Girl Gone Rogue

By Silentblade04

1.8K 197 49

Levi x Reader (DISCONTINUED) "Show them what your capable of then let all hell break loose" That was the last... More

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42 4 2
By Silentblade04

3rd Persons POV

"Erwin you're going to have to tell her the truth. You can't just ignore what's happening" The raven haired man urged to his commander.

The tall blonde just sighed and sat down at his desk chair. A hand running through his thick hair, eyebrows furrowed as he thought about the current situation.

"I know that Levi but she's finally going back to normal. If I tell her now it'll hurt her" A 'tsk' could be heard escape the smaller males lips. His bored expression darkened as he stared into Erwin's eyes.

"You were the one who hurt her in the first place. Although I may have respect for you, that doesn't mean I don't forgive what you did to her" The blonde nodded placing his hands under his chin to support his head.

The blonde haired man sighed before pulling a document out of the stack of paperwork beside him. He placed in down on the desk before pushing it over to Levi.

Levi walked closer to the desk, taking the papers into his hands before reading through the contents. "You're saying I have to be the one to send her to the Military Police?" He said, the change in the voice had now deepened. He was as now mad.

"Unfortunately there is no other way" The steel-blue eyes of his glared into the blue ones belonging to Erwin.

"And what if I refuse?" He asked.

"You don't have a choice in the matter." Levi sighed as he placed the documents back down onto the desk.

"Does Hanji know about this," he asked curiously. Silence filled the room as he waited for an answer from the older man. "By your silence I'm guessing it's a no?" The raven haired man questioned.

The blonde shook his head and close his eyes, sighing in the process. "No, no she doesn't" he finally answered after what felt like minutes.

"Well someone better tell her then haven't they?" He said, turning around to face the door.

"No Levi you can't!" He pleaded. Desperation lit up in his eyes.

"Should've thought about that before you decided to send (F/N) away." And with that he opened the door before walking out of it and slamming it behind him.


Your POV

My eyes focused on the small snowflake that danced around the palm of my hand. The fragile object gracefully hovered in the air as a small white glow illuminated it. Making the odd bits of ice sparkle.

I glanced upwards to meet a smiling and fascinated Hanji. She stared at the snowflake with such glee in her eyes. She quickly made eye contact with me before looking at the snowflake, then back to me.  I giggled softly before lightly nodding my head.

She gently poked small floating object and started to play with it in the air. I released the snowflake from my hand so that it could dance around in the air to keep her occupied.

A small knock could be heard at the door. I looked at Hanji and softened my glare. A relaxing sensation taking over my body.

I walk over to the door and slowly open it. A blob of raven coloured hair stood out as I hid behind the door. I opened it a bit more to be met by two steel-blue coloured eyes.

I opened the door fully and looked him in the eyes. I noticed that they widened the tiniest bit sensing that he was a little surprised to see me.

"Levi what can I do for you?" I ask leaning against the doorframe with my arms crossed over my chest.

He cleared his throat, "uh- I actually came to see if Hanji was still here looking after you" I raised my eyebrow slightly.

"Hanji's still here. Want me to go get her for you?" I ask quickly glancing over my shoulder to make sired she's okay.

"Are you busy right now?" I looked at him for a few seconds before answering.

"Not right now why?" He sighed, i noticed that sounded a bit more stressed than usual so I decided to allow himself to explain.

"At first I needed to talk to her in private. But since you're here now it would be better if I told you both at this time" My brows furrowed together, his voice was a bit more shaky meaning that whatever he wanted to tell us.

"Okay that's fine come on in" I stepped aside and let him into my office. Hanji turned around to see what was happening, once she caught sight of Levi her smile widened as she stood up in excitement.

I closed the door behind me and sat back down in my chair. I placed my hands in the desk and looked at him.

"Hey shortcicle, what's shorty doing here?" She asked. I just shrugged my shoulders and waited for Levi to start talking.

"I'm here because I originally wanted to talk to you about it Hanji. But since (F/N) is here it's better to do it in front of both of you." Hanji looked at him confused but didn't say anything. "I've been promoted"

My eyes widened at his words. "Promoted? What to?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me. Hanji's smile never left her face. I'm surprised that she's even being quite for this long, usually she's shouting all of the time...

"I've been promoted to Corporal so I'm getting my own squad" he said. For some reason I felt hurt when those words came out of his mouth.

"So that means..."

"I won't be in your squad anymore." My heart felt like it had been punched. A wave of sadness washed me and I have no idea how to control it. I placed a hand on my chest as my heart began to race from my sudden panic. I started breathing faster and my vision started to become a bit more blurry. My eyes started welling with water, my mouth hung open in a small 'o' shape.

"(F/N) what's wrong!" Hanji says quickly rushing over to my side as she placed her arms around my small figure. She quickly rubbed the small liquid droplet from my cheek and pulled my head into her chest. Levi looked at me in shock as he saw a different side of me.

"I-I don't know..." I answer. Just as Hanji was about to speak up Levi cut her to it.

"Sorry to break up your little moment here but I actually have something a lot more important than me getting a promotion" Hanji looked up at him in confusion.

"What is it?" She questions, gently squeezing me ever so gently.

"Erwin told me not to tell you this. However, I think you have to right to know whats doing on." I nod gently signalling for him to continue. "The whole reason why Nile came to the survey corps was to finalise a deal with Erwin. Although the deal didn't exactly get too far, since you lost control" I looked down and hung my head low. I'm still ashamed that I can't even control my power after all of these years.

"Well I finally found out what that deal was and why Erwin decided to promote me. Basically, Erwin needed to promote me because I'm the only one that sign a document that he himself can't sign. I this document it states that second commander (F/N) (L/N) is to be handed over to the Military Police"

I felt Hanji's grip tighten around me as she quickly started getting angry. "Why didn't Erwin speak to me about this!" Levi shook his head in defeat.

"I don't know. I've just been told about this a few minutes ago myself so I only thought it'd be fair to tell you what's going on" I shook my head and grabbed my necklace.

"Can you just not sign the document?" I ask hoping that there was going to be light at the end of the tunnel.

"I'm sorry but I don't have a choice. I'm being forced to sign the document wether I like it or not, that's beyond my power." I slam my fist onto the desk in defeat.

There's nothing I can do at this point. My life is a complete mess, I'm just some girl with demonic powers that is apart of the survey corps to prove herself to everyone that she's not a threat. Without the survey corps there's no reason for me to even be alive.

"Look (F/N) I'll go talk to Erwin and se if there's another solution-"

Just as Hanji was about to finish her sentence I interrupted her. "Sign the document."

"What are you mad?" Hanji shouts. "You're really giving up this easily! The (F/N) that I know would never give up this easily. Put up a fight let them know that you won't go down that easily!" I stand up and she gently push her away so I can get out of her grip.

"Well maybe I've just given up Hanji! Maybe I'm sick of being 'the damsel in distress who constantly needs saving from herself' I'm not the same person as before and you know it! I'd do anything to be like her. But right now I'm just a wreck, I'm all over the place and worst of all I'm unstable. I can't keep living like this. So it's either you let me go to the Military Police or I'll just die."

I looked at Levi who looked shocked. His eyes were now wide as his face for once in a long time actually showed emotion. He quickly looked away. "I'll go sign the documents now." He says turning towards the door and walking towards it. Just as he was going to the handle I quickly speak up.

"Thank you Levi" He paused a second, I could tell he was smiling. He just didn't want to show it. He twisted the handle opening the door before walking out of the office and shutting it behind him.

"I'm sorry Hanji"

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