The Divine Souls (Reader x Ch...

By Lemonadedrinks

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You and your sister have both been fans of the two heroes, Frisk, and Chara. Along the way, you and Chara bec... More

First Day
First Day part 2
Trouble at the Carnival
Problems at every turn
Problem after Problem
Betty's Attack
The calm before the Storm
Author Note
Author Note part 2
Better or Worse
Unexpected Occurrence
Near death experience
New Abilities
The Arena Battle
The Final Battle
Author Note
Another one of these boring notes from me
Author note and also a new idea
Last update
Forgotten Past prologue
A brand new day

The fight against Bete

464 10 10
By Lemonadedrinks

                                                     (Third person Pov)

While walking back home, you notice that Chara was worried about something.

You: You okay Chara?

Chara: Huh.. Oh uh yeah I'm fine.

You: If you say so.

                                                     (Meanwhile with Bete)

Bete: Then why am I the one who ends up running away?

Bete slammed her fist into a wall, cracking it.

Bete: How many souls are infected?...

Akumu looked a bit hesitant.

Bete: SHOW ME!

Akumu hovered over Bete and morphed over  her, showing her all the souls they have created. Bete went over to one of the souls and held it in her hand. She looked at it with a face of anger and annoyance, and shattered the soul with her bare hand.

Bete: I won't use HATE to win this. I'll do it myself, I'll make them FEAR me. While crushing some of the souls she collected, she came  across a multi color changing soul. Asriel's soul. 

She grabbed Asriel's soul in her hand. As she was about to crush it, she stopped. She let it go and went over to a kindness soul that didn't seem to be infected with HATE.

Bete: This one will be enough. 

She drained the energy from the kindness soul.

Bete: Keep the rainbow one, and destroy the others Kumu.

While Kumu destroyed all the other souls, Bete walked over to Asriel's.

Bete: Use some HATE on him... There's no way they'll do the same thing again this time, I already looked into his memories. The only person that was able to, no longer can.           

Bete smiled to Akumu as it smiled back.

Bete: I think it's time. It doesn't matter if humans see me the way I used to look anymore does it? I never got used to be split in two anyway. 

She summoned her spear.

Bete: It was fun while it lasted.

She threw her spear at Akumu. When it hit, Akumu morphed onto the spear, and Bete called the spear back to her, as it impaled her. When the process was finished, Bete and Akumu were now one in the same.

Bete: Are you ready?

She was talking to the new Asriel that stood before her.

Bete: We'll go hunt down the ones who hurt you so much. You've made me retreat for the last time.


You were with Chara in her room, comforting her after the events of what happened yesterday. You were hugging her as she was bawling her eyes out. 

                                      (Meanwhile with (S/N) and Frisk)

While you were comforting your girlfriend, your sister was with Frisk helping them with anything they might need.

Frisk: You don't have to do this y'know.

(S/N): I know, but I want to.

Frisk: But why... I was so mean to both you and Asriel.... And had it not been for me he still might be...

(S/N): I know you did some bad things..... And I know that everything isn't good as we would want it to be..... But.... You know what, never mind.... Here you should eat up.

(S/N) was feeding Frisk soup with a spoon. Even though Frisk had mostly been the reason for Asriel's death (S/N) was still willing to stay by Frisk's side.

You had started to think that (S/N) had a crush on Frisk, but every time you asked (S/N) just denied it every time. Even though she did, you still had a feeling that she might have a crush on Frisk.


Chara had cried her eyes out and fell asleep right in your arms. You had laid Chara on her bed and tucked her in. You got up off her bed and walked over to the door. As you were about to leave the room, you heard Chara say something to you.

You: What'd you say babe?

Chara: Can... u.... sta... th.. eee...?

You smirked to Chara. Even though some of her words were incoherent, you were still able to understand most of it. You decide to crawl in bed with your girlfriend, as you both drift off to sleep, comfortable in each others arms.

                                                                 (Meanwhile (S/N)'s pov)

When Frisk was done eating their food, I set the dirty bowl down on the nightstand. I looked at Frisk's sleeping figure, so peaceful. How her gentle locks we on either side of her face as she slept. As I kept watching Frisk sleep, I felt my cheeks redden.

Did I have a crush on Frisk..?

As I crept closer to Frisk sleeping figure I took a hold of myself, and took the dirty bowl downstairs so it could get washed. After all we had to head to Gaster's lab in the morning anyway.

                                                       (In the morning Third person Pov)

Jessica was at Gaster's house, in the same room as Undyne.

Undyne: Don't feel bad. I don't blame you for what happened... None of us knew how to deal with this thing.

Jessica: It's not only that Undyne... All I've done in my life is make mistakes... Not only that, but others end up paying the consequences of my actions.

Jessica looked like she was ready to cry.

Jessica: First my daughter... then sans, Dr. Gaster... and now Alphys too...

Undyne: Alphys' death wasn't your fault Jessica... 

Jessica: Yes it was! If I hadn't dropped that black substance... That thing wouldn't of killed her...

Undyne: That thing didn't kill Alphys... 

Jessica had a look of sadness and confusion on her face, as Undyne looked like she was too, going to cry.

Undyne: I DID! 

Jessica: No... that can't be. It must've been a mistake.

Undyne: It was... I acted before thinking... and my attack hit her instead...

Jessica looked shocked at this point.

Undyne: How am I supposed to live with this guilt? I just want to tell her I'm sorry.

Jessica didn't really know what to do at this point, but she tried.

Jessica: Please don't do this to yourself... Believe me... I know what it's like to live with an unbearable guilt in your heart. Nobody deserves that... and certainly not you... It's not gonna be easy... and you probably feel like you won't ever be able to move on from that.

Undyne: It just hurts so much... every time I think about it... I don't want to live with this pain, but I don't want to forget her either... 

Jessica: This is not about forgetting what happened. You have to accept how bad it feels, so you can move on. It took me 20 years (Way to brag Jessica) to understand that. And it led me to hurt others in the process... Don't let the same happen to-

Jessica then hears footsteps outside the room.

Jessica: The others must've come back. Give a minute.

She leaves the room hoping to find everyone else, but instead finds more of that thing's blob creatures. She picked up the A.M.C soul weapon and fired at them. However, the more she fired the more her soul weakened. She was about to shoot and kill the last one but she then felt her soul shatter even more.

Undyne came out of the room to help, she readied her spear.... And froze... When she didn't attack the blob, it morphed part of itself into a scythe-like hand and stabbed Jessica in the abdomen. Then all of a sudden, a red trident came zooming past, and harpooned the creature, killing it.

Undyne: I- I'm...

Asgore: Toriel, (Y/N), attend Jessica's wounds. Quick.

You and Toriel, went to go quickly heal the injured woman's wounds.

Toriel: Miss Jessica!, Jessica! Wake up!

Jessica had barely opened her eyes due to the pain she was in.

Toriel: There we go... It'll be fine.

Gaster: Asgore, I need to go to my lab in the underground with Papyrus and Sans.

Asgore: Please go ahead. Come back up when you're read, we all need to talk.

Gaster: Papyrus please follow me.

Papyrus was hold sans in his arms.


                                                              (Small Timeskip)

Jessica was laying in a bed, while you and Toriel were still healing her.

Asgore: How is she?

 You: Not so well... That blob didn't hit any of her vital organs but... Her soul is cracking... I don't think it'll get better.

The three of you then heard what sounded like a phone ringing. Asgore picked up the phone while you and Toriel were still healing her.

Asgore: Howdy.

???: Hey Jess-- wait, who's this?

Asgore: Asgore Dreemurr. Miss Jessica can't answer right now... she's... hurt. We're trying to heal her up

???: What?! What happened?

Asgore: One of those pink blobs that were around the city managed to get inside our house, and she got attacked. I'm actually worried about everyone else's safety. We need a counter measure from inside the city. I know I have no authority over humans. But as the king of monsters. I'd like to ask you a favor. If you know of a safe area everyone can gather together, and focus our defenses there, please convince your superiors to do so.

???I was actually thinking the same... Jess told me yesterday it'd be okay. But I think this issue is bigger than what we thought. My men will set a perimeter around school and the arena, does that sound okay?

Asgore: Yes please, that'd be perf-

Toriel: ABSOLUTELY NOT! Gathering everyone at school will make that place bound to receive an attack, there are still children inside, we can't do that. As the queen, I do not approve this measure.

???: Asgore?

Asgore: I apologize for the interference. Please proceed with the plan.

???: Roger that.

Toriel: How dare you. Call him back and cancel it this instant! 

Asgore: With all due respect Toriel. Your role as the Queen ended when you abandoned our kingdom after our children died. You have nor will have any authority over this matter anymore. I'm sorry.

Toriel: I don't know why I'm surprised. It should be clear already how little you care for human children at this point. 

Asgore: You're mistaken Toriel...  Unlike you... I've always had the guts to put my kingdom over my own desires, and of course, act on behalf of it's well being. Please take care of Miss Jessica. I'll check on the others.

(Timeskip Yeah I  know there's quite a few more than needed but I need to watch glitchtale in order to make this, and that show has a lot of stuff to cover ;-;)

You were sitting in the living room with your girlfriend Chara, your sister (S/N), Frisk, Undyne, Toriel, and Asgore.

Asgore: I see.. So her intentions were bad from the very beginning... While I still wonder why you didn't tell us. I do understand the reasons for the decisions you made.

Frisk: I... I really though I could manage to do it on my own, I didn't want more people to... 

Toriel: It's alright Frisk. Now that we know what's going on. All of us can help you turn this around in our favor.

Asgore: Considering what you and Undyne tell me... this is no child we're facing, but the result of a twisted mind's spell. Who's only purpose is to cause chaos...

Toriel: So that thing is responsible for the attacks at the school... and the entire city.

Frisk: I'm.. I'm so sorry... It's my fault that Asriel got...

Chara: Frisk do you really want to be sorry?

Frisk: I really am.

Chara: Then you can prove it by not feeling bad for yourself. None of us could predict what would happen.

Frisk: But Asr-

Chara: Asriel's death wasn't your fault either. Besides we all fell that things tricks. 

Gaster: I believe he's still got a chance.

Asgore: Oh, hello Gaster. How's Sans doing?

Gaster: Let's not waste time discussing an issue that doesn't concern you Asgore. We've got bigger issues on our hands... and it looks like it'll be up to us to solve it.

You turned to see Frisk was a little worried about something.

Gaster: As I was mentioning. If what I think is correct, there might still be hopes for Asriel, and the other monsters this thing has captured. That is... assuming it hasn't destroyed nor fully drained the soul collected. 

Toriel: What about the humans?

Gaster: Sadly, Miss Toriel, the substance that was used to regenerate Sans' body is 100% magical... human bodies can not be regenerated this way. That's why we must act as soon as possible. It'll be up to Asgore, Toriel, and Chara to make Asriel break free from this thing's control. If your bond with him is strong enough, he should be able to do the rest.

You noticed Chara was holding your and had a worried and nervous look on her face. The two are siblings, adopted siblings sure, but they still have a very strong bond.... right?

Gaster: The only issue is, I have no idea where this thing is or where it will appear. 

Asgore: Actually, through Miss Jessica's phone, I was able to contact the human that's in charge of the defenses around the city. I told him to set a safe perimeter around the school and the arena, so humans and monsters can use the place as a refuge. 

Gaster: That makes things easier for us then. This thing is attracted to populated places, it'll more likely appear at one of these locations. 

Asgore: We can probably split, but if I were to choose, I'd say the arena is where she'll appear next. Considering the school was already attacked. Toriel, Frisk, (S/N) and I, can go to the arena, while Undyne, Chara, (Y/N), and Gaster take care of the school.

Gaster: No, I'm not going. I won't leave Papyrus alone to look after the wounded here. He's not fit for fighting. And I imagine Chara, (Y/N), and Miss Undyne will be more than enough to handle things at the school. 

Asgore: Very well then... if this thing happens to appear at school, Undyne might be able to do something for Miss Alphys. If what Gaster says is correct, you might be able to help her break free from her control as well.

You, Chara, Frisk, (S/N), and Gaster, all had the look of shock, while Undyne's was pure horror and sadness. 

Undyne: I... I don't-

Everyone then hears what sounded like an explosion.

(S/N): What was that?

Toriel: We need to go right now.

The rest of the group splits up as Asgore, (S/N), Toriel, and Frisk, all head over to the arena. While walking Frisk notices something as Bete gets ready to attack. Frisk blocks the attack with their shield and gets knocked back from the force of the impact. Asgore throws his spear at her, as she easily dodges it.

Bete: As excited as I am to fight all of you... I'm here to fight Frisk and finish what I started. As for the rest of you... I made a special treat... 

Asriel jumps down off a building and lands on the ground creating cracks on the concrete.

Bete: He's very angry with you... for how you treated him in the past.

Toriel: Asriel!! My child... please... I promise I won't ever leave you alone.

Leave me?... Just how you abandoned father... and your kingdom, when everyone needed you the most? Instead you ran away from your responsibilities... Hoy hypocrite can you get?... No wonder I don't feel anything for you anymore. 

Asriel summoned a lightning bolt attack above Toriel. Before the attack could hurt Toriel, (S/N) pushed her out of the way. (S/N) turned her hands orange and tried to absorb the attack but her efforts were futile. 

Frisk: (S/N)! 

When Bete tried to sneak attack Frisk, she was able to counter it with her own blade. But then she realized, Bete's blade came straight from her arm. 

Bete: Oh? Why are you scared? Is it because I've got a new look? Or is it because you know you won't win this battle?



This takes forever to do. 

Random person in my room: That's a lie, you haven't been working on this story  that much. You've just been hanging out with your friends.

And poof you go. Anyway yeah I've been hanging out with my friends because this takes a lot of energy to put in.

And that's beside the fact that I pride myself in making my chapters have at least 1000+ words in them. This chapter alone had over 2000+ words.

I'll see you guys next chapter. Ima go relax


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