Tease Me ♡Shota Aizawa x Read...

By sgh101404

830K 22.2K 20.5K

(Y/n) Togata, a now third year, has figured out that that her teasing and joking has been confused for flirti... More

♡59♡ 🖤END🖤


7.6K 208 116
By sgh101404


♡♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡♡

     "Since Valentine's Day is in two days," Shota says as he stands at the front. "We'll be drawing lots for who will give a gift to whom." He says and I smile.
     "So an excuse for you not having to teach a class?" I joke and he looks at me with a small smile.
     "Very funny, but that's only part of it." He states and I snicker along with a few others. "We'll all draw and on Valentine's give 'em out." He explains and I smile.

     This'll be fun! I wonder who I'll get? I think as I shift a little in my seat.
     I quickly teleport to the front and draw a name as I interrupt his speaking before teleporting back to my seat.

     "Cheat," Mina says as she walks to the front and I laugh.
     "System beater." I correct her as I lean back and she laughs lightly. Now who did I get?~ I smile as I unfold the paper and read the name. Iida. That'll be fun. I think as I glance to the class representative as he smiles down at his small paper.
     "And to make it fair I'll even draw a name." I look up as Shota speaks before opening the small note and pocketing it. "Alright. Let's get to work."


     "So what exactly are you gonna get the person you drew?" Mina, looking at a pair of goofy flamingo glasses, asks as she looks at me.
     "A bottle. And then I'm going to add labels and stickers." I explain and she nods.
     "If it's stickers I hope it's mine." She states and I laugh.
     "I wouldn't share stickers if it was you," I state as I jokingly stick my tongue out at her as I hold a light gray bottle.
     "Meanie," Mina pouts before I give a small laugh as I stand.

     "This'll do," I state as I walk to the register and pay. "You wanna hang or you gonna go spend time with Han?" I ask and she smiles a little guiltily.
     "He wants to spend some time with me before Valentine's Day. I'm sorry-"
     "Don't be. I can't remember how many times I ditched you guys when decent Denki would take me on dates." I stop her and she tilts her head to signal my point.
     "I'll see you later, (Y/n). Have a good afternoon." My best friend says as she hugs me.
     "I will. See you later, Pinks." I say before we part ways. Now to start on Iida's gift.


     "Out of twenty students...how the hell did I still draw her name?!" I question as I slam down the small strip of paper with the familiar name.
     "Coincidence?" Nemuri and Hizashi comment as they grin at me.

     "You're not helping." I huff lightly as I sit down. "What could I even do for her? I doubt she'd want me to buy her anything because she always feels guilty if she thinks it's even the least bit expensive." I state as I think of possible things I could get her.
     "What's her favorite book? Does she have a copy?" Nemuri asks and I think over it before I nod.
     "She's got two actually."
     "What's her favorite thing in the book?" Hizashi asks and I hum in thought as I remember scenes from the book.

     "She said when the characters did a scavenger hunt with clues." I state and they grin.
     "Let's get to planning then," Nemuri states with a smile as she grabs a piece of paper and pen.
     "Aright." I say with a small laugh. I'll make sure you have a nice Valentine's Day, (Y/n).

♡♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡♡

     "Good morning, Shota." I greet the long-haired hero with a smile as I walk into the classroom. "Happy Valentine's Day," I say as I place down the small gift.
     "Bamboo?" He questions as he stands and admires it.
     "Lucky bamboo." I correct him with a grin, making him give a soft chuckle.
     "Thank you," Shota says while ruffling my hair a bit. "I like it, Kitten." He says in a whisper so no one hears him.
     "Glad you do, Foxy," I whisper back before I head to my seat, Iida's gift wrapped tightly and bagged.

     "Who'd you get, (Y/n)?" Hanta questions with a smile and I grin.
     "Sorry, Han, can't tell you until after," I explain as he, Kirishima, and Katsuki (only slightly) pout at me.
    The class soon fills up before the bell rings loudly to signal the start of the day.
    "Go ahead and trade your gifts." Shota, admiring looking at the plant happily, says as he nods to us.

    Many students leave their seats as they go to hand over their gifts to their secret person.
    "Iida," I call to the blue-haired teen who turns away from Shoji before I hold out the bag. "Happy Valentine's Day!" I say with a smile and he grins.
    "Thank you, (Y/n)." He says as he opens it before unwrapping the bottle. "Wow," Iida says in awe as he admires the bottle covered with INGENIUM, turbo heroes, Tensei Iida and Tenya Iida, and the large symbol of the hero.
    "Do you like-"
    "This is amazing, (Y/n)!" He interrupts me with an excited smile. "S-Sorry." Iida says with a small blush to his cheeks. "I-um-got a little excitedly there." He explains while pushing up his glasses and I give a small laugh.

    "Don't worry about. I'm glad you like it." I reply to him before I head back to my desk and wait patiently as my friends trade gifts.
    "Happy Val, Babe!" Mina chirps happily as she hugs me before giving me a small canvas covered in Polaroids of our friend group.
    "Pinks, you stinker. Why didn't you tell me you were my Valentine?" I ask as I look at her and she shakes her head.

    "No, I drew Todoroki." She states while pointing towards the dual-haired teen smiling happily at the large box of sobas atop his desk.
    "Oh...thanks for the gift though! Here's yours." I say with a smile as I hand her the small gift of the pink Venom funko pop.
   "Pink Venom!" She screeches happily as she holds it before parading it to our friends.

     Maybe my name accidentally fell out of the box and that's why no one drew my name. I think as I lean back in my chair.
    Class passes painfully slow as Shota stands at the front and teaches the lesson.

     Knock! Knock! Knock! We all look towards the door before Shota gives them the okay to open it.
    "Hi!" The brown-haired girl, Nin Akso from the Florist club if I remember right, chirps as she looks over the bouquet of cut sunflowers and to us. "I'm looking for a-" She stops as she looks at a small piece of paper. "(Y/n) Togata?"
    "Oh? That's me." I say as I stand and take it from her. "Thanks." I give her a nod before she walks out with a final wave.

    "Who's it from, (Y/n)?" Many people ask and I give a confused look as I rotate the vase before grabbing the note.
    "You brighten my life with your smile. You'll find your next clue at the drop of a dime. See you soon." I read off before I flip it over with a confused expression. "Clue?" I question as I look at the note.
    "A fucking scavenger hunt? Well, that's one way to do it." Katsuki says with a chuckle as he leans back in his seat.

     "What does it mean by 'drop of a dime'?" I say with a confused look as I read the note.
     "It could mean the vending machines. Normally if you get change back it's dimes and quarters." I look towards the back as Todoroki speaks. "At least it does for me." He says with a pout and I give a small smile.
    "Hey, Sho-"

    "Sorry, (Y/n), but you can wait until the bell rings." My friend says and I give a nod.
     Well dang. Guess I have to live with the suspense. I think as I go back to my seat, thinking I might've heard Shota mumble something about time, and set down the vase before nodding to him.
    The class moves painfully slow as we finish the lesson before the bell rings happily.

     "To the vending machines!" Mina exclaims as she starts dragging me out the door with our friends chasing behind us.
    "There's like over dozen of vending machines. How're we gonna find the right one?" Hitoshi asks as he runs with us.
     "Search 'til we find the right one." Hanta states with a shrug.

     "Just how I wanted to spend lunch. Delightful." Katsuki states and I give a small laugh.
     "You can go-"
     "Shut up! I'm helping!" He interrupts and I give a small laugh before slowing to a walk as we come to the first set of vending machines.

     So at the drop of a dime? I think as I put two fingers in the change slot before grabbing the paper. "Found it," I say with a smile before I open it. "That's my clever girl. Your second gift is the Strawberry Ramune on top of this vending machine that has your next clue attached to it." I read off before I jump and catch a glance at the soda on the machine.
     "They're not making it easy for ya, Shortie," Katsuki states with a chuckle and I stick my tongue out playfully.
     "Hanta, can you throw some tape and try to get it?" I ask my friend who grins.

     "At your service!" He jokes as he puffs up his chest before shooting some tape and grabbing the bottle. "Here you go," Hanta replies with a smile as he hands me the glass soda bottle.
     "Thanks, Han," I reply with a smile before peeling off the note and opening it. "You make my heart fizz with love. Enjoy this Ramune. Your next clue is Ooey Gooey goodness. You'll find me where you find your meals." I read off with a small laugh as I heart for the cafeteria.
     "That'll be easy. It's the cafeteria!" Eijiro chirps with a grin.

     "Woooh! Lunchy time!" Mina chirps as she starts dragging Hanta and I give a small laugh.
     After arriving at the cafeteria we go through the long line of students before stopping at Lunch Rush.
     "The normal, ple-" I stop as he puts up a hand before placing a tray with (f/meal) and a slice of my favorite dessert with a note under the small plate. "Oh. Thanks, Lunch Rush." I say with a smile and he nods in reply before my group of friends before we head to a table and sit down.

     "What's the new note say, Sunshine?" Katsuki asks before eating some of his spicy ramen.
     "Let me grab it," I say before asking him to pop the marble into the soda as I grab the note. "You're as sweet as sugar and everything nice. You'll find your next clue at the place where a thousand worlds lay." I read out before I give a confused look. "Where a thousand worlds lay?" I question before taking a drink of the Ramune.

     "What's that supposed to mean?" Hitoshi asks and I shrug.
     "I'm kinda stumped," I confess as I take a bite of the sweet dessert.
     "Who's someone we know that's good at riddles?" Hanta asks and I smile as I stand up with the note in my hand.
     "Be right back!" I say before heading over to the table of the emosquad.

     "Hello, (Y/n). Were you able to find the next clue?" Shoji asks as he looks at me.
     "Yep. And I need Tokoyami's help for this next one because I'm stumped." I confess before looking at the short bird-headed boy. "Mind helping me real quick?" I ask and he nods with a hum as he dusts his hands before taking the note.
     He hums in thought as he reads the note before he chuckles. "You didn't get this?" He asks and I shake my head. "The library. It holds a thousand worlds in pages." Tokoyami explains and I sigh.
     "Yeah, I should've got that one," I state with a small laugh. "Thanks, guys. Sorry for the trouble." I say before walking away.

     "Did he know?" Hitoshi asks and I nod with a smile.
     "The library," I explain and they all look a little surprised.
     "Makes sense. Each book holds a different world." Katsuki states and I nod as I start eating.
     After finishing my meal, side dessert, and Ramune, I dump my tray. "I'm gonna head to the library and get the next one. I'll meet you in class." I say to them before walking away after they chirp acknowledgments. I should probably look around. I think as I step into the library. If they know me I should probably check a few of my favorite books. I think before walking to the fiction section.

     After around ten minutes of carefully flipping through books, I sigh in defeat.
     "You okay, Togata?" Thirteen asks as she walks up to me.
     "My valentine is giving me clues but I can't find the next one that I thought would lead me here," I explain and she nods.
     "You mean this?" She asks with a small laugh before she pulls out a note addressed to me.

     "The note!" I exclaim happily as I grab it. "Thank you, Thirteen!" I say as I wrap her in a hug before opening it. "There may be many love stories but ours is my favorite. You'll find your next clue with a small tiger who defends his land?" I question at the end as I read the note.
     "That's...very confusing." The space hero comments and I nod in agreement.
     "Thanks for giving me the note," I say and she nods.
     "No problem! Have a good day. Good luck with your search." She says and I nod with a smile.

     "Thank you. You too." I reply before leaving to head back to class.
     "Did you find it, (Y/n)?" Hitoshi asks as I walk through the door and I nod.
     "Yep. But I'm confused about this next one." I confess as I lean against my desk.
   "Let me see," Katsuki states before I hand him the note and he reads it with a confused look. "What kind of fucking clue is that?" He curses as he hands it to Eijiro, Mina, and Hanta.

    "That's tricky." Hanta states and I nod.
    "Definitely." Hitoshi, who read the note over Mina's shoulder, states.
    "Would you consider Harris a tiger?" Eijiro asks and I hum in thought.
    "I mean you could? He does have stripes." I say as I tap my chin. "I can ask him since I'm teaching them this block," I explain as I open the drawer to my hero case. "I'll see you guys later," I say with a small wave before teleporting to the changing room and getting into my hero costume. I think Harris won't mind if I ask him about it. I think as I teleport to the front of the classroom.

    "HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, MISS TOGATA!" I jump in surprise at the loud shout of my students.
    "Thank you, everyone," I say with a smile after my soul rejoined my body. "Now you guys probably have some dates to get to later today so you're out of the gym today," I say before cheers erupt through the room and I give a small laugh.
    "Settle down, kids," I say jokingly before I grab the planner. "Now time for Literature," I say with a smile and they groan complaints before they sit down.

    The class moves too slowly as the clues to my hunt lurks at the back of my mind.
    BRIIING! The end of school bell chimes and I turn with a smile.
     "Have a good day, guys. I'll see you in a few days." I say with a smile as they pack up. "Harris?" I call out to the boy who stops walking before he turns to look at me.

     "Yeah, Miss Togata?" He asks and I smile at him as I ask him to come over to me.
     "Do you have anything for me?" I ask and he looks at me confused before he blushes.
     "N-Nope. I didn't think I was allowed to give teachers gifts on Valentine's Day." Harris stumbles and I nod with a small frown.
     "Alright. Sorry for bugging you." I say and he hums agreement before going back over to Hanaki, Tsukami, and Karaso.

     Guess I still have to try and figure it out. I think with a sigh as I stretch before teleporting to the changing room and getting into normal clothes before teleporting back to Shota's classroom.
    "Woah!" Hizashi, Nemuri, and Shota exclaim in surprise from their spots near the desk as I appear out of nowhere.
    "Rawr." I joke as I bare my teeth at them before picking up the vase of sunflowers.

    "Wow. Those are really pretty, (Y/n)." Nemuri states and I nod with a smile.
    "Yeah. Today's been fun. Well, it wasn't at first because I thought my name must've not been in the lot box but then I got these and have been all over UA trying to find the clues." I explain with a small laugh as I show them the sweet notes and riddles. "Though I'm having trouble with this one." I confess as I show them this one.

    "Huh...Yeah, that's a toughy." Hizashi states as he reads it and I nod.
    "Oh, are we staying after for any-"
    "Nope. We're all heading home. We all did notes today so we won't have to stay and grade papers." Nemuri says and I nod.
    "Okay," I state as I put my hero case back into the draw before grabbing my bag and vase. "I hope you guys have a great afternoon," I say as I hug them, being mindful of the flowers, before smiling.
    "Happy Valentine's, (Y/n)!" Hizashi and Nemuri chirp before I leave.


    "When you said you'd handle the last three, I didn't think you'd make it that difficult," Hizashi states after the girl leaves and I chuckle.
     "I meant to stump her," I explain as I grab my keys and put my phone in my pocket.
    "Why?" Hizashi asks and Nemuri laughs lightly.

    "So I could go place the next gifts." His wife explains before he pouts.
    "And you guys didn't tell me?" Hizashi asks in an offended tone and I huff.
    "Well, I gotta go change. I'll see you guys tomorrow." I say as I walk out the door and turn off the lights. "Lock up for me," I call back to them before hearing their replies. Glad that you're having a fun time, Kitten.

♡♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡♡

    I'm sad that I haven't found the next one. School already ended so I probably lost it. I sigh as I grab my keys before unlocking my front door.
    "Mew!" Bubbles chirps happily to me as I take off my shoes.
    "Hey, Bubs. I'll give you cuddles in a minute. I got to find a place to put these sunflowers first." I explain to the cat before walking to the large window that leads to the small balcony in the back. "There we go," I say with a smile as I set them down on a coffee table. That's pretty. I think with a smile as I admire them.

    "Maow!" I jump slightly at my cat's demanding meow before looking down at him.
    "Someone's clingy today," I say with a small laugh as I pick him up and kiss his forehead as I pet him. "Huh?" I question as my hand hits something in his collar.
    "Mrrrow." Bubbles purrs as I carefully take it from his collar before holding him in one arm as I open the note.
    "You're as cute as a kitten...and sassy like one too." I give a small huff at the second part before I continue reading. "You'll find your next clue at the place where dreams come to life." I read before I hum in thought.

     Where dreams come to life? I think as I walk towards my bedroom to lie down and think over the riddle. "Duh," I say with a scoff as I see the bag lying on my bed before I set the tabby down and open it. "Wow. That's a pretty dress." I breathe as I pick up the white and (f/c) sundress before looking into the bag and grabbing the note. "Your love crashes into me like the ocean waves. Your next clue is by the unbuilt castle on the Eastern sky." I read with a confused look. "Unbuilt castle?" I question before changing into the sundress and looking at myself in the mirror. "Perfect fit," I grin as I grab the note. "I'll be back later, Bubbles. I love you." I say to the cat before going to the front door and putting on my shoes before grabbing my car keys.

     "Let's do some searching," I say to myself as I run the riddle through my head as I hope in my car before starting to drive.
     After half an hour of searching I stop for a break and to get some fresh air.
     "Whoever made these riddles is getting rather tricky," I say in annoyance as I lean against my car at East Maiso Park.

    "Did you hear that there's already a few bidders for that house on the hill by the beach?"
    "Really? It looks like the construction is going slow though. It'll still be a little over a year for them to finish it. Weather willing." My ears perk at the mention of the beach house.

     Unbuilt castle by the sky. I think with a smile before I get back in my car. I drive while humming to the radio as I make my way towards the beach. "Where-" I stop as I see the construction of a new beach house before I park across from it. I guess I could head down now. I think after I cross the street and down the large staircase before taking off my shoes. Another pair of shoes? I think as I see the black shoes with socks in them.

      I look up with a smile as I see the familiar figure standing by the water's edge. "How did I not guess that it was you?" I ask with a small laugh as Shota turns.
    "You look beautiful. Does it fit right?" He asks with a smile and I nod. "Good. Ready to go?" Shota asks before he starts walking.
    "Did you plan all of this?" I ask and he smiles.

   "Nemuri and Hizashi helped set up some of it and the planning. Then Thirteen helped with the one note." He explains and I smile.
     "It's been fun," I say and he laughs softly. "Though you got pretty tricky with the last riddles." I point out with a playful glare to him.
     "You still got them though." He says before he tilts his head. "Did you get the last one?" Shota asks and I tilt my head.

     "I'm here aren't I?" I ask and he shakes his head.
     "Turn it over." He says and I give him a confused look before I turn over the note.
     "You've got me with my head in the clouds. Do you trust me?" I read out before I looked at him. "Of course, I trust you, Sho," I say and he chuckles.

     "May I?" He asks while pulling out a blindfold and I nod.
     "You're not gonna murder me or anything?" I say jokingly as he starts guiding me around.
     "Wouldn't dream of it," Shota says in my ear and I give a small blush under the blindfold.
     After walking in silence, besides the noise of our feet meeting the sand, he finally stops me.

     "Ready?" He asks and I give a small laugh.
     "Possibly? I won't know until-" I give a small hiss at the new light slightly blinding me. I blink a few times as I adjust before my vision settles out.
     "What do you think?" Shota asks as I admire the small class picnic beside the large tree with a swing.
     "It's beautiful, Shota." I say in awe as I look around with a smile.

     "I'm glad that you've had a good day." He says with a smile and I grin.
     "Thank you, Shota."
     "Picnic sandwich?"

Happy Valentine's Day and I hope it was great!

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