「Twisted Wonderland One-Shot」...

By RinLake

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What the title says! REQUESTS: open! do's: angst fluff Aus Platonic/romantic (I'll add more later) don't's: ... More

♡ Welcome!|Rules|Requests Closed! ♡
Requests are indeed open
Rook did nothing wrong
Riddle Rosehearts x Reader
Riddle R. x Reader [AU]
Cater D. x Insecure!chubby!Reader
"Apex Predator of all"
Leona x cat lover!Reader
Ruggie Bucchi x deaf!Reader
[HC] Octavinelle whenever s/o goes home
Yandere!Octavinelle x Reader [pt 1]
Yandere!Octavinelle x Reader [pt.2]
Yan!Riddle R. x bullied! Chubby! Reader
Azul Ashengrotto x reader [fluff]
Azul A. x crybaby!Reader
Azul Ashengrotto x Shark!Reader
Yandere!Azul A. x Reader [pt.1]
Yandere!Azul A. x Reader [pt.2]
Yan!Azul Ashengrotto x reader
Floyd Leech x Reader [Fluff]
Floyd Leech x Bullied!Reader
Jade Leech x reader [Fluff]
Merform!Jade x Reader [Fluff]
Yandere!Jade x Reader
Jade x Reader x Floyd [pt. 1]
Jade x Reader x Floyd [pt. 2]
Floyd Leech x Clingy!Reader
Kalim A. x Reader
Kalim Al A. x Reader [AU] [fluff]
Jamil V. x Reader [Fluff]
Vil Schoenheit x Messy!Reader
Yandere!Vil x sw!Reader x Rook Pt.1
Yandere!Vil x sw!Reader x Rook Pt.2
Yandere!Vil x sw!Reader x Rook Pt.3
Yandere!Rook H. x Reader
💀 Idia Shroud Headcanons 💀
Idia S. x Reader
Yandere!Idia S. x introverted!Reader
Idia S. x Reader [Fluff]
Idia Shroud x shy!reader [pt. 1]
Idia Shroud x shy!Reader [pt.2]
Idia Shroud x Shy!Reader [pt.3]
Malleus Draconia x Reader
Malleus Draconia x Insomniac!Reader
N R C shouldn't be left alone
Yan!Jamil Viper x Chubby!Reader
Lilia Vanrouge x Reader「Fluff」
Epel x reader「fluff」
Azul Ashengrotto x Reader [PT.1]
Azul Ashengrotto x Reader [PT.2]
Cater Diamond x clingy!Reader
Idia Shroud x gamer!Reader
Yan!Malleus Draconia x Gn!Reader [Fluff]
Riddle Rosehearts x Disabled!reader
Riddle Roshearts x Tall!Tomboy!Reader
Kalim x Reader(MC?) 「🌸」
🌲HC Dorm Leaders: Kissing mistletoe 🌲
Wedding day | Twst stuff
Mixed Messages| Floyd x Reader
update again, apologies LOL

"Please be my Valentine!"

7.9K 59 5
By RinLake

["I-I made these chocolates for you... Ahhhh!!!"]

A/n: To make this clear, Mizuki is my MC/Oc for Twisted Wonderland and of course you may skip this, I just wanted to post something late for Valentine's day!

Hope you enjoy though if you like! Oh yeah also a friend's of mine MC is also in this, their name is Jae lmao


[I was feeling self indulgent, so uh, Mizuki and Idia for Valentine's day! FT. Azul, Jae and Grim being there to make some haha funnies and stuff
Slight implied love triangle? So ig technically Idia x Mizuki (x Azul), actually half funnies and sorta angst, on Azul's part though.]

"N-No! It's… T-That time of year…" The male with blue flames says as he glanced to the side, it was Valentine's Day, normally he wouldn't care, but since he really appreciated Mizuki and her being there for him, even though she didn't have to. It was endearing of her to be thoughtful and such. She was incredibly patient with him too! It was actually quite surprising if he'll be honest, not a lot of people were with him while he had a hard time talking if he didn't know how to express his gratitude, unless it's a topic that Mizuki is okay talking about.

He didn't mind the silence though. If he'll be honest; it was better than coming up with something to talk about! Sure, he could talk about his favorite anime, manga or video game, but he was scared that Mizuki wasn't a big fan, until she asked about some of the manga's at Sam's shop one day and his eyes lit up and he immediately talked about his suggestions. He was actually tempted to pay also, but Mizuki said she could do it herself.

"Ah.. What.. Gifts are hard to figure out… And I am lazy to actually make one, ahh, I'm not sure what to do." Idia says as he panics and Ortho floats over to his big brother and makes sure he didn't overdue himself.

"How about something simple? I don't think Mizuki wouldn't mind if it's something simple! Besides, Mizuki likes chocolate!" Ortho says cheerfully and sweetly.

"Ah.. Now you mention, she does like chocolate… I think dark chocolate if I remember correctly." Idia mumbles as he taps his chin lightly. He has a small smile as he gets up. He is gonna do the unimaginable!

Idia walks over to the door nervously as Ortho's eyes lit up, he is gonna go out in weeks?! Ortho follows his brother to help him make sweets!

Which shocked many of his fellow students, including Riddle, as he saw him waltz into the kitchen to grab ingredients as Ortho said them to his older brother.

Not gonna lie, Riddle had a small smile as he then got tapped on the shoulder by Silver to pay attention, which made the red haired tyrant freak out.

Meanwhile, Jae was walking around with Grim as they noticed the flame brothers… In the kitchen? Spooky if you ask me!

Jae walks over and greets Riddle, "hey, Riddleee… What is up with Idia in here? I am curious." Grim nodded his head, "yeah! The great Grim-sama needs to know as well!"

Riddle sighs, "I am busy cooking, but I have no idea… However, that robot is telling him ingredients." He says as he looks at the two with his grey orbs.

Jae perked up at the thought, "eeehhh? Is he making something? I never saw him make ANYTHING—."

"I can hear you all the way over here…" Idia interrupted, staring at Jae, more like looking down slightly since he was much more taller than Jae. Ortho waved at Jae however, "Hello, Jae!! How are you?" The sweet little brother said.

This was the perfect opportunity, wasn't it? Jae thought for a split second and grinned, "Me and Grim were just walking around~! Say, what are you two making~?'' Jae asked, their tune was mischievous, as Idia's eyes widened and his hair slightly changed to a pinkish color immediately–.

"Nii-san wanted to make chocolates for nee-san— uh, Mizuki!"

"Is that so~?" Jae perked up and smirked, they walked closer as Riddle sighs, he hopes they don't end up making Idia regret going outside. This was big enough progress as it was and he certainly doesn't want this to regress.

Idia was shaking as he stared away from Jae as Grim snickered. He hates it here, he knows damn well that he is gonna get teased the fuck out of! This isn't gonna be fun..

"We n-need to focus on this, sorry Jae-shi… If it's important, come b-back whenever I'm done though.." Idia says softly as he turns his back away from them, as Jae and Grim were shocked that he didn't entirely freak out on them.. Huh, interesting.

It took a while, Idia wouldn't lie, though, he wouldn't lie whenever he said he had a lot of fun! Well, too much fun, it was like the candy kits he loved playing with a lot, but Ortho helped make sure he didn't go overboard with it, because chocolate can dry pretty quickly unlike making those candles he loves eating so much.

Hearing footsteps and turned around to see, Azul?... Oh no–.

"Hello, Idia-san, I never expected you would be here! I was worried you forgot our board game today! Perhaps you did… Oh well! I was curious at what you were doing.." Azul, that greedy tycoon man, as he pushed up his glasses. He smirked as Idia shrugs.

"None of your business.. Ah, that, my bad, perhaps tomorrow then?..." Idia says as he puts his freshly washed hands into his pockets of his hoodie.

"Hrm.. Tomorrow you say? Fair, we are the only ones that are in the club." Azul grins some more, "Say, I saw Jae and Grim leave here, so I was curious why they were in here, and come to an amazing surprise! You and Ortho in the same room!"

"That sounded really condescending, Azul-shi.." Idia comments to himself. As Azul looked at the stack of chocolate that his senior made. He ponders before smiling.

"I am only gonna guess, these are for dear Mizuki-san, isn't it? I feel pity for her, she is the only female after all in this school. I heard she has rejected quite a few chocolates actually. Though, I think it's because Vil-senpai has asked her to not eat anything that is chocolate."

Idia really didn't like that, "Couldn't she have just a cheat day?.. I don't think it wouldn't be too bad… It's annoying.. I worked hard on making this for her after all.."

"Hrm… Though, I do agree, I did also suggest she go on a diet also, though it was due to her stress eating and not on anything else, rest assured." Azul says as he looked like he was proud to help someone he cares deeply for. Though he is aware he shouldn't get too close, it was because she might go back to her world, someday…

"Couldn't she do whatever she wants? I am aware she eats stress.."

"So, you do then?"

"Yes, do you know the reason?" Idia asked confidently as he smirked a little.

Azul shakes his head, he wasn't exactly told the reason, but he has his guesses and he wouldn't be too surprised, it's interesting that Mizuki would tell Idia, but not him… Hrm.. He is thinking too much on this, yeah.

"It's due to not being able to get a confirmation from Crowley if she'll get back home." Idia says softly, he frowns as he says this. Azul nods his head, he figured much on this though.

The male in his hoodie, grabbed the bag of dark chocolates and put it in another cute bag Jae and Ortho helped make, while teasing him of course. Which embarrassed him, but if he could try to not think too much on it, then he could do it.

Azul felt apprehensive for Idia to do this, for obvious reasons. His crush on Perfect, so it means the person he had board games with, has a crush on the same person? This was literally hell. But he had such a twisted knot of not being able to do this before Idia.. This was so bad on his part. He smiles warmly, though a hint at malice and dread.

"Well, have fun then." Azul says, bitterly. Idia nods as he and Ortho leave! Idia walks to Ramshackle dorm as quickly as he can.

Azul watched as he sighs, he'll figure out something (might be a part 2? 👀)

Idia is at the Ramshackle dorm, he looks at the window to see Mizuki, Grim and Jae chilling on one of the couches as he felt his heart pounding, gah, it was scary!

But he didn't have to worry, cause his little brother knocked at the door!

Jae got up and opened it, smirking a lot from this, "eyyyy! Flame boy is here! Come in!"

"I-It isn't a flame boy!" Idia sputtered as he squeaked and felt his face flush, as he got dragged in with Ortho.

"It's that flame dude and his robot brother… Flame brothers.." Grim mutters as he eats his tuna he got from Mizuki on her way to Sam's shop, since Jae couldn't go due to the Floyd incident.

Idia hid the chocolates behind his back. As Mizuki waved at him, she was so sweet.

"Nee-san! Nee-san! Me and Nii-san made you something—."


"Oh? May I see?" Mizuki tilts her head as she hums and gets up, which Grim wasn't too pleased, so he went over to Jae as the two cackled a little.

Idia's heart pounder loudly as he panicked. Mizuki tilts her head.

"Ahh.. I-I can't do this! Uh- please, let's g-go to my room! I need to tell you something!" Idia squealed as he then wanted out! Ortho sighs, but was nonetheless happy to see him out of his room longer than normally he would!

Time skip cause my bitchass is fucking lazzyyyy!!

Mizuki managed to walk to Ignihyde dorm and to Idia's in particular. She was incredibly excited, so she wanted to come and see him.

She lightly knocks on his door and the door immediately opens. "Ah! Hello! Come in!" Ortho says as she walks in, seeing how Idia looks at Mizuki with an embarrassed look.

"U-Uhm.. Hey.. Mizuki-shi. Uh… It's Valentine's day, yeah?..."

"Mhm! Yes, yes it is, I am guessing you got me something?..." Mizuki asked as the taller male nods and smiles nervously, his face flushed once more. He felt giddy.

"I.. I made you this chocolate… Actually… Me and Ortho made this chocolate for you.. I hope you like it.. I.. I am aware you might not eat it immediately, but… It's dark chocolate.."

"Dark chocolate?... I..  Would like some..! I have been craving chocolate..!" Mizuki drools a little bit.

Idia smiles some more, and hands her the dark chocolates in a bag, his smile grin into a wide one. "Uhm.. Y-You may leave if you want to.."

"I can stay! I want you to also try it!" Mizuki smiles softly. Idia's hair then turns red, making him even more happy! 

The rest of the evening, Mizuki and Idia eat the chocolates while Ortho watches and is happy!


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