Train to Love ☑

By __Miss_Fantasy__

52.5K 4.1K 2.3K

Her soul was torn He came as her stitches She was humiliated, so He became her praise She was cheated once... More

Platform No. 1
Platform No. 2
Platform No. 3
Platform No. 4
Platform No. - 5
Platform No. - 6
Platform No. - 7
Platform No. - 8
Platform No. - 9
Platform No. - 10
S - 11
S - 12
S - 13
S - 14
S - 15
S - 16
S - 17
S - 18
S - 19
S - 20
M - 21
M - 22
M - 23
M - 24
M - 25
M - 26
M - 28
M - 29
Train reached its destination of Love
Time for good byes

M - 27

1.2K 101 47
By __Miss_Fantasy__

Dedicated to windsofspring for supporting me so much throughout my works. I love, love you so much.

Comments, please.

Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem. 

Her face the color of crimson, her heartbeats all over the place, she was a bridey mess at that lovely moment. When she opened one of her eyes to peek at the sight of his face, she instantly opened her other eye, because he was already stating her with a smile etching his lips. 

This time, she couldn't control herself so she let her walls fall and smiled back at him. 

"Did I mention this before?" he asked. 

" What?" she questioned back suddenly feeling insecure about her perfect attire and her hand went to check whether her hijab was in place. 

"You are breathtaking and I am so lucky to call you my wife," his reply made her glance back at him and her face started to color, even more, making her look a hundred folds more beautiful than she was at the moment. 

Her face started glowing and shimmering like that of gold. 

She visibly gulped while her throat went dry. 

"I think this is my cue to leave you to get ready for the Walimah. Saad! You coming with me?" he turned towards the munchkin seated beside her. 

"Yayy!" The boy in question jumped into his father's arms. 

While they exited the room, Shabna's gaze didn't falter once, the chambers of her heart got what they sought, a family. Her own family. 

Jesima entered the room, a mischievous grin spread over her face, "So?" she dragged. 

"So what?" Shabna ignored her and dragged herself out of the room, Jesima toeing behind. 

"Girl! Ya Allah! Don't tell, you are ignoring me now." She faked hurt," and that too to me," she held her hand clutching, the region where her heart was, "After all that I did for you. Such a cruel world this is.” She held her near her chest. 

"Drama queen! You should have pursued your Masters in Acting rather than Medicine. I am getting late Jessie. Can't you see the time in your glittery watch?" Shabna murmured all in one go, "For Allah's sake. I am not ignoring you." 

" Oh-oh! Yes yes, you are getting late. OMG! Come fast," Jesima pulled Shana's hand and ran upstairs. The Walimah was to be conducted just after the Nikah and so, Shabna had to get ready, removing her Ghagra and getting into her cozy yet pink pleated suit dress to wear an elegant Abhaya on top, for the hall would be filled with some men. 

In an instant, she removed her hijab and as in cue, Jesima combed her hair while her hand went to wipe the excess beads of sweat lining her forehead and she steadied her kohl back to its original state, lining the margin of her eye in a pretty way. 

She quickly changed into the other dress and pushed the Abhaya on top of her head.  

"Shabna! You know you are going to go with the groom and now leaving us behind." 

" Jessie! I know," she turned to face her friend," But it's not like I am going to leave you all behind. And don't forget, Maahi doesn't own a house in this city. So probably I am going to be away from you for two days I think so."  

"And I have to go back to Cali, along with no one but myself," pouted Jesima. 

" Hey! Aren't Fathima and her family coming with you?"  

"They are. But I am still getting along with them. They are new. I am going to miss you Shabs!" 

"I am going to miss you too Jesima. And do you know when is Maahi returning?" 

"You didn't ask him yourself?"  

" No." Shabna shook her head. Saad has his final exams within a few months, so she is going to be with him while the rest of the family is going back to the US.  

"I think so in a week." 

"A week is too short.” This time Shabna pouted. 

"Ahem! Your best friend who you lived almost all of your life is going away from you and here you are, making sad faces for the man who you just got married to's departure." 

Heat crept over her cheeks but she refrained herself from commenting something more. After checking her portrait in the adjacent mirror, she left a breath she was holding. 

"Shabna," called Jesima and she just hummed a reply. 

"You still didn't tell me the details," this made Shabna's head jerk up to see the mischievous grin plastered over Jesima's face. 

"That's never gonna happen, Jess," she replied, toeing her face similar to her friend's. 


His eye never left her as she walked up the stage dressed in the modest of ways yet she seemed like the most gorgeous being in the whole world for him. When she took a stand on his right, his heart melted into a puddle. 

He was still being unsure of the present. He couldn't believe that he is finally married and claimed the one he wanted to claim, all for him now. 

"If I had mentioned you were breathtaking before, you are marvelous right now," he whispered and her eyes traced up to see him and she couldn't feel blessed more, because that moment was sealed as perfect in her dictionary, which belongs to her heart. 

They posed for some photos with their close family and everyone congratulating the couple made them feel the reality was so surreal. 

"Shabna!" called Maahi and she turned her attention to his voice," This is Sameer, My best friend since Uni," and she looked up at the guy wearing a black shirt and Maahi added," And that is his wife," and beside the guy stood a petite lady clad in abaya with a welcoming smile which Shabna returned immediately and her baby bump was even visible through her abaya. 

"Mubarak Dear! I am happy for you," Husna, Sameer's wife chimed as she made her way towards Shabna. 

"Mubarak to you too!" she replied gleaming at the baby bump and then she noticed Husna's face was radiant and glowing, they might be due to the pregnancy effects, she thought in her head. 

" Mabrook! Bud!" Sameer hugged Maahi and he patted Maahi's elbow playfully. 

"Thank you," Maahi beamed back. 

" If you have any doubts, I am always there for you man." Sameer bellowed with a wink. 

"Oh! Crap! Sameer." Maahi groaned. 

"Told you! I am gonna exceed in this subject too," Sameer hinted at his wife's pregnant belly and she playfully pushed his hand away. 

"Some people won't change." Maahi laughed. 

"Not anytime soon," commented Sameer standing beside Maahi and the four of them posed to one more photo with a cheese. 

And then the rest of the ceremony went amazing for the couple until everyone felt exhausted and called it a night. 


Getting down from the car, Shabna picked her flowing abaya with one hand, and on the other side, she stepped her henna stained foot on the pavement of the hotel corridor and let loose the abaya. 

Maahi picked up a sleeping Saad on the back and put his head on one of his shoulders, and the boy at once wrapped his hands around his father's neck. Then he held his free hand for Shabna to take and she gleamed as she took his hand in hers. 

Together they started walking towards the entrance and Ali dragged their luggage along the side. The warmth of his hand made her jumbled cold body relax.  

When they were finally allowed to trudge inside the vicinity of their suite, did he let go of her hand? 

"I will put Saad to bed and you can fresh up yourself until then," he spoke out. 

"Sounds good," she replied and he showed her the room for the couple beside the room of their baby boy. 

Stepping inside and one look at the room, all the nerves which were soothed a moment before became all riled up. It was elegantly organized for the Married duo. The white sheets were relished with red rose petals and formed a heart at the center. Dimly lit candles surrounded the furniture and they all looked erotically beautiful. Switching on the lights, the light erupted the walls and she resisted her urge to run away, for butterflies blinked in her stomach. 

Slowly she opened the bathroom door with one hand while the other held her comfy clothes.  

Changing, she splashed water over her face and all the makeup went inside the sink. She looked presentable, she thought to herself. She combed her hair once again and her blackish brown hair fell till her elbow of her both hands just above her hip. They were straight and curly at the end and it was a natural curl. She gently pushed her bangs behind her ears. 

Breathe in. 


Breathe out. 

She strolled back to the room, her gaze instantly fell on Maahi who was pulling his grey t-shirt over his neck and she was pleasantly surprised to get a glimpse of his perfect abs. Her mouth agape, she blinked twice, well she didn't know he worked out. 

When the material of his t-shirt was pulled below his face, his eyes traveled to the one standing in front of him and her appearance made his heart double-take the beats. 

He slowly went towards her making her breathing chaotic. Both hands found the grip of her pajama pants and she clutched them tight, her gaze lowing to the floor, making her long eyelashes captivate the view of her amber eyes. 

"Am I the luckiest man in the world?" He asked, his voice rasped. 

She peeked up and his eyes, the most fascinating feature of his entire face shined, just like the stars twinkle in the night sky, were looking at her with so much love in them that all she wanted for the moment was to freeze time. 

If it was even possible, she would just look at his eyes forever. 

His lips found solace in the small of her forehead and her grip tightened more. The fluttering butterflies taking over her entire being. 

"Can we pray?", he purred so close to her ear that a chill went down her spine, goosebumps grazing her limbs. 

She clutched her eyes shut and nodded and he withdrew himself from the proximity. Suddenly, she felt cold and craved his presence to fill her with warmth again. 

She went to wind up her hand into a bun but Maahi was quick to resist, and he gently shook his head to not cage them back. Her cheeks flushed and she gently stood behind him as he led the prayer after wrapping a dupatta around her head, thankful for redoing her wudhu back in the bathroom. 

This time, all she felt was serenity in her whole being. Finding tranquility in him, in his heart, in his every moment. 

Her eyes filled with moisture as she lay her head in sujood. After saying his Salaam, when he swerved towards her direction and found her teary, instantly he moved near her cupping her face in his hands. He wiped the tears with the back of his thumb but didn't utter a word and it made her heart feel grateful. 

"Are you okay?" He asked once she was calm. She nodded for the nth time that day, her words getting stuck in her throat and not daring to be let out. 

He swiftly swept her in his arms and made her lay on the right side of the bed. Her entire spirit fabricated by his smell and she flushed beneath his neck. The soft mattress under her felt like he just made her lay on the heaven. 

He switched off the lights and got inside the bed. His hand snaking the small of her waist, while she turned around to face him," I am sure, you are very tired. Now sleep." He gently stroked her smooth hair with his hands and the warmth quickly resided back inside her, "Peaceful," he whispered in the air. 

She put a hand over his shoulder and moved her head a bit closer to him, and his erratic rhythm of heartbeats became her lullaby to dive in the blackness of sleep. 

With nothing more to worry about. 


Interlocking her hand with his she felt like they were meant to be entwined. Like they were two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle who fit, only with each other. The cool breeze made her hijab flew back and she turned to give Saad a last glance. 

"Saad! Mamma's gonna miss you so much. I will be back soon, and I have informed your grandma to tell you a hundred stories and she is so happy to tell them to you. You happy baby?"  

"Yes Mamma," the boy jumped standing on the isle of her small porch and hugging his Grandmother tight.  

As Maahi's leaving within a week, he had planned for a short honeymoon for them. Though the couple was happy to have Saad with them, everyone wanted Shabna to spend those few days with Maahi, because she's going to get a lot to spend with the little munchkin too, as she is staying back. 

With one last kiss to her son, she sauntered towards Maahi. Gripping his hands they both walked towards the car. 

The car ride to the railway station was rather short and the cold windy breeze kept them good company. Their honeymoon destination is the backwaters of Kerala. One of the most exotic places in India to visit. The Green tea farming mountains of Munnar, the boathouse of Aleppey, the traditional food, and the view of nature everything would be catching the eye. 

Maahi took the luggage from the boot of the car and together they entered the station, and they had a good fifteen minutes to board the train. Descending the long stairs, her heart raced its beats. This was the moment, she was dying to live. To let him know,  the truth. 

Halting near the sleeper couch, Maahi went to the names of the passengers boarding and to check whether their names were correctly placed in the respective seats. 

His fingers strolled through the long list stuck near the train's door. 

Fidgeting her sling bag, she took in a breath and she let out, his name to roll over her lips. 

"Maahi!" she called out. 

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