Just A Passerby

By Vhal-qerie

8.7K 280 56

Just like any Otome Stories, it all started like this: Maji Lauren, a girl who is believed by others to be a... More

1: The Accident
2: Rebirth
3: Past (A)
4: Past (B)
5: Our Nameless MC
7: Frightening The Unwanted Visitors (B)
8: Frightening The Unwanted Visitors (C)
9: Frightening The Unwanted Visitors (D)
10: My Name (A)
11: My Name (B)
Character Profile featuring the Main Character
Character Profile featuring Mc's Family
11: My Name (B)
12: My Name (C)
13: Dimension
14: Primordial Forest (Lvl 1)

6: Frightening The Unwanted Visitors (A)

642 19 2
By Vhal-qerie


I stretched my arms out then up so that it can relieve my tense muscles.

Woah... That was quick. I think I just slept for four hours.

I looked around me but saw no one. Maybe they're just busy for the day.




Strange. Ellie isn't around. That girl never leaves my side other than when she have work to do, nevertheless, she'll come like a wind whenever I call her name.

Instead of dwelling into it, I shrugged it of and threw the matter to the back of my head.

I sat up and got out of my bed and headed outside to check what's going on.

When I am about to open the door, something shinny caught my eye.

I turned my head to the source of the shinny thing and before I know it, I just stood dumbfounded in front of it.

In front of me is a full sized mirror, the shine was from the mirror when the sunlight reached it and reflected it to my direction.

But that's not the point! The bloody point is...

Who the heck is that long haired little beauty in front of me?! I swear, I didn't look like this when I slept!

Before I slept, I am sure I have an above shoulder length hair. But when I woke up, I have a waist length hair?!

Are these f*cking extensions?!

Who the heck would put it on me while I am asleep?!

I took hold my hair at the very end and pulled it hard. And I regretted it.

My scalp is numb and I can barely stand because of my lightheadedness.

F*ck! It's real!

I quickly composed my self and continued to stare at my reflection.

It's my first time looking at my reflection. I didn't even know I have a mirror here, ya know?

My hair is black, no wait, its deep violet? Huh? The hell is going on?

I observed it carefully.

Ohh~ it's color black if I'm in a shade but it turns into a deep violet that is close to being black if I'm under the sun or if the sunlight touches my hair.

Ohh~ pretty.

Right. Just like my father, some unnoticeable strands of hair in front of me is slowly turning ash white.

My eyes is what I fell in love the moment I looked at it.

I am in a situation on which my eyes have different colors. Both eyes are from my parents. On the right side is crimson red, just like mother's. Then on the left side is the color of gold, just like father's.


My eyes' shape is like my father's.

I got my little nose and mouth from my Mother. Whenever I smile, two cute dimples that i inherited from father and mother will appear on each sides.

My mom has a dimple on her left cheek while dad has a dimple on his right cheek. They're simply a match made in heaven.

Unlike my big bro who is the exact replica of father and second bro who is also the exact replica of mother, I am the mix of both and I got their best features.

While I am busy drooling at myself, I realized something.

My alternating hair color except of the ash colored in front, my right crimson colored eye, the shape of my eyes and my dimples, are simply just like mine back then when I was still on Earth, when I was still Maji Lauren.

Well, I also have two different eye color back there in Earth. It's just that my left eye is cerulean colored.

Tsk. At least that goddess made some effort in finding a family who has some features like mine back then.

I snickered at my thought.

But then I saw a blinking icon on the right side. It has never been there before.


Oh. My. Gosh!

Don't tell me.

I excitedly pushed the button that is in the air. Please! I hope it is what I am thinking.

I closed my eyes and took deep breaths to calm my self.

Then I opened it. Imagine my excitement when I saw it?

[Congratulations! You have acquired the Moon Devil System, do you accept?]

[Yes] [No]

Heck yes!

Come to mama!

[Answer accepted.]

[Processing Data]


[Data Processing Successful]

[Processing Information]


[Collecting Information]

[Wait for 4 hours]

[Processing Status]


What the hell?! Is the signal strength weak?!


I just sighed.

I'll just be patient. They said it's a virtue.

I clicked the exit button and the screen in front of me disappeared.

Now. Where were we?

Ahh... Yes. I was about to go out.

Without any more thoughts, I went outside my bedroom. I walked through the hallways and noticed that nobody is here. No butler, no maids nor guards.

Okay? What's the occasion?


Is my parents in danger?!

Did someone attempted to assassinated my big brother?!

Is my second brother finally dead?!

Okay I was joking at the last one. But, who knows? Don't get it wrong, I also love my second brother even I look like I don't.

I erased my presence just like how I remembered how I did it in my past life.

Hey! I was once an assassin in my past life okay? Although it was a short time of a year, it was one of my achievements, okay?

I softly chuckled when I remembered the look of a certain President when I assassinated two of his Prime Ministers in front of him.

I also gave him hush money, not less than what he own. It worked, alright.

Snap out of it!

That's my inner mind tell me off.

I recomposed my self and concentrated on what's in front of me.


What's going on?

Is there a masquerade ball?

I lifted one of my eyebrows.

Should I also wear one? It looks fun though.

A peculiar smile appeared on my lips.

I'll go along with their gimmick.

While in the dark, I searched for a suitable mask. Did my mind regress? Why am I searching in the hallway anyway?

I snorted at my actions.

I searched in each rooms unnoticed. My mind worked like some super computer, calculating where to even bloody find one.

Aha! Of course it in there!

I made a U-turn and went to my parent's bedroom.

Sitting on the bedside table is a pure gold half mask that can only cover the upperparts of the face.

I clicked my tongue.

Tch. How classy.

Whatever. I'll just use it for now and make another one when I feel like it.

I put it in my face and it automatically sticks itself on my face despite it being without a thread.

Surprisingly, it shrunk until it fits my face like it was tailored for me.

What else can I say? It's a magical world after all. At least I expected things like this.

Again, I erased my presence and went to the place where it has the most possibility on my family being in there.

The audience room!

I sneaked inside.



Where in a bloody hell hole did this tall banana tree come from?!

What the f*ck is going on with his entourage full of aunties?!

What's with them donning such... such cake face?!

I thought they only exist in Filipino Academy-based novels?!

You know, those ladies whose face is dripping with foundation?

But in this entourage's case, they didn't use foundation, it's more like some chemical?

How would I know, I'm a proud modern woman after all.


Yah! Look at their disgusting stares looking at my brothers.


You there! That cake faced woman with a pink cupcake dress, how dare you stare at my beloved father!

And you! That pig! You dare stare on my treasured mother's chest with that dreaming expression?! Just you wait, I will poke your eyes out. Such a disgrace!

I looked at my parents and my brothers. They still look calm but to those who know them well it's obvious that they are holding back their irritation and... Ehh? Is that killing intent?

I automatically looked at where it came from and guess what?

It's from father.

It's so dense!

Wait a minute.

I looked at my father's eyes.

Then I gasp internally.

In his eyes, one of the signs of being a yandere is apparent. It looks dull in the outside but for me, who have yandere parents in my past life, the craziness and pent up killing intent is as clear as glass.

My father in this life is also a yandere! Well, a controllable one at that.

But still, a yandere is a yandere.

Remembering that, I also looked at mother.


She's not a yandere! I am supposed to be happy, but!

Mom, what's with the knife in your hand?! And what's that smiling expression directed to the cupcake ladies especially to the pink one?!

Guys! My mother is not a yandere but is extremely protective at possessive.

Oh Kamisamah. Why do you always give me a crazy family.


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