By Bolt--

383 47 36

-Original Story- After an experiment gone wrong, Syr finds herself forcefully ejected into a strange new insi... More

Chapter Zero - Experimental
Chapter One - Fallen Angel
Chapter Three - Town Trip
Chapter Four - Late Night Excursion
Chapter Five - Free Real Estate
Chapter Six - Registration
Chapter Seven - First Taste
Chapter Eight - Confessions
Chapter Nine - Gearing Up
Chapter Ten - Cloak and Dagger
Chapter Eleven - A Compound Threat
Chapter Twelve - Slippery When Wet
Chapter Thirteen - Sonic Boom
Chapter Fourteen - A Small Respite
Chapter Fifteen - New Heights
Chapter Sixteen - Resource Compression
Chapter Seventeen - Sci/O;
Chapter Eighteen - Redistribution
Chapter ??? - #̵͙̂̐̀@̵̡̥͍̃̋$̶̢̭͔͋̏̔^̵̯̹̖͆͘*̶̰͕̈́̈́̒&̵̲͌̾́!̷̰̉%̷̛̙̩̩̋͘

Chapter Two - Ghost Town

29 5 0
By Bolt--

They weren't terribly far from the village, but it would still take some time to get there.

Syr followed closely behind, using the time to take in her surroundings and, of course, her new partner in adventure for the time being.

She thought her armor was quite unusual.

It followed similar principles to standard light armors she'd seen plenty before, but with an interesting almost retro-futuristic coating.

Various glowing channels inlaid throughout, she was curious for what purpose they might serve.

Her headgear was light as well and looked somewhat like a pair of antennas either side of her head, though Syr thought from the right angle they kind of made it look like she had animal ears.

They glowed all the same as the rest of her getup, a subtle cyan hue.

Then there was her weapon, it hung on the girl's hip but she couldn't really tell the full scope of what it might be, though the size and bulk of its boxy sheath led her to believe it was seemingly much too big for this girl.

She was barely taller than Nyr, however neither of them were particularly tall to begin with.

Nyr looked like she could be anywhere from 20-23 years old, while Syr herself was 25, though she couldn't recall her exact birthday.

She had to imagine the weapon was some kind of sword based on its profile, yet she couldn't imagine why a sword would need such a futuristic receptacle.

Her weapon turned a gear in Syr's head, she looked down to her sides and saw nothing.

Checking her back she felt nothing.

Pockets maybe?

..No pockets.

Not having a weapon in a world apparently where one is recommended did trouble her slightly, but for how eccentric she might have been, Nyr did seem quite confident and capable which brought some comfort back.

While she was checking, she took note of what she was wearing as well.

It appeared far less technical and thus much less sturdy if she were to find herself in battle.

However, she did notice that it was otherwise quite fanciful, not too gaudy, yet subtly ornate.

Light in color, with deep orange accents, the same type of glowing channels that Nyr has.

Also wearing a sort of dress-like outer piece where the bottom seemed to somehow flare out into an odd bell shape while still being able to flow like cloth, as not to be too inconvenient to move in, yet she got the feeling it could withstand a reasonable impact.

Under that was some more decorated under-armour, overlaying on top of a pair of black shorts that connected to her dark leggings by several strange glowing accessories.

The leggings have a strange pattern that itself also seemed to glow, giving them some peculiar properties.

They were perfectly comfortable to move around in, yet when given an impact, they seem to redistribute the force and displace some of the energy as well.

The shoes didn't seem that special outside of being rather stylish and with several accent pieces.

Finally, she also was wearing some fingerless sleeves on each arm that had similar properties to the leggings, only more ornate.

Bringing her attention back to her hair, beyond the divine shade of white, it was quite long with two full sidelocks either side of her face.

Her bangs were fairly well kept in a few sections, one of which swooped down and rested just barely between her eyes.

The back was fairly long and flat, sans some natural perturbations.

Even through the fog she felt as if this wasn't how her hair had always been.

She was starting to understand Nyr's comments about her being a goddess.

In reality it had only been a few moments since they had set off and you could already tell Nyr was getting antsy with the silence.

Nyr - "Mmmmmmmm sooo, Syr huh.. It's a nice name. Is it short for anything?"

Syr - "Maybe it was once, maybe someone used to know. I don't know why but, I don't feel like I have any family left for me."

To herself

Nyr - 'Yikes..'

Nyr - "Well.. I know we've only just met and all, but I get the feeling you're a pretty special person. Going by all the nonsense that's happened.. Funny too. Anyone would be happy to have you as a friend. For what it's worth, I'm right here."

It felt like she had wanted to say more, but she stopped herself there.

Syr had her own rush of thoughts as well, yet all she managed was:

Syr - "T-Thanks.."

Nyr ~ Oh gosh, that was way too forward of me, wasn't it..?

Another briefly awkward pause goes by before Syr returns the questioning.

Syr - "What about you? Your name, you used a few old German words. Are you a descendant or something?"

Nyr - "Oh, no.. I just used those because I thought it would sound cool. I might have been wrong.."

Syr - "Eheh, well I thought you sounded pretty sharp."

Nyr - "Really?"

Syr - "Yeah, like a famous hunter."

Nyr - "Huntress!"

Even with the correction, Nyr still giggles to herself assuredly.

Syr - "Either way, it's endearing anyone would still use old language like that. But wolfram, tungsten, really?"

Nyr - "Heyy, it's like, a hard metal ok!"

Syr - "You don't seem that hard to me."

At this they both had to laugh a bit, Nyr stopping for a moment to let Syr catch up to her side.

Stopping laughing and re-opening her eyes, Nyr spots a smiling young huntress-to-be.

Syr - "What's that look for..?

Nyr - "Whehh-? M-Maybe I look nice and soft to you, but you'll get to see what I'm really made of soon!"

Syr - "Heh, I'll be looking forward to it~"

Nyr - "E-Ehh..?!"

They quickly make their approach into the abandoned village, the buildings around them dampening the natural ambiance and replacing it with eerie silence.

Nyr - "So the guy I'm working for that sent me out here is wanting to reclaim this village. It's in a nice scenic spot and figures he could make some easy Zenith by claiming an already built settlement for the low low price of, well, me."

Syr - "Zenith?"

Nyr - "Oh, that's the currency around here. Or Zenni for short. It has something to do with that orb that's always overhead, lighting up our way. It's the symbol of wealth in this world for some reason, I guess nothing could really get done without it, but it just sounds greedy if you ask me."

She could've just stopped after that first sentence.

She always seemed to say more than she needed to, but Syr found this charming, she could just listen to what Nyr had to say without feeling a need to say much back.

Nyr - "Anyway, nobody has really been able to deal with this village because of some 'apparition' that has apparently made this place its home. I figure that's probably what cleared out the village in the first place."

Nyr - "So what do you think? Should we split up, cover more ground that way?"

Syr - "I uh.. don't have a weapon."

Nyr - "Hmmmmm.. I see. So you're unarmed and helplessly afraid to be out here alone! No matter, for I.."

She strikes the same pose from earlier, eyes closed, and takes a breath.

Nyr - "The great huntress, Nyrelye, shall protect you m'lady!"

Syr candidly flicks the unaware huntress in the forehead.

Nyr - "Ow.. Yeesh, fine, got it, won't treat you like you're my goddess anymore."

Nyr - "Well, you can stick by me. We'll get you a weapon after we're done here."

Syr nods as they make their way to the first building to check out.

Opening the door lets out a creek that would be inaudible if not for the uncanny silence.

Nyr appears unfazed by the atmosphere, but a closer inspection would show she is indeed vibrating.

After checking out the immediate space inside, she beckons for Syr to follow in.

Syr doesn't pay any mind to the creepy zone they've wandered into.

In a hushed tone

Nyr - "We should keep our voices down.."

Syr gives another nod and they slowly make their way through the building and out to the other side.

Nyr - "Welp, nothing in there I guess. You feel anything.. off, in there? "

Syr - "Nope."

Nyr - "Yeah, me neither. It's weird, I thought it would be spookier. Y'know, like if there was a ghost here, shouldn't there be some kind of paranormal vibe going on?"

Syr shrugs.

Nyr - "Keep on your toes anyway, there has to be something here or else we wouldn't need to be here."

They keep making their way through empty buildings that haven't had quite enough time for nature to start reclaiming them.

All the buildings here were still in livable condition, albeit empty of personal belongings.

By now it was getting dark.

The sky was an almost unnatural feeling spherical gradient of soft, bright reds, pinks, and purples.

Nyr - "Aw man, I was really hoping to have this done before dark. This does not seem like a fun place to be at night. Well, at least not right now, I'm sure it'll be lovely once we clear it out and they get this place going again!"

The thought of seeing this place bustling and once more glamorously lit up against the night sky refills Nyr's drive to rid this place of whatever is haunting it.

They walk up side by side out front of a bigger building near the center of the village.

Nyr - "Hmmm, this place looks more important than the rest. Perhaps belonging to whoever was once in charge here. Hmhm, well once we're done, it's going to be mine!"

Syr quickly turns to look at her with a face showing concern for how this girl would run a town.

Nyr - "Ha hah, relaxx, I'm joking. Naa, logistics and management aren't really my style."

With a smug look she makes a silly motion to her oversized weapon.

Making their way inside, they walk through some kind of entrance area.

Nyr - "That's odd, this place still has its furnishings.. Wonder why."

Syr - "Maybe something prevented anyone from taking them."

Nyr - "Yeah.. So keep a lookout."

Nyr opens a large door leading into a spacious room with high ceilings that looks like some kind of gathering space.

Tall windows line the walls either side, letting in what's left of the fading dusk light.

Nyr - "Woaahh, this place is-"

Syr quickly grabs Nyr's arm.

Nyr - "Wha-"

Caught off guard, she follows Syr's gaze up to a pair of soul piercing eyes.

They gleamed with a ghastly purple irradiance that was perceived to stare right through them.

Surrounding the eyes was.. nothing.

Nyr desperately latches onto Syr's arm.

Nyr - "S-Syr.."

Syr - "..Yes?"

Nyr - "I-I forgot about s-something.."

Syr - "And that would be?"

Nyr - "I-I'm afraid of ghosts!!!"

Syr - "What?!"

Nyr squeezes her eyes shut while holding onto Syr.

Before they could compose themselves, the ethereal eyes flashed a pulse of bright light and some kind of luminous projectile was hurled at the half-cowering duo.

Without so much as a gasp, Syr yanks themselves out of the way and behind some furniture for cover.

Syr - "You're afraid of ghosts, and you take on a ghost hunting quest?!"

Startled by the emotion in Syr's voice, which up until now had been quite absent, Nyr reopens her eyes and looks up at her.

Nyr - "I said I forgot, OK!"

Syr's eyes had the same diffractive shade as her hair, but now she had a certain spark Nyr hadn't noticed before, a fierce unflinching gaze.

This beams a hint of sense back into Nyr and she looks back up where the ghost was, but when her sight meets the eyes of death, she notices something off.

The area around the apparition momentarily shimmered with a sort of iridescent distortion.

Nyr - "Wait.. That's no ghost, it's just using active camouflage!"

She gets up and moves back out into the open, walking nonchalantly towards the unknown figure.

The being's eyes flash once more.

Syr - "Nyr-!"

In an instant, Nyr unleashes her sword in one fluid motion slashing the spectral projectile and redirecting it to the side and through the wall of the building, leaving a small smouldering hole.

Syr's eyes open wide in awe of what she just saw, though she wasn't quite sure what exactly it was that she witnessed.

Time seemed to freeze on this moment.

She felt like she saw some kind of grid-like disruption at the point of impact.

But Nyr's slash was faster than she thought anyone could move a sword, of any size, let alone her sword which now unsheathed was revealed to be a large, straight, sword.

She didn't really have time to admire Nyr's weaponry right now though, as there was still an unexpired threat in the room.

Nyr turns her head to the side to glance back at Syr with a radical smug grin on her face, and makes a short affirmative grunt as if to confirm Syr's cool impression of her.

But Syr was just as confused as she was impressed.

Nyr quickly grabs a small but hefty object from a nearby table and hurls it at the still-floating spectre.

It donks off of seemingly nothing and bounces away, the makeshift projectile does the trick though and rapidly from the point of impact the being's camouflage dissipates to reveal a large bat-like creature.

Nyr - "Heh- Ooow!"

Her celebration was short lived, as the object she threw bounced off and bonked her on the head.

Syr looks on with a grimaced grin.

Nyr - "Grrrr.. That's it you stupid flappy bastard! Get down here and fight me!"

With that the creature drops from its inverted perch on a lighting fixture and unfolds its wings to hastily maneuver towards Nyr, letting out a sharp screech as it does so.

Without even flinching Nyr effortlessly brings her sword down and across just as fast as before.

A faint emissive disruption appears to trail the sword's blade as it glides through the air with little resistance.

In the blink of an eye, the encounter was over.

The creature's head, now separate from its body, bumbled across the floor of the building leaving a trail of anomalous liquid behind it.

Where Syr expected blood, she found a substance more analogous to a thick oil.

She was confused, but unfazed by the gross development.

Nyr scoffed at the pathetic creature and did a quick twirl of her blade for flair before comboing into sheathing it.

Nyr - "Hmph, piece of cake!"

She pauses for a moment, as if waiting for some kind of praise from a certain girl who is far too preoccupied by the large beast.

Syr stands near the deceased creature to observe it's foreign design.

It's similar in build to a lion-sized bat, but it has various metallic platings with shallow, once glowing, channels running through them.

They remind her of Nyr's armor and weaponry.

Nyr - "Sheesh, all that fright and buildup for a stupid bat. I can't believe this is what cleared out an entire village and kept anyone from reclaiming it."

Syr - "Well, it was invisible."

Nyr - "Not invisible, just very well hidden! But you're right though.."

She drops into thought mode again.

Nyr - "I've never seen any cybeasts with camo abilities like that.. Hunters sure but.."

Syr - "I'm sorry, 'cybeasts'?"

Nyr - "More like sigh-beasts am-I-right?! Wait, that pun doesn't make any sense when you say it out loud. It was awful anyway, I'm sorry. But y'know, like, 'cyber-beasts'. Think cyborg, but beasts.. Look, I don't name these things ok."

Syr - "Uhh- Huh.."

Nyr - "Still, it is weird. The camouflage, not the naming, although equally weird, aghh, point is, that wasn't normal. I don't know what this means, it's probably nothing, but it could be who or whatever is making these things is getting craftier. Or.. maybe they're evolving? I don't know.. We simply don't have much to go on here. We'll have to report this when we get back."

Syr could hardly keep up with all this new information, and the rate at which Nyr dropped it on her.

Looking out the window though shows how little light there was left in the day.

Nyr - "But we won't be able to make it back at this time. You don't want to be traveling out here at night by foot."

Nyr - "C'mon, we'll make camp outside of the village. This place gives me the heebie-jeebies. Besides, it gets quite cold at night and we'll want to start a fire."

Having fell the enigmatic creature, they make their way out of the building and back into the streets where the air of the village already feels lighter.

Syr - "Shouldn't we clean up that thing's body or something?"

Nyr - "Naa, without that fluid circulating inside, it'll dissolve the body. Scavengers will probably come through and take care of what's left. And even if not, the people restoring the village can deal with it. Bio-disposal was not part of the agreement."

Syr - "That sounds.. creepy.."

Nyr - "Yeah well, that's just how things are around here. And you better get used to it because I can already tell you're going to be a force to be reckoned with once we get you equipped. You'll have that goop flying left and right!"

Syr - "Yay.."

Nyr flashes her a smile and a laugh.

Exiting the village, Syr notices something peculiar.

Syr - "How can there be stars in the night sky here?"

Nyr - "Ahh how perceptive of you! Well, to be more accurate, those aren't stars. They're the brightest lights shining through from other towns and cities."

Syr's eyes light up at this realization, looking up through an unfathomable distance and seeing the luminance of so many other individuals going about their night life.

Syr - "Woahh.."

Nyr - "Pretty, isn't it?"

She gives Syr a friendly pat on the back and rests her hand there.

Nyr - "Thanks.. For uh, you know, back there.. Saving me.. or well, us, heh.."

Nyr - "I forgot how cripplingly afraid of ghosts I am. I thought.. maybe now that I've gotten stronger I could face this on my own but, I guess not.."

Nyr looks down to the ground, a gloomy tinge to her eyes, her hand drops from Syr.

Syr - "It was no big deal, I simply reacted quickly to a threat."

Nyr - "Yeah.. Well I'm glad you did. N-Not that I couldn't have taken that hit! Barely would have left a mark.."

Nyr - "A-Anyway, we should get the fire going!"

Syr - "Right."

They assemble a few assorted pieces of wood from around the edges of the forest surrounding the village and light a modest fire suitable for cooking over.

Nyr removes an undefined bundle of salted meat from her storage pouch that looked too small to store much of anything.

The meat looked unfamiliar, but Syr was too afraid to inquire the origin.

The magician girl sets up a portable spit that she was sure Nyr could not have had room to be carrying before.

Emitting a welcome sizzling sound and an admittedly appetizing aroma, the meat revolved over the fire time and time again.

Nyr - "Uuuu I am starving! I didn't have time to eat earlier after running late to get here and then a certain someone causing an unexpected detour!"

Syr - "Sorry about that.."

Nyr - "Hah! This girl is apologizing for falling out of the sky! I only tease, ya goof. I'm glad I ran into you, or I guess that you ran into the ground. Wait is that rude? Oh forget I said anything.."

Syr - "Eheh.."

Nyr - "How about you? You hungry? Who knows when the last time you ate was, what with the whole-

She makes a silly hand motion and whistling sound mimicking their unusual introduction.

Nyr - "-And the amnesia thing."

Syr - "Well, now that you mention it.. I do feel a bit peckish."

Nyr - "Oh pleeease, there's no need to be so reserved. C'mon, you can have as much as you want, I've got plenty where this came from!"

Syr - "U-Umm, speaking of which, where did it come from?"

Nyr - "Hmmm.."

She pauses in genuine thought trying to remember exactly where she procured this meat.

Nyr - "An Autonoth."

Syr - "Oh, I see.."

Nyr - "Right, haha. We're bound to see some on our way back tomorrow, I'll point them out for you when we do."

Syr - "Are they.. cute?"

Nyr ~ Not as cute as you..

Nyr ~ Oooh no do not say that..!

Nyr - "Eheh.. Thankfully not, since they're so tasty. Makes killing them slightly less bad."

Nyr - "Oh but, there's plenty of cute critters in this world! Plenty of animals make great pets and combat companions. I'm sure we could find you one that would melt your heart."

Syr - "Hm, any small, fluffy four legged creatures? Perhaps one with an adorable little snout and tiny ears..?"

She looked a bit embarrassed talking about such cute things.

Nyr starts to get a smug look before suppressing it, needless to say she was already scheming something.

Syr didn't notice as her mind was on 'fluffier' matters.

Nyr - "Wellll, I'm not suuure.. I'll keep that in mind though!"

Nyr - "Mmm! Meats ready! C'mere and try this!"

They sit next to each other by the fire, Nyr hands her some of the meat on a skewer.

There wasn't anything particularly nuanced about the meat's preparation, nonetheless, Syr bites into it for a savory surprise.

Syr - "Oh! It's so tasty.."

Nyr - "Eheh, yepp! Not that many know about this stuff, since the creature it comes from is so ugly, no one really thinks that much of 'em. That and getting the meat from wild beasts without them getting corrupted by that goop is more than tricky. I, however, a great huntress, happen to know a few trickier-than-tricky tricks to deal with that!"

She looked so pleased with herself over that, but was it her hunting prowess, or her silly wordplay?

Probably both.

Syr - "That sounds interesting, how do you do that?"

Nyr folds her arms, resigning to a playfully snooty pose.

Nyr - "Hmmh! Not telling. Trade secret."

Nyr - "Thouuughh, if you become my apprentice, I might pass it on to you someday.."

Syr - "Hmm, alright, master Nyrelye."

She chuckles and nudges Nyr gently with her elbow.

Nyr is taken aback and flustered by this response, clearly not anticipating such quick acceptance of this.

Nyr - "Oooo do not get cocky with me, you rapscallion!"

Syr immediately puts on a forced, completely serious demeanor.

Syr - "Yes, sensei."

Nyr - "Aaand do not call me that!"

They both laugh before returning to their meat and digging in deeper.

Syr - "Say, this quest sounded like it could've been tough, but you came out here by yourself. Do hunters always travel alone, or are you just that good?"

Nyr - "Oh.. No.. Usual monster hunting parties are groups of four.."

Her hand clenches onto her leg.

She was clearly upset, but Syr was a bit dense when it came to emotional subtlety.

Syr - "Then, what about you?"

Nyr - "I.. I'm not strong enough to protect my friends.."

Syr - "But we're friends, and you protected me."

Nyr - "Wha- Friends..?"

Syr - "You practically said so yourself already. Plus you took care of me after I fell out of the sky, then we explored a ghost town and took out some crazy robo-bat together. What do you call that if not friendship building material?"

Nyr sniffles before answering.

Nyr - "A crazyyy Thursday..?"

They both gave a lighthearted chuckle.

Syr - "Eheh, well, I think we're at least friends after what we went through today. I really appreciate what you're doing for me. To be honest, It's scary being tossed into the unknown with no memory of anything.. But, it's easier when there's someone to do it with. I'm kind of excited to travel back and find out what the town is like. I wanna see what kind of weapons I can get my hands on, especially after seeing that crazy thing you're packing. And I want to get my hands dirty, find out what this hunting thing is all about. But, 'seems like it would be difficult to do all that alone.."

Syr - "So, if you don't mind, I'd like to join your hunting party."

Nyr - "B-But.. I wasn't strong enough to protect you when you were relying on me.."

Syr - "I saw how strong you are."

Nyr had to fully blush at this, after all, she'd really been trying to impress her that whole time.

Pretending not to be scared while checking out the abandoned buildings, the swift dispatching of that beast (albeit with a side of unexpected bonk), the show-offy moves with her sword..

Syr - "You did protect me. There's no way I could have taken that thing alone."

Nyr - "But-"

Syr - "And I protected you."

She turns to look Nyr in the eyes.

Syr - "We'll protect each other to make up for our deficiencies. It's as simple as that."

Syr wasn't exactly trying to make her feel better, she was just saying the truth, the way she saw things.

Still, there's no denying the effect this had on Nyr.

Nyr dropped the remaining few bites on her skewer and flung her arms around Syr in a haphazard fashion.

Nyr - "Thank you..!"

Startled by the attack, Syr almost drops her food as well.

Syr - "W-Woah!"

Nyr - "You saved me in more ways than one today, heh.."

She disconnects and wipes the wet spot forming in her eye.

Nyr - "I'd be super happy to have you with me.."

Syr flashes her a friendly smile.

Syr - "Of course."

Feeling better now, Nyr sniffles once more before changing the subject.

Nyr - "But, what's with you? You seem a bit.. different than you were earlier."

Syr - "Oh, I don't know.. I guess the excitement of that battle sort of lifted my head out of the fog a little."

Nyr - "That sounds great! You mean you feel better now? Do you remember anything yet?!"

Syr - "Woah, calm down. I don't remember anything.. Except, well, I'm not sure but it felt like I have some kind of combat muscle-memory that triggered back there. When I pulled us into cover."

Nyr - "Aw man.. Well that's still interesting. So my intuition about you was right after all!"

Syr - "Maybe.."

Nyr shares a few funny stories from her adventures while they finish up their meats, then tosses Syr a waterskin fashioned from a curiously textured animal hide.

Nyr - "Drink up! Gotta replenish those fluids as well y'know."

She tentatively takes a sip from the vessel to gauge its contents, but after getting a taste of the fresh water, she quickly downs the remaining liquid.

Nyr - "Sheesh, someone must have been thirsty."

Syr - "Eh, sorry.."

Nyr - "Don't sweat it. But wait, you probably will sweat that out later.. Ohh now is not the time for such pedantry! We can just refill our water from the river later."

Nyr - "Welp, time to log out!"

Syr - "What..?"

Nyr - "Eh-? O-Oh! Eheheh.. Don't mind me, just some goofy slang for going to sleep..! Yeah..!"

This was weird to Syr, in the same way Nyr seemed to have a weird way of talking about a lot of things here, but she just chalked it up to some cultural difference.

Nyr makes a motion which implies she has just realized something unfortunate.

Nyr - "Oooh.."

Syr - "Huh?"

Nyr - "I only have the one tent, y'know, for me.."

Nyr - "Oh but, I mean it's a small tent but, I think you could squeeze in with me! Uh, if you want, I mean.. Oh you know what, I'll just let you sleep in the tent, I don't need it. I'm tough, a night under the lights won't hurt me!"

Syr giggles at Nyr's frantic rationalizing and attempt to appear durable.

Syr - "It's ok. I don't mind packing together."

Syr - "Though, where is this tent?"

Nyr - "Oh, it's just in my pouch!"

She reaches into the pouch whose ever-growing mystique still eludes Syr, and pulls out a high-tech looking device that was impossibly small to contain a tent, of any size.

Pressing a button on the contraption and tossing it nearby, it unfolds promptly into a tent that, despite the futurism of its container, looked simply quaint.

Syr found the juxtaposition between the two aesthetics a tad comical.

Syr - "Wow.. Are all tents like that here?"

Nyr - "Mmmm, just this one. It's the only one small enough to carry in your pouch."


Syr - 'Right, that pouch..'

Crawling into the tent, they try to make themselves comfortable and claim opposite sides of the small area, attempting to optimize the space for the both of them.

Nyr - "Aw crud, I forgot the blanket I have is just a small personal blanket.."

Nyr - "Well I was about to sleep outside anyways. You can use it, you're my guest after all, heheh.."

Syr - "If you insist.."

Not a minute goes by before Syr hears a quiet yet distinct chattering sound.

Nyr - "S-S-Syr.."

Syr - "..Yes?"

Nyr - "I'm c-cold.. D-D'you think-"

Syr lets out a friendly sigh that seems to convey the sentiment 'what am I gonna do with you?'

She lifts the blanket and scoots over to Nyr, sliding her under the blanket with her.

This, of course, has left the pair with no personal space.

Nyr turns to look at her with a goofy expression, her face flush with a tiny embarrassed smile.

Then she proceeds to quickly spout off excuses without thinking, lest Syr think she did this on purpose just to be closer.

Nyr - "Thank you, It was just so cold and I didn't think it would be that cold but then I was shivering and I didn't want to log out while my body was all cold or else tomorrow I'll come back and I'll have a debuff and-"

Syr - "Shhhhhh....."

Syr's eyes were already closed and she was evidently drifting between the two realms, she either didn't hear or didn't care what Nyr was saying.

Nyr simply gave her one last look before a bigger smile came to her face and she wrapped herself around Syr's arm trying to get warm, and rested her head against her shoulder.

Nyr - "Goodnight, Syr.. Thanks again, I'll see you tomorrow.."

All she got back in response was a sleepy grumble.

Then a strange sharp pulse sound echoes through the tent, waking Syr enough to open her eyes and see what the commotion was.

But all she saw was Nyr, who was out like a light.

Without even registering what happened, she drifts away again.

End of chapter two

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