Stay For Me

بواسطة phoeberosewrites

294K 8.5K 6.5K

All Thea ever wanted was for Rio to wait for her, but will she finally realise that she just needs him to sta... المزيد

stay for me
aesthetics & playlist
01 | memories
02 | different places
03 | grey
05 | ti amo
06 | dear diary
07 | sweetheart
08 | versace on the floor
09 | my dea
10 | freaky
11 | gorgeous
12 | always have, always will
13 | the right reasons
14 | selfless
15 | welcome to the family
16 | babysitter
17 | adore you
18 | this is self control
19 | peter panda
20 | blue glow
21 | wingman
22 | wherefore art thou romeo?
23 | initials
24 | reckless
25 | good listener
26 | balance
27 | sunny
28 | career choices
29 | the wedding
30 | commitment
31 | matchmaker
32 | adventure
33 | silva and sky
34 | boy racer
35 | explanation
36 | forgive me
37 | better than this
38 | moonlight
39 | just a dream
40 | needy
41 | gifts
42 | resolutions
43 | good practise
44 | anniversary
45 | valentine
46 | cupcakes
47 | mio familia
48 | distractions
49 | forever
bonus chapter 1 | the wedding
bonus chapter 2 | the honeymoon
Spin Off's

04 | manners

5.9K 192 207
بواسطة phoeberosewrites

❝ 𝑰 𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒐 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒈𝒐𝒕 𝒔𝒐 𝒇𝒂𝒓
𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒕 𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔𝒏'𝒕 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓
𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒐 𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝒍
𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒕 𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔𝒏'𝒕 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 ❞

𝑳𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒊𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌

* * * * * * *


"There is no way in hell I'm getting that." I protest as I stare at the practically non existence material that Shyla is holding up.

We've been at the mall for almost two hours now and I still haven't managed to successfully buy an outfit for the party. I don't even want to go to this stupid party anyway.

We know the person who's hosting it this time though. Some boy we went to high school with is having a gathering for his his twenty-first birthday. Tyler?.. Taylor?.. Tommy?.. something like that, I think.

"Mason has a huge games room with a bowling alley and everything." Aven explains as she approaches us, too busy staring at a pair of boots to notice that myself and Shyla are currently having a silent disagreement over the dress she's currently forcing me to buy.

Oh, he's called Mason. I could've sworn his name began with a T.

"What's going on?" Aven asks, clearly noticing the tension between Shyla and I.

"She's trying to make me get that," I tell her and she glances towards the dress in Shyla's hands.

"It's cute," she comments and Shyla begins to smile as to say I told you so.

She takes a step towards me, extending her arms out for me to take the dress and I roll my eyes with a playful groan. "Ugh, fine."

I take the dress and she chuckles to herself, motioning her head towards the counter for me to buy it. The dress is cute but it's a little shorter than what I would usually go for. The material is also extremely thin and partially see-through, which isn't exactly a huge problem but as of late.. I've become a lot more self conscious of how I look.

Now I'm not saying I'm someone who constantly needs reassurance because I don't. It's just that.. ever since the whole 'Rio leaving' thing, I've began to doubt myself a lot. My self worth, my image, even my own sanity sometimes.

I've always been a little conscious of how I look anyway, even before Rio.. but since meeting him, he somehow managed to help me embrace the parts I don't necessarily like. When he left.. it was almost as though all of that left too.

Knowing I'll probably regret this later when I actually have to wear it.. I buy the god damn dress purely to shut Shyla up.

After spending another hour or so at the mall, we head to Five Guys because that's all Aven has talked about since we actually got here.

We all love food equally as much. Perhaps that's why we're such good friends.

Eventually after an eventful few hours, I arrive back home and head upstairs to my room. The girls are coming over later so we can all get ready together, when I know that it's only because Shyla wants to make sure I wear the dress.

It's black, obviously, and has ruffled sleeves, cutting off a few inches below my bottom. I'm just hoping that when I actually put it on, it doesn't rise up too much.

One things for sure, if it does and my dad notices it.. the only place I'll be going tonight is the either the mortuary or the cemetery.

"Straight hair or curly hair?" Aven asks as she sits down at my vanity table.

"Curly! You rock curls," Shyla exclaims and I chuckle, painting my nails as I sit on my bed beside her.

I decide to go for a neutral tone, as well as my makeup, not wanting to draw too much attention to myself tonight. All I want is to go out, try to have a little bit of fun, and then come back home again.

Aven looks beautiful tonight. She does all the time anyway, but I rarely see her with curly hair and it's a shame because it really does suit her.

A tight fitted pale pink strapless dress covers her tall and slender frame, a pair of silver heels to finish the look off.

Shyla is the more curvier out of the three of us. She has the most amazing waist and an ass I would literally die for. She looks pretty hot in a pair of black leather pants with black heels and a spaghetti strap white, low cut top.

I finish paining my nails and allow them time to dry before deciding to get changed myself.

This should be fun.

"Come on slow coach!" Shyla beckons as she holds the dress up, gesturing for me to walk over to her. I get up from the bed and do as she asks, taking the dress with a small smile.

I put the dress over my head and pull it down, but do you think the stupid thing will actually go down? Of course not.

"Suck your stomach in," Shyla says as she attempts to help pull it down form the bottom.

Suck it in? I can barely breathe in the thing.

"Aven! A little help over here." She calls and I groan, watching her walk over and pull one side down while Shyla tackles the other.

If I breathe in this, I think the whole thing will just snap.

Eventually the girls manage to get the dress down and they step back, admiring it individually. "You look stunning!" Shyla squeals.

"It feels as though it's imbedding itself into my skin." I mutter and she rolls her eyes playfully, rubbing her hands down my hips as she admires the dress on me.

Aven chuckles. "You'll be fine Thea, just think of how hot you look in it."

Oh yeah, I'll just try to remind myself while I'm having a fucking cardiac arrest when it cuts off my circulation.

Great idea.

"Maybe just take little puffs of air," Shyla suggests and I glare at her.

She holds her hands up defensively and chuckles, turning around and walking over to the bed before picking up her phone.

I put on a pair of black heels and brush through my hair once more before glancing up at Shyla as she leans against the wall.

"So, we ready to get fucking drunk or what?" She shouts as her eyes flick between mine and Aven's.

With a faint smile, I pick up my small purse and follow the girls out of the room.

My parents are sat in the living room with both of my brothers, which is actually quite surprising. They must have come to some sort of agreement in order for him to actually socialise with them.

My bets are on money.. a lot of it too. That boy doesn't do anything for free.

I once asked him to help look for my car keys and he wanted to charge me by the minute. The minute. A dollar for every single minute spent helping me search.

"You girls look nice," my mom compliments as I hide behind Aven, trying to obscure myself from my dad.

"Thank you Mrs Walker," Aven replies politely and Shyla offers her a warm smile in response.

My dad peers around my moms head and arches a brow at me. "You okay there T?" He asks and I nod quickly, my eyes darting anywhere but his.

"Well we're going now so.. I'll see you later." I mumble and pull both girls away from the archway and towards the front door.

"Bye! Have fun and behave!" My mom calls and we all laugh.

Behave. Who does she think we are?

We all get into Aven's car and take the reasonably short drive to the party. Throughout the car ride, I can't help but feel a little anxious. It's my first time going out properly since the whole.. incident.

What if it's too much for me? What if it gets too overwhelming?

"Hey," Shyla says as she turns around in her seat. "If you want to go at any point, just say the word. Okay?" She says and I smile faintly, nodding at her.

We eventually pull up at the house and I look out of the window, admiring how luxurious it is. I haven't seen a house like this around New Orleans before.

Where are we, Downton Abbey?

I follow the girls as we get out of the car snd make our way towards the front door, glancing at the various people scattered across the front yard on the way.

We step inside and my eyes widen at the interior of the large house. It's beautiful but just too.. posh. I'm too scared to even freaking breathe incase I mess up the purified air or something.

How Mason even has the guts to host a party here.. I don't know.

He's a brave, brave boy, I'll give him that.

Music echos from every room and people crowd the foyer and large staircase, drinks in their hands while they socialise.

I appear to know quite a lot of people here which makes a change. Usually we just used to gatecrash random parties and never actually know anyone so it's nice to see a few familiar faces this time.

"Lets get some drinks!" Shyla shouts over the music as she pulls us through the house and towards the kitchen.

The kitchen is busy too, people standing around while they engage in conversation while others help themselves to various drinks.

"So! What are we having?" Shyla asks as she turns around to face myself and Aven.

"I'm driving, so I'll just take a soda or something." She replies and I glance around, my eyes landing on Mason as he walks towards us.

"Well if it isn't dumb, dumber and even dumber." He smiles as he stops in front of us.

His dark brown hair is long, almost reaching his shoulders as he runs his fingers through it, pushing it to one side.

He almost reminds me a little of how Harry Styles looked with his long hair. He's an attractive boy and has a few tattoos, but I've never been attracted to him.

Not that it even matters anyway.. I'm just rambling I guess.

"It's been a while huh," he says and we all nod in unison, agreeing with him. It has been a while.

It feels like I left school a lifetime ago. So much has happened since then, it's almost hard to even remember it.

"Well, you all have fun catching up, I have to pee so get me whatever and I'll be back in a sec." I tell the girls and both girls instantly shake their heads.

"No way, not after the last time. You might meet another creep here," Shyla says and I roll my eyes with a small chuckle.

"We know almost everyone here, relax. I'll be okay." I assure and both girls still look unsure. "I promise, just get me a drink." I add and walk off before they have the chance to protest again.

I give acknowledgeable smiles to familiar passers by as I make my way up the stairs, trying to locate a bathroom.

Damn, how many rooms does this house need?

Opening door after door, I still get no luck. I spot another one and approach it, tapping lightly before slowly opening it.

"Hello?" I call when I realise there is no light on. "Mr Tumnus.. you there?" I add with a quiet chuckle.

Quickly realising that this isn't a bathroom either, I close the door and turn around, almost colliding into someone. "Woah, easy there sonic." He mumbles as he steps back quickly, holding his hands up.

I glance up and offer an awkward smile, stepping around him and noticing a girl walking out of a bathroom.


I head straight for it, locking the door behind me and slumping down onto the toilet. There's literally nothing better than finally being able to pee after holding it in for so long.

Washing my hands, I quickly adjust hair and makeup before opening the door and heading back out.

I feel my dress rising a little and glance down, pulling the sides down when I notice a pair of shoes in front of me.

I lift my head back up and realise they belong to a rather tall boy with short ginger hair. "Excuse me," I say when I realise I can't move around him through the gathered crowds and lack of space.

He doesn't reply, or move.. whether that's because he just didn't hear me or because he's an idiot.

"I said excuse me," I repeat when he doesn't attempt to move.

He continues to look down at me, his gaze almost creeping me out a little. "I know you did, I heard you the first time." He replies and I feel myself tensing up.

"Well can you move then?" I mutter and he chuckles, his broad shoulders moving up and down with the repeated action.

"How about I teach you some manners, pretty girl?" He murmurs as he backs me into a wall before I have the chance to react.

I reach out and attempt to push him back but he doesn't budge at all. Jesus, what is this guy? A rock? "Can you please move back?" I ask, making sure to use my manners in the hopes that he might listen this time.

"Sorry, no can do." He replies with a small smirk and my eyes frantically dart around, trying to attract the attention of someone, anyone but everyone is either too drunk or too high to notice what's going on.

No. This cannot be happening right now.

Memories start flooding back of the night I was at the tracks and that man hit me, before trying to.. oh my god, no.

"Stop." I snap and push him back, using all my strength but he only sniggers, slamming his hand against the wall beside my head. I gasp, flinching at the sudden action before his fingers forcefully grip onto my jaw.. "Let go," I squirm and attempt to pry his hand away.

Still refusing to listen to me, he jolts my head to the side quickly, my strength clearly no match for his as he forces my face to remain turned away from his. "What's the use of a pretty girl like you if you have no manners?" He sneers, his musky breath fanning my cheek.

Without any warning, his body is pulled away from mine and slammed into the wall beside me. His face instantly colliding with the hard brick and he lets out a deep grunt at the impact.

"How about I teach you some fucking manners?" The tall figure holding him against the wall mutters before pulling him back and slamming him straight into it again, this time with a lot more force. "When a woman says stop, it's common curtesy to fucking stop."

He pushes the boy away abruptly, almost causing him to fall to the ground before scurrying away without giving either of us a second glance.

The tall figure who just saved my ass, turns around and everything stops. Everything.

His dark green eyes focus on mine and my lips part, my heart thudding in my chest. "Hi.. angelo."


AN: hey guys,

So!! Rio is back bitchezzz ahhh!! I'm so damn excited I could combust lmao

See you again soon 💛


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