𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 �...

By The_CringeShow

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✒️ONE: What could go wrong?
✒️TWO: Within the studio
✒️THREE: We'll meet again...
✒️FOUR: The cry of a kitten
FIVE: A different perspective
SIX: The Shepherd's sorrow
SEVEN: Trigger words
EIGHT: The Ink Demon's Prisoner
NINE: Just like the rest of us
TEN: Running with the past
ELEVEN: Some time with Mika
TWELVE: The demon's sympathy
THIRTEEN: Bonding time with the Ink demon
FOURTEEN: Understanding things
SIXTEEN: Showers
SEVENTEEN: Trouble sleeping
EIGHTEEN: Encountering Sammy once more
NINETEEN: Level 14
19.5: Norman's origin
TWENTY-TWO: Hide n' seek
TWENTY-THREE: Thanks Maxx [Thanksgiving special]
TWENTY-FOUR: Bendy land
TWENTY-SIX: The meeting
26.5: Sammy's origin
TWENTY-EIGHT: Confession
THIRTY-ONE: The fool
THIRTY-TWO: Sickness
THIRTY-THREE: Lost and Found
34.5: Susie's origin
THIRTY-FIVE: The truth
THIRTY-SIX: Resurfacing memories
36.5: Mika's origin
THIRTY-NINE: A Life for a Life
FOURTY: Waves of grief
FOURTY-TWO: Vow to an old friend
FOURTY-THREE: Immortal cat

TWENTY: Lazy Day

1.1K 49 15
By The_CringeShow

(A/n); I'm so sorry for the wait for this chapter, I've been busy with life. I'm also sorry if it's sloppy, I have not motivation because of life-

It's been a day since the whole level 14 incident. Bendy's allowed me to take a break this week.
"After everything you've been through since being here, you deserve it." He told me. It's actually pretty sweet of him. He can be a sweetheart sometimes.

My only problem for the day; Bendy and his stubbornness. If I get rest time he definitely should too. Though, he refuses. I don't know why- He needs it. More than me. He is the one with an injury, after all.

When the projectionist fought him, the inky projector man had broken Bendy's ribs. He never said so, but I know from the way he's been acting this morning. He's been whimpering all morning and complaining about his ribs and just been extra sensitive.

"You need rest!" I snapped at him, trying to push him into his room.
Bendy hissed as if he was a snake; "No! I don't!" He spat.
"Yes you do!"
He growled deeply. For a second I thought he was going to rip me to shreds. Luckily, he didn't. He was too tired to anyway.

"I'll get Mika if you don't rest right this second!" I looked at him sternly.
"Do you even remember where she lives..?" He began to form a smirk when I didn't reply. God damnit he got me.

"Yeah w-well-" I stammered, thinking desperately of something, "I'll get Sammy- I know where he is!"
He gasped dramatically, almost making me burst into laughter, "You wouldn't dare!"
"Oh, I would-"
"No!" He growled softly.
"Then rest!"
He hesitated for a little before deeply sighing and giving in, "Fine." Hah! I won this bet!

He slumped into his bed, turning me and saying with a grim tone, "Why should you care about me anyway? There's plenty of other souls round' here who deserves your kindness more than me."
I looked at him softly, "I-I-" I couldn't think of any words to say. He looked at me with a hopeful gaze as if he was a little lost kitty. I put my hand on his back, soothing him;
"I like you, Bendy. You might be mean, but you're still a friend of mine. I can tell you care for me."

"How do you know if I really care about you?!?" He hissed, yanking my hand off his back, tail lashing with annoyance.

"Because you wouldn't have taken me to the showers when the angel was there, or taken me to the music department just to make amends with me."
"Hmmpf. Good point." He chuckled softly, "Come, sit by me." He patted the open spot beside him, covered in bedsheets.
I sat beside him, giving a small smile and putting my head on his lap. He shifted uncomfortably, but placed his inky hand on my head, petting me. I let out a little giggle.
This felt right. Me and him. Away from the rest of the world.

In a way, I felt safe around him. He was the star face of the studio. No one dared challenge him, and if they did they'd die by the hands of him. And.. he protects me. He might not really mean to care, but he does.
Slowly, my conscious began to leave, as my heavy eyelids closed. I could feel Bendy lay down on the bed, pull me toward him, and cuddle me. I smiled in my sleep, everything's going to be okay.


My eyes fluttered opened, then shut once more when I saw the bright sunlight. I was in a field of nothing but pretty flowers, all pretty colors like yellow, and purple, and blue, some pink and red two. Birds sung in the trees around. I smiled and hummed, picking flowers and sniffing each one. Of course, I knew this was all just a dream; but it's nice to escape life into your own dreamland. It was so lovely here. Not like any of my usual nightmares I have. Usually, I always worry that dreams like these turn to something twisted, but this time, I'm not scared of that. I'm too much at peace.

A meow was heard among the flowers. Nightfall's meow. And there he was! Jumping through the flowers over to me, his fluffy fur ruffled by the warm spring wind as the sunlight glistened on him. He was in a little bee outfit. The antennas made a soft jingle sound every time he moved. I held out my hands, and Nightfall jumped into them purring, "Hooman! Hooman! Chu here!"
Oh yeah, normally if I have a dream about Nightfall, he can talk. It's weird, but cool.
"I missed chu, hooman!" I gave a small chuckle as he gave my cheek a lick.
"Isn't it pweety here, hooman?" Nightfall tilted his head. His antenna made a jingle sound when he did.

"It is." I replied, smiling. It truly is.
Nightfall chirped in delight, then perked up. He meowed excitedly, "Come come, Hooman! I want to show you something!"
He pounced off my lap and into the forest nearby. I stood up from the flowers and went after him. Bugs danced around in the tall grass, chirping out a happy song. Birds in their nests also sang. Their chirps rang throughout the forest, way louder than all the bugs.

I took a deep breath and took everything all in. It was a dream, but my fuck- it feels so real. It really feels like I'm outside in a flower field!

"Hooman! Hurry hurry!" Nightfall mewed. I let out chuckle, "okay, okay, I'm coming."

We were almost to the forest. Nightfall- well I should call him Bee Nightfall cause uhh- There's a lot of Nightfalls gathered up and waiting for us. All of them were dressed in different things like Bee Nightfall; Snickers, pumpkins, fruit, lions and tigers, skeletons and ghosts, and way more. One of them caught my eye. A Nightfall was dressed up as Bendy. It noticed me staring at me and came bouncing over, "Hooman! Hooman! Guess what?"
"I caught a mouse!" Bendy Nightfall's fur proofed up with pride.
"That's great!" I praised him. He purred.

"Fellow furiends!" Bee Nightfall called, "I have brought Hooman here to join us with our hike!"
All the Nightfalls cheered with delight, then stopped as Bee Nightfall began speaking again; "We shall go now so that way we can get to the cliffs and watch the sunset!" They cheered once more, then huddled up in groups and headed into the forest to start their journey. I stayed close to Bee Nightfall and Bendy Nightfall throughout the journey.

We passed by so many cool sights; streams, willows, and even a small lake! When we saw the lake, all of us played in the waters for a little. It took awhile to dry, but it was worth it.
Now, we're almost to our destination!
"Hooman!" Bendy Nightfall mewed, "Are chu having funs?"
"Oh yes I am!" I replied, chuckling softly with excitement.
"That's great Hooman!" Bendy Nightfall purred.
He then stared at my with round eye full of glee.
"Oh oh! What's your favorite colur?!"
"Black." I immediately replied.
He squealed, "My costume's the colur black!"
I laughed, "Yeah bud!"
"What's your favorite flavur of ice cream?!" He bounced around.
He gasped and squealed, continuing to bounce around, "Mine too!!" His voice was high-pitched with delight. I chuckled, "Okay, my turn to ask a question."
His tail wagged as I thought about what to ask.
"Hmm, how about..your favorite color?"
"Green!!" He squealed out, "I luv green! And red, and blue, and purple," He began to bounce around again, "And the whole rainbow!!"

"Why do you choose that costume?" I asked.
He looked at me, eyes glimmering, "It's comfy! Feels just like a pillow, only chu wear it!" He replied.
"Do you know who your dressed up as?" I asked.
He shook his head, "nuuu, who?"
"You're dressed up as Bendy; a dancing demon."
Bendy Nightfall looked at his two front paws, which had cat socks on them that looked like Bendy's gloves, "Is he nice?"
I shrugged, "He can be." I sighed.

He looked at me, "Do you.. like him?"
"Yeah, I guess we're friends." I sighed once more, "I just wish I knew more about him.. things would be much easier if I did."
Bendy Nightfall tapped my foot with his paw, "Nu worry Hooman! It oki! One day, he open up to chu and you both can be happeh!"
I chuckled softly and rubbed his head, "Thank you.."
"Chu welcome!!"

"We're here!" Bee Nightfall announced excitedly. All the Nightfalls began gathering up on the cliff. Bendy Nightfall turned to me, "Come come Hooman! We don't wanna miss the sunset!"
"I'm coming!" I followed him and sat next to him on the cliff. I never realized I was tired from the hike until now. My legs felt sore, and they were cramping as well. I rubbed my legs for a little, then looked up at the sky like all the Nightfalls. And my god was it beautiful. The sun shined brightly as it slowly fell below the horizon, making the sky full of reds, oranges, and pinks, as well as blue. The clouds drifted by, stained a wonderful pinkish or orange color.

"Isn't it bootiful?" Bee Nightfall murmured, who was at my other side. Bendy Nightfall and I nodded our heads.

Man, I wish this dream would never end. I imagined the dull old studio, covered in ink and blood. I shuddered. I don't want to be in the studio when I wake. I want to be outside, in my yard with Nightfall in my lap. Like how life used to be.
I calmed myself down. At least I didn't have a nightmare like usual. That's a blessing I should be thankful for.

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