Just A Passerby

By Vhal-qerie

8.7K 280 56

Just like any Otome Stories, it all started like this: Maji Lauren, a girl who is believed by others to be a... More

2: Rebirth
3: Past (A)
4: Past (B)
5: Our Nameless MC
6: Frightening The Unwanted Visitors (A)
7: Frightening The Unwanted Visitors (B)
8: Frightening The Unwanted Visitors (C)
9: Frightening The Unwanted Visitors (D)
10: My Name (A)
11: My Name (B)
Character Profile featuring the Main Character
Character Profile featuring Mc's Family
11: My Name (B)
12: My Name (C)
13: Dimension
14: Primordial Forest (Lvl 1)

1: The Accident

1.1K 37 18
By Vhal-qerie

I stared at the sky and felt a warm sticky liquid flowing at the back of my head. I can tell it was my blood.

I didn't think my death would be similar to those Japanese women who was hit by what they call Truck-san and then was reincarnated to some villainess, heroine, rivals or mob in a bloody Otome game. Hahaha...

Ha. Ha. Ha.



This sudden thought is giving me a creepy feeling. Don't tell me.

I looked at that thing which hit me hard. Hoping it wasn't what I was thinking.

I slowly turned my head to its direction.

I let out a breath when I looked upon a golden Lamborghini car that has a dent in front.

I can finally be at peace knowing that I was not hit by Truck-san but by a golden Lamborghini. At the very least, my last bit of dignity is preserved.

A smile formed my lips.

I can hear people around me shouting for me to hold on and wait for some bloody ambulance.

Heh! As if I'd survive. My vision started to have black stars and my ears started to lose its main purpose.

Memories from my childhood till today played in front of me like some damned cinema.

Honestly, nothing was special with it. All my memories revolved around myself. Quite conceited, right?

Well its the truth, I must say. My parents are practically busy running the family businesses and I am the only child. I don't have friends that I can play with.

My otaku friend you say.

Well, I met Maria three years ago when we migrated here in Australia. She's so easy to get along with, weird, obsessed with animes, Otome player, reliable like a big sister I don't have. She's also kind. She even knows my secrets.


I'm too relaxed for someone who is dying, right?

If there's one thing I regret, it is not being with Maria more. My parents? They're undeserving of my regrets and feelings anyway.

I could vaguely hear the sirens approaching.

Tch... So much for being called an ambulance. It doesn't even serve its purpose of emergencies. I was practically monologuing for about thirthy-one minutes.

Before completely dying, I used all of my strength to raise my hand and pointed my middle finger to the medics.
Damned people in white.


"Hurray! I wasn't hit by that mainstream car! Hur- ehh?"

When I was celebrating, I noticed my hands going up and down and my feet stretched in front of me.

Didn't I die?

I remembered clearly that I died!

I wandered my eyes, scanning my surroundings. Well, it ain't my style.

The walls were white with little swirls of gold. Moving pictures -like the ones from Harry Potter was hanged in the walls. I can't see it properly because it was too vague.

I glanced under me and saw that I am sitting on a white bed. It is literally white! Who the bloody heck designed this?!

I was about to rip this whiteness to the extreme. But I was hit hard because of my realization.

This bloody part of the story ain't be where the so called goddess appears right?!

"Well, I'll be damned." I whispered.

This can't be, right?!

"Greetings human!" A feminine voice sounded.

I'm speechless.

"What do you want?" I said calmly.

Maybe because of my question but her cheery face crumbled and showed a sheepish one.

"Ahh... Well, I'm here to compensate you. Hehehe..."

"Compensate?" I asked with my eyebrows raised.

"Yeah" and she showed a timid smile.

"What the bloody hell did you do?" I asked with my eyes narrowing and my aura turning darker.

"Well, I may have caused your death." She stopped and tried to gauge my expression but I deserved a pat on my back because I held onto my poker face.

"Go on" I said.

"I was experimenting on something." She stopped again. Is she bullshitting me?

"For goodness sake! Finish what you want to say!"

"Ahh... Of- ofcourse! Uhmm... I wanted to change Truck-san because he had been on a vacation and is unwilling to do his work. He is massive, so I can't pull him.

My first try in the experiment is -is ..."

"Don't tell me its that golden Lamborghini!"

Her ashamed expresion shows it all.

"Well F*ck."

Should I be happy I was hit by a different car instead of that cliche one or not? Tch. So much for dignity.

"Now what?"

"Uhmm... So I will send you to your favorite Otome game. Tears Conqueror. And-"

"I don't like that bloody game."

"R-right! And i will grant you three wishes."

I raised my eyebrows at that one.

"So I get to reincarnate in that bloody game and get six wishes?"

"Three wishes"

"Hmm..." I said with a dark tone.

"Yes! Yes! It's six wishes!"


My first wish is to be reincarnated into a PASSERBY"


"Yup. An insignificant character that isn't involved in the plot or with the characters, can't be affected by the plot, and is free to do what she wants without concerning herself with the plot unless she wants to."


"I don't want to be 'accidentally' become any of the major characters by 'mistake', don't I? Then get appeased like those female lead in novels by saying that a certain someone made a mistake."

The goddess had the expression of being seen through her schemes.

Tsk. Of course it isn't accidental, only brain dead humans would believe her.

"Second, I want to retain some of my features and all my abilities from my past life"

"You looked like a mess back then, you don't want to be beautiful?"

I just smiled lazily and shrugged.

"Third, I want to be the most powerful one who doesn't have responsibilities and can do whatever I want in my next life"

I remembered the quote 'Great power comes with a great responsibility', I think it was from Spiderman.

"Fourth, I want a loving, doting, rich and complete family"

"Fifth, I want you all to promise not to get involve in what I will do. Let me control my fate. And you wouldn't exploit and use any loopholes in my wishes."

"That's all"

"How -how about the sixth wish?"

She's still shaken by my dark aura, huh?

"I'll save that for later"

"Then are we done?!"

My eyebrows twitched because it is clear to see that she is eager to send me off.


"I, goddess Alkila, sends Maji Lauren into her new world with all of her wishes fulfilled and promises kept by me"

A bright magic circle appeared beneath me and swallowed me whole. Before I was completely gone, I flashed the goddess a sinister smile of mine.

Hope she was scared to death.


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