His Queen, Her King (Draco x...

By EllieLouiseStrong

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Follow Y/n Snape and Draco Malfoy through the rollercoaster of a life at Hogwarts. Mature themes I do not o... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Part 17

716 19 0
By EllieLouiseStrong

"Hey, Draco didn't think you were coming?" Malia says as I sit next to her in the stands. I smile at her and wrap my jumper around me tighter.

"I had to see the last challenge" I say. She nods and gives me a quick hug. "Where's Ced?" I look around the arena for him.

"They're getting ready, he's really nervous. Amos is here too" She says. I smile widely at her as the boys walk over. Draco's eyes widened at me. I give him a smile and he slips in next to me. His arm instantly goes around my waist.

"I thought you were resting," He says.

"I couldn't miss this" I say. He nods understandingly and I lean my head on his shoulder. He wraps his scarf around me and I roll my eyes at his overprotectiveness. He just gives me a look and I shut my mouth as Cedric comes out. I cheer loudly for him.

"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now, as Mr. Diggory and Mr. Potter are tied for first position they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum and Miss Delacour. The first person to touch the cup will be the winner! l've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, a contestant wish to withdraw from the task he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants! Gather around. Quickly!" Dumbledore announces before pulling the contestants for a quick word. "On the count of three. One..." The cannon goes and Harry and Cedric go into the maze. After ten minutes they send in Krum and Fleur. While we are waiting we all have a conversation and Malia brings me up to speed with the recent potions work. Igor Karagoff appears next to me.

"Miss Avery, may I have a word in private?" He asks. Draco shoots me a confused and worried look.

"Um sure?" I say confused and get up before turning to the others. "Catch up with you guys in a sec" They nod all looking slightly worried or confused. I follow him behind the stands.

"I'm sorry for this Miss Avery" He says. I turn to see Lucius standing there in a black robe. "But your father would like to meet you" My stomach tightens in a knot making me feel incredibly sick.

"Lucius? What's happening?" I ask as he walks over to me holding his hand out.

"No time to explain just do as your told or Draco will be in danger" He says and I know there's nothing I can do. I take his hand as we apparate to a dark graveyard. I look around and see Harry held up by a statue. His eyes meet mine.

"Harry?" I ask.

"Y/N?" He whispers. He looks like he's in a lot of pain. I turn to see a man with a black cloak and my heart stops.

"Ah my child...my sweet girl, come to me" He says smiling at me. Voldemort, I take a step away from him.

"How are you here?" I choke out, stopping myself from looking weak in front of him.

"I never really left" He says, holding his arms out.  I shake my head in shock. "Now do as your told"

"You are not my father" I say bitterly and glare at him.

"She doesn't know what she's saying, my Lord" Lucius says, stepping forward and then I remember what he said about Draco.

"Silence Lucius you pathetic man" Voldemort snaps. I glare at him, suddenly feeling a burst of confidence.

"Don't talk to him like that!" I shout and step forward again. He looks almost amused as I step up to him,

"You will learn to respect me Y/N or you will die like your parents. So will your boyfriend and your friends" He says. My heart drops slightly as he steps forward putting his hands on my shoulders. I am in too much shock to push him away. "Consider this a warning to you" He looks over to a spot on the floor and I follow his gaze. My heart sinks and I almost scream. Cedric is lying lifeless on the floor.

"Ced? Cedric! What did you do?!" I shout and run over to him, I kneel next to his body taking his cold hand as tears fall down my face. He can't be dead. He has to wake up.

"I don't make empty threats sweetheart and you will stand by my side or Draco Malfoy is next" He says. He walks over to me and holds out his hand and before I can choke out another word, Harry speaks.

"Leave her alone!" He shouts angrily. I keep my eyes on Cedric as my heart breaks. Why him?

"Harry. l'd almost forgotten you were here. Standing on the bones of my father. Yeah. l'd introduce you but word has it you're almost as famous as me these days. The boy who lived. How lies have fed your legend, Harry. Shall l reveal what really happened that night 1 3 years ago? Shall l divulge how l truly lost my powers? Yes, shall l?" Voldermort says taunting Harey. I just focus on gripping Cedrics hand as tight as I can, willing him to come back. But I know it's futile. "lt was love. You see, when dear, sweet Lily Potter gave her life for her only son she provided the ultimate protection. l could not touch him. lt was old magic. Something l should have foreseen. But no matter, no matter. Things have changed. l can touch you now. Yeah. Astonishing what a few drops of your blood will do, eh, Harry? Pick up your wand, Potter. l said, pick it up! Get up! Get up! You've been taught how to duel, l presume, yes? First, we bow to each other. Come on, now, Harry. The niceties must be observed. Dumbledore wouldn't want you to forget your manners, would he? l said, bow. That's better. And now..." I turn to see him let Harry down and then point his wand at him.

"No!" I shout. He flicks his wrist with a smirk.

"Crucio! Crucio! Attaboy, Harry. Your parents would be proud. Especially your filthy Muggle mother" He says. Harry stands up slowly filled with rage.

"Expelliar..." He starts but is flung back into a headstone. I try to get up but it's almost as though I don't have the energy. My whole body aches with pain from losing the boy I called my brother. My best friend's boyfriend.

"l'm going to kill you, Harry Potter. l'm going to destroy you. After tonight, no one will ever again question my powers. After tonight, if they speak of you they'll speak only of how you begged for death. And l, being a merciful Lord obliged. Get up! Don't you turn your back on me, Harry Potter! l want you to look at me when l kill you! l want to see the light leave your eyes!" Voldemort says as Harry hides away. I pray that he finds a way to get himself out of here.

"Have it your way" He says suddenly appearing. My eyes go wide. This boy is stupid.

"Harry what are you doing?" I croak out. He shakes his head and pulls out his wand.

"Expelliarmus!" He shouts flicking it at the same time Voldemort does.

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort shouts as they connect in a dual. I watch nervously as Harry is nearly bested."Do nothing! He's mine to finish! He's mine!" He looks conflicted for a while as if he's talking to someone and then flicks his wand making a light blind Voldermort and the others.

"Y/N! Accio!" Harry shouts. He grabs my hand and Cedrics as well as making the cup fly over to us.

"No!" Voldermort screams as we are thrown in front of the maze. I crawl back to Cedric and shake his shoulders, praying that this is all a nightmare,

"Ced? Cedric?" I beg as more hot tears fall down my face. I bury myself into his chest. I hear the cheers around us, people clearly not realising I shouldn't be here.

"He did it!"

"Harry! Harry!" Dumbledore shouts running over to us. Suddenly someone screams and everyone goes completely silent. I just cling onto Ced not wanting to let him go. Dumbledore tries to prise Harry away from us.

"No! No! No, don't!" Harry screams as Fudge runs over to us. People are looking directly at us but I can't concentrate my head feels fuzzy.

"He's back. He's back. Voldemort's back. He took Y/N! Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back. l couldn't leave him, not there" Harry cries trying to take my hand. I shake him off not letting go of my brother.

"lt's all right, Harry. lt's all right. He's home. You all are" Dumbledore says as he puts a hand on my shoulder. I feel two arms go around my waist and pull me up as I see his black cloak. I try to get back to Cedric and kick and scream at Severus to let me go.

"Please no! Severus help him please!" I beg. He shakes his head and I go limp in his arms screaming in pain.

"Keep everybody in their seats. A boy has just been killed. The body must be moved, Dumbledore. There are too many people" Fudge says, I almost lose it again.

"Let me through. Let me through! Let me through! That's my son! That's my boy! lt's my boy!" Amos says kneeling down next to Cedric. I see Harry being pulled away by Moody. Severus clings onto me as I catch a glimpse of her dark hair.

"Y/N?" She says confused. I look back down to Cedric not being able to speak. Malia slowly turns then falls to her knees as Blaise runs over to her, "No! Cedric! Please wake up!"

"It was my fault..." I whisper as my throat hurts. "Malia forgive me please" She doesn't turn to me as she cries into Blaises' shoulder. I feel another pair of arms grab me and hold onto me.

"It wasn't your fault, come on baby" He whispers pulling me into his chest so that I can't see the scene in front of me.

"No! Draco please! Please someone help him!" I beg, he holds onto me tighter as I fight against him finally giving up when his hand goes to my hair.

"He's gone baby, he's gone. I've got you" He says. My heart breaks into a thousand pieces. My brother, my best friend is dead. All because I didn't go to him. Because it's my fault.

"Today, we acknowledge a really terrible loss. Cedric Diggory was, as you all know, exceptionally hard-working infinitely fair-minded and, most importantly a fierce, fierce friend. Now, l think, therefore, you have the right to know exactly how he died. You see Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort! The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this. But not to do so, l think, would be an insult to his memory. Now, the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me and reminds us that while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues our hearts beat as one. ln light of recent events the bonds of friendship we've made this year will be more important than ever. Remember that, and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain. You remember that and we'll celebrate a boy who was kind and honest and brave and true, right to the very end" Dumbledore says. A few people turn to look at me at the mention of Voldermort but I block them out as Draco rubs circles on my hand. We exit the hall after Cedric's memorial and I am sat on Dracos bed. Malia was pulled from school after it happened. She left me a note saying that she doesn't blame me. But she should. If I'd done what I was told he'd be alive.

"Here" Draco says placing a hot mug in my hands, I give him a forced smile as he sits in front of me. He looks exhausted and I know it's my fault. He's been up with me the past two nights. I can't stop seeing Cedric dead and Voldemort's warning to me.

"Thank you..." I say, he takes my hand and I know what he's about to ask. He's avoided it for the past few days knowing the answer already but needing to hear me say it.

"Who?" He whispers. I look up and meet his eyes. They are clouded with worry and regret

"Your Dad" I tell him and he goes to say something but I cut him off. I squeeze his hand tighter. No matter what my love for him hasn't faltered for a second. "Don't...it's not your fault. You tried your best"

"I could have tried harder," He says. I pull him to sit next to me and he hugs me into his chest,

"Draco we've had this conversation and as long as his blood is in my veins I've got no choice. If I don't join him then you're all as good as dead" I tell him. He pulls away and shakes his head.

"You don't..." He starts. I put my finger to his lips.

"I do. Because without you, there's no point in breathing" I say. "I love you Draco"

"I love you" He says and kisses me passionately. I leave him to pack our things as I walk to the Gryffindor Common Room. Fred let's me in on his way out and offers me a small smile. I nod at him in thanks as I walk up to find Harry's dorm.

"Harry?" I ask knocking on a door. It opens to reveal him sat on the edge of his bed.

"Y/N? I thought you'd have left by now" He says. He motions for me to take a seat opposite him on another bed and I accept. I play with my bracelet on my wrist and then take a deep breath,

"I needed to talk to you" I say. He looks down at the floor with a sigh.

"You're going to join him arent you?" He says. I close my eyes willing the tears not to come.

"I haven't got a choice about that" I tell him. He stands up angrily.

"Then you may as well have killed Cedric. Get out" He says pointing to the door. I stand up after him and try to make him look at me.

"Harry listen to me please, I know I have no right to ask for favours but hear me out" I beg. He crosses his arms and glares at me. I know he's angry but I need him to hear me out.

"You've got two minutes" He says. I sigh in relief and make sure the room is empty before casting a quick muffaliato.

"I can help you, it's dangerous but I can help you" I say. He looks at me confused. This is a risk I'm willing to take. One Draco and I have had a long conversation about and both agreed to.

"How?" He asks.

"He killed my parents, he killed yours, he killed Cedric. I'm not letting him win this war. No matter what. I can get inside information for you use it against him. Tell you his weaknesses and strengths" I say and he mulls it over. "Get you any details you need. I'm only asking you one thing" He looks up at me finally.

"What?" He asks. I take a deep breath and look into his eyes.

"Trust me, you said you owed me. So I'm cashing it in. Trust me please" I say. He thinks for a moment and then nods.

"I trust you" He says. And so it begins...

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