Ask Jack Frost

By JackOverlanderFrost

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Ask any question and your favorite guardian, from yours truly, will answer ;). BUT I SHALL ONLY ANSWER TO BEL... More

Ask Jack Frost
Question from WeasleyTwinsRok:
Question from Fangirlfromthenorth
Question from WeaslyTwinsRok:
Question from SummersEve:
Question from Auquablue:
Question from SummersEve's Little Sister, Rac :
Question from Iaanwo:
Question from ImHungrey00:
Question from SummersEve:
Question from i-was-in-azkaban:
Question from SummersEve's um Brother? :
Question from SummersEve little brother, Ro :
Question from HunterOfArtemis90
Question from EverlastingExplosion :
Change of Plans
Romancely Stuff xD
More Odd Question From My Oddly Amazing Snowflakes
Guess who's back ??!! :D
Questions Answered by your's truly (;
And Then In That Moment, I Discovered tumblr...Oh Dear Lord.

Question from i-was-in-azkaban

946 17 12
By JackOverlanderFrost

"What do you have against shoes ? xD"

I've been asked this *counting on fingers* like 8 times this week so here we go.

Well, who needs shoes when you don't even feel the cold ? I can wear shoes an' all but their suffocating personally, and some shoes are just uncontroble.

No shoes, no socks, no worries.

Plus after 300 years barefoot, i've built calluses on the bottom of my feet , so their as tough as leather. Which is tough, I think xD. Even North's Elves tried giving me some goofy looking shoes right when Mim had chosen me to become a guardian.

OK my lovely Snowflakes ;) , next person who asks a good question shall be answered.

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