Idia S. x Reader

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["Do you always get this sick....? I-I MEAN I DIDN'T MEAN IT IN A RUDE WAY!?!?!"]

I am scared for Ignihyde chap, but also want it, I feel like there is gonna be; a n g s t, a n g s t, a n g s t and you guessed it! More fucking A N G S T

I am gonna probably cry as much as I did for Pomefiore chap


"Eh...? Y/n is sick again..?" Idia asked his little brother, Ortho who nodded, floating around his brother as Idia looked at the bright screen with an uneasy look on his face, though he always had that look whenever Ortho told him that she was sick once more.

"At this rate, we won't be able to play games.. I hate this.." mumbling to himself he sighs softly, his soft tone sounded sad however. It's been the 8th time Y/n has gotten sick.

Is her immune system not that great, he ponders. Ortho looked worried. His big brother looks and sound distressed as he watched him grab his phone and see him message the sick girl.

Idia typed; Hey, Y/n can you come to my room? I wanna ask you a very important question, sorry, I know that you aren't feeling well and you may not get of your bed.

Why did he feel nervous all of the sudden, it wouldn't be as bad.. Maybe it was bad to ask her that or maybe ask to even come out of Ramshackle to visit her...

His anxiety slightly rised up, what if she wouldn't talk to her again? What if she's very irritated with him asking this? He bit his thumb as he worried.

Hearing a small ding, Idia scrambled to look at the reply; Sure, I'll be there in a minute, I just woken up. It's okay Idia! Being sick didn't stop me from visiting you! :D

Idia's anxiety fell and left his heart pounding loudly, he worried over nothing, she was sleeping. She woke up and seemed excited.

"Big brother, I can help her here if you want me too!" Ortho said softly as he stares at his big brother, Idia nodded lightly as he paced lightly in his room.

Ortho did just that. He went to go and help Y/n! Ortho was really excited to see her, cause she was really nice to his big bro! She plays games with him when she wasn't sick, she talked with both of them, not just Ortho, he would feel bad, especially since his big brother has a huge crush on her.

Meanwhile, Idia continued pacing back and forth, figuring out what to say.. How to actually word it not so rudely. What it that sounded rude? What if he—

"Big brother! I am back!" Ortho said as Y/n walked in, she was wearing a mask to make sure she didn't get anyone sick.

A thoughtful gesture really.

"Hello.. Idia.." Y/n says weakly as she turned away to cough and such, despite wearing a mask. Her eyes looked tired, ah, he didn't mean to wake her up?! Ah, he feels like a dick doing that to her.

"M.. Mm.. Hello, Y/n.. Uhm.. Sorry again, I didn't mean to text you to ask you i-in person.. I should've asked.."

"No..! It's okay.. I prefer it like this.. It means you really care a whole lot.. I appreciate it." Y/n smiles under her mask as she says this. She of course was wearing a hoodie, she must be cold.. Cause she would occasionally shiver her and there. If only he was confident to actually hug her to warm her up, if only he wasn't a coward.

"I.. I see.. I.. I wanted to ask.. Are you always this sick? Ah.." that came off as rude didn't it? Idia's eyes widened, "Ah?! I-I didn't mean to sound that rude! I'm sorry—"

"Ah.. You are wondering that.. Erm.. I can tell you.. I wasn't the most healthiest person, I get sick really easily. It isn't as bad whenever I was a child.." She gave a small cough as she stares at Idia.

Who in turn stared back, he didn't know what to say. How can he say anything? He was sorta expecting that as the response sense it made sense to him, in his head, it made sense, but why did it hurt knowing this? That just meant she didn't do a whole lot with her childhood.

"You have pretty eyes, Idia, has anyone told you this?.."

"E-Eh?..." was he getting a compliment, for his eyes?.. He.. He felt his heart pounding even louder, he was nervous she would hear it. Ortho chuckled.

NO NO NO NO WAIT ORTHO, was Idia thought, he was panicking, scared his little brother would go and tell- please don't he is begging with his eyes right now.

Ortho stared back and understood and didn't.

Y/n yawns softly, "mmm..." she mumbles as she was getting sleepy, "Can... I.. Sleep here?.. I.. I mean.."

"Yes, yes you may—" Idia eyes softened, that was a quick response. Very unlike him, but he would feel bad if he let her go back to her dorm when she feels THIS tired. Ortho looked shocked, but he looked happy though regardless.

"I-I can give you things if you need anything..." Idia gulped. Y/n smiles softly some more, she stood in place she probably didn't feel like walking.

"Can... You carry me?... I.. erm.."

"Ah... S-Sure." He says as he walks over to her and pick her up lightly, he was kinda nervous about this, but he did say he'll do anything to help.

Idia Shroud is carrying a girl in his arms, it's like a manga book he is currently reading, though he doubts that his arms are that strong to carry a girl forever..

So he slowly walks to his messy bed and was about to lay her—.

"You.. Are very warm... Nice and warm.." Y/n mumbles, "Can you lay next to me.."

The tips of his hair were turning red and so was his face, did.. Did she asked him that?! Ah.. This feels like a dream, someone pinch him! This isn't real is it? Is it real?

It was definitely real, she was holding onto him, it's matter of fact real. So, so real.

He nods his head as he lays her on his bed and then lays next to her after that, which immediately cling onto him.

The two eventually sleep, while Ortho looked happy since his big brother finally get some sleep.

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