Cater D. x Insecure!chubby!Reader

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["You are like, so cute! I can eat you up~!"]


Cater just thinks she is an absolute cute thing he has ever seen ever! Chubby? Cute! It suits her so. But he is a little sad that he heard she was so insecure about her appearance. She's so sweet, why would anyone be so crude to her?

Cater throw positivity! Yes. Though too much would be toxic. He heard once, was it toxic positivity? Probably was.

He was currently braiding some h/c locks as he hums, "your hair is so pretty! I can totally, like do anything with it, may I post what I did on magicam?" He asked as he hums.

Y/n was silent as she sighs softly, "Er, are you... Gonna make fun of me behind my back?.."

"Eh?.." Cater looked confused, shaking his head, his hair swayed a little, "No! Of course not, we are friends, why would I ever do that? Besides, I can't make cute girl like yourself hurt, that is like, totally uncalled for!" He twirls a peice of his hair.

"That's horrible though, why would someone do that?.."

"... Back home my world, girls at my school would make fun of my weight, so I've been trying to manage it.." Y/n sighs softly.

Cater only nods, he won't lie, he doesn't know what's it like to be chubby. However it must suck..

"They shouldn't have made fun of you because of your weight... That's kinda uncalled.. So uncalled..."

Y/n sighs softly. She stands up from sitting on a chair, "Sorry.. For, taking up your time Cater-senpai.."

"Eh? I have some freetime, you weren't taking my time..." Cater frowns a little bit. He walks over to her and chuckles.

"You are so adorable, cute, pretty!"

Compliments like this was so... Unexpected and made Y/n flustered, covering her face as she screamed.

"You are the only sweet that I can eat up~!"

"Stop making her flustered!" Deuce said as he comes in, great... He just wanted to flirt with her, he chuckles, "Awe.. I have been had~! Even though it was harmless! Hehe, like I totally was harmless, I mean what I said~!"

「Twisted Wonderland One-Shot」Requests: Closed!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora