The Inventor of Vale (RWBY x...

By Codestar4673

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Everyone knows about the weapon shop called Imagination Weaponized, it's where nearly everyone goes to get or... More

V1 Chapter 1:The Shining Beacon
V1 Chapter 2:An Old Face
V1 Chapter 3:Initiation, Start!
V1 Chapter 4:Battle for the Pieces
V1 Chapter 5:First Day Fights
V1 Chapter 6:A Day Out
V1 Chapter 7:A Troublesome Day
V1 Chapter 8:In the Forest of Red
V1 Chapter 9:Straying Debates
V1 Chapter 10:Black, White, and Grey
V2 Chapter 1:Food Fight
V2 Chapter 2:Reflecting Opinions
V2 Chapter 3:A Major Problem with Paint
V2 Chapter 4:Extra Help
V2 Chapter 5:A Much Needed Talk
V2 Chapter 6:A Dance to Remember
V2 Chapter 7:Mission Ready
V2 Chapter 8:Exploration
V2 Chapter 9:Tunnel Vision
V3 Chapter 1:The Tournament Begins!
V3 Chapter 2:Truth
V3 Chapter 3:Answers
V3 Chapter 4:Unofficial Brawl
V3 Chapter 5:On Deaf Ears
V3 Chapter 6:Battle of Beacon
V3 Chapter 7:Aftermath
V4 Chapter 1:Anguish
V4 Chapter 2:Revelations
V4 Chapter 3:No Where Else To Go

V2 Chapter 10:Hidden Glow

1.1K 19 3
By Codestar4673

Y/n awoke with a ringing in his ears. As he starts to get his hearing back, the ringing turns into sirens. He opens his eyes to see the rest of RWBY waking up as well. He looks around more to see that they are in Vale square, along with a bunch of citizens who look on at the scene in shock and confusion. Y/n grunts as he rolls onto his back, before sitting up. As he was about to stand, the ground started to rumble, followed by a massive amount of Grimm coming out of the hole the train made. As soon as they landed, they started to attack. Meanwhile, a bit earlier, team JNPR are walking towards a bullhead to set off to their mission.

Pyrrha:I'm sure they're fine.

Jaune:You think?

Nora:Probably a butt dial.

Skylar:But from two different members of the same team? That can't be a coincidence.

Ren:Team RWBY has always perform exceptionally in the field. We should be focusing on our own mission.

Nora:We're gonna be deputies!

Skylar:I don't know, I have this feeling. And I only get this when feeling Y/n is in trouble.


Pyrrha was soon interrupted by sirens that started to go off in the city, before a set started to go off in Beacon as well.

Jaune:We're changing our mission. Everyone on board!

Jaune ran up to the ship and let his team go in ahead of him. He stopped Ren by grabbing his shoulder.

Jaune:Ren, we'll make it out to that village another time.

Ren nods and makes his way inside. Jaune follows him and speaks to the driver.

Jaune:Take us into the city!

The driver closes the door and takes off, heading strait for Vale square. Back with RWBY, all the civilians were able to evacuate the area, leaving RWBY to handle the Grimm. They were now right in the middle of the square with their weapons drawn, the many Grimm surrounding them. A King Taijitu screeched at them, causing the other Grimm to attack. The five students launched into battle. Y/n leaped over a crowd of grimm, shooting most of them down. When he lands, he transforms his guns and slashes the last ones that started to charge him. He hears a stomp and turns his head, only to see an Ursa about to attack him. The Ursa swipes at Y/n, only for the hunter to leap over it. He lands behind the Ursa and stabs through it, slicing it in half. He sighs in relief, then hears an explosion. He looks up to see Nora flying through the sky on her hammer, before she hit the King Taijitu in the head, nailing it into the ground. She lands next to the rest of her team, before they ran out and started to help with the Grimm attack. Skylar ran up to Y/n as the two go back to back.

Skylar:So, what happened here?

Y/n:That's a long story.

Skylar:Well then tell me later.

The two get in a stance as more Grimm start to surround them. The two look at each other, having a conversation with their eyes. Y/n pulled some rope from his grapple and handed the end to Skylar, who started to run around. Y/n twisted and started to turn, lifting Skylar off the ground. After getting off the ground, she started to attack any Grimm that came at her, kicking them away. As the Grimm grew more, Y/n noticed. He swung around again, this time launching Skylar away from the Grimm. She landed and looked back, only to see Y/n surrounded by many Grimm.


She looks up to see an Atlas ship about to shoot at the hoard, not seeing Y/n in the middle. She goes to stop it, only to see a f/c glow coming from the hoard. The glow got stronger, and soon, the Grimm around Y/n froze, and started to turn f/c. Afterwards, they disintegrated, leaving an unconscious Y/n in the middle. Skylar quickly ran to him and kneeled next to him, picking up his head. She looks across the square to see Glynda walking towards the hole the train made, and fixing it, stopping the flow of Grimm.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/n spinning like a beyblade

After all of the Grimm have been killed, everyone meets up in the middle and watched Roman being lead to an Atlas ship by Mercury and Emerald.

Roman:Oh I can't believe that you've caught me. You've really taught me the error of my ways. (Atlas robot pushes him in ship) Hey hey! Watch the hat!

Everyone looks around at each other, silently expressing their victory. That is, until Ruby notices off to the side that Y/n and Skylar where sitting in an airship, with Y/n having bandages on his arms. She goes over, along with the of her team. Once they get over there, Y/n looks over to them.

Y/n:Oh, hey guys.

Ruby:Are you okay!?

Yang:Yeah, Skylar said you got overwhelmed with Grimm.

Y/n:Oh, I was fine. I've been in much more dire situations.

Weiss:We still care about your well-being you dunce!

Blake:What was with that glow as well?

Y/n:I, honestly have no idea. It just, happened. Speaking of, does anyone else know?

Skylar:No, only I saw, and then I told your team.

Weiss:We should probably tell Ozpin or-

Y/n:No, I rather not. Or at least wait until I know more about it.

Skylar:Do you think Aunt Melissa will know?

Y/n:I hope so.

Another Timeskip brought to you by chibi Skylar saving chibi Y/n from a Deathstalker's claw

Soon everyone was back at Beacon, relaxing after the big fight. Team RWBY however where at Beacons landing pads, sitting on the ledge and looking over Vale

Yang:Well, we did it.

Blake:We did it.

Weiss:If we don't get extra credit for that, I'm going to be seriously disappointed.

Y/n:Weiss, more than half of that square was destroyed, I fail to believe we would get any sort of credit.

Ruby:Plus, I mean, we didn't solve everything. A lot of people were hurt, and we still don't even know why they did this or who that mystery girl was.

Yang:And now we have the mystery of Y/n semblance!

Y/n:(sarcastically) Yay...

Weiss:Well, not every story has a neat and tidy ending.

Blake:We might not have all the answers, but we do have a lot of dangerous people behind bars. And I think that's something we can be proud of.

Ruby:Yeah. (Yang yawns and stretches) And if anyone tries something like this again we'll be there to stop them.

Yang:(laying down) Yay... teamwork, (Zwei lays down) camaraderie, good guys, go team, alright, good job... (rest on elbows) So, what now?

Weiss:I'd suggest training for the tournament, but I think we have that covered at this point.

Blake:So then...

Y/n:... (shrugs) Sleep?...

Weiss-Ruby:Oh please, yes./Definitely!

Blake-Yang:Absolutely/I'm going to sleep forever.

The team gets up and makes their way back to Beacon, getting ready for a night's sleep.

Meanwhile, Melissa was in Beacons elevator, going to the top floor. She had been called by Ozpin, who said it was urgent. As the elevator reaches the top, a small ding was heard and the doors opened, letting her see Ozpin sitting in his chair, looking out the window.

Melissa:Ozpin? You wanted to see me?

Ozpin:(turns around) Ah Melissa, perfect timing. Come in.

Melissa walks in and sits in the chair opposite of him.

Ozpin:I've called you here to discuss something about your son.

Melissa:Is he okay? I heard about the Grimm invasion and I-

Ozpin:It does involve that, yes. But I'm more concerned with this.

Ozpin hands her a scroll with a video on it. She plays it, and sees a recording of what happened during the invasion. The video zooms in on Y/n and Skylar, making Melissa smile at their teamwork. She them becomes worried when Y/n gets overwhelmed with Grimm, before a f/c glow started to happen under the pile, making the Grimm turn that color and disappear.

Melissa:He... How did he figure out how to use it...

Ozpin:I don't know, but what I do know is that you still never told him. (Melissa stays quiet) He is going to start asking questions, Melissa. And once he does, you will have to answer them.

Melissa:I know... I just- I need more time...

Ozpin:... Then how about this? I'll call him in my office during the festival. I would have to call him and Skylar anyways. While he is up here, you tell him everything, okay?


Back at the cabin in the woods, Leroy is back against a wall, with Grim yelling at him.

Grim:How did you manage to lose him!? He was tied up and everything!

Leroy:I-I didn't check to see if he had anything on him...

Grim grabbed Leroy's collar and lifted him up, making Leroy stare into Grim's dark, purple eyes.

Grim:How did you forget that!? You've done this so many times before!

Leroy:(scared) Well the faunus that brought him to me said he had nothing on him!

Leroy continue to be elevated by Grim, who got increasingly madder and madder by the second.

Leroy:I-I sorry, boss! It won't happen again, I swear!

Grim stares at Leroy a bit more, before putting him down.

Grim:You know what Leroy? You're right.

Leroy:I am?...

Grim:(puts an arm around his shoulder) Yes, of course. It wasn't your fault, you just made a mistake. It happens all the time, even I make them.

Leroy:Gee, thanks boss-

Grim:But, (starts to tighten his arm around Leroy's neck) the more times a single person makes a mistake, the more useless they become. And the more useless they become, the more I feel as if I need to get rid of them. So don't make this mistake again, or else...

Grim draws a dagger and puts it up to Leroy's neck, poking him with it.

Grim:Do I make myself clear?

Leroy:C-crystal boss.

Grim:Good. (saves dagger) I'm going out now.

Grim heads towards the door and opens it, leaving the house. Leroy looks at the door in fear, before going into a room of the cabin, rubbing his neck as he does.

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