The Gods of Fairy Tail

By Fantasyandromance516

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Plenty of Gods and Goddesses live on Mount Olympus and they do their job by aiding the mortals on earth. But... More

The Gods
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
My Friend's YouTube Page
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 26

899 30 41
By Fantasyandromance516

 When Mirajane and Cana finished bathing and dressing back into their clothes they summoned for Bicklsow so that he could deliver a message to Elfman for them. As they waited for him to arrive, poor Mirajane was an anxious and uncomfortable wreck. Cana pulled out some wine to ease her nerves but she couldn't bring herself to drink.

"I know this plan is very squicky to you Mirajane." Cana said to her before drinking from her goblet.

"Squicky? Oh no, why would I find this plan to be squicky? I'm only setting my little brother up to seduce and have sexual relations with a very shameless goddess." She replied sarcastically. 

"Alright I know how upsetting it is but you're acting like this is would be the first time he slept with her. He's been with her plenty of times, one time it was even made public."

"Oh Gods please don't remind me of that vulgar incident."

 It was back when Evergreen had just risen from sea foam and she was so alluring that all male gods save for Jellal and Gray, were fighting over who would get to marry her. It was decided that Natsu would settle the dispute and it was his first time doing something like that so naturally it wouldn't go well. The lot of them figured that Natsu would settle it by marrying her himself but he had never been one for commitment and instead he chose to settle it by marrying her off to a cyclops. He was rich but not conventionally attractive so Evergreen wasn't happy with their union. This led to an affair with Elfman and despite the vulgarity of it, they were genuinely in love. However that cyclops might have been ugly but he wasn't stupid. He suspected that she was being unfaithful so he set up a trap for the lovers. Caught them right in the act with an enchanted net and put them on display for all the gods to mock and shame them. Surprisingly to all, even Natsu was repulsed by this act of retribution but he saw the error of his mistake. He anulled the marriage immediately and found a more faithful wife for the cyclops.

"I don't know what my brother sees in that woman." Mirajane said. "All she does is get him into trouble and she has absolutely no intention of committing to him."

"So? Natsu never committed to any of his lovers and you don't hold it against him."

"Natsu has never been sexually active with anyone in my family." She said. "Alright he did try to seduce my sister once but as soon as Elfman and I confronted him about it, he swore to us he'd never touch her. The reason I'm fond not of Evergreen isn't because she's a little frisky. I'm not fond of her because she claims to love my brother yet continues to be a little frisky. I don't want him to be taken advantage of."

"Maybe he wants to be taken advantage of."


"Hey he's your younger brother but he's also a man and a man has needs. Or at least that's what they say to justify being lustful. Anyway you're not the first girl who has to deal with the unsettling fact that her brother has gone to bed with a woman he's not married to." She said taking another swallow of wine. "Elfman's not even that bad. You should see what my brother does."

"Your brother?" Mirajane said confused by her words. "What do you mean your brother? I thought you were an only child."

Cana's hand went to her mouth upon realizing what she said due to drinking a little too much.

"Uh-oh. I wasn't supposed to say that." She put down the drink and checked around herself to make sure no one else was around or at a distance where they could hear them. No one was there or close enough to hear. "Alright I have a secret to tell you but you have to keep it no matter what."

"Don't worry I've kept hundreds of secrets." Her friend assured her.

"Good because if word of this gets out a lot of deities will go crazy."

"I won't tell. I give you my word as a goddess."

"Alright it's like this." She hesitated for a moment and then spoke. "Laxus is my brother. He and I are twins. Half twins technically speaking."

"What does that mean?"

"We have the same mother but different fathers. It's just like half siblings except unlike most of them we were conceived, carried, and born at the same time."

"How does that work in the case of twins?"

"Well our mother Cornelia was previously engaged to my father Gildarts but Laxus's father Ivan being a colossal asshole, wanted her for himself. So he decided to kidnap her and force her into a miserable marriage with him. Eventually my father found her but at the time he was a lower level titan and didn't stand a chance in battle against someone like Ivan. So he disguised himself as one of Ivan's underlings. During the day Ivan would visit Mom while at night Dad would secretly sneak into her room. She gets intimate with two different men around the same time and as you know titanesses and goddesses have remarkable fertility skills which will sometimes lead to them having the most unusual pregnancies and births, so next thing you know she's pregnant with twins each fathered by a different guy."

"Oh my." Mirajane said astounded. "Did Ivan ever find out that one of you did not belong to him?"

"For the first few months he was oblivious but then he visited Makarov the oracle to learn the future of his unborn child and everyone knows that oracles are forbidden to lie. So he had no choice but to reveal that Mom would only bear Ivan one son yet she carried a son and a daughter in her womb. He put two and two together, totally lost it."

"What did he do then?"

"Well he would not stand to be humiliated by her infidelity even though she never willingly consented to their marriage and he decided to forbid her from giving birth to me by cutting her off from any place suitable enough for the blessed event to take place."

"You're joking."

"Nope. He wanted her to wander the earth, suffering unbearable pain while I would inevitably be miscarried."

"What about Laxus?"

"He would allow her to give birth to Laxus but only if he was to be the first born. He wasn't, I was and he'd rather have his own child be miscarried than allow his wife to bear another man's child. How sick is that?"

"So what happened?"

"Dad and Makarov took her to that secret island where Zera hid Natsu and she gave birth to us there. Later Makarov convinced Ivan to have his marriage to our mother annulled but under the condition that the marriage never be spoken of and that no one know of my relation to Laxus."

"So that's why it's never been recorded who Laxus's mother was."

"Right, it was to make sure no one knew about that humiliating incident and because Laxus doesn't want anyone to know we're twins. The big idiot is embarrassed to be related to me. Please, as if me being related to him isn't humiliating. I'm not only a goddess of the wild but also a goddess of virginity and celibacy yet I share ichor with a guy who's hopped more beds than Natsu."

"Irony thy name is Cana and Laxus."

"Exactly. So in a way I know what you're going through Mirajane but at the same time I don't because I've never been close with Laxus. The closest we've ever been was when we we're in our mother's belly."

"Why doesn't he want anyone to know you're brother and sister?"

"Ivan never told him the whole story about what happened between our mother and fathers. Raised him to believe Mom was a 'willing' bride yet was unfaithful to her 'loving' first husband and that my father 'stole' her from him."

"I'm sorry that your relationship is so complicated."

"Don't be. It's no big deal. I got over it years ago." She assured her friend. "Hey do you know when Erza will come back?"

"Is she still combing her hair?"


"How long does it take to comb hair?"

Mirajane only answered with a shrug and the two continued to wait.

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