The f*ck am I? {[Blue Exorcis...

By _Ruh-Roh_

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No description. This is just for me cause I had a dream of my blue exorcist oc crossing over to hunterxhunter... More

Chapter 1 - The f*ck am I?
Chapter 2- Test x of x what?
Chapter 3- Rivals x in x survival
Chapter 4- Hope x and a x new friend
Chapter 5- What x the hell x happened?
Chapter 6- A x Surprising x challenge
Chapter 7- Showdown x on x the blimp
Chapter 8- What's x a x Majority rule?
Chapter 9- Beware x of x prisoners
Chapter 10- The trick x to x the trick?
Chapter 11- Trouble x with x uno
Chapter 12- Now x we x wait
Chapter 13- Final x Test of x Resolve
Chapter 14- Hit x the x target
For those who are confused.
Chapter 15- A x week of x waiting
Chapter 16- Can't win x and x can't lose
Chapter 18- Some x brother x trouble
Chapter 19- What x dangerous x watchdog?
Chapter 20- The x guard's x duty
Chapter 21- The x Zoldyck x family
Chapter 22- Can't see x if you're blind? x No shit-!
Chapter 23- Heavens x Arena? x Cool!
Chapter 24- Nen x and x Nen
N. E. w S.
Chapter 25- Awakening x and x potential
Chapter 26- Fierce x and x ferocious

Chapter 17- Baffling turn x of x events

2.5K 124 30
By _Ruh-Roh_

(Note: Bro. My cousin didn't come and now this gathering just turned into a barbecue when my uncles pulled out the grill. My mom and Tias going to the store and came back with chips and stuff for it. I asked her if she could buy me a Pepsi and she bought one of those big bottles saying that I could have the rest if nobody was gonna get it.)

Michael's POV
"Whenever he wakes up, he'll probably decline his advancement." Mr. Hanzo told us.

"He's right. Sounds like something Gon would do." Leorio agreed to what Mr. Hanzo just said as I walked back to them after being told that Gon will be okay, sending Nee with him.

"Only one person fails this round, right? So if Gon is disqualified, then wouldn't that render the rest of our upcoming fights completely meaningless?"

"You've no need to worry, Gon has certainly passed. Nothing he says or does can change that now." Mr. Netero answered, Kurapika, Leorio, and I letting a sigh of relief, me resting my chin on Killua's shoulder.

"As a matter of fact, he could even throw a fit and kill me where I stand, but he still wouldn't be able to revoke his license." Mr. Netero continued, Mr. Hanzo nodded and started walking away, back to where he was.

"So why? Why'd you let him win?" Killua asked, making me look up at him, his face holding uncertainty and confusion.

"What did you say?" Mr. Hanzo asked as he turned our direction, making me cower in fear behind the slightly taller male next to me.

"You didn't have to kill him. With your skills, you could've made him surrender somehow." He tells him, the people lined up next to us facing him and I, making me feel nervous as I pressed my face into his shoulder, both my hands holding his arm.

"I expect, when I torture someone, my victim will despise me for the rest of their life. It's more effective and less stressful. When you're in pain, your eyes show a gleam of hostility towards the person responsible.

Even with the most extensive training and discipline, that sign of rage is difficult to suppress. But Gon's eyes had no such gleam. Can you believe that? I had just broken his arm, but I could just tell by looking into his eyes that he had already forgotten all about it." He explained, making Killua and I quietly gasp.

"So I guess you could say the little guy won me over." Mr. Hanzo admits, me hearing a hum from the beautiful clown standing to the right of Killua and I, sending a shiver down my spine, my tail spazzing out.

"If you need a reason why I let him win, there you have it." He said once again as he walked off. Killua was stiff after that, and I grew concerned for him. Did he want Gon to have a better win? Or did he not like Mr. Hanzo?

"Baba?" I asked as I moved one of my hands to his, squeezing it to gain his attention. It worked, but he didn't squeeze it like he usually did. I think he doesn't like Mr. Hanzo. No one can have beautiful eyebrows like him!


After that, the second phase began. "Round two! Kurapika versus Hisoka. Begin!" Masta announced, letting the fight between them start.

"This should be interesting." Amaimon said out loud, well I guess a squeak since I'm the only one who could hear him talking when he's in that form. "Shh!" I shushed him, earning a confused look from the male next to me.

Everything was so fast that I wasn't able to process it. All I know it that Kurapika dodged and so did Hisoka then Kurapika was punched back, him sliding back a bit with a grunt.

Then Hisoka was in front of him all of a sudden and whispered something to him, Kurapika gasping at what he said. Then Hisoka just surrendered. The fuck just happened?

"I'm disappointed. And what did he whisper to him?" Amaimon said, sounding disappointed.

HEy, HoW yOU DoIn LiTtLe MaMa? LeT mE WhIsPER iN yOuR eAr, TELl YoU soMEtHiNg YoU mIgHt LiKe Ta HeaR.. it's free Real Estate.


The third match pitted Mr. Hanzo against Pokkle. Pokkle it the guy with a pink hat thing on his head. No duh, that's where hats are supposed to be Mikes, you idiot.

Pokkle found himself in a similar position as Gon did, but he admitted defeat, almost immediately, in fact. Poor, boy. That match must've been one of the fastest that's ever happened.


The fourth match was between Hisoka and Mr. Bodoro. That's the old guy that does Kung-Fu! I think that's what Mr. Tonpa said.

This one was a bit longer that the last one, Hisoka dodging the attacks from Mr. Bodoro until Hisoka finally turned the tables, him beating up Mr. Bodoro.

Mr. Bodoro didn't easily admit defeat however and got beaten up until he couldn't move, him laying with his back to the ground. Hisoka whispered something to him, too, and this time it was Bodoro who surrendered.

"I wanna know what he said! You should've used your super hearing!" Amaimon ordered me from his spot on my left shoulder.

"It only works when I pop them." "Then I'll pop it right now!" He yelled as he then grabbed my left ear, me yelling in pain, trying to pull his small body off of it, "That's not how it works!"


The fifth match featured Killua and Pokkle but Killua walked away as soon as it began. I take it back, this one was the fastest.

In a confident tone he declared, "Yeah, sorry, but I'm just not interested in fighting you." The walked back to where I was, standing in his spot.

"The fuck was that, you cocky bastard? I mean it was cool but I know you could've won that one." I asked him, him just shrugged, his hands behind his head, then looked forwards, his back to me.

I just sighed and placed my forehead against the back of his neck, feeling him get a shiver. Is he cold? But it's not as hell in here, especially when everyone is running around fighting.


Leorio requested that the sixth match to be postponed, I used a big word? Whoah, while Mr. Bodoro recovered from his injuries, so in the mean time, the match between Killua and Mr. Gittarackur was held.

"You got this, baba." I whispered to myself, cheering for Killua as I held Kurapika's hand, me using him for his hand warmth.

Killua then began to slowly walk up to him, both of them staring unblinkingly at each other until..

"It's been a while, Kil." Mr. Gittarackur said, surprising Killua and I. Kil? Oh! Cause his name is Killua and in front of it is Kill! Whoah. That's some awesome name planning his parents did.

Mr. Gittarackur then bag an to remove his pins one by one. After he pulled them out, his hair turned from its purple(?) color to a dark black, it doing some levitating shit, and his face contorting, reshaping into a new, much cleaner face. Oh he pretty.

Just then, a dark aura surrounded him, making Killua, and I visibly stiffen, me hold Kurapika's hand tighter, popping his hand it a bit.

"Big brother?" Killua stuttered, his and my body shaking. "Hey." His older brother greeted, his greet filled with no emotion.

"He's Killua's brother?" "Those needles were used to change his appearance?" Leorio and Kurapika questioned, Kurapika glancing at me as he squeezed my hand, me somewhat doing it back, still shaking.

"I heard you stabbed mom and Milluki." "Guess so." Killua answered, trying to keep his cool, but I could see that he was failing. "Mom couldn't stop crying." His brother said with a tilt of his head.

"Well who could blame her? Anybody would cry if their kid did that—" "She was just so happy." Killua's older brother said, interrupting Leorio, surprising him.

"She was delighted to see that her son had finally grown up. But she's concerned about you being out on your own, and she asked me to check up on you when I got the chance. Lucky me, huh?

I had absolutely no idea that you wanted to be a hunter. As for me, I'm here to get a license for a job that's coming up." Killua's bro explained, his voice still not having any emotion, sending shivers down my spine, my tail spazzing out as I also got goosebumps on my arms.

"I-.. don't actually want to become a hunter. I just felt like taking the exam." Killua told him.

"I see. Well, that's a relief. In that case, I have some advice for you." His bro said, the aura that was now gone started re-appearing again. "You're not cut out to be a hunter."

His next words made me stiffen, my body shaking as I used my other hand to grab Kurapika's arm, holding it tightly.

"You were born for one purpose.. to be an assassin. You're a puppet of darkness, devoid of passion. There is nothing you desire. Nor is there anything you wish for. As one who lives in the shadows, the only pleasure you're capable of is derived from causing death.

Because that's how dad and I raised you. What do you imagine that you would accomplish by becoming a hunter?" He asked.

"It's true. I don't really want to be a hunter. But-.. everyone wants something, even me."

"You don't." "Wrong! There is something that I really want!"
"Hmm. Enlighten me. What is it that you want?" His brother said, making Killua go silent for a while, him hesitating.

"What's the matter? There really isn't anything, is there?" "There is!" Killua shouted, going quiet after, thinking. Come on Killua. You can do this!

"I.. want to be.. friends with Gon.. and Michael." I looked at him, my eyes widened in surprise. "I-I'm just so sick of killing people. I want to be friends with them. Just have fun." He admits.

"Impossible. You are incapable of friendship. The only thing you can do is discern whether or not you can kill them. That is all you were ever taught." His brother shot down, making me stiffen a bit more, if possible. Kurapika pulling him closer to me, feeling my discomfort.

"Gon and Michael are such radiant personalities that you don't know how to classify them. You don't actually desire their friendship." "No.." "If you stay with them, one day, you'll end up wanting to kill them. You'll wonder if you can, and you'll want to find out, because you are, by nature, a murder."

"We've warned you already, sir, so please—" "Yeah, yeah, I know. Killua!" I heard Leorio shout, making me turn my head, seeing him being blocked by one of the guys in suits.

"I couldn't care less if this guy's your brother, all right? He's a worthless piece of crap, so don't listen to him! Just beat the crap out of him like the usual, and win! You wanna become friends with Michael and Gon? Are you kidding me?! You're already friends! How do you not know that?!" Leorio yelled out to him, making him gasp.

"Huh?" Killua's bro questioned, looking back to Killua, "They both seem to think so, anyway!" "Is that true?" His bro asked Leorio, turning back to him, again, glancing his eyes at me.

"Hell, yeah, it's true, you idiot!" "Oh, no. That isn't good. So they already consider Kil a friend? Fine. Then I'll just kill Gon and Michael." Everyone gasped, even Amaimon gasped, Kurapika pulling me behind him, standing in front of me protectingly.

"Assassin have no use for friends. They only get in the way." His aura was back. "Where can I find him?" He asked as he began to walk to the door. I can feel his dark eyes in me.

"Please, wait a second! The match is still—"  The guy that was I front of Leorio yelled as he ran after Killua's older brother, getting pins shot at his face, his face painfully contorting.

"Where?" "He's in the waiting room right over there." The man painfully groan. "Thank you."

Kurapika, Leorio, and Mr. Hanzo stood in front of the door that lead to Gon, blocking him entry as I stood next to Hisoka, seeking comfort for what might come, holding the end of his short top.

He doesn't seem to mind it those since he hasn't reacted or responded.

"Oh, what a pain. I need to acquire a hunter's license right now so I can do my job. But if i kill them, I'll fail. And then Kil will pass automatically. Oh, no. The same thing will happen if I kill Gon or Michael. Hmm, wait." Killua's brother said, getting an idea.

"I'll pass the exam and then kill them." His aura came back again, and I can see that Killua is shaking as much as I am, both our eyes widening.

"You bastard." Leorio growled, an irk mark on his forehead. "If I pass the exam first, I can kill everyone here and still keep my license. Isn't that right?" His brother asked Mr. Netero.

"Well, yes, according to the rule book." Mr. Netero answered, looking at him from the corner of his eyes.

"Did you hear that, Kil? If you really want to save Gon and Michael, you're going to have to beat me." His brother said, then started walking closer to him, his aura returning.

"Will you fight me to save your friends? You can't do it, can you? Because deep down, you were more worried about whether you can defeat me than anything else, aren't you?" He asked, now standing in front of him.

"And you already know the answer. "I'm not strong enough to beat my big brother." Remember the lesson I drilled into you? Never go up against a superior opponent." He said, his hand moving towards Killua's, Killua shaking furiously, terrified.

"Don't move." He told him after Killua was about to take a step back, "Move one more inch, and I'll assume the fight has begun. The same goes for if our bodies come in contact with each other. The fight starts.

There is only one way to stop me, and you know it. But don't forget, if you decide that you won't fight me, your dear friends will certainly die."

"Take him out Killua! We'll protect you! He won't kill you, Gon, or Michael! We'll do whatever we have to do to stop him! Go on! Let him have it!" Leorio shouted.

"Killua!" I shouted, "It's okay! You don't have to get hurt for us, just give up! You don't have to die for us especially me! Give up, please!" I shouted out to him as I clutched my shirt, couldn't bare to see Killua so terrified any longer, my heart aching.

Killua hesitantly took a breath in, "You will Illumi. I admit defeat.." he said, his voice small and shaky. Everyone gasped while I sighed in relief, guilt creeping up to me.

"Oh, excellent. No need for us to fight then, huh?" His brother said then laughed as he patted his shoulder, "I lied, Kil. I was never going to kill them. That was only a test to see what you were made of, and now I know for certain." He then got close to him, whispering something to him, Killua's eyes empty of emotion.

Once Killua was back to where we were standing, Kurapika, Leorio and I did our best to help, but he was unresponsive. When I held his hand, it was cold, deadly cold, making me grow worried and held it in both my hands, squeezing it to try and get a response, but nothing.

He slapped my hand away after I tried to hold his cheek, my hand turning red where he slapped, me wincing as tried again but was pulled back by Leorio.

Him telling me that it was best to leave him alone for a bit, moving me to stand in between him and Kurapika, who held my hand, massaging the red part while I looked down in shame.

Should I have told him to beat up his brother like Leorio did? Instead of telling him to lose? It sounded like I believe in him or his abilities... like I didn't trust him.. like we weren't friends..


The sixth match was between Leorio and Mr. Bodoro. Mr. Bodoro had recovered but then..


He was dead and Killua killed him. The committee disqualified him though it, and he left, not saying a word to any one while I was held back, wanting to go after him as I cried out his name.

He turned to me as he stood in the doorframe, my eyes widening. His eyes were fogged over, the blood of Mr. Bodoro staining his cheek, the very same eyes that I admired and loved were giving me a hateful and deadly glare right before he slammed the door behind him.

"..." I stood there frozen, my body going limp as I fell to my knees, pulling Kurapika and Leorio, who were holding me back, with me. My eyes wide with tears forming.

"He-.. he hates me..." I mumbled, the tears falling down my cheeks as the image became engraved in my mind, a memory of Yukio giving me the same face he gave me, feeling even more horrible.


(Note: I would like to let you all know that I am currently hiding out in my uncle's room eating chicken with chips and a whole bottle of Dr. Pepper, my other cousins taking the Pepsi one, and have kidnapped one of my grandma's many dogs, him stealing my chicken.
Good day.)

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