š‹šØš¬š­ š’šØš®š„š¬ M.R.

By alittlefreak101

996K 16.8K 30.9K

If he was the darkness and she was the light.. why was she the one to destroy everyone including the light ? ... More

Author's Note
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š‘¬š’‘š’Šš’š’š’ˆš’–š’† || part 1
One Last Acknowledgement
š‘¬š’‘š’Šš’š’š’ˆš’–š’† || part 2
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30.6K 504 1K
By alittlefreak101

,Her angel eyes saw the good in  many devils'

After my conversation with the Headmaster  I went back to the common room only to find out that everyone got sent to the infirmary.  His words echoing in my ears . ,,Not so different.''

As I was entering the infirmary I was met with a feeling of guilt. Maybe if I would've reacted faster , I could've prevented them from getting hurt.


I couldn't have known that a psycho is going to come and hex us all to pieces. At least I did hit him. Once.

Pansy was laying in one of the beds, everyone around her. She might have a concussion from hitting that wall.

I made  my way to the group of people,  prepared to either get scowled at or thanked for.

Jacob was the first one to notice me walk towards them.

,,Hey.. how is she?" I ask nervously,  fidgeting with the hem of my shirt.

,,She hit the wall pretty badly. But Madam Pomfrey said that she'll be fine. Malfoy on the other  hand is knocked out cold." I gulp feeling remotely  reliefed. Mattheo Riddle hit Draco with the Crucio curse. An Unforgivable. 

,,And you? How are you  feeling?'' I question him looking up to meet his gaze.

,,I've been worse. He was pretty merciful with me.'' He replies lazily. Tons of questions filling up my unraveled mind. Had his brother hurt him before? Out of all questions I could've asked, only one  dared slip out of my mouth.


,,He's  You-Know-Who's son. What could you be possibly expecting?''

,,But he's your brother-''

,,He's also a soulless piece of shit.'' his tone was flat. 

I could've asked more , but this was not the time or place to question him.

I look over at Daphne and Blaise, both of them sitting in armchairs whispering to each other. I took a step forward , moving away from Jacob . Blaise's head snaps up to me, his mouth slighty open. Daphne stares at him before turning her head to me ,a small smile appearing on her exhausted face. I sit on the other armchair, my back faced to the occupied beds behind me.

,,What did Dumbledore want from you?''

,,Are you in trouble?''

I shake my head lightly while crossing my legs.

,,No he was just..being weird..I guess? But that's not important,  I'm not in trouble or anything." I answer truthfully .

I wasn't in any trouble really. He never punished me for my actions,  but I don't see why he would either. I was defending us and also doing them a favor by knocking him out cold. Maybe next time I'll try to use my brain and come up with a plan before someone ends up in the infirmary.

If there will be a next time.

The thought made my face turn into a scowl. How could this infuriating boy  just walk into the common room like he owns the bloody place and make such a drastic appearance.

,,Hello brother."

A shiver ran up my spine,  his words echoing through my head. How could Jacob be related to such a  crazy person. But they don't have the same last name.. so maybe the only parent on both of their sides is the mother? Or worse.. father. That doesn't make any logical sense why he would be so bloody crazy about it. What past do  they have together? Why would Riddle walk in and start a fight  with his own brother. Has he done something ? Is this how they formally greet each other? I can see why they would feel hatred for each  other.. I mean.. anyone could really see it from one specific side after that shit show  in the common room.  Then again it doesn't seem right. If they do hate each other why would they be going to the same school? Afterall he is the son of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named so why would He be at this school in the first place? Has he been here before?

Many questions were nagging at my brain. But somehow I knew that just spitting out questions won't give me the answers I wanted. The two silhouettes  in front of me snapping me out of my trance.

,,Sorry did you say anything?" I ask bitting the inside of my cheek. I'm zooming out again, one of my bad habits.  This tend to happen a lot when I was little and I was with my head stuck in a book trying to figure out bloody riddles until my head started to hurt.  Don't get me wrong , I always found out the answer one way or another,  but I kept zooming out and looking further into the question , adding my own questions to it.

And I can't help but feel the need to find the answer to this Riddle.

Both of them blink at me before breaking into a small laughter making my cheeks turn scarlet red.  ,,You just looked like the whole future flashed before your eyes."

A small nervous chuckle escapes my mouth .  Where would be the first place to go if you needed answers about someone? Or more like the most evil wizard's son?

I stood up abruptly almost knocking the armchair behind me in the process, it's legs scraping against the marble stone floor.

A mumbled apology left my lips before I was walking out the infirmary doors going straight for the common room. For some reason I feel like I should be scared, terrified, of the raven-haired boy. But I didn't feel that. Not even remotly scared.
On my way there I was hoping to see even a glimpse of  that  boy and confront him.

For some reason I didn't,  and some part of me is really glad about it. I came face to face with the portrait of our common room, hissing the password and walking through the make shifted door sprinting up to my dorm not even stopping at the sound of my name coming somewhere from the green and black couches.

I opened my door and slammed it shut behind me locking it with  multiple locking charms. The last thing I wanted is someone interrupting me. I was going through my trunk trying to find a small green diary. I don't own a diary because I feel the need to write down my biggest secrets on paper for everyone and anyone to see. Even tho sometimes it feels good to let it all out and write it down when you don't have anyone to talk to. Especially when a Notice-Me-Not spell is easy to use.

A victorious smile tuged on my lips the moment my fingers found the tail of the diary.  I pulled it out and plopped on my perfectly made bed, stretching my hand out and using non verbal magic to accio a quill from my desk. I freeze in shock. Did I just? I've never tried using non verbal spells before and succeed so well. My mind went back to the raven-haired boy before I could think any further about the unexplainable act.

I was scrolling through the full written pages finally stopping at an empty page with one heading. Draco Malfoy. I crossed the name out ,his mental sketch could wait and wrote a new name above.

Mattheo Riddle

As dangerous as it sounds. I'm going to  solve this riddle.


The next couple of days passed by in a blur.  Draco woke up the following morning and with Mrs Pomfrey's help he was back on his feet in no time.

I was trying to have a normal eye to eye conversation with him , both of us sitting in the armchairs next to Pansy's  bed when she finally woke up  groaning while  trying to sit up only to be pushed back down by Mrs Pomfrey, who came out rushing in seconds  and having a potion  down her throat.

Her face formed into one of disgust before turning her head to her visitors.

,,Look who finally woke up." I sing.

,,Took you long enough." Draco adds earning a shove from me and a deadly stare from Pansy.

,,How long was I gone for?" She asks bringing her attention to me.

,,This is the third day. You were injured pretty badly but nothing too damaging."

She rolls her eyes before turning her head back to Draco , the sound of her voice muffled in my ears. An aching pain poking my head. I stand up everything turning dizzy making me lose my balance but being caught  by two cold hands. I open my eyes to be met by two grey ones.

,,Sorry I got.. dizzy." I apologize while standing back up again.

,,What's up with you?" He asks his eyebrows furrowed.

,,Just- I get this headache from time to time whenever I forget to eat breakfast."

,,Then go eat breakfast, Malfoy can join you . I'll be fine on my own."  Pansy demands.

I nod and walk down the halls to the Great Hall, Malfoy on my trail. As we walk in silence a whimpering sound makes us both stop in our tracks and look around.

,,What was that?" I ask nervously.

,,Don't know, don't care." Malfoy replies dryly already walking again. I grab his arm whipping him back around, another whimpering  sound filling my ears.  

,,Where the hell is it coming from?" I ask once again. Both of us turn around to be met by the raven-haired boy who made quite the impression only less than a week ago. My gaze drifts over to his left, a young boy maybe in his 2nd year, crying while holding out his now broken wand.

,,What did you do?" I step forward only to be pulled back by Malfoy.

,,Did you break his wand?" I further question.

Riddle smirks at me, a shiver covering my body. His eyes intensly staring back into mine.

,,Leave him al-" I start only to be shushed by Malfoy,  his grip on my arm tightening, pulling me backwards. 

I whipe my head towards him pulling my arm out of his grip , glaring. ,,Don't be a fucking pussy, he has broken an innocent boy's wand!" I hiss loud enough for the smirking boy to chuckle in response.

,,I believe innocent is an overstatement." He finally speaks making both me and Malfoy turn our faces to him.

,,Why Malfoy, you can't just drag the girl away mid sentence. Have you never heard of manners?" He asks while raising his wand up. This time I was faster whipping my own wand out and stepping in front of him.

,,No." I demand,

,,You have no fucking right coming here, breaking a boy's wand and trying to hurt the boy you used an Unforgivable on only days ago!" I spat out, not once breaking eye contact.  I was not scared and he knew it.

His smirk grew bigger making me gulp. He lowered his wand only slightly leaving me under the impression that he'll just give up and leave. But the moment I lowered mine his shot back up again throwing a curse that threw both of us in opposite directions.

I groan at the inpact, the headache I already had only getting worse by the second. I open my eyes to see Draco do the same. Footsteps start coming from multiple directions, signaling the first students that were heading to class early. A group of people appeared from the right, stopping as soon as they saw me and the blonde boy sprawled on the cold marble floor.  I look back in the opposite direction to glare at the raven-haired boy only to be met by another group of students. The presence of him not known.

After a long moment of laying there , mentally punching myself for letting my guard down so quickly.  Especially when the opponent is none other than You-Know-Who's son.  Malfoy and I finished our walk to the Great Hall , both of us sitting down next to Blaise and Daphne who were too distracted to notice our presence. 

I picked up the mug filled with my favorite tea and took a sip, sighting happily at the sweet taste that reminded me exactly of the tea my mother has made back home .

I look back up from my drink and find the grey eyes I was staring at not too long ago, watching me strangely.  I cock an eyebrow challenging him to speak.

But two stubborn people can't play this game . So one has to give in. ,,What?" I ask putting my mug down.

He tilts his head making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.  Is there something on my face?

,,You seem.. strange?" He utters.

,,Strange?" I ask. He shrugs turning back to his own mug filled with what looked like hot chocolate. Weird, it was still september.

Thinking back at the encounter with Riddle I realized that he knew Malfoy. I look around us seeing that Blaise and Daphne were both occupied,  I looked back at Malfoy trying my best to get some answers about this boy.

,,So.. how come Riddle knows you?" I ask sheepishly.

He looks up at me narrowing his eyes before answering.  ,,Maybe his brother has talked about me at family dinner." He chuckles drily.

I try hard not to roll my eyes but by knowing Malfoy, or at least somehow knowing him, I know that he would probably ignore me completely.  So I took a breath and tried my luck again.

,,Has Riddle ever been here at Hogwarts before?"


I nod debating if I should try one more question. The  irrational side got the best of me, a clearly shocked expression visible on my face as he answered my undoubtedly stupid question.

,,Are Jacob and Mattheo step brothers? Because I don't see a real reason why they would hate each other.''

He bit the inside of his cheek before answering. ,,Yes , they have the same mother but that's not the reason they hate each other. Before you ask, I don't know go ask yourself."

I stare at him open mouthed while he took a sip of his drink and turned to Blaise and Daphne,  smoothly joining their conversation.

Later that day I was walking back to the common room, exhausted after the most boring class ever. Herbiology.  Who the hell cares about plants? Besides the brown haired boy from Gryffindor I quickly picked up to be Neville.

The common room door opens  letting me walz through and slump on the couch , sighting as my body was finally relaxing.

,,You look exhausted." A familiar voice drawls.  I open my eyes to stare at my brother's brown eyes. 

,,Yeah I just came from Herbiology." I mumble, rubbing my eyes with the heels of my hands. I look back up at him , taking his appearance in. ,,What's up with you?"

,,You remember that scar I got when I was little?" He asks , the question bringing me back to a very weird memory.  I couldn't remember much, only the painful  cry that no doubt came from my brother but everything else was just a blur.

A panicked lady...old man...darkness..

I blinked back to reality, trying to remember what happened that day gives me a painful headache which I no further need with everything that has been troubling me already. 

,,It's aching again and if I try to numb it, it just hurts like someone is carving into my back with a knife." He confesses.  I looked at him with sad eyes.

The both of us chat for a moment , talking about classes, friends, my sudden closure for Malfoy which I quickly dodged by asking him about his strange friendship with Parkinson, home and lastly...Enzo.

Enzo, the boy I missed terribly. The boy that was always in the back of my mind, coming back up to the surface every time my thoughts drifted to a different someone. A riddle I haven't yet solved.

After it was clear that neither of us had anything else to say , I got up and walked out of the common room , trudging through the lonely halls.  Only a couple of students lingering around, whispering to themselves while everyone else was in the Great Hall already eating dinner.

Lost in thoughts I didn't realize that my feet were carrying me in the opposite direction I was planning on going. An icy whisper coming from the back of my head. Feeling like it's right in my mind, beckoning for me to follow.

After multiple twists and turns I came to a stop before the spiral stairs , leading to the Astronomy tower. Before I could stop and think about why I was brought here, my feet started climbing the stairs. Two at a time.

Finally arriving at the top, the shallow whispering stopped.  I looked around carefully,  prepared for anything to pop out of the shadows and hex me. Never in my life was I so paranoid about being alone, especially when I was always around two pricks that would nevertheless  find  a way to scare me.

A bad feeling started growing in my stomach, making me pull my wand out for reassurance. Nobody here would hurt me. At least that's what I told myself.

I bit on my lip anxiously and took a step forward.  The moment my weight shifted on my front leg, a green jet of light flew towards me . I  barely duck the curse before another one is shot at me. I jump out of the way , rolling on the wood floor hiding in the darkness and shooting my own stunning curse blindly. 

Suddenly everything gets overtook by silence, only my heavy breathing audible. With a quick flick of my wrist, a protection shield covers my body. A low chuckle breaks the heavy silence .  I look forward, a  familiar dark silhouette steps out from the shadows.

,,Well, well. Not so bad." He speaks lowly.

I stand up on shaky legs, my wand pointed at his chest. This time I won't let my guard down. The moon was glowing, making his feature more impeccable.

,,Why are you here?" I ask finally finding my voice. He smirks, his own wand drawn.

,,I was waiting." He answeres.

,,Waiting for what?" I ask cocking a brow, two can play this game.

,,Waiting to meet you."

I take a step back, clearly taken aback from his words. Waiting for...my eyes widen for a split second  before they narrow at him.

,,You were the one whispering." I spit out.

His smirk grew wider , my grip becoming tighter around my wand.

,,What do you want."

,,You can't  blame a man for wanting to know more about the girl who wasn't scared to stand up for herself in front of the Dark Lord's son." He replies , his gaze never faltering.

I stood up straight, standing my ground again. ,,Didn't know that's how much it takes to get  the Dark Lord's  son attention. I'm flattered."

His eyes narrow slightly. With a flick of his wand a force so powerful, it took me by surprise, pressed me against the wall behind me . He walks towards me, his wand pointed at my throat.

,,Don't get cocky with me or else you'll end up dead." He spits out.

Looking back,  I wished I never said those words. ,,You're full of shit."


The feeling  of thousand knives piercing through my skin,  let a shattering scream escape my mouth. It was hurting everywhere,  I wanted it to stop. Make it stop. The need for it to stop grew, my mind focusing on the pain until , indeed,  it stopped.  My body collapsed forward.
I looked back up, panting heavily. My wand hanging loosely in my hand.

He was staring deadly at me but his smirk still evidently. His lips parted like he wanted to say something. Scoffing, he walked past me making sure tho step on my outstretched hand in the process , a cry leaving my mouth.

I was laying there, alone in the dark, only the moonlight glowing in the night. I stood up slowly, holding my  broken hand to my chest. Only when I choked on my own tears did I realize that I was crying.

The imarcable feeling of nothingness  closing up on me.


I'm back bïcheees:) just wanted to say that the following chapters might be confusing but please keep in mind all the details. Everything will come together neatly.  I have finally found a plot after thinking about it with one of my close friends.. and when I tell you, I'm EXCITED.  How is everyone?  I missed writing again.

Lots of love from the author :)

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