guitar // mgc

By badlandsmichael

72K 3.5K 751

"You can have it," I told him and he pouted. "You wanted it first, right? Now I'm giving this guitar to you... More



2.7K 151 39
By badlandsmichael

Afterwards, Ashton came back with 2 trays of shots and vodkas. (he's cool that's why he managed to do that and he has huge hands)

"Michael, I need to tell you something." I said nervously that Michael gave me a worried look.

"What is it?" He said softly, moving closer to me.

I like this side of Michael, the soft one.

"I...I've never been drunk before?" I squeaked, Michael gave me a shocked look.

"Wow, really? You're like 18, right?"

"Yeah, I'm just...Ugh, this is embarrassing."

"Why would it be? You're one of a kind." He smiled that I got lost for a second.

Wow, where did this side of Michael came from?

"What?" He suddenly snapped.

Aaand, the old Michael is back.

"So Hailey, what do you like?" I heard Ashton spoke up and I glanced at him while he pointing at the vodkas and shots.

"Some shots maybe?" I grinned shyly.

"Guys, what about some body shots?" Calum requested. Michael and I widened our eyes and simultaneously replied.

"No way!"

"Why not? Party poopers." Calum frowned.

"Calum what the hell, have some respect please." Michael said and everyone, including me, looked at him shocked.

Where's the rude Michael? What's up with his mood swings?

"You know what, its fine. Let's play body shots." I said out loud, breaking the silence.

"Wait, wait, how about truth or dare? If you won't do the dare or answer the truth you'll drink some shots." Ashton requested.

I like that thing more.

"Okay then, bring it on, Irwin." Kristy laughed and I nodded.

"That would be fine." Luke agreed.

"Okay, I'll start it, Calum, truth or dare?" Ashton asked excitedly.

"Dare, duh. Your truth questions are boring." Calum rolled his eyes like a whiney teenager.

"Hmm," Ashton hummed, holding his chin as he think, "Made out with the girl over there for 5 minutes then leave her alone immediately right after the time."

"You're serious." Calum scoffed.

"I'm shit serious here, Hood." Ashton smirked and Calum stopped on what he's previously doing.

"You really mean that?"

"Yeah, you won't do it? I'll tell everyone here your crush then-"

"Fuck, fine, I'm doing it." Calum groaned standing up.

Now I got curious. Calum likes someone? Who would he have a crush on?

We watched Calum intently as he walked to the girl who's standing alone near the door. Calum called her up as she suddenly looks up, a startled expression on her face. Suddenly, Calum just pinned her on the wall, the mysterious girl didn't forced to get out of his grasp.

Nervousness is clear on Calum's face but he still smashed his lips to the girl's. The girl closed her eyes and kissed Calum back that made us let out some gasps, that girl was so easy to get.

"Hailey." I heard Michael whispered.

"What?" I whispered back, turning my head to his direction. I stared into Michael's eyes, our faces are like 3 inches away that if we move closer our lips would touch.

"If someone would do that to you, would you kiss him back?" He asked and I raised my eyebrow.

"I would if that person is as hot as Calum." I joked.

"What if I will?"

"You will what?" I asked, puzzled by his response.

"Kiss you." He grinned and I swear my cheeks reddened as a thought of me kissing Michael popped in my mind.

Wait, I shouldn’t be thinking like that, I don't like Michael like that, right?

We're just friends.

"You perv, shut up." I rolled my eyes and Michael nudged me playfully.

"I was just kidding, I would never do that." Michael laughed.

"You better won't or I'll kick your ass to the moon." I threatened and Michael gasped mockingly.

"Ooh, scary!" Michael said in a sarcastic tone.

"Annoying Michael is back once again." I sighed, mumbling to myself.

"He never left." Michael said with a smug smile.


this story sucks im so sorry

sorry for being such a failure lol


b y e

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