The Witch Of Crimson Peak

By Sigynista

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**EXPLICIT CONTENT** Y/N is a witch who just happened to purchase Crimson Peak AKA Allerdale Hall, a house wi... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11: 25th OCTOBER
Part 12: 26th OCTOBER
Part 13: 27th OCTOBER
Part 14: 28th OCTOBER
Part 15: 29th OCTOBER
Part 16: 30th of October
Part 17: All Hallows Eve
Part 18: Tempus Fugit
Part 19 Take Two
Part 20: All Souls
Part 21: Family Ties
Part 22: Promised

Part 1

1.8K 62 38
By Sigynista

All Thomas wanted was solitude and to pay for his crimes in peace. Even though he did not speak a word to Lucille since the day she coldly took his life, he assumed she wanted the same. Though he did not think her remorseful, quite the opposite. He had seen her way of dealing with intruders. Causing accidents and injuries so foul they would turn even the strongest stomach.

He never interfered. He never wanted to run into Lucille ever again. That was until SHE arrived.

One morning Thomas sat in his study, wiling away the dull and lifeless day as what was the norm from his afterlife when he heard a noise from the drive.

Looking outside, he saw what he knew from past visitors was a car. They had changed much since his day, but this one was peculiar to say the least.

A green colour, which seemed to emit some sort of noise of a woman wailing- no, shouting a song through it. He listened to the woman singing, it wasn't the driver no it seemed to be exited from the vehicle itself. My, they have come far. He watched curiously as it stopped just outside the door and a woman stepped out of the vehicle. She was rather a little tall, at 5'7 that was tall in his day for a lady. She wore the shortest dress he had ever seen, her knees and thighs were on show, which anyone with blood would blush at. She looked smart though, like she was dressed to impress. She leaned on her car, auburn hair tumbling over her shoulders as she drank from a paper cup, steam rising. He got a faint smell of coffee in the air, something he was never too keen on in life but would give anything to drink now.

She made the beverage look positively delicious as he watched her lips drink it in. He found his eyes trailing her body in what would have been considered rude back when he was alive, but the sight of her, so scandalous and sensual, he felt something he hadn't for a long time. Desire.

As I looked up at the building, I could feel the energy that was built up inside the house and was buzzing with excitement.

"You must be Y/N?" Came a voice. "Oh, Mr. Gorman? Yes thank you for meeting me" I replied. Mr. Gorman was the care taker of the old place and had managed to maintain most of the structure but there were still major issues. I had agreed to keep him on as caretaker when I fully opened, and I found him a kind and agreeable man who I got on with.

"Remind me, what are you planning to use this place for?" He asked.

"Hotel and wedding venue? A gothic building like this could really be a fantastic venue for alternative/vintage weddings and the history of the place... Well. It's just so interesting!"

"It is that Miss Y/N, you know my family worked on this house for years? My great great grandfather was a Postal Clerk in the town, he actually met the last inhabitants!' He smiled and put on a ghoulish voice, 'And they never leeeeeeft!"

I laughed then turned as your familiar jumped out of the car, a grey cat with emerald green eyes. Malefic had been with me for some time, I had met him after pledging myself to the dark path. He was in want of a witch and I, a familiar. I discovered we had mutual interests in the magical world, and it became a partnership rather than a master/servant relationship which was more popular within the community I was brought up in.

"And this is Malefic, he will be the resident pest repellent and all round floof about the house."

Mr. Gorman smiled and gave Malefic a pet. 'Well, lovely to meet you young sir!' He greeted Malefic but quickly got uncomfortable when Malefic appeared to give him a slight nod in acknowledgement.

Mr Gorman gave me the keys, and went on his way to let me settle in. I took out my suitcase and made my way to the house with Malefic following behind.

I unlocked the main entrance, which was in dire need of woodworm treatment and swung open the grand door.

"Well Malefic, looks like we're home!" I smiled. Malefic meowed in response, "Alright I will get your room set up in time, and I promise we will eat soon."

I stood a moment and felt the energy in the foyer. I was aware of energies in the house, curiously watching me but I wasn't sure if it was friendly. I moved into the sitting room and saw the piano. It was in dire need of a dust and a tune up, but it was so beautiful, I couldn't resist touching it. I played a few keys and winced at the sound. For sure needs a tune up.

"This would be a brilliant reception room wouldn't it?" I spoke out and Malefic whispered a few light meows in response, which is what others with none supernatural ears would hear, but his response to me said "A few throw pillow, call it home... Now about my rooms? I need somewhere with a fire place!"
"Alright Malefic, I will get our room picked out just show a little patience!" I got all kinds of excited just thinking about how I was going to transform this place.

Did that cat speak? Thomas thought shocked. No it couldn't, don't be ridiculous. He watched her as she scanned the books on the shelf, his books that he had read over and over through the years and Isolation at Allerdale Hall.

Now this woman, this intriguing beauty now entered his home and would share the wonder of his house which had been shrouded in darkness in so long. He stood in the darkness of the hallway and got a better look at her. Her dress was a wrap design dark blue with a white flower print. It wrapped around her delightfully, and she wore wool socks and chunky black boots with a leather jacket. She bent down to take a look at the lower shelf of books and Thomas averted his gaze quickly to preserve her modesty.

"Well Malefic, we have a few months to get this place wedding ready, you think we can do it?" Y/N asked.

The cat meowed and jumped up into her arms as they took themselves through archway. She walked right past Thomas, not noticing or sensing him. He preferred it that way, and did not wish to make his presence known unless he scared her. No, he preferred much more to look.

She made her way through the foyer and to the back of the house where the kitchen was gathering dust and dirt.

The green iron extraction vent over the cooker had rusted very little and the fireplace and tiles were in dire need of a clean or even refurbish.

She set the cat down walked about the room taking a finger to the dusty breakfast table. "We'll get the place ready in no time Malefic." Thomas watched her from the shadows as she gleefully made plans for the kitchen and other areas of the house. He smiled at her enthusiasm, something he had not felt for years. His enthusiasm from technology and making something of himself. He smiled again, and felt a warmth he hadn't felt for a long time. He turned when he heard a knock at the main door and disappeared into the shadows.

I ran across the hall to get the door, upon opening I saw it was delivery men bringing over my new mattress for the bedroom. "Hey guys, the master one is fine, will you be okay carrying it up" They nodded and lugged it upstairs in the box along with other bits and bats needed. All I will say is Ikea is a godsend, and I was smart to get my order in when I did. As soon as they left I began operation clean up. I started with my new bedroom, tearing down of drapes, cleaning and polishing everything I could. There were no carpets which I was thankful for, as I swept the wooden planks and used the mope to clean away any dirt.

There were no mattresses in the house either, but the bedframes were still in good nick and I wanted to reuse as much of the original décor as possible to keep the gothic chic throughout. I wasn't stupid. I could feel someone watching me. I wasn't threatened, I felt they were more interested in what I was doing, and I wanted to show them I meant them no harm.

Placing the van packed mattress on the four poster bed, I cut open the plastic on my mattress and let it expand while I went to the kitchen to begin a deep clean. I scrubbed the walls with a mop as they were made of tile, with boiling soapy water. The cold of the kitchen filled the room with steam as I cleaned and I enjoyed the feeling of the humidity on my face. I rinsed it all down with cold water and then cleaned every surface I could. After cleaning the entire kitchen I sat down to brew some much deserved tea. I could feel eyes watching me from the door way and I sat down with my hot beverage, relaxing into my chair.

My feet were aching and my my lower back was in bits. I knew for a fact my powers could have done all this cleaning in an instant, but there was something to be said about getting your hands dirty and putting the effort in. Also, I didn't want to show my hand too soon and reveal myself to the ever watchful eyes here.

I took another sip of my tea, and smiled as I heard the downpour of rain begin outside.


How beautifully she sleeps Thomas found himself thinking as he watched her in his bedroom tucked into white cotton sheets. He had watched her through the day clean and dust throughout the house, and she had made a good go of it until she lost the sunlight and rested by the fire with wine and books.

Now she was in his bed, tired from her days work and she lay there, the fire dancing light across her face and hair. She looked radiant and angelic, her red hair ablaze in the light scattered across the pillows. He stroked her soft, warm face and she stirred a little, a soft moan escaped from her lips, her voice divine. And her lips? So pink and perfect, kissable. Could lead a man to destruction and thoughts so sinful.

He had not thought about lustful deeds for well over a century and often reasoned that being a spirit he would not feel and 'stirrings' of that nature. Today was the day he found himself wrong, for when he looked at her, all he could think of was how he would like to slip in the bed beside her and feel the warmth of her body wrapped around his. He looked down at her body, he wanted so much to kiss a trail down it, burying his face in those soft breasts until he came to her thighs where heaven awaited him. The mere thought made him harden. Something he didn't think was even possible anymore, but ever since she came into is after life he felt... different.

The black of the night was interrupted by music emanating from the sitting room downstairs.

Lucille he thought, the menacing presence of his sister still haunted this place, tormenting him, stuck in this hell together to, what? Atone? Suffer? He wasn't sure of the purpose of their lingering between life and death but they there none the less. And now she interrupted his musings and enjoyment of the woman sleeping before him, again marring anything that made him happy.

He made his way down the stairs to see her, Lucille in all her horrifying glory. Her face rotten and vile, her hands skeletal and the skin a blueish black hue that showed her decaying soul was on the right track to becoming something more sinister.

"So brother, you like the new addition to our household?"

"What are you doing Lucille? You swore you would keep out of my way, and I yours."

He approached the piano and she ceased playing, now looking at him with her bloodshot eyes and rotten mouth.

"Oh Thomas,' she smiled her rotten yellow smile 'you do have a flair for the dramatic. I am not interested in your little infatuation. For I know that in time you will come back me, with open arms my love."

He stormed up to her with anger and disgust, this harpy, this monster really expected his love?

"I will NEVER come to you. After all you did, killed me and tried to kill Edith."

She laughed as she rose to meet his gaze.
"Come now Thomas. What about all you did? All those women you seduced to get your hands on their money-"

"I wanted no part of that, you manipulated me, ever since we were children."

"You could have said 'no', Thomas. You had every opportunity to stop me and you didn't. You and I were meant to be, you are my love and will return to me."

"You won't touch her. You will not touch this woman Lucille. She is under my protection."

The moonlight filled the room with a silver glow, and the sound of Y/N rising and shouting made them pause and cease their argument.

"Hello?" Y/N shouted down and made her way to the sitting room. Thomas and Lucille disappeared into the ether, to remain unseen by her eyes.

Y/N walked into the room looking this way and that and Thomas looked at her dishevelled appearance and felt incredibly attracted to what he saw.

I walked in yawning, I was sure I heard something down here. Sorrowful music and an argument. My hair which was tied up in a messy bun left my neck exposed and I shuddered as I felt a cold breeze brush against it. My Pj's did not do me any favours, silk camisole top and shorts with lace were cute, sexy, but not conducive to cold climates. I folded my arms, a futile attempt to stave off the chilly environment this house had and walked over to the fire. I filled the fireplace, and holding up my hands over it I muttered my spell to light it up. 'Ignis ignite' fire came through the wood and burned bright.

Malefic jumped onto the couch and hissed at me, or at least I thought. It seemed to be an invisible force that was behind me. My breathing quickened and I could see my hot breath cloud up in the cold room.

"Hey buddy, something scare you?"
I soothed Malefic, picking him up I stroked his grey fur, looking for whatever spooked him.


I sat down on the sofa and smiled soothing the animal best I could, he would not tell me what he had seen, remaining mute to me.

He looked down at her body and ached at the sight of her, her shoulders, the shape of her body under the silk clothing.

The cold made her skin prickle, and her nipples harden which was a delightfully cheeky sight to him.

He wanted nothing more than to speak to her, to tell her he was here. But he could not.

He watched her fill the fire and what happened next shocked him. She lit the fire... from her hands?

Thomas got close to her, face to face. He breathed in her scent, Violets, she smells as well as looks divine. He thought.

The cat Jumped onto the sofa and hissed at him, and he staggered back in shock. He watched as Y/N picked up the animal, soothed it and continued to sit on the settee, dusting it down and plonking the cat on it.

She yawned and she walked to the book case, and ran her hands over the dusty spines. Then, as she took out a book a photo slipped from the pages. He curiously tried to peer over her shoulder. The daguerreotype photo was of him... and Lucille.

A cold shudder went through him, he hated the idea of her even seeing them together made his translucent skin crawl.

I picked up the photo and read the back of it, two names inscribed.

Baronet Thomas Sharpe and his sister Lady Lucille Sharpe.
Maybe that was the energy I was sensing? I knew the stories of the siblings, the murderous sister and seductive brother. Although the one who got away, Edith seemed to paint a softer portrait of him, that he was a man trying to be good, a true story of penance and love. Taking a look at him, he was very handsome. Those cheekbones alone could cut diamonds. His eyes seemed... sorrowful. Perhaps he was trapped by his sister? Looking at her there seemed to be a bitterness, a darkness in her which would have a counted for the murderous streak.

I put the photo on the table and carried on to the kitchen to make a tea. Looking around the kitchen I was so happy I had managed to clean that last 100 years of gunge and dust that covered this place, and now would be able to use it properly.

I brewed a pot and brought it back to the fire place and sat with Malefic as I poured a cup. I decided 3am or not, I would be looking through the study and finding any paperwork of blueprints that would help the builders get started on their work.

"What do you think Malefic? How about a forest green reception room with white and wood accents? Maybe a few skylights?"

Malefic, a cat of few words merely narrowed his eyes. While he wouldn't always speak in his cat form, I knew our spirits understood one another.

"Alright, Sage it is. You little conservative you!" I sighed and began pulling out charts and blueprints I could find. Most were big mechanical designs and really old tech. Nothing about the house. I sat defeated in front of the fire and slowly my eyes grew heavy like lead as I began drifting off. I looked to the corner of the room and for a moment my eyes played tricks on me, as I could have sworn I saw, watching me from the corner of the room... Thomas Sharpe....

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