Thicker Than Ink

By JenesisCollins

217K 12.6K 1.1K

Book Three of the Book Smart series (18+ only!) Life is really full of surprises... And when it comes to Adr... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thrirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight (18+)
Forty Nine (18+)
Fifty One
Fifty Two (18+)
Fifty Three (18+)
Fifty Four (18+)
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven (18+)
Fifty Eight (18+)
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four (18+)
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty Nine

Forty Five

2.3K 171 5
By JenesisCollins

"You really think they're alright? Should I go check? Should you? I should go check." I know I've already gone and peeked at Addy and Quinn more than once in the last few hours... But it's hard staying away from the kitchen... Harder than it should be with all of the work that I am supposed to be contributing to instead of just overseeing... Liam still right by my side where I asked him to be to try and help me get through this somehow... Being away from Addy on any normal day hard enough... Being away from my newly confirmed as pregnant mate is a whole different ballgame...

It's just as hard as I thought it was going to be... Both my human instincts and my wolf pushing me to go and be by my sweet Mama's side... Not just to keep him safe but to keep him comfortable... To make sure he's not overdoing it and that he makes sure to get off his feet and rest every oncee in a while... Though if I had my way his beautiful butt would be parked in bed with his feet up and a good book in hand and chocolate within reach...

I know days like today are necessary... That we need to learn how to function away from each other... It's hard though... Especially when it feels like he needs me... And when I know he misses me just as much as I miss him... His mind reaching out to tangle itself with mine constantly... The gentle bumps and boops he gives me the only thing so far thats keeping me from calling this off and asking him and Quinn to just come out here when the cupcakes are cooling and they can decorate them this evening after dinner so that way Addy and I can spend the afternoon with each other in eyeshot instead of struggling to pay attention to our conversations and tasks.

"You just checked on him, Sigh. Why not take stock of how much paint we'll need for the library itself... Unless Addy wants the walls all to be lilac like in the nursery? Which we could do but we would need to order more paint..." Liam's question and suggestion are both thoughtful... His effort to try and keep me as distracted as he can to prevent me from wandering back and forth from the remodel to the kitchen so today we actually accomplish keeping Addy and I apart for any real amount of time so very appreciated... Even if I do keep wanting to lash out verbally back at him with sarcasm that I know would sound ungrateful... Which I'm not...

He and Quinn are doing us a big favor by helping us with this... And it wouldn't be fair of us to be rude, even if they know we don't mean it at the moment... So I'm doing my best to bite my tongue and take his suggestions as they come... The way he had distracted me earlier by choosing which style of crown molding to surprise my Princess was a stroke of brilliance... I had stood there for damn near thirty minutes with his tablet in my hands figuring out which one to order...

Every detail of the library and the nursery needing to be absolutely perfect... Because my mate and child deserve a house that is just as much theirs as it is mine... And I want them to know that I'll do everything I can to make sure that their happiness here at home never needs to be called into question because they'll want for nothing... They'll have everything they need and everything they want... And this library's something my sweet Mama really really wants...

Most of Addy's books still tucked away in one of the guest bedrooms... The free bedroom currently being morphed into another nursery for when we're on that side of the house instead of in the library or my office... The transformation is in there a bit less complicated than what's happening here.

"What? Did he say he wanted all the walls lilac? Because I thought he chose that powdery pink color for the walls of the library? Am I wrong? Because if I am I really should go and double-check with him-" before I can even finish my thought Liam raises his eyebrows so high that I stop myself and realize that I'm doing it again...

"Or, and hear me out on this... You just use your link to ask him and double-check that way?" His suggestion stupidly makes sense... And even though I like my version a lot better I find myself nodding my head because I can see the sense in it...

The link keeps us connected no matter what... So he isn't really all alone and neither am I... And we should use it more often to feel close to each other instead of just using it when we have words that are meant to be shared only by the two of us or when what we need to say is too overwhelming to say it out loud in the moment...

I get a little nervous when Liam goes back to consulting with Tim, the man he most normally organizes electrical work with, to let me feel like I have a little privacy even though I know he and the rest of the pack actually aren't privy to the back and forth between my Princess and I... The feeling of talking to Addy when I can't see him a little less strange without anyone staring at me...

It takes me a moment to pull myself together just enough to convince myself that I really don't need to be right on top of Addy all the time before I can reach out to him with more purpose than just checking on him instead of marching into the kitchen to hold him for a few minutes while asking him to confirm his paint choices... The bubbling joy that blooms in his mind over my presence alone doing wonders to put me more at ease... My sweet Bean doing just as well as he can be at the moment... His wanting of pink walls confirmed with such a strong feeling of love tacked on at the end that I almost wonder if it's because of me or the fact that I've mentioned his favorite color.

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