Floyd Leech x Bullied!Reader

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["What are you doing? Pick someone on your size~!]

(Warning: if you do not like the subject of bullying and such, please skip this if you find that it will make you uncomfortable)

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Another day, another of getting verbally attack and getting kicked, normal day for this human with no redeemable traits or anything for that matter.

"How about you go home, magicless freak!"

"Yeah, what are you gonna do? Cry? Scream?!"

"N-No..." Y/n says as she curled up in ball, trying to get less bruises on her.

"Tch, this is sooooo boring~!"

With that they walked off, possibly from Savanaclaw, scurried off like the predators they were once their prey wasn't fun enough to play.

She realized it was sundown, and limp her way back to Ramshackle dorm, she'll have to make an excuse of some kind as to why she didn't come and visit Monstro Lounge.

He might not like what may have actually happened, which in turn would break her heart more.

Close to the door she was about to open the door when she felt a tight squeeze, a surprise, but a welcomed one.

"Neee~ Koebi-chan~ I missed you~! You didn't come to Monstro Lounge!" He pouts as he stares down at the h/c girl. Tilting his head a little when he noticed her slightly flinch... Something isn't right, he isn't dumb.. Sure, he may act dumb, but he isn't.

"So-sorry, I was busy finishing my assignment and didn't realize the time! Hah, how silly of me.." Saying softly as she let him continue to hug.

Floyd furrows his eyebrows, "What's wrong~? Tell me~! Or I'll squeeze you to death~!" He softly whispers in her ear as he giggles a little bit.

Y/n stayed silent, as she slightly trembled a little bit, which Floyd didn't like, he just wants her to spit it out and not stall time.

"Y-You won't laugh.. O-Or anything like that.. Yeah?"

"?... No~? Unless you want me to?"

"Erm, no..."

"Well~! Tell me~!"

Taking a deep breath, she slightly turns her head, she looked to the side and Floyd's smile turned into a frown. He had a feeling something like this was happening, but he didn't know it was THIS bad..

"Who did this?..."


"Y/n... Who did this? This isn't funny."

"Please don't hurt them for my sake, Fl-"

"They hurt you, y'know, I can't really let this slip~ tell me who they are and I'll give them a squeeze~!" Floyd gave a small chuckle, but this wasn't any laughing matter though, he doesn't care how far he goes.


"Eh...? Savanaclaw~? That isn't fun, hope Leona isn't involved, but if he is, well, I will definitely enjoy squeezing the living daylights out of him~!" Floyd laughs softly, "First, gonna take you back to my dorm to patch you up~!"

"Eh-.. W-Wait I am at my dorm, y-you don't need to do that!"

"I can't leave you injured in your own place though~ ahahaha~"

Y/n getting picked and dragged to Octavinelle, she protest but Floyd just hummed.


Floyd made sure Y/n got all patched up and let her sleep at his dorm, which honestly made him quite giddy, cause one, he never had a girl in his room and two, he was quite fond of her. No one hurts Koebi-chan and gets away with it after all~!

He then was off his merry way to go pay a visit~

As he goes into the lion's the den. This might leave him getting hurt, but who cares~! This is for Koebi-chan after all!

"Mess with someone with your own size~!"

(I am sorry I am not great with writing fight scenes)


The next day, Y/n woke up. She barely could recognize that one, she wasn't in her dorm and two, she was sleeping next to Floyd. He was breathing softly as he hugs y/n firmly as if to never let go. Small movement made Floyd grumble softly.

He eventually woke up, ah.. He was hurt from a close glance, which made Y/n worried.. Did he really do that?! He didn't have to.

"Hehe~ morning, Koebi-chan~! Are you feeling better~?...." He mumbles as he buries his face in the her neck and mumbles softly more things that were incoherent.

Y/n stays silent as she hugs him, Floyd chuckles softly as he plays with her hair lightly, "You are an idiot... Floyd.. You are hurt.."

"It was all for you though~! No one messes with my Koebi-chan~! I don't regret it after all~! Hey, hey, they won't bother you no more~!" Floyd said so cheerfully, he hugged more firmly than previously.

Feeling herself sniffle she rubs her face, as Floyd continued to hug and stroke her hair lightly.

"I love you so much, Koebi-chan~!"

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