Gotta Be You

By FallingForUxx

8.3K 276 43

Brooklyn dreamt of meeting One Direction. She never imagined she would fall in love with one of them..... More

Chapter 1- A Date With Destiny. Maybe....
Chapter 2- Home Sweet Home
Chapter 3- Dressed to Impress
Chapter 4- I Guess It Is Just Us.
Chapter 5- Nicknames
Chapter 6- Meeting Maddi
Chapter 7- Chillin' With the Boys
Chapter 8- The First Date
Chapter 9- Emily and the unknown number
Chapter 10- Satisfied
Chapter 11- You've got Mail. Sort of
Chapter 12- Cat Attack
Chapter 13- A Day With the Boys
Chapter 14- Honest
Chapter 15- The Truth Has Been Revealed
Chapter 16- The Crush Factor
Chapter 17- Em meets the boys.
Chapter 18- Full Blown Fangirl Mode.
Chapter 19- Morning Sunshine
Chapter 20- A Morning With Nialler
Chapter 21- Meeting Maddi Donovan
Chapter 22- Waffles
Chapter 23- Awkward bunny time!!!
Chapter 24- Self-Stalking
Chapter 25- Good Morning Sunshine Part 2
Chapter 26- Talia and the Gummy Worm pile
Chapter 27- Twister and "the method"
Chapter 28- The Promise
Chapter 29- Meeting Hailey
Chapter 30: Matchmaker
Chapter 31: Scenic Route
Chapter 32(I think. Just go with it!): Potatoes?
Chapter 33: Coming Home.
Chapter 34: When Girls Met Boys
Chapter 35: Scream 4.............
Chapter 36: Truth or Dare- Louis
Chapter 37: Truth or Dare- Harry
Chapter 38: Truth or Dare- Zayn
Chapter 39: Truth or Dare- Cat
Chapter 40: Truth or Dare- Nialler
Chapter 41: Truth or Dare- Maddi
Chapter 42: Truth or Dare- Liam
Chapter 43: Truth or Dare- Ashley
Chapter 44: Truth or Dare- Brooklyn
Chapter 45: Relationship Status.
Chapter 46: Promise Fulfilled
Chapter 47: DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 48: The secret
Chapter 49: The truth behind the words
Chapter 50: Going Public
Chapter 51: Good Time
Chapter 52: Sea of Black
Chapter 53: I hate hospitals. -.-
Chapter 54: The Wicked Bitch is Dead. Maybe
Chapter 55: He's gonna regret it.....
Chapter 56: We thought......
IMPORTANT NEWS and Chapter 57: The renovations
Chapter 58: The hair
Chapter 59: "Zashley" goes worldwide
Chapter 60: Surprise!
Chapter 62: The Chip, The Announcement, and The Plane Ride
Chapter 63: The Rayne Project
Chapter 64: Meet The Neighbors
This is It.

Chapter 61: Introducing the Fantabulous Fabulous Hanna Reid

67 4 0
By FallingForUxx

            “Oh my god! Emily!” I blurted, hugging the 17 year old.

            In the 2 weeks since I had seen Emily she had cut off at least 3 inches from her hair and got blonde highlights, making it a pretty golden color.

            “I MISSED YOU GUYS!!!” Emily squealed, nearly bursting my eardrums.

            “Well duh! We came here for a reason!” Brooklyn laughed, hugging Emily. “AND WE KNOW YOU’RE THERE PARKER!”

            Brooke’s brown haired brother stepped out from behind the corner he had been hiding behind.

            I hadn’t talked to Parker much since he broke up with my sister, Adrienne, and started dating Emily, my cousin. Yes. It is complicated.

            “Hey.” Parker said, avoiding eye contact with me.

            “YOU AREN’T EXCITED TO SEE YOUR SISTER?!?!” Brooklyn shouted, breaking tension.

            “Sorry. Hey Boo. I missed you.” Parker replied, hugging his sister. “I don’t mean to sound rude but why are you here? I thought you guys were moved and everything.”

            “Oh. Well first of all, this is still my house, and second, I had to get some stuff for when we move. I also wanted to see you guys before I left!” Brooke said, finally taking off her strappy wedges and kicking them into the corner, leaving a dent that couldn’t be seen by the human eye.

            “Ok. I give.” Parker sighed, holding his hands up in surrender.

            “We’ll be off.” Brooklyn said, grabbing Cat’s and my hand and pulling us towards her room, leaving Parker with the boys.

Brooke’s POV

            “FINALLY!” I sighed, flopping on my bed “HOME!”

            I heard the jingle of bells and I immediately sat up. “Hanna?” I called, looking for my puppy.

            “HANNA! Mommy missed you!” I cooed, picking up my yorkie that had been in New York City all summer with my parents. “We need to get you ready! We are leaving for London soon!” I continued, carrying my puppy to her room/ the extra closet.

            Her room was like a miniature version of my room but there were a lot more toys. Her dog bed had matching sheets and blankets and it was placed in the center of the room. Her toys were in white chests with black trim and pastel green and pink chew toys were hanging out, begging to be dragged out. There were also shelves above dog level with all of her food and travel things.

            I pulled down her 3 gigantic travel bins and opened them all, setting Hanna down to explore her newly renovated room.

            In the first bin there were different carry cases and dog/diaper bags. In the second bin there were smaller toys, treats, and things to keep Hanna busy while we were on the planes and trains. In the third bin was all of her doggy clothing, organized by season and color.

            Now I wasn’t a mean owner that shoved their dogs in things they hated. Hanna actually likes the clothes.

            I pulled out a faux leather bag that was a off white with black trimming and silver hardware and a Burberry bag that held all of Hanna’s food, toys, and entertainment, much like a diaper bag. I also took out a couple of different toys and treats. In the last bin I took out her fall and winter sweaters, leashes, and collars.

            I know it sounds like I am a not taking much if I am moving but I planned on moving back and forth for a while and not taking everything at once. I also wanted to take as little as possible since we were going on the Take Me Home tour.

            Inside my own closet, I took on the biggest challenge yet. Sorting what I wanted to take. My closet, much like Hanna’s, was organized my season, color, and shade. All of my shoes were on shining metal racks and all perfectly aligned by color. You could say I have OCD, but I rather say I am a perfectionist. Since it was going to be Winter soon I planned on bringing most of my winter attire and some Fall attire. (A/N: I have officially changed up the times! Everything will be placed just a few weeks behind real time so I can keep up on rumors. Like the MSG concert and Mr. X or whatever)

@BrookyBear: I can’t decide what to take on my trip! #decisions :(

I started going through each section and trying to decide theme, something I always had when I was traveling. But then I realized that I was also moving, so I set up two piles, one for the 3 or so months that we were there and the stuff I wanted for the TMH tour. I wanted to take as few trips as possible from Hawaii to London because it isn’t every day that a plane flies to London.

            In the “London Pile” I had made a girly look with a TON of shoes and accessories in Very Bradley organizers. In the pile I was taking on the TMH tour was a lot of casual clothes but that I could go in public in like skinny jeans and a slouchy sweater, nothing over the top, but there were also some girly outfits thrown in so I didn’t look like a hobo at the concerts and other places. NO OFFENCE TO HOBOS! I LOVE YOUUU!

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