Blood Bond / VKOOK

By RoroBaka

1.1M 59.6K 48.9K

It all started because of an innocent mistake, It was his fault , not mine. It's all because of him ! Because... More

Prologue • rules
Chapter 1 • Half - Vampire
Chapter 2 • Vampire blood
Chapter 3 • Dangerous Mistake
Chapter 4 • Blood Bond
Chapter 5 • Cherry Blossom Book
Chapter 6 • Last Time
Chapter 7 • 10 Seconds
Chapter 8 • The beginning
Chapter 9 • Help
Chapter 10 • A Legion
Chapter 11 • Matriarch's care
Chapter 12 • A thirsty day
Chapter 13 • A Promise
Chapter 14 • One goal at a time
Chapter 15 • Desire
Chapter 16 • Dumb and Dumber
Chapter 17 • The Witch
Chapter 18 • The Plan
Chapter 19 • Napiyong
Chapter 20 • Unconsciousness Self
Chapter 21 • Coming Back Home
Chapter 22 • Uncontrollably Confused
Chapter 23 • 6 Months
~ Tagged ~
Chapter 24 • Two Opposite Sides
Chapter 25 • White Eyes
Chapter 26 • How to be a Demon
Chapter 27 • The Reason
Chapter 28 • A Place To Hide
Chapter 29 • Demon's Death
Chapter 30 • Hurtful Past
Chapter 31 • Tonight
Chapter 32 • Scared from 'it'
Chapter 33 • A Soft Desire
Chapter 34 • Confession
Chapter 35 • Dim Feelings
Chapter 36 • Farewell
Chapter 37 • Vampire meets Demon
Chapter 38 • Change of Plans
Chapter 39 • Jeon Jun
Chapter 40 • Mysterious House
Chapter 41 • Fairies' Powder
Chapter 42 • Black Blood
Chapter 43 • Judgement
Chapter 44 • Euphoria
Chapter 45 • The One
Chapter 46 • One Legion To Save
Chapter 48 • Another Goodbye
Chapter 49 • Grandma's Threat
Chapter 50 • No Fear
Chapter 51 • End of Depression
Is it really the end???

Chapter 47 • Lust You Can't Escape

14.6K 790 765
By RoroBaka

Credit to Hisasihun for the edit! ^


So Jin and other Vampires met MonstaX Pack. Eventually they convinced them to join them in the war.

Jeongguk lied Junghyun and the servent that he burned Taehyung's body. Junghyun suspects him and threatens him.

Jeongguk started his process about being a full demon. And they warned him not to drink human blood. Jeon Jun ordered to double the guards around the humans' cells.

The new plan is to attack them in daylight and take the doom down. Taehyung objected and asked to go to the mansion to inform EXO legion so they'll be careful. Eventually Namjoon agreed and Taehyung went together with Hoseok to the palace.


words: 5091


Chapter 47 • Lust You Can't Escape

"So they got a literal cavern that's leading INTO their palace and no one knows?" Hoseok tried to look around him but it was all dark when their legs walk in a straight path.

"Shhh Hyung..." Taehyung tried to shush him, he was scared that maybe he talked too loud. "I don't know though but it doesn't matter now, let's end this quickly" 

Hoseok nodded even though the younger didn't see him. 

After another few steps, Taehyung felt a dead end. He guessed that it's the bookshelf, he just needs to push it and they're inside the palace. But first, it's important that no Demon will see them. He linked his body into the wooden wall and tried to find a suspicious aura. "Hyung, can you feel an aura?" he whispered at the older. 

Hoseok linked his body close to him and tried to focus on the atmosphere behind this wooden wall. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After short seconds he shook his head, "nope, feels empty"

Taehyung nodded and gently pushed the shelves. He tried not to make so much noise. Light from the inside entered into the cavern, made their eyes blink several times. 

Taehyung peeked into the library, noticed that it was empty like an abandoned place. He slightly entered the room and looked around the whole area. "Good we're lucky, no one is here" Taehyung looked over his shoulder and smiled at the other. "I know where Jeongguk's room is, so just stay here and don't move! I'll do it quickly"

"Yah yah! no!" Hoseok was about to go out but Taehyung blocked his way. "I won't let you go there all alone!"

"Hobi I know the way! trust me!" Taehyung glared at him. He was so confident and so brave that it confused Hoseok a little. "Just stay here!" he demanded and closed the secret entrance with the shelves, hid Hoseok behind it.

Hoseok's mouth opened in disbelief, "yah... I wanted to meet this demon! that's why I came here..." he mumbled to himself. He sat down on the ground and crossed his arms over his chest with a pout. 

Taehyung walked silently to the big doors that led out of the library. He linked himself to the door and tried to find some suspicious aura. He slightly opened the door, tried to do it silently so he won't take anyone's attention. 

He peeked out and saw that there was no one, he couldn't feel any aura which was good. He slowly walked out and with fast paces and fast heartbeats he hurried to where Jeongguk's room was. He remembered the way perfectly, luckily.

He could hear his own heartbeats while his body started to tremble. 'Please please Satan, please be on my side, please please let me reach Gukk's room with no one catching me'

Suddenly his steps stopped, his heart skipped a bit and his eyes widened. He felt a presence getting closer to him. He was in the middle of the corridor, he had nowhere to hide but to enter a random room which can lead to another danger. He looked around him, tried to think what to do, but the time was ticking and with each second another step got closer to him. 

'Satan you clearly aren't on my side' he thought and just chose the closest door. He entered it and noticed a sleeping person on the bed. His heart was beating so fast that he was sure that soon it will explode. 

He linked himself to the closed door, waited for the presence to pass already. His eyes stared at the sleeping demon that has such a strong aura. 

He could feel the aura wrapping his whole body, making it tremble in fear. It had a slightly familiar presence, but still so different from Jeongguk or EXO Legion. He was sure, that he met this person before. 

His heart's beats increased while feeling the other presence through the door. He whimpered and linked his body even stronger into the door. He was too scared to move or even to breathe. 

'Why why, why I'm so brave?! this is ridiculous! how do I get out of here now?! J-Jeongguk...'

Suddenly he heard the demon's soft groans. He blocked his own mouth with his palm, stopped himself from making any sound. He noticed the body moving on the bed, changing his pose. 

Taehyung gulped audibly while staring at the Demon. Now he could recognize the aura, it was the demon who tried to pick him up from the 'Judgement' occurrence, luckily Jeongguk protected him. His aura felt slightly like Jeongguk's, so he could guess that they were related. 'His brother maybe?' he thought deeply but then realized the other presence already walked past the door.

His body shuddered and hurried to open the door only to exit the horror room. He let a huge breath out and looked around him, saw that it was empty again.

He ran to the way that led to Jeongguk's room, prayed to Satan that he won't meet any other Demon. 

Eventually, his prays fulfilled and he reached the half-demon's room successfully. He opened the door fast as lightning and closed it with no blinking. He panted heavily while still grabbing the door's handle. 

He slowly turned only to see two bodies on the bed. On the right side was Jeongguk, snorting peacefully, and on the left side was... Baekhyun?!

Maybe they didn't cuddle, but it indeed bothered Taehyung a lot. He walked closer to Jeongguk's side and smacked his chest. The younger groaned out of pain and opened his eyes widely. 

He immediately noticed Taehyung's angry expression. "Taehyung?" he mumbled, was sure he was dreaming, but that smack wasn't a joke, it won't be this painful in a dream. He sat up quickly and looked into Taehyung's eyes.

"Taehyung?!" he shouted in wonder. That made Baekhyun wake up and look at the two Vampires. He moaned while rubbing his one eye. "W-what are you doing here?!" Jeongguk stood up and grabbed Taehyung's arms. 

"Why are you two..." Taehyung pouted cutely. Jeongguk looked behind him and noticed Baekhyun's shocked eyes.

"Ahh NO NO Tae!" Jeongguk hurried to explain everything but the Demon cut his words.

"Noo!!! Tae-ssi!!! nothing happened! you know I'm bonded with Chanyeol??? Demons don't betray their bond!" Baekhyun waved his hands in front of him with a cute gesture. "We just talked about the process Jeongguk is having and-" his words paused after receiving Jeongguk's glare.

"Process?" Taehyung cocked a brow, noticed their eye exchange. Jeongguk sighed and looked back at the Vampire. 

"Anyway~" Baekhyun embarrassingly laughed, "we fell asleep while talking but nothing happened!" he scratched his back head.

"What process?" Taehyung looked into Jeongguk's eyes, got curious by Baekhyun's blurt out. 

"Ahh..." Jeongguk sat on his bed and rubbed his face with his palm. 

"Wait Taehyung- why did you come back? you know it's damn dangerous!" Baekhyun finally realized. He felt too bad for falling asleep on Jeongguk's bed.

"Yeah, Tae, answer! why did you come back here?" Jeongguk now glared up at the older.

"I came to tell you something" Taehyung flew with the change of topic. "also Hobi is here, I left him in the cave" he shrugged cutely.

"What?! another Vampire is here?!" Baekhyun panicked, "oh God, this is bad! and dangerous!"

"He's in the cave, no one will see him" Taehyung replied calmly.

"But someone can feel their aura! Aiish! Jeongguk finish your conversation with Taehyung quickly and go out!!! I'll go tell Suho" he quickly ran out of the room. He was sure the thing that Taehyung wants to tell Jeongguk was about the two of them. Jeongguk stood up and locked the door, then walked back and stood in front of the Vampire.

"Why did you come here... how..." Jeongguk glared at him, he was happy to see him, he indeed missed him even though his Vampire's side started to get weaker. But now, after meeting this Vampire, he suddenly forgot his weak-side. He felt his Vampire's aura stronger than before. 

Taehyung did things to him... and he couldn't figure out what.

"How... you're so fucking brave..." he sighed and ruffled his own hair in frustration, "how you even get here from the library without getting caught?"

Taehyung stepped forward to be closer to this presence. "It's been only two days but it seems you've been missing me" he whispered close to him while his fingers traveled up on his tattooed arm. Jeongguk looked into the elder's eyes, felt his warm breath and smelled his sweet smell. 

"You're so annoying-" Jeongguk hissed before linking their lips together in full passion. They took a deep breath from their nostrils while their heart squeezed strongly. 

This small but passionate touch was everything they desired in these two days. 

Jeongguk's hands went around the other's waist, his palm grabbed Taehyung's ass tightly, made him moan into the kiss. 

Their lips brushed together while their eyes stared into each other. "We got some time... let me feel you Gukk" he whispered between the other's lips.

Jeongguk bit his lower lip, pulled it a little and released. "don't worry-" he suddenly grabbed his ass and raised him up, "you'll feel me really hard and deep inside you" he smirked and their bodies fell down on the bed.

Taehyung smiled with a small groan and devoured his lips with full desire and lust.


"Hyung-" Baekhyun entered the elder's room without knocking and noticed a female demon riding on his dick. He rolled his eyes and closed the door, "Suho, it's important if you can cum faster" he talked through the door.

Suho sighed, "I'm not in the mood anyway" he pushed the demon away from him, "go out"

"I-I'm sorry, sir" she was a servant in the kitchen. Suho saw her in the corridor and decided to release some stress out. She quickly got dressed and ran out of the room, walked past Baekhyun who shrugged it off. 

"What do you want Baek?" Suho wasn't in the mood for anything, he was so bothered and tired these days. He wanted to end this war now at this very moment and stop waiting for the week to end. 

"So... I know you're kinda depressed these days and I guess this news will make you worst-" he mumbled silently but that just annoyed the leader even more.

"Baek! speak up!" 

"Ahh... uhm..." he gulped before getting into the point, "so Taehyung came back... and also another Vampire from their brood-"

"Wait what?!" Suho knitted his brows and stood up from his bed, "what do you mean he came back?"

"He's with Jeongguk in his room"

"How?! how he got there?!" 

"I guess luck was by his side... and braveness" Baekhyun smiled, didn't have a proper answer cuz he also didn't know how.

"Oh Satan... this is bad, why??? why he came back here?! for sex with Jeongguk?!" Suho felt over-stressed now. It was damn dangerous for a Vampire to be in the mansion, how Taehyung can be so brave to come back?

"He said he needs to say something to Jeongguk, maybe it's important..." 

Suho ruffled his hair annoyedly and remember another detail, "wait, and the other Vampire... what about him?" 

"Tae said that he's in the cavern, waiting for him" 

Suho couldn't stop himself but face-palm. He walked past Baekhyun, "I'll take care of the Vampire, keep an eye on Jeon Jun and Junghyun" 

"For what I know, Junghyun went to sleep" Baekhyun followed him out of the room.

"Good, also, keep an eye on the short servant, this annoying jerk can be a big problem" Suho demanded and the other nodded, "and wake up the others so they can help, luckily most of the mansion sleeps, but still it's risky to let them stay here" 

"Alright Hyung, don't worry! we will make sure no one catches them!" Baekhyun smiled at him and was about to run and fulfill his leader's orders but then Suho stopped him again.

"I'll bring the Vampire to my room, tell Jeongguk when they finish fuck and talk so they should come here to take him"

Baekhyun laughed and nodded, "alright" he guessed that he can leave now and just ran to the first task, wake up the others in EXO Legion.

Suho sighed and ran to the library. He was damn worried about the situation, the only vampires that are in the palace are used to get raped or die in tortures. If a demon will catch Taehyung or this other Vampire, then they will be dead meat in one second. Especially when Jeon Jun and Junghyun already saw Taehyung before, they will recognize him for sure. 

He reached the library and opened the big door widely. He looked around the area, saw it was empty. But for some reason, he slightly could feel a demon's aura. "Is someone here?" he raised his voice a little.

"Oh sir!" a demon servant popped out of the sections. "I just cleaned here a little" he bowed formally.

"Leave" he demanded and the servant ran out of the library. Suho looked now at the shelves that linked to the wall, this bookshelf hid the secret escape. He walked closer to it, slightly felt the Vampire's aura.

He grabbed the bookshelf, hesitate for a second before fully opening it. His eyes caught the Vampire's ones, noticed him reading a book, more exactly a manga.

Hoseok's eyes widened the moment he saw this familiar face that makes his brain crazy these days. "You..." he mumbled while feeling his heart skipping a beat.

Suho sighed, he really didn't want to meet him again. He had nothing against Hoseok, but he was scared to be too close to him, because Hoseok was damn his taste.

"What the hell?" he mumbled while ruffling his head, "you are reading a manga while hiding here?! did you leave the cave???"

Hoseok suddenly started to laugh, he was nervous but also felt embarrassed for being caught by this demon. "Oh yeah, I got bored... don't worry I checked if there's a demon before getting out" he chuckled, "look it's a manga about two guys!!! finally!" he showed him the manga which had a cover of two boys and the title was 'Honto Yajuu'. "in my mansion, there were so many mangas of boy with a girl, and I've never actually understood why! I mean, sex between two men is more exciting... till I got to know that humans have different sexualities, like Ray-"

"Ok stop talking and come out" Suho cut his words, he waited for him to finish talking, but it didn't seem like he was going to stop soon. He grabbed his wrist and pulled him up into the library. "listen, most of the demons are sleeping now, I take you to my room so follow my lead and don't say one word" he pointed a finger at him just to show some threat.

"To your room?" Hoseok mumbled and suddenly felt himself getting pulled by the other. He gulped at the thought that they are going to be all alone in a room with a bed. His cheeks tinted into a soft pink. 

He shouldn't think about this!

The Legion leader closed the shelves so it will hide the secret exit and walked to the big doors of the library. He peeked out of the door and noticed that no servant was in the area. He looked at Hoseok and motion him to follow. The other put the book on one of the nearest tables and followed the other.

They quickly and successfully reached Suho's room. They had to run so no one will catch them on the way. Suho closed the door and locked it, "you stay here and don't get out till Jeongguk comes!"

Hoseok looked around him, scanned the big room. He suddenly started to feel his heart beating fast while looking at the big size bed. "Uhh... maybe I should go back to the cave" he turned and tried to walk past the other, but Suho blocked his way. 

"No!" Suho grabbed him but Hoseok still tried to push him away, "stop fighting-"

Suddenly Hoseok's leg tilted and without noticing he stumbled down while grabbing Suho's shirt. The two fell on the ground when Suho above him. "YAH what the hell is wrong with you?!" he shouted at the Vampire who stunned at him.

Hoseok gulped, now the situation was even more embarrassing. "Oh... it's..." he didn't know what to say but had one thing inside his head. "It's like in a manga... are we going to have sex now?" 

Suho's eyes widened. He still was above him, his hands on each side of Hoseok's head. He didn't expect this. "what?"

Hoseok started to laugh, "I- I don't know... it's like in a manga when they fall together and then kiss and have sex..." he mumbled to himself with his red cheeks.

Suho didn't know if he should laugh or not, the other indeed was funny but he still was confused.

"L-like- I read it in a manga before and t-that's what happened but maybe because it's hentai-"

"Do you want to have sex with me?" Suho suddenly asked, moved his head a little closer to him. 

Hoseok looked at him with his parted lips, slightly felt the other's breath caressing his face. He was lost in words, he didn't expect it. He was sure the other will stand up and leave.

"I'm a demon and you're a Vampire, you sure you wanna do it?" Suho noticed that the other was frozen.

"I... I've never done it with a Demon" he said silently. The known loudly Hoseok suddenly became flustered and silent.

"I've never done it with a Vampire" Suho confessed. It's true he had a crush on Chungha, but they never done it, she was too focused on Jeongguk.

"I-is it... ok?" Hoseok asked nervously. He wanted to have sex with him, he wanted those strong arms to grab him. His dreams and thoughts about this specific Demon made his recent days so messy.

"I don't know..." Suho mumbled, "do you think you can handle sex with a Demon?" he suddenly smirked. He actually wanted to try, Hoseok was incredibly his type from the first moment he saw him at his house. 

 That sentence woke up the pervert side of Jung Hoseok. He slightly snickered, "don't underestimate Vampires," he murmured and crossed his arms around the Demon's neck, made their faces closer. "-I like it rough" he whispered.

Suho's eyes opened widely in fascination, he still got the smirk which now showed how excited he was. He grabbed Hoseok's hips and raised him up from the ground. Suho was really strong, stronger than Hoseok obviously, so holding him wasn't a tough task. 

Hoseok startled and looked down over his shoulder, noticed his body on air. He then looked at Suho, and before managing to say something he felt his body falling down on a soft mattress.

"Then-" Suho climbed above him while taking his shirt off, "let's see how you can handle my dick" he showed his smug smile and bent down only to kiss roughly Hoseok's lips.


His tongue slid all over the length. Jeongguk laid naked on his back on the big bed. Taehyung was between his legs while giving him a slow and pleasuring blow job. 

He dragged his tongue up the base and swirled it around the tip, made Jeongguk groan out of this amazing pleasure. He kissed the shaft while looking up at Jeongguk's reaction. The younger looked down, made eye contact with the older. 

"Fuck... Tae... take it all-" he murmured silently.

Taehyung slightly smirked and took the tip into his mouth, he sucked onto it and swirled his tongue around it. Then he sucked again and licked it. This made Jeongguk groan a little louder, the other knew how to give a very good blowjob.

Taehyung enjoyed teasing him a little. His hand slid all over the length, up and down, when his mouth did miracles on the tip. 

While sucking on it, his thoughts travel into another place, he really wanted Jeongguk to ask him to bond with him again. He got those dreams that never left him, and it bothered him. He needs a Blood Bond, and he only wants Jeon Jeongguk.

'Should I tease him more?' he thought while mentally smirking. He got this idea that may show him what Jeongguk thinks of him. 

He took the dick into his mouth while pressing his tongue flat along the underside of the shaft. He inserted the whole member deep into his throat while listening to the other's groans. He knew that he was doing a great job by just hearing those groans. 

He took it out and looked at the younger while licking his lips, "what's for sure is... sex with you is the best" he smirked at Jeongguk and wrapped his lips around the shaft, sucked on it while hearing the silence. 'He doesn't reply...'

"What do you mean? did you have sex with someone else recently?" suddenly the younger mumbled, his eyes looked down at the brownish hair. 

Taehyung looked up at the other when the dick still inside his mouth. He took it out to answer, "mmm... yeah... with Yugyeom yesterday" he shrugged and slid his tongue over the member. 

Jeongguk knitted his brows while staring at the older. Taehyung only could wait for a reply when deep inside he was so proud of himself. 

Suddenly he felt his hair getting pulled up. Taehyung looked at the younger who glared at him. "You had sex with Yugyeom yesterday?"

'This glare... it says enough Jeongguk...' the older thought. He could feel Jeongguk's feelings towards him. "What's the problem Gukk?" he shoved the younger's hand away from his hair, "last time we met I let you know about my feelings towards you... I said that if not you then I need to fall in love with someone else so I can bond with them..." he looked into Jeongguk's eyes while actually saying the truth, "I'm not going to experience these nightmares about you! I'm done with them!" 

Silence filled the room, neither of them was in the mood for sex now. The atmosphere suddenly changed into a serious one. 

"So you go search for another dick..." Jeongguk mumbled, felt annoyed but also regret after those words.

Taehyung sighed, moved a little from the other. "Try to be in my shoes..."

Jeongguk looked at him, noticed that his words indeed hurt the other. He grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer to him, Taehyung's body stumbled to him and his eyes widened in the unexpected move. "Didn't we say that we will be... together?" Jeongguk looked at the other's shocked eyes, noticed the little gulp.

"I don't want to have those dreams again..." his voice was soft, he can't be mad at the younger after this innocent question.

Jeongguk pulled the other so he'll sit on his lap. His free hand grabbed his cheek ass to guide him where to sit. Taehyung of course obeyed. "We will find a solution after the war! just be patient with me, I'll save you from those dreams, from demons, from everything" he suddenly tried to convince him, which surprised both of them. Jeongguk's words just went out without controlling them, they were his true feelings. 

Taehyung's arms traveled around the other's neck, his fingers went between his soft locks. "I'm inside the palace, where demons around me... let me feel protected... now..." he whispered close to his face.

Jeongguk slightly kissed his chin and moved down to the smooth neck. "You can't move on from me Tae... Your heart is mine" he hugged him tightly while biting his neck to leave a visible sign of his teeth. His fangs weren't out so the bite wasn't piercing enough. 

Taehyung moaned softly, felt his body filling up in a desire for more of this warmth, these strong hands holding him. "Jeongguk-" he whispered, felt the other's tongue sliding up over his neck to his chin. He lowered his head only to link their lips together. "Jeongguk- don't let me go please-" he could feel his tears choking him while holding them back. He didn't want to be too emotional at this moment, but the thought of not being with this half-demon made him sad, depressed, scared. He wanted Jeongguk, he desired for this man, only him.

Jeongguk held him tightly, he caught his lips and kissed him, devoured his mouth with full passion. He sucked the lower lip and pulled it with a smooth sound. Then he released it, looked at the parted lips that were so close to him and then up at the half-lidded eyes. "Kim Taehyung-" he whispered while their lips brushing together, "you're mine" with not warning he inserted his tip into the older and pushed Taehyung's hips down on his lap. 

Taehyung moaned out, felt the length sliding into him and filling him up. "Oh- God-" he breathed out, felt so addicted to this pleasure. 

The two made eye contact, signed to each other to move. Taehyung raised his hips up only to push them back down. Another moan and another groan. Jeongguk's strong hands grabbed the other's asscheeks, squeezed it around his dick which made him groan. He felt the walls twitching, making the hole tight around his member. 

They started to kiss while moving their hips up and down in sync. Their bodies filled with pleasure and addiction. It was amazing like always.

They felt perfectly connected to each other like they never felt with others.

Taehyung raised his hips up while squeezing his hole around the dick. Jeongguk groaned into the kiss, felt like he's losing control of his sanity. Taehyung then pushed down only to fill himself up once again. Like this, he did several times while their moans were mixing together in each other's mouth.

"I'm close Jeongguk-" Taehyung moved his hips faster, couldn't control it anymore.

"Me too Tae- come with me" he whispered and pushed the other's body down on the bed. Taehyung groaned while feeling his back bumping the mattress. With no time to comprehend, he felt the other's dick pushing into him strongly, filling him up and bumping into his prostate with full force.

He moaned louder, couldn't control his own voice. His hands grabbed the sheets strongly, almost tearing them apart. "Jeongguk- Oh Gukk- yes yes!!!" he squeezed his asshole, crossed his legs around the younger's waist. 

"F-fuck- so tight-" Jeongguk groaned, pushing stronger and wider. He was so close to climax that there was no way they'll stop now. 

"I'm cumming- I can't!!!" Taehyung let out a long and satisfying moan when his semen shoot out on his body. Jeongguk pushed into him for another few pumps when the older moaned while feeling the orgasm all over his body.

"I'm cumming Tae-" he groaned and released his semen into the other. Taehyung moaned for the last time, felt his hole and stomach full with warm liquid. 

The two panted heavily while stopping in the same pose. Jeongguk's dick still inside him when his eyes stared at the beauty of the other. They stayed like this for long minutes, trying to catch their breathes. 

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes, looked back at the younger. Jeongguk didn't waste time and linked his lips with the other. They started to kiss passionately, opened their mouths and let their tongues play together.

They didn't have enough of each other. They could go for another round. and another. and maybe another. Till their bodies will faint.

Taehyung's arms crossed around Jeongguk's shoulders, pulled him closer just to deepen the kiss. Jeongguk's tattooed hand moved down to grab his side-ass only to squeeze it. Taehyung moaned out, still felt the huge dick filling him up inside. 

Jeongguk didn't want to take it out, the walls were so warm around his member, made him want to stay inside and maybe go for another round. He moved his lips down to kiss Taehyung's neck while his thumb sliding over Taehyung's bottom lip. "Gukk-" he felt Jeongguk sucking his neck only to leave another visible mark on it. "Gukk- I gotta go soon..." he let a small moan out.

Jeongguk raised his head up only to make eye contact with him, "let's go for another round and then" he smiled mischievously.

Before he managed to absorb Taehyung's beautiful smile he suddenly felt a very strong and familiar aura. His body straightened immediately and looked at the door. Taehyung felt the same aura and also sat up. Jeongguk stood up quickly started to get dressed and the other followed.

The loud knock echoed inside the room. Taehyung's eyes widened while feeling the strong and terrifying aura. 

Jeongguk shook his body and pulled him into the closet. He put his finger on his lips, motioned him to keep silent. Taehyung, who was at the verge of crying, nodded. Jeongguk closed the closet's doors and hurried to the entrance door. 

"Son, open up" he heard his father's voice through the door. His father was so fucking dangerous, if he know about Taehyung inside the closet it will be the end of both of them.

He lied few days ago about burning Taehyung's body and suddenly he's alive?! it will completely destroy his plan. EXO's plan. Bangtan's plan.

He opened the door while knowing it may be the end of his life. His and Taehyung's.


at least they will die together ;)

Kidding, sorry for teasing you guys, I love you all xDD

Thanks for reading, commenting and voting! it means a lot to me ❤️🥰

- ʀᴏʀᴏ💕

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"𝙾𝚑, 𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖! 𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚗𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚜! 𝙸𝚝'𝚜 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢'𝚛𝚎...𝚍𝚘𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚕𝚐ä𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑...
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𝐀 𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓: you are going to die. does this worry you? ❪ tua s1 ⎯⎯⎯ 4 ❫ © 𝙵𝙸𝚅𝙴𝙷𝚇𝚁𝙶𝚁𝙴𝙴𝚅𝙴𝚂...
290K 13.9K 93
Riven Dixon, the youngest of the Dixon brothers, the half brother of Merle and Daryl dixon was a troubled young teen with lots of anger in his body...