Falling Upwards - Arknights

De ArcanePanzer

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#4 in mercenary as of March 2022. Even angels have their own secrets. Some must be buried forever. Others can... Mai multe

<Operator Info>
Prologue: Unexpected Reunion
Chapter 1: Mostima
Chapter 2: Downtown Action
Chapter 3: Guys and Gals on the Go
Chapter 4: Confrontation
Chapter 5: Gang's Reunion
Chapter 6: The Beginning
Chapter 7: The Rat King
Chapter 8: Crack of Dawn
Chapter 9: Closing the Distance
Side Stories: The Squad
Chapter 10: Sifting
<Operator Info>
Chapter 11: Merc Work
Chapter 12: Black Ops
Chapter 13: Reconnection in Business
Chapter 14: The Chains and the Lock and Key
Chapter 15: Back on Track
Chapter 16: Chaotic Exit
Chapter 17: Old Home
Chapter 18: Hunting the Hunter
Chapter 19: Thinking Mercs
Chapter 20: Rhodes Island
Chapter 22: Time With Each Other
Epilogue: Start of a New Chapter
Extra: Torrent & Strife
Extra: Odpis & Splinter

Chapter 21: Another Unexpected Reunion

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De ArcanePanzer

- Rhodes Island landship, 0903 hours \ Cloudy -

"... So yeah. That's how we became a thing." Odpis concluded after explaining the whole story to Platinum who is surprised and interested at the same time.

The three boys on the table all have differing reactions. Torrent can only stare in disbelief at Odpis's revelation, Strife is scratching his head in confusion, and Splinter is both embarrassed and curious to how Platinum would react now that he, a Sarkaz is now officially in a relationship with Odpis. Needless to say, it was quite a surprise for the others.

"So what you're saying is that this has been going on since your time in Praetor Enterprises?" Platinum asked he younger sister after a moment of thinking.

"Yep!" Odpis cheerfully replied.

"And this was years ago?" Platinum continued. Splinter is visibly concerned.

"Mhm!" Odpis responded.

"... And you two made your relationship official just recently?" Platinum finished and Odpis nodded.

"Wait, sis, where are these coming from?" Odpis asked Platinum who stayed silent as she thought about something.

"I have a really bad feelin' about this." Strife whispered to Torrent who shrugged in response.

"Can't say I'm surprised, to be honest." Torrent whispered back to the Feline. Splinter heard what they said clearly and it made him even more nervous.

The table went silent. Strife and Torrent continued to eat while Splinter nervously waited for Platinum's response and Odpis continued to stare at her sister, wondering what she may be talking about. Even though hid it well, Odpis is also nervous, not knowing if her elder sister whom she has not seen in such a long time would approve of her being in a relationship.

The silence went on for another moment before Platinum cleared her throat, causing the couple to flinch and the other two males to focus on what she will say.

"I was mistaken. You never changed, little sis." Platinum said to Odpis.

"Wha?" Odpis could only say on utter confusion.

"It took you several years to finally make things official between you and him. You're sometimes so indecisive." Platinum commented. Realizing what she meant, Odpis awkwardly laughed as she scratched one of her ears.

"Eheh, about that..." Odpis trailed off, but Platinum ignored her and turned towards Splinter.

"Do keep an eye on her, will you? I wouldn't be surprised if she has caused you trouble numerous times, so I hope you can keep her calm and away from her recklessness." Platinum told Splinter who blinked.

"Ha?" Splinter could only say in confusion, unable to believe that Platinum just accepted their relationship.

"Hey! Wha-! Where did that come from?!" Odpis complained as she pouted.

"W-wait, you're fine with me and Odpis dating? Aren't you, well, concerned?" Splinter inquired to Platinum who raised an eyebrow.

"Why should I be concerned?"

"Well, there's the obvious fact that I'm a Sarkaz... and all the controversy around my people... and also me being there in the civil war in Kazdel." Splinter said, pointing out the facts that Odpis dropped right in front of Platinum while explaining how they started dating.

"Do you want me to be?" Platinum questioned him and Splinter stared at her in surprise. Upon deciphering what she said, he scratched his head.

"Well, not really..." He replied.

"Those are in your past, and I trust my sister." Platinum said to Splinter, practically telling him to 'shut up and take care of her'.

"Right, well... thanks. I'm glad to know that we have your blessing." Splinter said to her.

"And like I said, Odpis isn't the most careful person. Having someone watch over her closely is a breath of fresh air for me." Platinum added before taking a sip from her coffee.

"That's not fair! You're trying to get another one on me again!" Odpis told Platinum as she continued to pout. "And what do you mean? Don't you want to be the one watching over me?"

"You're a grown up woman now, sister. Do you really want me to?" Platinum questioned. Odpis tried to get an answer but she was blank. "All you need to know is that you have my support, and if you need help, I'll always be here for you." She said to her sister.

Odpis continued to pout, but even she struggled to do so after hearing those heartwarming words from her elder sister. Platinum embraced Odpis from which she almost yelped at, but she returned the hug without hesitation.

"Well, that went as fine as it could be." Torrent mused as he finished his burger.

"You have no idea how long I have been holding my breath." Splinter half-whisphered to Torrent which they including Strife laughed at.

"What are you three laughing at?" Odpis questioned the three males.

"Nothing." The three said in unison. The two sisters similarly raised their eyebrows in suspicion but waved it off.

Now that everything is settled, the five of them continued with their small talk, with some operators like Midnight and Popukar coming by and occasionally joining in the conversation briefly before leaving to their own business. This went on for some time before the intercom sounded.

"Calling for code name: Torrent, code name: Torrent. Your aptitude test will take place in thirty minutes. Please head to the assessment facility before then." A familiar female voice sounded from the intercom.

"Wow. That was fast. I honestly thought it'll be in like two or three days." Torrent commented as he threw the can of soda to a nearby trash bin. "Just came at the right time too now that I'm finished with breakfast."

"You'll get used to it. The staff are very efficient when there aren't a lot for them to do." Platinum said to him.

"Is it always that efficient here?" Torrent inquired in which Platinum shook her head a no.

"No. Only when the patients aren't overflowing in their medical facilities." Platinum answered and Torrent shrugged.

"Say, the woman who spoke sounds familiar. Did we talk to her at some point?" Strife asked them, referring to the person who announced from the intercom.

"I think that's Doctor Kal'Tsit. She's the one who invited us here in the first place." Odpis answered for the feline.

"So it was you three who were the rumored mercenaries that Kal'Tsit invited. Hm. Very intriguing." Platinum mused.

"Were we the talk of the town?" Odpis asked her sister.

"Not really, but it was enough for everyone to bat an eye." Platinum answered.

"Well, I should get going. Don't want to keep the staff waiting." Torrent said as he stood up to leave.

"Good luck, Torrent, but I'm sure you don't need it." Odpis cheered for him.

"Haha, that's my line, Odpis." Torrent chuckled. "I'll be off now." He said. He fistbumped with Strife and Splinter before he made his way out of the cafeteria.

As Torrent approached the doors, he is greeted by a Rubeba (hyenas) who has spotted fur and wearing a black jacket with white pants. He waved to Torrent who returned the gesture.

"You Torrent?" The Rubeba asked Torrent who nodded in confirmation.

"That's me." Torrent replied.

"Call me Spot." The Rubeba known as Spot introduced himself before they shook hands. "Heard some HRs talking about your file. Ex-military, huh?" He inquired as they both left the cafeteria.

"Pontifica Cohors Lateran, was an enlisted there." Torrent said, feeling comfortable talking his past life as he felt that Spot may have shared similar experiences. "Served for four years before retiring." He added and the Rubeba nodded.

"I know someone here who's from Laterano and served in the Pontifica Cohors too. Does the name 'Plume' ring a bell?" Spot asked him and Torrent thought about it for a moment.

"Hmm, I don't think so. Can't remember anyone of that name." Torrent said. "How about you, Spot? You sound like ex-military yourself." He asked Spot who looked at him surprise.

"Was is that obvious for you?" Spot questioned him curiously.

"Hah, for me, yeah. If I was anyone else, I wouldn't have noticed." Torrent mused.

"Guess you're worth more than I gave you credit for." Spot commented. "But yeah. I was a Sargonian soldier, but not for long since I only served for a year before I came here. That makes me wonder though; since you served four times longer than I did, what was your experience like?" He asked Torrent.

"I can't really say anything detailed or specific, but let's just say that it has its ups and downs." Torrent said and Spot asked what he meant by that. "Confidentiality reasons. You know, since the big shots in Laterano tend to be a bit paranoid? As for what I did, it's quite complicated, but I fought the Sarkaz plenty of times."

"Was it during the civil war in Kazdel?"

"It was. The Sarkaz amped up their aggression towards the Sanktas and Laterano, but it did seem as if they didn't have a central authority and just went to do whatever." Torrent said.

"And it seems that you have a Sarkaz friend. How's that?" Spot asked, referring to Splinter.

"Ah, Splinter. He's a good guy. He did fight in the civil war if I'm not mistaken, but made sure that we as in the three of us know that he already left that life behind." Torrent answered.

"You guys are really an interesting bunch. I can see that happening in a comic series, or a fanfiction even." Spot mused as he thought about something. "I wish the clowns in my team were as half as good as you guys." Spot murmured in a tired tone which Torrent noticed but ignored.

"You read comics? Why I happen to know two people who love comics." Torrent said. "You can be friends with the Feline and the Kuranta in no time."

"Right, the purple haired Feline, but which Kuranta?" Spot questioned about which Kuranta he meant.

"The younger, also the one who has more energy than the rest of us." Torrent said, referring to Odpis.

"I'll note that down, but for now, I'll be going my separate way." Spot said as they come across an intersection in the hallway. Torrent nodded in understanding.

"Right. Looking forward to working with you, Spot." Torrent said to Spot.

"Likewise, Torrent." Spot responded. They fistbumped before they went their separate ways.

Torrent went down the hallway which was the dorm area and led to the assessment facility where he was directed to. Along the way, he saw and walked past more Rhodes Island staff members. This is it, huh?, Torrent thought to himself. It's a different world here now. As someone who has worked as a freelancer for a while, he couldn't help but be concerned about his as well as his friends' future. He made the decision with them that they should join, not knowing what will it bring to their lives, but he eventually shrugged it off.

After all, not knowing the future has always been part of their occupation.

As he walked by, he felt something, or someone watching him. He shrugged it off at first, but it became more... intrusive. He refocused his sights forward and he saw no one. He looked behind and saw some staff talking to each other as they walked, but none of them were looking at him or even remotely interested at him. He frowned. Looking at the doors of the dorms, none of them are opened.

Suspicious, he wondered who could it be. An agent of the Notary Hall? An assassin from Kazdel? Maybe a spy from one of the mafia wings in Siracusa? He was no stranger to this as he had fought assailants of such nature before he and his team started to take their public identities more seriously. That said, whoever this person was is still observing him from a hidden position and it annoyed him.

Thinking that he could bait this person from revealing themselves, Torrent continued on his way. He swore that he heard a very faint giggle from somewhere. He eventually came across another intersection with texts on the walls saying that a hallway leads to a location. Sure enough, he felt the person coming closer to him. He whipped his head around, trying to find this person.

"I'm not keen on playing hide and seek in the hallways right now. Whoever you are, show yourself." Torrent said to the person in a commanding tone. There was no reply.

He prepared himself for a fight. He immediately assumed a combat stance and prepared to unsheathe Chainbreaker in case it happens. If this person is after him, they will find that he is far too stubborn to go down. He expected the unexpected as he usually did, but unknown to him, that something is not in the list of the things he will expect.

Suddenly, two slender arms wrapped themselves around him, startling soon-to-be Rhodes Island operator. The arms tightened themselves and he felt a warm body press itself on his back. Torrent looked down on the arms and noticed a black glove on one hand and a white one on the other, and he only knows one person who does it the same way.

"We really should stop meeting each other so abruptly like this~" A familiar feminine voice remarked to him. Upon realizing who it is, Torrent chuckled.

"Ahh, Mosty... You lie when you say that you are just a normal Messenger." Torrent said in response.

The person now known as Torrent's one and only girlfriend, Mostima released her hold on him to allow him to face her. They look at each other's eyes for a moment before they embraced, holding to each other tightly and allowing the warmth of their bodies to be felt by the other.

"I'm so happy to see you again, (Lancel)." Mostima said to him.

"I am beyond happy, Mostima." (Lancel) replied. They stayed that way for another moment before they broke the embrace.

"It's surprising to see you here, (Lancel). How come?" Mostima smiled (Lancel) as they continued to hold each other's arms.

"Me and the team got invited to join. As to why, we have a few hypotheses." (Lancel) said with his own smile. "But now I know that you are here, I don't think I'll regret it." He added, causing Mostima to giggle.

"Oh you flirt." Mostima mused. "As for me, Emperor finally called me for that job here, and it wouldn't have come at a better time since I just finished another contract the day before." She explained and (Lancel) nodded.

"So, that means we will be with each other more often now. I can get behind this." (Lancel) remarked and Mostima's smile widened.

"Oh! Do you remember the things I said that I will be coming back for? Back before I left Lungmen?" Mostima asked (Lancel) who nodded.

"You said you'll be coming back for Lin Grey's candy shop, Penguin Logistics, and–" (Lancel) was cut off when Mostima closed the distance between them and gave him a kiss on his cheek before standing straight back up, causing him to blush ever so slightly.

"And you." Mostima finished for him with a grin.

"... Sly angel, you are." Torrent said as Mostima giggled in response. Suddenly, he perked up, having remembered something. "Which reminds me..." He murmured as he reached out to one of his jacket's internal pockets, pulling out what seemed to be a tiny jewelry case.

He opened it and there, Mostima's necklace whom she gave to him as a way to make a promise. Seeing the contents, Mostima lightly gasped, but her expression quickly turned into that of a loving affection.

"You really kept it all this time..." She said, touched.

"Hah, I would be making a sin if I didn't, and if I sinned, I would be punished and maybe given horns and a tail like yours." (Lancel) said as he tenderly removed the necklace from its case. "Then again, if I were to become like you, maybe it wouldn't be so bad." He mused. Mostima shook her head.

"I'd rather you have no horns for me, (Lancel)." Mostima said to him, not wanting the same to happen to him.

They stared at each other. They knew all too well what happens when a Laterano is punished for a wrongdoing. While (Lancel) doesn't know the reason behind it, Mostima was one who underwent such a painful punishment, which may have led to her discarding the concept of emotions. However, internally, Mostima is thankful that (Lancel) never gave up on her and showed her that she can still have emotions like what she is experiencing right now.

With that in mind, Mostima turned around for (Lancel) to put her necklace back. (Lancel) complied and without wasting another second, he put back the necklace to where it once belonged. Mostima held the necklace that is now back with her after so long and closed her eyes. She silently prayed that they would always remain strong throughout their lives, and she prayed the same thing that happened to her will never happen to him. After that brief prayer, she reopened her eyes faces her boyfriend once more.

"So! Where were you heading before I rudely interrupted your walk?" Mostima rhetorically asked (Lancel) who chuckled.

"I got called for my assessment or something. On my way to that area right now." (Lancel) answered.

"I know." Mostima smiled at him. (Lancel) deadpanned.

"But you asked..."

"I heard it over the intercom. I recognized your code name and I had to get up from bed. Left my dorm, hoping to meet you there and you know the rest." Mostima answered to which (Lancel) responded with an "ohh".

"Wait, how long have you been here?" (Lancel) questioned.

"Just a couple of days. Already done everything so far and I guess I am an operator here now." She said in response.

"Hah, I'm sure that your ratings are really high. That, or the staff may have had to stop your testing for fear of you destroying their facility." (Lancel) retorted and Mostima laughed.

"You have no idea how right you are on the last one." Mostima said and (Lancel) stared at her in confusion.


"Come on, boyfriend. You don't want to be late for your assessment." Mostima told him as she walked towards the way leading to the assessment facility. (Lancel) snapped out of his confusion and walked beside her.

It did not take long for the two of them to reach the assessment facility. There, staff as well as operators are seemingly undergoing training of different kinds. Mostima first pointed at a female Perro who seems to be someone of high rank in Rhodes Island.

"That one right there is Miss Dobermann. She'll be the one overseeing your assessment as well as your subsequent training in the future." Mostima explained to (Lancel).

"Noted, but is she the only person doing stuff like that here?" (Lancel) inquired after noticing that there aren't a lot of instructors present and Mostima shook her head.

"Not really. There are more, but you'll be seeing her more often as the entry-level instructor in a way. And she's the strictest of them all, by the way." Mostima added and (Lancel) sweatdropped.

"I can tell..." (Lancel) mused.

"Well, I'll be off to grab some food. Good luck with your assessment, (Lancel)." Mostima smiled at him before she gave him another kiss on the cheek.

Afterwards, Mostima left (Lancel) in the training room with the door shutting close behind her. With a smile, (Lancel) faced the facility itself, prepared to take on the tests.

"You there!" The Perro woman who Mostima introduced as Dobermann called out to (Lancel). "You are Torrent, are you not?" She questioned him.

"Aye, ma'am. That's me." (Lancel) confirmed.

"Dobermann." The Perro briefly introduced herself and (Lancel) nodded. "Sit over there. Your testing will begin shortly." She instructed him to which he obliged.

(Lancel) sat by with other operators waiting for their own turns.

It's a new world that he is in now, and he knows it. But with Mostima and his team with him, he feels confident to tackle whatever will come across them.

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