Stay with me

By -stilesbae

805 85 2

Welcome to district 8. You are safe here. They can't find you here. -I didn't know how much I needed him unti... More

Introduction to characters
Ch.1 District 7
Ch.2 Escape
Ch.3 District 8
Ch.4 Home
Ch.5 Family
Not an update!


21 4 0
By -stilesbae

Changbin pov:
After we entered the building there more gaurds than we thought there would be. Jeongin and I share a look before charging at them. I lead the group seeing as Jeongin is still learning, Felix hates hurting people, and Han is saving his energy for Woojin. I wouldn't say that I enjoy hurting people but if you mess with my family I won't hesitate. Henley became like a little sister to me in those few months. Not only that but she's my girlfriends best friend.

It surprised me to see Jeongin mercilessly throwing people left and right with his wind. It was like he had been waiting for this. I foucus back on the fight at hand as I dodge the fist coming at my face. "Hey man. Not the face" I punch him square in the nose and he stumbles back a little bit. I use my powers to expand a nearby plant wrapping it around his neck and choking him to death. I look around the room and notice that we were making a good comeback after being outnumbered. That is until the guns started firing.

I grab Felix and duck behind a nearby couch. "They have guns?!?! Shit" if chan were here he probably would have criticized me for cursing but right now I didn't care. Han had ducked behind a counter but I could tell he was pissed. The air gets thick and hot whenever he's about to blow and right now I could feel it. I cover Felix's ears to protect him from the mess Han is about to cause. Just then he jumps up from behind the counter with his fists a blaze. He had an evil smirk and there was a glint in his eyes that said he was doing this for Henley.

Felix trembles beside me as he can smell the smoke. We all know Han has a past with destruction but since chan Had taught him to calm down we haven't seen him like this. I could only hope that we could still bring him back from this. The room goes silent for a second and I think he finished them off. I was wrong. I peek out from behind the couch to see that one of them had stabbed in the chest. He stumbles back a few steps but I run to help steady him.  He just shoved me away before pulling the knife out and  tackling the man to the ground.

What sickened me was that he didn't even use his powers this time. He was punching him over and over before finally strangling him to death. I run to pull him off and when he looks at me it's like it all came rushing to him. "I- what did I-" I just pull him into a hug and reassure him that it's okay. "We'll talk about it later right now we have to keep going. You go grab Felix and I'll find Jeongin" I found him under the glass table that had been shattered and helped him to his feet. He's a little cut up but nothing too bad. We leave to go find the others.

Seungmin pov:
After I'm done scanning one room I jump into the next and when there is no sight of Henley I jump back into the hallway with the girls. "This is the last one on this floor. Seungmin and Marlee you can go ahead to the next one." I grab Marlee's hand and teleport us to the fourth floor. We've been looking for hours and I have no idea how many guards the others are having to deal with. The last room at the end of the hall was destroyed. Marlee and I look all around but there was no sign of her. Just as we were about to leave something catches Marlee's eye.

There was something shinny on the floor and when she picked it up I realized it was Henley's tracking device. She's been in here. We start to check the rest of this floor and there is only one door left. I didn't want to just rush in so I teleport back to Chan and his group and  bring them to the door. "I think she's in there" he nods before looking at the rest of us then back at the door. "Shouldn't we wait for Han?" Chan looks at Hyunjin like he grew two heads. "You want us to wait? Sure we'll wait and when she's dead Han will kill us all!" He rubs the back of his neck embarrassed.

Chan doesn't waste anymore time and kicks open the door. When we enter Woojin is sitting at a desk with Henley beside him and a gun pointed at her side. She had blood running down her head and bruises scattered all over her skin. She made eye contact with us but she didn't look scared at all. She looked more angry or sad that Han wasn't here. "I've been waiting for this day Bang Chan. I have something you want." Chan clinched his fist. "Then why don't we settle this right now." Just then Han and the others came through the door and as soon as he saw Henley he was heated. The carpet under his shoes started to smoke.

Woojin fired his gun twice causing all of us in the doorway to duck into the hall and the ones inside to hide behind furniture. After he had wasted all of his bullets Han gets ready to charge.

Kenalyn pov:
After the first gunshot when off I immediately start looking for Jeongin. When I don't see him out in the hall with the others I start to worry. Just as were able to walk into the room I frantically look around. My heart drops at the sight of him on the floor with blood soaking his shirt. I rush to his side and try to put pressure on his wound. I completely shut out the fight around me as all I'm worried about right now is him. I can't stop the tears as his eyes meet mine. "Am I still a little kid?" My heart sank. He did this on purpose. He dove in front of the bullet.

"I had to protect you. No matter what" he jumped in front of the bullet because it was coming at me. "Jeongin you don't have to prove anything to me! I love you." He weakly smiled at me and placed his shaking hand on my cheek. I lean down and place a desperate but passionate kiss on his lips. "I love you too" I choke out a sob. "You can't leave now! You have to stay! Stay with me!! JEONGIN!!" His eyes close and his hand falls limp. No it can't be over. I won't let him leave me like this. "MARLEE. Get your ass over here." She runs to joint my on the ground and she gasps as she sees Jeongin.

"Please help him." I felt so helpless just watching him slip away. He did this for me. She places her hands on his chest but stops to sadly look at me. I start shaking my head before she even says it. "No heartbeat. I can't" I scream of pure agony as I realize he's actually gone. My grief is replaced with anger pointed at Woojin. I slowly stand and sparks prick my fingers. The bright blue light dances across my skin. The lights above me start to flicker and spark. Everyone stops to look at me with my tear stained cheeks and murderus eyes. They look down to the lifeless Jeongin on the floor and then back to me. Han let's go of Woojin who he was previously punching and grabs Henley to move out of the way.

Chan and Changbin rush to Marlee's side who was devastated that she couldn't help. She desperately tried to use her powers. I grab Woojin by the collar and he has the nerve to look guilty. He looks down at Jeongin with sadness. "You don't deserve to look at him. You don't deserve to feel remorse! YOU KILLED HIM!!" Now his eyes were panicked as he grabbed my wrists and tried to pry me off of him. He failed to push me away and his fingers singed under my sparks. I watched the trails of lightning snake up his arms and cover his whole body. He struggled and tried to get away but it only angered me more.

He let out a gut wrenching scream before finally falling to the ground limp. But I didn't stop there. I let my sparks surround him until his clothes were on fire and his face was unrecognizable. I immediately stop when someone hugs me from behind. Spencer spins me around and hugs me as I finally let it all sink in. I fall to me knees and sob into her shoulder as the others were taking Jeongin's body to the bus. Chan had to come back and carry me because I couldn't move. I felt like my world was crushed. I didn't want to be here if he isn't here. Why didn't I tell him I love him sooner?

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