Idia Shroud x shy!reader [pt. 1]

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[What happens when a shy and awkward meet another shy and awkward? Well, who knows, awkward tension?]

Another day and another awkward moment in poor Y/n's day, she had bumped into Idia that day while walking to her next class, feeling extremely flustered she tried to apologize but he just ended up running off, sighing as she scurried to her next class.

The class ended up being uneventful as always, taking notes and almost dozing off, Y/n wondered if Idia and her will actually talk or would it just be tension between the two forever until she had to eventually get back to her world? Sighing she looked down at her notes, her hands were getting tired from writing and she might as well give up writing for today, it was almost over anyways, class anyways, she noticed Grimm was passed out.

That good for nothing tanuki! Whatever class was over before Y/n knew it and woke up Grimm, which he protested, but eventually went and got onto the perfect, walking  for lunch, catching up with Deuce and Ace on the way there.

"Oi! Y/n, you were totally spacing out in magic history, that isn't like you at all." Said Ace as he began eating his lunch, Deuce nodded his head in agreement, "Yeah, Ace kept pointing at you the entire time while looking at me to get the gist.."

"Oi! Not my problem you were focusing on your notes! You were avoiding me!" Ace sighs, but he then grinned and stared at Y/n, who was currently eating her food.

"I want to be a honor student, you know this, Ace-kun." Deuce sighs as he eats his sandwich, but almost dropped it whenever Ace almost jabbed at him

"Dude?! The fuck—"

"Sorry! Okay, Deuce-kun do you have any speculations that Y/n, has a crush?" Ace saying this not even above a whisper made poor Y/n almost spit her water.

"What do you mean by that, Ace? Also, she's right in front of us and I don't think she wants to talk about that, Ace-kun..." Deuce sighs a little, as he bites down on his sandwich.

Ace grinned widely and whispered into his ear, making Deuce's eyes wide slightly, "dude..."

"What are those two talking about, oi! Y/n!?"

Y/n then scurried off with her lunch, she felt too flustered and frankly embarrassed, leaving Grimm alone with sharing one braincell duo.

Finally leaving to her thoughts, Y/n sighs as she begins eating alone, normally she preferred eating alone, she can enjoy her meal and think more. As she eats, she hears some hovering noises?..

Blinking as she sees Ortho! Y/n slightly almost jumped, but Ortho gave a happy expression on his eyes.

"Hello Miss Y/n!" Ortho says as he floats in front of her, the shy girl gave a small smile as she waves a Idia's little brother, he's really sweet and kind from she had heard from a few of her classmates.

"Why are you eating by yourself?" He signified a sad look, since he was wearing a mask of sorts on his face, which made the girl laugh softly, awe, he's adorable, shaking her head.

"Uh-Uhm.. I was eating with my friends, I just needed some time alone, since they were saying some nonsense.."

"Eh?.. But eating alone isn't good! Ah, I have an idea! How about you eat with Idia-nii?"

Y/n gulped, eating with Idia? When she clearly bumped into his big bro, but she could probably actually apologize to him in person, maybe they both could open up?

"Alright! I'll go and eat with your big bro!"

"Yaay!" Ortho cheers as he then sways back and forth while floating, he then couldn't exactly wait and drags the poor perfect towards Idia's room!

[Part 2 will come soon...]

「Twisted Wonderland One-Shot」Requests: Closed!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora