldn't help but be excited.

I watched the people around us with a wide smile, all of us impatiently waiting for the event to begin.

So exciting!

''Chaeyoung calm down and hold on tight. You don't want to fall off.'' I willed my legs to stop swinging back and forth, chuckling sheepishly at dad.

''Sorry daddy. Do you think our new king already has his queen?'' I asked, holding onto his collar at the back of his neck as I looked down at him, not being able to wipe the grin off my face.

Both dad and my mom, who was standing next to us, chuckled.

''I don't think so honey.''

''Than I can be his queen!''

Woah, what a dream come true that would be! I would wear beautiful dresses all day every day! I could live in a big palace like all those queens and princesses from fairy tales! And I would have a handsome husband too! We would rule the kingdom together, hand in hand, and be happy forever. I chuckled giddily at the thought, wiggling around on my dad's shoulders in excitement.

As the event began, a bunch of people clothed in white and blue lined up in a row in front of the stage. They looked like guards. Next, the soon-to-be-retired queen and king entered, their sparkling beauty making me widen my eyes in awe. However once the prince entered, I couldn't help but smile widely. He was even more beautiful than I imagined!

''Waah! He's so handsome!'' I exclaimed happily, giggling.

He wore a navy blue jacket with lots of golden details on it, making him shine as strongly as the sun itself. However, the jewelry he and his parents were wearing had nothing on his fluffy blonde hair and smooth tanned skin. Not to mention his handsome face!

I tilted my head, however, pouting as he didn't seem very happy standing up there. Wasn't he happy he was becoming the new king?

My pout disappeared the moment he started giving his speech. I wasn't really listening to what he was saying but his voice was just as beautiful as his appearance. It was very deep but soothing.

The loud clapping and cheering from the crowd around us made me snap out of my trance, making me clap and cheer just as hard, smiling widely.

In the middle of the loud cheers, I couldn't help but smile even wider, watching as his eyes stopped on me who was sitting on my dad's shoulders. Filled with utter joy and awe, I raised my arms in the air, waving madly at him.

Maybe I could make him smile just a little?

And to my utter surprise, I did. The king smiled softly, still watching me, giving me a little wave.

I could feel my heart overflow with happiness as I smiled even wider, giggling, still waving my arms from side to side.

''Did you see that daddy? He waved at me!'' I cheered, trashing around in pure excitement.

''He sure did, Chaeyoung,'' chuckled dad, making me nod furiously looking back at the king who was still looking at me with a little smile. Soon he looked away at the crowd once again, his smile disappearing.

And just like his smile, the crowd around me disappeared as well, along with my parents, making me fall down on my bum.

''Ouch!'' I hissed, rubbing my butt as I looked around, startled. I wasn't in the city anymore. There was no stage around.

I was standing in a long corridor, huge windows reaching from the ground to the ceiling on my right, a bunch of portraits hanging up on the wall on my left.

Frowning I hugged myself tightly, the cold wind in the corridor making me shiver. I didn't know this place. It was familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Suddenly the lights went off, making me jump in place as I looked around, scared. The corridor was dark now, and it was night outside, the only source of light being the moon shining through.

''Hello?'' I called shakily, looking around, ''Is someone here?''


Taking a step ahead I looked around but could barely see anything. Sniffing I picked up my pace, now running along the never-ending corridor.

''Hello?!'' I yelled, the first tear falling.

I wasn't scared of the dark but this place was scary.

Running, I was starting to feel tired and it seemed there was no end to this corridor.

''Please is someone here?'' I cried.

''Sweetheart?'' stopping in my tracks, my heart jumped in my chest, terrified.

''H-hello?'' I looked around but saw no one.

''Sweetheart, where are you?'' the voice was familiar. Frowning I looked ahead. It seemed like it came from that direction.

Hesitant, I started running again. I didn't know who it was but I didn't want to be alone.

''Sweetheart I am here,'' I picked up on my speed, the voice seemed clearer now.

Widening my eyes I stopped in my tracks, looking ahead of me. There was a giant door closed in front of me.

''S-sir?'' I called, hiccuping.

''I'm in here.''

It came from behind the door. Looking behind me I looked at the dark corridor, shivering.

Running towards the door I reached up for the handle, trying to open the heavy door. After a lot of struggle, I finally slipped in, the giant door closing shut with a heavy bang behind me.

The huge room in front of me was lit up, much to my relief, but what surprised me was the man sitting on the throne, all by himself.

Walking closer I realized it was the new king, still clothed in his coronation clothes.

He looked up at me, giving me the same soft smile he gave me out there, making my little heart jump in my rib cage.

''There you are, sweetheart,'' not able to hold my fear and stress any longer I wailed loudly, running to him.

The young king stood up from his throne, walking down the few stairs before he crouched down, waiting for me to reach him.

Once I did, I threw myself at him but the king caught me skillfully hugging me tightly.

I sobbed quietly into his chest.

''I was so scared,'' I hiccuped, hiding my face in his fancy jacket. The king patted my head softly, calming me down.

''I was waiting for you Chaeyoung,'' he muttered into my hair, making me look up at him while sniffing my nose.

''Y-you were?'' the king nodded, wiping my tears with his thumb.

''I wanted her with me. The girl who made me smile. I wanted her with me.''

The familiar words made my head pound painfully. Holding my head in my little hands I buried my face in his chest once more, crying out in pain.

I...I heard those words before. I...this place seems familiar too. But where am I? What's going on?

With a sharp breath, I sat up in the bed, breathing heavily as I looked around me in shock.


''Sweetheart?'' startled I looked to my right, realizing the king was sitting next to me, a book in his lap and a concerned expression on his face, ''what's wrong? A bad dream?'' I watched him silently, breathing heavily.

'I wanted her with me. The girl who made me smile. I wanted her with me.''

Those words. He said that to me when I asked him why he chose me a month ago. Does that mean...he remembers? That time at the coronation...

''Chaeyoung,'' I snapped out of it, watching him as he put the book away, looking back at me with a frown, ''you are scaring me, what's wrong?''

'' remember me?'' the king frowned deeper, looking at me questioningly.


Suddenly full of energy, I reached out for him, clearly surprising him as I climbed on top of his lap, pushing him against the backrest with my hands on his shoulders.

''Woah sweetheart, what's this?'' he watched me with big eyes as I searched his eyes, trying to put the two and two together.

I mean what else could that possibly mean? The one who made him smile. I made him smile at the coronation. I am more than sure he was looking at me back then. Right?

Snapping out of it I watched as the king reached out his hand, brushing the loose strand of my hair behind my ear, still looking at me with one eyebrow raised.

''You told me you wanted the girl who made you smile with you,'' the king widened his eyes slightly, watching me silently, ''does that mean you remember me from the coronation day?'' he took in a sharp breath, not saying anything.

Going off of my dream is a weak shot but it's the only thing I have. I mean, even if he did remember me, how did he know it was me at the bride fest? We had veils on and I look nothing like I did back then when I was ten. But he wanted the girl who made him smile. I didn't see him before the bride fest started, the first time I saw him was when he raised up my veil. So there's no way...

I watched him impatiently, still holding him by his shoulders as one of his hands rested against my neck.

He looked surprised. I never saw him this off guard. I guess he didn't expect this conversation in the middle of the night.

''Sweetheart...'' he trailed off, frowning, ''how did you-''

''So it's true then?'' I jumped in, searching his eyes desperately.

I wasn't sure how I felt about this. I almost forgot the coronation day myself, even though deep down it was a memory I was very fond of. However, I would never expect the king to remember it. To remember me.

Sighing deeply he looked down, but the little nod of confirmation seemed to throw my mind into a tornado of messy thoughts.

So he remembers, and that's why I'm here...

''But how...'' I trailed off, not understanding. The king looked back up at me, the hand resting on my shoulder now playing with the strands of my hair.

''For about three years I've been waiting for you,'' I widened my eyes, watching him in astonishment, ''you were still young at the coronation so I knew you wouldn't show up that soon. But I knew that one day you would,'' he spoke softly, his fingers as soft as a feather as they brushed against my neck and cheek, his voice soothing like honey.

''But...I had a veil on...'' I muttered. The king chuckled, nodding.

''Before every bride fest I get a report with the names of all girls who will attend,'' I raised my eyebrows thinking, ''it was not difficult for me to figure out you were there once I walked around you. I recognized your presence.''

More confused than at the beginning I frowned, looking at him with my thoughts in a jumbled mess.

''My presence?'' he chuckled.

''It's difficult to explain. But I can recognize the presence of a few people. It was a surprise for me as well when I recognized you. But I'm glad I did.'' I nodded abstinently when a sudden thought made me frown.

''But how did you know my name?'' at that he visibly stiffened, making me even more confused.

It's not like we ever talked at the coronation. We were in a crowd full of people, but it's true we were somewhere near the front from what I can remember. Suddenly I stiffened as well, looking up at him with widened eyes.

''My dad...'' the king nodded his head softly, watching me carefully.

Slumping in his hold I looked down, trying to take all this in.

All this time...he wanted me because he remembered me from that day. Because I made him smile when he looked so miserable up there. And he's been waiting for me...for years.

And just like that, I could feel a small blush crawling up my cheeks.

From the beginning of the bride fest, he knew he was going to choose me. Because he wanted me for years. He's been looking for my name.

''Sweetheart, are you alright?'' looking up at him I nodded hurriedly, making him chuckle.

''I hope you're not angry,'' biting my lip at his concerned expression I shook my head before smiling bashfully.

''It's...surprising. I didn't think you would remember me after all this time,'' I admitted quietly.

Smiling, the king wrapped his arms around me before pulling me in, hugging me to his chest with his chin on top of my head.

''How could I forget?'' he muttered with a small sigh, making me blush into his chest even more, ''during the whole ordeal, you were the only thing worth smiling for. You lit up the whole area with your smile. Despite being so looked much happier for me than the whole crowd around you combined.'' smiling at the memory I nodded.

I remember how excited I was back then. My head filled with all the fairy tales, happy ever afters...I felt like I was in a dream. Even if it wasn't me on top of that stage, I felt so happy for him because handsome kings and princes get their happy endings, no?

Raising my head from his chest I looked up at him, both of us smiling softly at one another in the dim lights of the bedroom.

I could remember little me thinking how I would love to be the king's queen. How I wanted a life in a beautiful castle filled with happiness, stunning dresses and gowns, and whatnot.

Right now, I truly wasn't far away from that. But I wasn't near being close either. Me, a queen. How ridiculous that sounded.

But watching the man in front of me silently, his hands around me holding me in his familiar warmth, I knew that even at the age of 19, I still dreamed of it.

Dear Chaeyoung,

I sincerely hope you're doing well out there. It's a shame you ended up being the one, Clawsen misses you a lot. Especially our pharmacy. Your pharmacy. I wish I could say you left it in good hands, but I am not so sure of that anymore. I am doing my best, but one person is not enough, I am sure you understand that.

I remember when we were younger, it was tough for us to run the pharmacy. We used to argue a lot, hold grudges against one another but in the end, I enjoyed my time with you. Running the pharmacy was tiring but with you it was enjoyable. But now, not anymore. I still love what I do, but with me being alone for all this, it's hard.

Now, despite all this, I don't want you to worry. We're already looking for someone who would be able to handle the work with me. However, it's difficult, there are not many people here who would like to take on the job, actually, there's no one as of now. But I will keep looking.

On the brighter side, Jungkook has been helping out whenever he can, but you know how he is, it's usually the easy jobs he does for me, but it's still plenty so I am thankful.

Anyway, pharmacy aside, I really do hope you're well. When we were still kids, you always used to dream about being a princess, wearing rich, beautiful dresses, and living in a palace. Although that's not exactly what happened, I hope at least a portion of your dreams came true, even if you're in not such a good position. You deserve happiness.

I will try to keep you updated on the pharmacy, it is still yours so it's only fair you know how it's doing.

Miss you,


I sighed, placing the letter aside before covering my face in my palms. This wasn't good. I wish I could help her somehow, I could only imagine what it's like running the pharmacy on your own. Despite Clawsen being a small village, people always tend to get injured. That's what happens when you work in the fields and out in the wild.

The worst thing was, it was not just a pharmacy anymore. After the attack of assassins in our village, many people died, including my and Jungkook's parents and including Soojin's father, who was the only doctor we had. Therefore, the pharmacy took on the role of that as well. Besides making remedies, we also used to help people with injuries, fevers, and whatnot. It was a tough job, but rewarding.

But what could I do now? I was in no position to help them. I could send them some money but that wouldn't help as they need a person to help out. Clawsen was a little and unpopular village, if no one in the village was willing and able to help then it was hardly the chance that someone from outside would be willing to take on the job.

Slowly, I took the letter in my hand and placed it in the drawer with all my other letters from Jungkook.

Maybe I could ask the king whether I could visit them after visiting my parents' graves? The cemetery is just on the outskirts of the village in the end. I could see Mrs Lee too...I miss her a lot. Sighing, I shook my head.

All I can do for now is pray they find someone else soon.

The next day

I was sorting out the countless soaps and bath salts on the marble table by the baths. We decided to come here tonight to relax a bit so I took it upon myself to get the things ready.

Looking out of the ginormous window in front of me I cringed, watching the monstrous thunderstorm going on outside. The trees were bending from left to right violently and there was not a single sight of birds in the grey sky.

Frowning, I looked down to the yard, watching an old woman run around in the rain, completely drenched. I watched her confusedly before I realized it was Mrs Lim.

Mrs Lim was a lovely woman, she was the one who was in charge of getting the girls ready for the bride fest. She and her husband were one of the few aristocrats in the castle I actually liked. They were nothing but friendly and helpful to the brides and staff, making me look up to them a lot. Not to mention they were the adoptive parents of little Insu.

As much as it's unfair, the lovely pair could not conceive children, therefore they adopted Insu when he was still just a baby. Still, they were amazing parents, doing their best to bring up Insu into a proper boy.

Shaking away my thoughts, I watched as she looked around the yard, making me confused.

As far as I knew, this was the bride's yard, and no other person but brides and the king could enter the yard.

However, once I saw the distressed expression on Mrs Lim's face, I stiffened. Something wasn't right. Leaving the soaps behind I ran out of the room and raced towards the staircase.

Just as I was about to exit the palace, Mrs Lim ran inside, all drenched and breathing heavily.

Concerned I reached out for her shaken figure, holding her by her shoulders.

''Mrs Lim! What's wrong? Why would you run around in the rain like that?'' I asked, making her look up at me with teary eyes.

''Miss Chaeyoung,'' she wept, making me even more concerned, ''my Insu...''

''What's wrong? Where's Insu?''

''I-I don't know...he was playing around with the kids outside and-and...'' Mrs Lim had a hard time getting her words out. I rubbed her arms gently, trying to get her to calm down, ''when the thunder began, the other kids...they came back, but-but they said they couldn't find Insu anywhere...they said they were playing hide and seek but they couldn't find him for a long time,'' I frowned at that, worried, ''Miss Chaeyoung he's still out there but I can't-I''

''It's okay, it's going to be alright. I need you to calm down, okay? I will go and look for him outside while you can search the palace, maybe he already returned,'' Mrs Lim looked up at me hopefully, her eyes glossed over and I could see her make-up running down her cheeks.

''You will look for him?'' I nodded my head to reassure her, giving her a small smile.

''Of course, he must be somewhere in the yards, I will bring him back soon, I promise, please don't worry too much,'' Mrs Lim nodded hurriedly before shaking off her coat, giving it to me.

''Here darling, take this, it's freezing outside,'' smiling thankfully I took the coat before putting it on and running out of the palace.

The heavy rain hit my head shoulders, making me groan quietly as I shivered in the cold.

Looking around I ran to the backyard, before scanning the area.

Where could he be hiding? I played hide and seek with him a few times so I should be able to know a few of his hiding spots. Running ahead, I looked for him by the pond, by the summer house, the flower beds, and the maze, but so far I couldn't find him.

By now, I couldn't feel my fingers and my hair was sopping wet, it was raining buckets.

As lightning struck I jumped in place, turning around.

''I hate thunderstorms,'' I muttered to myself with a whine, my teeth already chattering as I hugged myself tightly.

Looking around the yard hopelessly, I suddenly stopped my observation, my eyes widening as I saw the thick bushes at the far end of the yard, a little, almost invisible path in between.

''The shed!'' I ran towards the back of the yard, cursing at myself internally.

How did I not think of that place? Mrs Lim said the kids couldn't find him for a long time, obviously, he hid in there. Not a lot of people know about this place.

I winced as the twigs scraped at my dress, some of them even getting to my legs through the bottom. Quickly, I made my way across the path before running towards the shed.

Opening the door as if I was on fire, I fled in, looking around.



Little, quiet sobs reached my ears as I made my way across the shed. Widening my eyes, I ran behind the wooden wall, and soon enough, there sat Insu on the floor behind the old box, hiding his face in his knees, shivering.

''Oh Insu,'' I cooed, running around the box to crouch next to him and bring him into a tight hug, ''I'm here, it's okay now, I'm with you,'' I whispered into his ear, rocking us back and forth while patting his head soothingly.

''P-pretty noona?''

''Yes it's me, it's just me,'' his little arms wrapped around my neck. Hiding his face in my hair he cried loudly, making my heart break into thousand pieces.

''I-I was so one came for me for a long t-time and-and the rain is so loud...I want-I want mommy.''

''We will get you to mommy soon don't worry, we will.'' I picked him up and held him against my hip, already walking with sobbing Insu towards the exit of the shed, ''Now, the rain outside is very heavy so I need you to be strong for me and endure the loud noises for a bit okay? I will get us inside as quickly as I can,'' little Insu did nothing but nod, hiding his face deeper into my shoulder, sniffing.

Taking a deep breath in I opened the door before dashing out towards the thick bushes again, needing to get us inside as soon as possible.

Hissing I made my way in between the bushes, some of them ripping at my dress while some even scarred my legs, but I didn't focus on the pain as I ran with all I had, Insu's small cries in my ear pushing me to go further.

Once we were out of the thick jungle, I made my way quickly across the yard, careful not to slip on the wet grass.

Soon, the entrance was in reach and as I went in with my heart pounding in my ears, Mrs Lim was already standing there, her worried face immediately turning into a relieved one once she saw the little huddled boy in my arms.

''Oh Insu!''

''Mommy!'' I let Insu run towards his mom as I caught my breath, smiling at the two as they hugged like there was no tomorrow, Mrs Lim with tears of joy at the corners.

The sight was worth it.


hello my loves, here's the next chapter!

I really hope you enoyed it <3

don't hesitate to comment your thoughts on it, I would appreciate that (っ^_^)っ

thank you all so much for your support, it means the world to me <3

(I know I already posted pictures similar to these in the last chapter, these ones are from like year ago and at first I couldn't find them so I made new ones, but now that I found them, I thought why not sharing these as well, I hope you don't mind <3)

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"I can't get my mind off you, I think I might be obsessed. The very thought of you makes me want to get undressed." --- "I felt his deep passion find...
516 40 7
Detective Kim Jisoo, meets a mysterious woman. "Would you really let me go if I want to?" "Of course I will. It's your decision. However, don't expec...