
By WeirdShadowPerson

64.6K 1.4K 436

America and Canada, or Alfred and Matthew. The two countries of North America are hiding some very dark secre... More

Seventeen - Part One
Seventeen - Part Two
A/N agAIN- (10k reads ⊙.☉)
h i
Thirty-Five (pt 1)

A/N.. sorry-

1.1K 17 2
By WeirdShadowPerson

This is weird for me as i tried to not have any a/ns at all, to not distract y'all from the story.. but, i have a delima.

The Revolution.

I was debating on actually having the war in the story, and to make a bit of sense, I would think that America would grow much faster than Canada, because it is canon, but he would be still relatively young- Anyways, to what I was going to say, the Revolution is in the anime, and is already shown in so many other stories that I wonder if I should just let y'alls imagination run wild, as most probably knows what happens anyways.

Simplified, America declares war on Britain because of things that's happening during that time, and the tension was cuttable. Britain thinks that the colonists are just being spoiled, while the colonists think that they should have some autonomy since they were somewhat autonomous before all of the acts that was from the British, which was to get money for the Seven Years War I believe. Anyways, Spain, France, somewhat Prussia, Netherlands and Russia helped the colonists, and said colonists gained independence under the new name of the United States of America. Little history lesson-

But, I really don't know what to do. Include the war, even though Al is still pretty young, we will just ignore that- Or not, and we can just skip over it, and have the others reactions to Al's declaration, as America would be the first to have this happen, colonies gaining independence from their colonizers. I keep going off of what I wanted to talk about. UgH.

But yeah, thats my delima. Include the war, yes or no? I don't really know, and if it seems like I am stalling, I am somewhat, as I try to figure out what to do. But, i don't want to do something stupid and mess up this story and just be dumb. So, I am doing what I think is the best, and asking what the people want, cause I really am at crossroads.

It's so weird for me to do this, as I never did before, and I just thought that I would get in the way of the story, but too all of the writers here, I am not discouraging having A/Ns, I am just saying that I don't exactly like writing them, and thats me, weird, antisocial, and introverted me, who is somewhat scared of getting ridiculed, even though that probably won't happen and I need to grow a spine-

Also, back to what I wanted to say, if you could help me with Canada's interactions to American History, that would be awesome. I am (obviously) an American, and I don't really know what Canada did in reaction to America's history, other than 1812.. Yeah, that will be fun- What I am trying to say is that i neED HELP, so to those who know more than me in this, and people who wants a character to act a certain way, imma pull a Romano and say TELL ME DAMMIT! I will try to incorporate the suggestion, but I might not do it well, so warning-

I really had no idea what i was doing with this story, then it became number 2 in hetalia (changed overnight, and im kinda happy that it did lol- pressure i guess) and also 1 in nordics, 5 in axis and that is crazy to me. A random story idea that is most likely not creative, can get a following like this, and tbh, I would be like "Yeah, this is cool and the writer deserves this and blah blah blah" to ANY OTHER story, but for mine to do this i'm just in that limbo of "Has this world gone mad or something?" I am surprised and happy, but i kinda feel like i am destined to mess something up lol- But, thanks to everybody, and I said this in my last chapter, but whatever, I can say it again.

So, that's all I really needed to say. I probably won't have very many A/Ns, because from what I said before, and maybe this made literally no sense, but whatever. It was nice to do this tho, and I talked about some stuff that, in reality, I normally wouldn't even bring it up... 😅 Thanks for listening to my spiel, and if anybody were to comment, thanks for that for that as well, I do go through the comments, and some that I have gotten are really funny-
До свиданияяяяя!

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