guitar // mgc

By badlandsmichael

72K 3.5K 751

"You can have it," I told him and he pouted. "You wanted it first, right? Now I'm giving this guitar to you... More



3K 160 20
By badlandsmichael

Guess who has a cold?


I kept sneezing and coughing all day, and lying in my bed all day.

And who I blame for this?

Michael Clifford.

He didn't even bought me pizza as promised!

Kris told me that Michael brought me home, all I could remember yesterday is I'm fucking freezing and I fell asleep to some music. I've recognized Michael's voice in the song, I've looked at it on his Ipod and I figured out that its title is Wrapped Around Your Finger. I kind of liked the song, I'm not gonna lie.

"Hay?" I heard Kris as she popped her head unto the small opening of my door.

"Hi Kris-*sneezes*" I cussed after that heavy sneeze. "Did you want something?"

"Someone was here to visit you."

"Who?" I said, furrowing my eyebrows. Who could it be?

God, don't tell me it's-

"Hi bitch." Michael greeted with his usual sarcastic self. I groaned and covered my face with a pillow.

"Can you just go home?" I groaned.

"I just got here." Michael laughed. "Plus, I've bought you some pizza."

I immediately stood up from my bed and Michael gave me 2 boxes of pizza.

"I gave Kris the other box." He added.

"Okay, thanks." I mumbled.


"Nothing." I said looking around the room to distract myself. I put Michael's headphones on, with some low volume so I can still hear Michael.

"Do you want to have that?" Michael said, pointing at his headphones and Ipod.

"What?" I said, I think I misunderstood.

"You heard me." He rolled his eyes.

"Is it fine with you though?" I asked, I would definitely get it if he agrees.

"Yeah, I got a couple of that back home."

Wow, this guy is rich.

"Well then, okay."

Why is Michael Clifford being kind? This is so unbelievable and unusual that I think I'm gonna puke.

"Why are you being nice all of a sudden?" I furrowed my eyebrows and he groaned.

"Why do you keep complaining? You don't want me to be kind for once?" He sighed.

"No, it's just...I'm curious." I mumbled.

"Can I stay here for another hour or so?" He said, his voice suddenly softening. I just can't say no. And I don't know why.

"Yeah, okay." I muttered and Michael smiled.

This time, his smile was very genuine, like it's not even Michael smiling, it's like there's someone else in his body or controlling his body. This is just unbelievable.

"Thank you," he mumbled that shocked me some more. "I just don't want to go home just yet." He said in a low voice, I'm having the urge to ask why, even though maybe he will just give me a sarcastic answer.

"Why?" I finally asked, breaking the silence. He looked at me with a straight expression and I bit my lip, I think I did some wrong thing.

"My parents are fighting and screaming, always arguing and it's been happening every day since the last month, I'm getting tired of it." He sighed deeply.

Wow, I never thought that a boy like Michael are experiencing things like this that explains his asshole attitude.

"I'm sorry." My mouth automatically spoke up for itself.

"It's not your fault, Hailey." He said then let out a small chuckle.

"Even if it's not Michael, I've felt the same way before." I said and Michael shot his head up to look at me.

"Really?" He asked and I nodded smiling.

"Yeah, that's why I ran away from home and lived with Kristy. Kristy has done the same thing when her parents divorced. She's just have a decent work right now so she's paying all the expenses." I explained and Michael nodded.

"Well then, sorry." Michael laughed.

"Don't be, it's fine." I smiled.

Michael stood up from the side of my bed and walked towards me, giving me a long hug. My eyes widened at the sudden gesture but then I hugged him back.

"I'm sorry." He whispered that shocked me more than ever.

"For what?" I don't know what he's sorry for, he's done so manythings.

"Everything." He muttered and I just closed my eyes as I hugged him tighter.

"It's fine." I smiled "You know, we better eat the pizza before it gets cold."

"Yeah, right." Michael laughed, pulling out of the hug.



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