to live or to die • S.C

By ashikoiya

224K 2.8K 3.3K

"Do it." He got in closer, his fingers brushing over your hand, as if he was telling you to suck it up and ki... More

01:01: To Live or To Die
02:01: In Life and In Death


3K 130 28
By ashikoiya

God. The Beach was in shambles. When you got out of the room, it was still peaceful and quiet. But then seconds later there were gunfire and screams.

You held your weapon tight, you knew you had to be extra careful in wandering the halls, as your opponents all held firearms from the sound of it. Turning to another hall, you saw the bloodshed the militants did.

"Please!" A man cried, looking up at one of the militants who was pointing his gun at her. "Neither of us is the witch!"

Niragi suddenly showed up out of nowhere, shooting the man and then whispering something into his colleague's ear before going his way and leaving the both of them alone.

"Please, don't kill me." The woman shook her head, her wails affecting the man as he held his gun with shaky hands. "I'll do anything, please! I beg you!"

The man shook his head, "That is not human." He screamed, "It's not human!"

You watched from behind a wall as the militant shot him, her body immediately fell down the floor as he fired. You then decided to leave the scene, as charging at the man or revealing yourself would be useless since you didn't carry any firearm with you.

Bodies laid everywhere, the blood of the victims staining the floor and the walls, but you didn't let that bother you.

In every step you took, you kept your ears open, listening for any sign of danger. With the hotel flooded with militants who were killing everyone they suspected of being the witch, you couldn't afford getting caught.

As you reached another corner, you heard the sound of footsteps approaching. You quickly hid behind a wall again, and you couldn't help but think how many times you have done this as a hiding strategy, and how it works every single time.

You held your breath as militants passed by without noticing you. You let out a sigh of relief, only for it to be short-lived as you heard more of them coming from the opposite direction.

You realized you had been surrounded, with no way to run to. With no other options, you got off, brandishing your knife as the other militants closed in on you.

"Another one!" One of them shouted, raising his gun.

You didn't hesitate, you lunged forward. You caught him in surprise, slicing his throat open before he could even pull the trigger. The second militant quickly came after, but you were quicker, you managed to dodge the bullet and stick the knife in his chest.

You caught his gun before it fell on the floor, you slipped in into the holster you were still wearing and thanked whoever was listening that the militants didn't think to take it off before they left you alone in that room. You thought on whether to abandon your knife and keep the gun to yourself, but you sighed and decided to keep both just in case.

The sound of people running reached your ears again, and you used this opportunity to run as well, not knowing who's running to your direction. You heard more shouts after that, but you didn't look back. You focused on putting as much distance between yourself and your pursuers as possible.


"How unpleasant... why would they go so far just to survive?"

"There's no way they'll find the witch like this!"

Chishiya averted his gaze to look at Kuina who was watching the cameras scattered around the building, "The witch could be you, Kuina."

She looked back at him, her arms crossed, "The same goes for you." She sighed, looking at his smug look before looking at the footage again, "So she did that for nothing."

"Who?" The blonde asked.

"You told me (Y/N) gave you those cards," She responded, her eyes searching for a certain someone on the monitors, "She told you to get out just for you to get imprisoned in this mess again." She glanced at him again from the corner of her eye.

That made him think that the smile from his face fell. He completely forgot about what you did before all of this started, now he couldn't take that off his mind.

He headed for the door without a word, alerting Kuina who shouted at him, "Hey, where are you going!?" She tried to call him, but he didn't look back and just went on his way.

Kuina scoffed, annoyed that the blonde just ignored her again. Though she knew where he was headed, she did notice his look after mentioning and reminding him of what you did at the royal suite. Going back to look at the footage again, on the bottom right of one screen, she noticed someone rummaging through a dark room.

She didn't waste any time and headed for the door too, going to that particular room. She looked and looked, until she finally found it. She opened the door, then flipped the light switch on to see Ann inside.

"Kuina." She said.

"Hey," Kuina breathed out, "What are you doing?"

Ann continued to rummage through the drawers and the desks, "If you're free, can you lend me a hand?"


You reached a room, managing to outrun and lose the militants chasing you. You put your hand on the knob and swung it open, revealing two women you knew well. Ann was searching for something in the drawers while Kuina was just standing there, watching her.

"You two..." You panted, Kuina turned around and as soon as she saw you, she immediately looked at you, horrified at your condition. "What happened to you?" She asked, her eyes suddenly landing on the knife on your right hand and the bandaged hand on the left.

"Are you the witch?" Ann said from her place, also noticing your odd look.

You sighed, shaking your head. You couldn't blame them though, your face was smeared with blood, drops of it on your arm, and the weapons spoke for themselves, anyone would've suspected you as the witch. You looked at Kuina again, "Why are you here?" You asked, closing the door and walking inside.

Kuina clicked her tongue, "We got caught by the lockdown."

"We?" You repeated, "He's here, too?"

She nodded, "The lasers went down before he could even get out." She explained, remembering the moments before the game started. She was about to go past the exit when Chishiya stopped her in time, "Then he went looking for you."

"God..." You sighed, your gaze landing on Ann. "What are you looking for?"

Ann turned around, showing you and Kuina the small thing on her hand, "Cyanoacrylate glue. In short, super glue."

"What are you going to do with it?" Kuina asked, watching as Ann left the room, letting the both of you follow her behind.

"If we heat this up and hold it over the murder weapon, the cyanoacrylate vapors will fuse with the moisture to show fingerprints." Ann explained.


"Next, we'll use some cocoa powder to dust for fingerprints on things like cups that have been used by the most likely suspects. After we take off the fingerprints with tape, we will be able to identify the culprit."

"You sure know what you're doing." You commented.

"I was in forensics in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police." Ann answered without looking back as the three of you kept walking ahead.

Kuina removed the cigarette from her mouth, "I see, so we can clear the game like this."

You glanced at her, "Even so, we can't do it that easily with the militants hunting down residents like prey." You inhaled, "Let's just hope we won't have to fight one."

The three of you stopped in your tracks, seeing someone just up ahead. You licked your lips, "Guess I spoke too soon." You said as Kuina stepped up in front of you, "You two, go ahead."

You watched as Last Boss took out his sword.

Kuina looked back at you with a reassuring look, "I'll handle this." She looked at Ann, "I'll leave it to you to help us clear the game." You too, looked at Ann, seeing that she opened her mouth to say something back, but she just closed it again and nodded.

"Be careful." You said to Kuina, seeing her as she nodded at you and Ann one last time before you took the run for it.


"I heard Niragi locked her up," Mira shrugged, a smirk playing at the corner of her lips. Chishiya didn't have any choice left but to ask her about your whereabouts, "She got caught in front of the vault, she tried getting away but she eventually got caught. The residents heard her cries from the royal suite even before the game started."

Chishiya's expression darkened, so that's why you were nowhere to be found. He's been searching everywhere since Kuina reminded him of you in that room. It wasn't like he didn't trust you. He knew that you were capable of taking care and defending yourself, but in a time like this, he wasn't so sure.

He didn't waste any time. He quickly made his way to the place he knew Niragi was.

"Aren't you sick of bullying the weak already?" He stepped up, keeping his calm attitude as he approached Niragi who was previously focused on his sniper.

Niragi looked at him irritatingly, "Where were you hiding?"

He gave him his usual look, "There are tons of places for me to hide."

Niragi scoffed, "You really get on my nerves. All the goddamn time! You always act as if you're so clever."

"But I am clever."

Niragi licked his lips, disassembling the legs of his sniper and carrying it, "Perfect. Let's put an end to this, shall we?"

"The main power supply has changed since the game started." Chishiya continued.


"Our electricity used to be powered by generators. Now it comes from the hotel's main power source. This means that the ones in charge of the game snuck into the Beach to control the power in the basement."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm talking about who the witch is, of course." The blonde kept his gaze on him, he wanted to ask him about your whereabouts, and find out if Mira was telling the truth and wasn't playing bullshit on him, "What else do we need to care for?"

Niragi stepped back, readying himself as he held his gun with two hands, "You're insinuating that I'm the witch, right? Sorry, but that's not possible."

"Only the executives have information on the main power supply management. In the first place, only you guys have the key to access the underground." Chishiya said, a deadly glint in his eye, "So I'll kill all the executive members, starting with you."

Niragi laughed, "You think I'm afraid of death? I have the upper hand here." He said, fixing his gun and aiming it at the blonde.

But Chishiya was quick. He quickly seized the opportunity to slip in his question, trying to make it sound like he was just making small talk, "You know, with all the betrayals happening, it seems like even you can't trust your own comrades."

The other man scoffed, "What are you talking about?"

Chishiya inhaled, a move Niragi found annoying as he felt his blood boil even more, "Take (Y/N) for example. She stole the cards, then went missing. She can be the witch for all we know."

"She got caught stealing the cards and she paid the price." Niragi cleared it up for him. So, Mira was telling the truth. Niragi raised his rifle up, "Do you really think that I can't aim at a short range with this rifle?" He sneered, trying to keep his aim on the blonde.


He said, before lunging forward and throwing the cards in the air to distract him. In a split second, he then set Niragi on fire, watching as the flames consumed him. Niragi screamed, stumbling for a bit before he finally fell down the building.


You coughed, waving your hand in front of your face as the smoke filled your sense of scent. You looked around, looking for a spot to hide from the militants chasing you.

Can't catch a fucking break, can't I?

You lost count of how many times militants have caught sight of you and chased you through the entire place. You entered a room and hid inside it, hiding behind the door as you listened at their footsteps.

Suddenly, the footsteps stopped outside the door, making you hold your breath. The doorknob began to turn, and you raised your gun. The door creaked open, and a militant stepped inside.

You didn't hesitate, you sprang out from behind the door and fired a shot, taking the militant down. The sound of the shot echoed through the room, and you quickly ran to the next militant, pulling the trigger as you did. You were a blur of motion, taking out each of the militants one by one until the room was silent. You slipped your gun back in your holster.

You looked down at the bodies, feeling a mix of adrenaline and exhaustion. You felt a strange sense of exhaustion wash over you, and for a moment, you were lost in your thoughts.

"Well done," Your father said, coming over and applauding you for your work, "I knew you could do it."

"You see, hunting is a tradition in our family," he continued, taking the gun out of your hands and reloading it with more ammunition, "It's important to know this. This way, you also know how to protect yourself and defend your territory."

You nodded at him, feeling proud that you got to be a part of this tradition. You went on many hunting trips with him even after that, your father was the person who taught you how to hold a gun and aim properly. He would bring you to the forest, where you learned how to handle a weapon and kill animals.

Those were the best moments of your life. Moments where you were young and carefree. The memories were still vivid in your mind, the sound of the gun, the weight of the weapon, and the feeling of taking another life. You can even recall the excitement you felt at that moment, the thrill of the hunt itself.

You wished for your life to stay that way. But, it seemed like the universe had other plans for you.

He had everything. A wonderful wife, a good daughter and a big company. That was so much a person could ask for. But then-

"You have a duty in this family," His voice was stern, "You will do as I say and focus on your work."

It was after something happened with your mother. He became more strict and distant after that. You didn't know what happened to her, she just disappeared one time and never came back. You didn't want to believe that she was dead, there weren't any funerals held or even anything.

He started training you at a young age, he started training you to handle the documents of his company and do his work for him while he drank his soul away. You did his work for years, you stayed under that pressure until you couldn't handle it anymore.

"I need you to take care of my company when I'm gone," He said one day, "You're the only one I can trust to do this."

"But," You protested, "I want to go out and make friends. I want to live a normal life."

"Normal life?" He sneered, "This is your life now! If you don't want to then fine. You're free to leave this house and the family completely."

And so you did. You left home, packing your things up, clothes, money, documents, everything useful you had in your room. You learned how to adapt into adult life, you didn't need him, you didn't need anyone. You got yourself a good job with a somewhat high salary, and a good apartment.


You tore your gaze off the bodies and went on your way, wishing that you won't have another encounter with them and get chased again.

You once again wandered the halls. You had been attacked and chased multiple times ever since the game started, so you were on high alert, your senses all heightened. Suddenly, you felt a presence behind you and quickly turned around, raising the knife to the person's neck, the tip of it inches away from their neck.

But as you looked at the figure, you realized it was the person you've been looking for the past hour. You lowered your weapon, relief washing over you.

Chishiya stood before you, his usual calm and collected demeanor on display. But as he looked at you, he couldn't help but notice the blood soaked state you were in, with dried blood smeared on your face and your knife on your hands, and another weapon on your holster.

He said nothing, his concern for your safety was evident in the way he studied you, but he kept his expression neutral, not giving any sign of his worries.

"What happened to you?"

You shook your head, "Long story. But we need to get out of here."

"I know, I know." He said, keeping his gaze on you, "Are you the witch?" He asked, he was sure that you weren't it but he had to confirm anyway.

You chuckled, looking down on your condition, "God no, I may look like it but trust me, I'm not."

"Stop it already!"

A familiar shout made the both of you look to where the lobby was. You looked at Chishiya again, and as if he read your mind, he nodded. You dropped your knife on the ground and took his wrist and ran to the lobby as quickly as you could.

You looked down at the lobby from the second floor, you leaned on the railing as you watched the events unfold. Chishiya was beside you, leaning on a wall and listening as well.

"I..." Arisu started. You noticed that his condition was just like yours, bloodsoaked and injured, but his injuries were much greater than yours. "I was confined by you guys the entire time, even when the murder occurred. I'm sure you know I couldn't have been the witch."

He tried to catch his breath and talk to Aguni at the same time. Your heart only ached for him, "If you aren't the witch, then there's no need to kill me. So please, cooperate with me and search for the witch!" He shouted.

Aguni approached him, just to begin beating him up and throwing him around like a goddamn doll. You gasped at Aguni's actions, you thought he was just going to speak to him, but he didn't. What were you expecting anyway, it's Aguni.

Usagi tried to push him but he wouldn't budge. He then threw her down the floor as Usagi let out a painful groan.

"Now I know..." Usagi started, "The reason why you attacked Arisu, even though he's the only one with an alibi... That's because you're the witch!" She shouted, Aguni looked at her for a brief second before he threw Arisu in her direction.

Everyone looked at Aguni, fear on their faces.

"You..." One resident spoke, "Are you the witch?"

Even his own comrades started to look at him suspiciously. Aguni stood there, opening his mouth up to speak.

"Yes. I am the witch."

He stated as the other beach members gave him looks of fright and started backing away from him, as if he'll turn to them anytime and kill them.

Chishiya watched from his place beside you as Aguni's comrades raised their guns at the Number One himself.

Chishiya took a deep breath, "I see..."

You eyed him, "What got you so amazed?" You asked, Chishiya only glanced at you, he didn't answer then and just watched the scene downstairs again.

You muttered a small "Okay" as you got no response from the blonde, you turned to watch again.

Aguni dropped his gun on the ground, then walked up to one of his comrades, "Shoot me," He ordered, "Do it!" he shouted angrily. His comrade's hand was already shaking yet he continued to stand there.

"Shoot him!" Someone from the crowd shouted.

"Aguni is not the witch!" Arisu defended, continuing to speak up despite his condition, "This is a Ten of Hearts game! A game that toys with people's feelings! It's not a game where you win by killing Aguni!"

Aguni turned again to face Arisu who was lying down on the floor with Usagi holding him close to her. "You're not the witch... So why? That's because you have another motive."

"Another motive?" Usagi whispered.

"The one you killed was not Momoka." Arisu continued.

"It was Hatter."

You gasped at the revelation while Chishiya's eyes narrowed, taking in the scene below.

Arisu continued, his voice rising as he spoke, "I found out after I saw your eyes. It was as if you had given up all hope. Those eyes were the same as mine that day. Those eyes after I killed my friends. You're not dumb, yet you wanted to kill everyone right from the start. That's not like you! You must have had another motive in mind."

Aguni glared down at Arisu, but he knew he was right. "Ever since I came to the Beach, I thought it was strange. If you had these many firearms, the militants would have gained control over the Beach a long time ago."

"Yet that didn't happen until now. Because in reality, you were not in conflict with Hatter at all. Didn't you both actually help each other? You wanted to make sure that dangerous people like Niragi don't go on a rampage, you tried to hold them back."

Arisu stood up, limping towards Aguni, his face covered in blood and wounds he got from the amount of torture Niragi did on him.

You looked down on your hand, feeling someone lift them up and examine it. "What happened here?" Chishiya looked at it, his hand running over the cloth you had wrapped it in.

"Niragi." You answered, and he got it immediately.

"Son of a bitch." He clicked his tongue, his fingers taking a hold of the knot and untying it. "What are you doing?" You asked, looking at him as he took it off.

"Did you cauterize this?" He looked at your face. You nodded, slightly embarrassed, "There was no other way."

"Goodluck getting an infection."

"Look, it's either that, or I bleed to death." You rolled your eyes. He ran a finger through the wound, making you flinch a little at the sudden contact. He let out a small apology, but his eyes never left the injury.

"Do you think we'll be able to go back after all of these?" You voiced out. It was a thought, something that has been on your mind ever since.

"I don't know," He replied truthfully, "But I think this is just the beginning. We still have to fight for face cards..." He trailed off, he looked at you directly in your eyes, "If they exist."

You took a deep breath and looked at him, holding eye contact with him as much as you could. He could see determination and bravery behind yours. You gave him a small smile, "Promise me we'll make it back together."

He gave you one back. But this time, it wasn't a mischievous, deadly one, the usual look he lets out, no. This was a genuine one, and it was your first time seeing him like this.

"I'll try." He said, before he looked down again and wrapped your hand with the same cloth. You smiled at him, your attention getting caught by the scene downstairs again. You completely forgot you were still in the middle of this.

You and Chishiya watched as Aguni threw Usagi and Arisu both on the floor, his attention still on the man. He grabbed him again, "What would you-"

"I understand the pain in your eyes." Arisu still managed to speak even though he was clearly suffering from his injuries, "You killed your friend. And so you wanted to kill everyone at the beach, because they were the ones who made your friend go crazy. Your broken feelings. The game master made use of them! That's why this is a Hearts game!"

"Shut up!" Aguni shouted, giving Arisu another hit, then threw him to the side. Usagi screamed his name, rushing down beside him.

"If that's true, then Aguni just wanted to kill everyone regardless of the game?" Someone from the crowd muttered again.

"You're joking..."

"And we went along with that?" A militant looked at Aguni in disbelief.

"Just who is the witch?" Usagi muttered as she looked around.

"I know who it is.... The identity of the real witch." Arisu breathed out, Usagi helping him to sit down properly, "You can always see the game master's characteristics in a game. In a Hearts game, it always makes a fool out of everyone."

"We still have to hunt down the witch," A woman spoke up, "And burn them in the Fire of Judgement, right?"

"No," Arisu shook his head, Usagi and Tatta helped him stand up, "There is a witch candidate that makes it possible."

"It is possible," He lifted his hand up, his finger pointing at someone inside the room...


"-if the witch is Momoka herself."

A bunch of confused and shocked noises came from the crowd as they all looked at Momoka's dead body. "Momoka struck the knife into herself?" One of them asked.

"Yes," Arisu answered. "If I were the game master, I would come up with this idea." He finished before Aguni charged at him again and kicked him in the stomach.

"What a joke." He said, "I'm the witch!" He turned to the residents, they all stepped back in fear.

"He wants to get killed that badly?" You commented from your spot.

You watched as the Beach erupted into chaos again. Aguni was trying to take everyone down with him, screaming a bunch of words about them killing him and how the Beach made his friend crazy.

It was when Asahi, the woman who was with Usagi earlier, stepped on the center and shouted, "Everyone!"

The commotion stopped as they all looked at her. She also got Chishiya's attention too, as he leaned into the railing and watched her actions.

"I'm the..." She said, "Dealer of this game!"

Those were her last words before a laser from above had struck her and killed her. Her body fell down on the floor with a thud, and suddenly, for the first time in a while, the Beach was dead silent.

"It was a reverse grip!"

Ann shouted, walking into the scene as Kuina helped her.

"Kuina." You muttered, immediately going down to help them. "You'll get yourself killed!" Chishiya screamed after you, but you just waved him off, "I'll be fine!"

Ann raised the knife up to show everyone. "Fingerprints with a reverse grip were found on the knife. This means Momoka grabbed the knife herself and stabbed it through her own chest."

"She's the witch."

You rushed to them, taking support of Ann's other side, "Are you both okay?" You asked. They nodded as Ann threw the knife in the middle of the room.

The residents began muttering to themselves again.

"Why would she kill herself for a game?"

"Was she really the game master?"

"That girl also said she's the dealer."

"So we're just being toyed with by them?"

"But she's human like the rest of us," Tatta said, "Ordinary humans."

"The two of them... they might have been controlled by someone else too." Usagi looked down.

"Aguni," Arisu started, "Let's just stop this. Don't let the deaths of the innocents go to waste." He slowly started to stand up, "I understand how it feels to kill your friends. But we shouldn't take out our frustration on those who are still alive!"

"Arisu." You muttered. Even though he was already beaten up to death, he still had the strength to stand up and put an end to this.

"But we are still alive! We're all facing despair head-on and fighting until the very end! Don't look down on those who are still alive!" He shouted, maintaining himself to stand up. You admired him, his strength and his will to live was strong.

"The fire is spreading!" Someone shouted.

"Move the body to the fire of judgment! Hurry up!" You and Kuina helped Ann up but were stopped when someone fired some of the residents.

"That hurt..."

You widened your eyes, recognizing that voice. Niragi came out, his body was all burnt. What the hell happened to him?

"In the first place, I should have just burned down the Beach with the Fire of Judgement!"




"With this, I'll clear the game!" He threw a burning wood into the crowd as they all scattered away.

"Come on!" Chishiya grabbed your arm and dragged you away from the scene.

"Hey wait!" You screamed, "Kuina's still in there!"

"She'll be fine! Hurry up and go!"

"I'll kill all of you!" Niragi screamed, once again pouring bloodshed on the Beach. You saw as Niragi tried to shoot Arisu but then Aguni got in the way, he charged at him, picking him up and dragging him to the fire.

The last thing you heard before you got out of the building was gunfire and Aguni screaming.


You made it outside. Almost passing out on the cold ground, you sat on the free space. "Are you okay?" You looked at Chishiya, he looked at you, panting, "I should be the one asking you that, but yeah, I'll live."

You noticed the rest of the Beach residents carry Momoka's body. Then they soon disappeared again from your sight as they took a turn.

"It's finally over." You chuckled, your gaze not leaving the direction you saw them in.


Chishiya's phone rang. You didn't have one with you, you were too focused on running away and surviving that you didn't even bother getting one from the lobby.

You sighed before standing up, "Let's go find Kuina." You said as she began walking away, you looked back at him, "Chishiya, aren't you co-"

He pulled your wrist and kissed you gently, but it wasn't gentleness you wanted, not now, not after everything that has happened, and you held his jacket, pulling him harder against you.

He groaned softly low in his throat, his arms circled you, gathering you against him, and you stood there, feeling the moment.

"You..." You let out a low breath. Chishiya's usual look returned on his face, "There's one thing I'll do before we leave."

You gave him a smile, taking his hand and walking away with him. You entered the burning building again, in the middle was a table and a card.

Ten of Hearts.

It was crazy that this card was equivalent to all the lives that were lost that day. Their lives were exchanged for this card. Or were they?

After you all found out that everyone has been killing everyone for nothing, you couldn't help but think. Did their deaths ever mean anything?

You let go of his hand, letting him pick up the card and examine it. You felt someone approach you, "You two are quite persistent, huh?"

Chishiya answered her, but his attention was on the card only, "I started to think that it's pointless to collect all the playing cards," He glanced at her, "But with this, we've got everything except for the face cards."

"But I wonder what the management team of the game wants us to see?"


"Are you sure we're going the right way?" You asked, taking the cigarette off your mouth and puffing out smoke from your lips.

"You know, I didn't quit smoking just for you to end up smoking around me." Kuina groaned, scrunching her nose at the scent of the cigarette.

You shrugged, and continued to puff out some anyway.

"We're here." Chishiya voiced out.

"Guess we're not the only ones." Kuina pointed to two familiar figures who were standing at the other door.

"You actually found this place." Chishiya said, looking at Arisu and Usagi who also walked inside at the same time.

"You..." Arisu muttered as he saw Kuina, Chishiya and you walk inside the place with them.

You waved at the two, "I see you guys are here too... as expected." You were right, Arisu did have one big of a brain. You predicted that one way or another, he will be able to find this place too.

"We meet again." Kuina simply said.

"You guys..." Usagi muttered. Chishiya took the deck of cards out of his pockets and held it up.

"Thanks to you guys, I have all the numbered playing cards with me... thank you."

"How did you discover this place?"

"It took me some time to realize that this is a route map of a subway station." He opened the piece of paper and showed it to the other two, "What happens when we collect all the playing cards? I thought I would know if I came here. But there's one thing I discovered."

Arisu looked at him. "They are not the game masters." Chishiya's lips curled into a smirk and turned to him, "That's right."

"Judging from the fact that they were killed after our victory. They're humans like us, on top of that..." He turned to look at Arisu again. "There is someone higher than them."

"Who knows? They might be aliens." Chishiya said.

"That's cute." You scoffed.

"What is?" Kuina questioned, looking at you.

"Of all the things he could've guessed with, he went with aliens." You chuckled.

The room suddenly lit up, you and the others looked around and saw the monitors flash some words on it.


You read as trumpets can be heard.

"Congratulations to all players." A very familiar voice spoke. You and the others walked up the side to have a better view of the person.

"Mira." You muttered.

"With the exception of the face card games, all of you have cleared all the numbered games thus far and emerged the victors. A sweet victory you've grasped by sacrificing numerous lives."

"I wonder, how many of your comrades have died? Try remembering. Those who were shot with a gun."

Multiple footages played on the monitors, some of them are from the Ten of Hearts game that occurred at the beach, screams are also heard.

"Those you burned alive. Those struck with lasers and those who drowned."

You looked around and watched multiple people dying, one of them even showed the events of Six of Clubs. An inside shot of the bus when you set it on fire and blew it up.

"Those whose heads were blown off."

You had your eyes on one of the monitors. There it showed Arisu in a botanical garden, chasing after someone only for their head to get blown off. You could feel Arisu's screams ring in your ear as you watched it even further.

The pain this man had suffered.

"Those comrades of yours. The despair you've felt so far, and those dying moments you can't ever forget, I'm very touched!"

You watched Mira's actions. What a psychopath, you thought. She put her hand down, clasping them together as she told you this "wonderful" she was talking about.

"As for you players, we would like to give you a present."

Kuina spoke up, "Are you returning us to the original world?" She asked.

"There will be new games! Let's play games together! You'll fight for face cards!"

"New games?" You sighed.

"I don't dislike the idea." Chishiya said, you gave him a look. "Really?" You scoffed, raising a brow.

"We've still got many more wonderful games prepared for all of you! So look forward to it."

"This woman... is she the game master?" Usagi asked.

"I'd rather see an alien appear on the screen." Kuina scoffed.

"The next stage will commence tomorrow at noon."

"We have to fight again." You said, Arisu nodded, "Yes." He answered, "But one thing's different..."

"We're finally seeing our target."


You all stood outside, in the middle of Shibuya crossing. You looked up at the giant monitor, the words making themselves known as giant blimps made themselves known on the sky.

You looked at your new comrades. This time, you were going to fight.

With them.

With him.

With the good side, this time.


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